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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Tracklaying continues

There is some progress to report on the layout   The woodwork on the baseboards is now largely complete, bar some minor sanding to get things matching together across joins nicely. I'm pleased because it means one of my least favourite parts of building a layout are nearing completion. I've learnt a lot about building baseboards, and when I do it next time I think I'll know how to make them considerably lighter than these!   Here are some photos of how the layout stands now, all fascia



Introduction to my new N gauge layout

As there has been some definite progress on my new layout this weekend I thought it was time to start a blog rather than it being an after thought on my Trevone Junction thread. Its my first attempt at modelling the BR blue era so I'm learning loads of new stuff through this. There is now some track laid (I already had the baseboards made) so it seems time to update things, although a small baby means progres will be slow!   The basic trackplan is below     St Petroc is small, very run do



I've done my first DCC hard wiring job

Until tonight all my DCC conversions have been done with DCC ready locos or units.   I wanted to keep my Lima class 92 92022 Charles Dickens, bought virtually as new, as part of my fleet, as I'm underrepresented in that department, but the options otherwise for DCC were limited without spending loads more cash.   I considered chipping my Lima 67 as my first hardwiring project, but the 92 was easier because of the pancake motor's plastic construction, and I only had to take account of the mot



A wanderer returns and a finished A4...

Well she's had an adventure or two, been from one end of the country to the other and three different owners. Now she's back home where she belongs, I'm talking about one of Bulleids of course, one that was a reluctant sale to a certain dodgey car dealer - 34093 Saunton.   Missing a step was the only sign of her epic journeys, that fortunately was in the parts bag so was quickly re-attached and the correct shedcode fitted (71A Eastleigh). A quick dust and she had her picture taken in the afte



Bespoke Backscene

My in laws have just returned from France and with them they have brought back a backscene that has been painted by some friends of ours from the Limousin. It is a backscene for the new module I am (slowly) building. I am hoping to get this fixed to the main module and start work on the scenics soon. I am really impressed by the trees and the clouds. I was wondering if there is a market for this kind of painted backscene in the UK (or Europe)? What sort of prices would people be willing

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

N gauge interlude..

Greetings. I felt I needed a little break from the rigours of 2mmFS, to work on something more footloose and free. I have had this little baseboard section lying around in the garage for some time, and I always had a fondness for it - it resembles some weird futuristic instrument in shape! As I was coincidentally wondering what to do with my N gauge bits and bobs, I decided to put the two together and create a little shunting plank based on an industrial wharf to simple fiddle yard. The plan



Chagford - Building Homes for the Workers

Hi All   There are several ways in which building can be constructed for a layout. I have decided that I am going to build them using embossed plastic sheet. Some of the building, like the workman's cottages for the dairy and the gas works can be built by modifying commercial kits, for Kestrel aka Gaugemaster.     I could have built the cottages from scratch from sheets of embossed plasticard. This would have allowed the building to be more individual,but would have evolved much more work



Austerity mods.

Reading Chris Nevard's recent blog entries on his Hornby Austerity reminded me that I've got an unfinished Dapol one hidden away. So I thought that I'd dig it out and have another look at it. This one is based on 'Warrington' and has the fibreglass chimney, denoting a loco fitted with an underfeed stoker, but will be repainted at some stage. It still needs regauging to EM. One of the mods that I've done to it is to drill and file away the square strengthening bracket behind the pipework. A simp



Would have taken some photos, but...

I've left my macro lens in the office, and won't be going back for it tonight!   On my 'local' (Catalan project), I've made a start on the boards, and started converting some stock to fit in with the generalisation (painting wagons in their base coats, painting one of the locomotive underframes). At present, the stock collection consists of a pair of these (Link), though one is on a track cleaner chassis at present; though that is no great problem, as when I can find another non-digital one o



Under a Threatening Sky

...was where I took this set of images earlier this evening. The specific location was the railway bridge across the River Nidda in Frankfurt's western borough of Rödelheim, which is located just a few hundred metres down the line from the borough's station. As I'm typing this, the shower which the clouds forebode is just about to rain itself out.         Illustrating that peak hour traffic was getting into gear, the first service to come along was S 35354 on the S3 line, having come fro

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

Twin Peaks, or a tale of BR/Sulzer sixteen-wheelers to ride the WR rails...

Don't be fooled, this is a simple summary of Peaks to scale the two summits of the Waverley Route during the seven or so years of their dominance 1962-1968.   What we have here is the makings of a database, to which I will return occasionally to finesse and elaborate on the detail.   Anyway, Peaks were the staple motive power for the up and down Waverley class 1s, they filled in on secondary services (albeit not as much as many of the published works seem to suggest; that accolade seems more



D2002 Continental progress

This is almost the current state of affairs (it's now had a scrub and is drying off as we speak!) I've now got my head around the design of the etches. They are too wide because it's intended to use a Comet roof - I had to reprofile the ends to take the shortened Southern Pride Bulleid roof. This is much closer to the real thing.   The main problem from narrowing the body was that the chassis no longer fitted. As per Comet kits the chassis etch had an upward projecting strip to align the bo



'ello ello'

nevard_110428_J94_DSC_2049_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia.   Follwing on from my previous post, .........   "ello, ello, what's goin on 'ere?". What would appear to be a special contract brew for the Black Rat Brewery is under guard courtesy the long arm of the law, or old bill. A few of those casks appear the have already had their liquid bounty racked off if the holes are anything to go by!Out of curiosity, the type of huge wooden cask on the far left are rumoured to be known as a

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

More 60s and a 156 (N Gauge)

Hi Guys;   Just off to Bristol show in a minute...   Been beavering away this morning finishing off a couple of 60s and a Saltire liveried 156. I got the transfers from a bloke in North Wales and I cannot seem to get in touch with him again. Done it on a dummy unit in case I mucked it up. Next one will be a powered version...if I can get more decals!!!   Later..>STU

Stu from EGDL

Stu from EGDL


A freshly detailed and repainted Hornby J94 Austerity shunts on Brewhouse Quay - click to enlarge to 1280 pixels across.   Work so far has been as follows, a nice way to soak up the sunny garden at the same time and you don't have to worry about vacuuming up the bits!   Remove the silly clumsy moulded handrail loop midway along the base of the boiler. Fill small cutaway below the above. Replace the moulded smokebox door handles with brass. Remove moulded lamp-irons and replace with bra

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

Flaws in the floor - or OO what a narrow cab

Last night I spent an hour or so making up the cab floor and the splashers for the inside of the cab....     Then I looked at what I'd made and thought, hang on, how are a driver and a fireman meant to stand in there, let alone swing a shovel or reach a regulator. Then I realised that the splashers were of course made to clear an OO gauge back-to-back so were by necessity about 4mm closer together than they were meant to be according to the drawings I have. Unfortunately the only choice was

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Third running line complete

Hello all, Few days off work so i thought i would attempt to finish the freight only line on the layout, I have been putting off doing it for a long while mainly because it involved cutting new trackbeds out of plywood and lots of general noise and mess, however i was feeling rather enthusiastic this morning and went for it, as well as finishing the trackwork i also boxed in the right hand side of the layout with a removable top for access. few photos to show whats been done.   Also



Our version of the Brighton Pavilion (and other details)

I've now finished (I think) the first of the eight pavilions required for the viaduct, except for the painting which can wait until they're all done.   I'm always supercritical of my own work (aren't we all?) but I'm quite pleased with this given there were no drawings available and access to measure was not a practicable option. It's not as detailed as the real thing, but in view of the scale of the whole model and the distance from which it is likely to be viewed I think it conveys the esse



Some real modelling..........

Enough of the computer generated stuff, as time permits I've been continuing work on the extension to Grime Street here's a few pics,     Overall shot showing the entrance to the coal yard and the corner building frontage.     Coal yard office and retaining wall in early stages     The beginning of the corner building, frontage is from an altered Walthers Merchants Row II, I'll build the remaining parts and pitched roof etc, the unit has been cut and altered to suit the available

Red Devil

Red Devil

Spring Cleaning - Holy moly i've collected junk over the years.

The other day I set my status saying I was enjoying taking out an old layout from the shed. Cumberland Road was the branch line for my previous layout which I had kept whilst I work on Hemerdon.   So earlier today everything was packed away and the old layout broken up, so I started loading the car up. Having put the old wood in, I thought i'll clear out a few other bits and bobs. The only thing was my few bits and bobs FILLED the boot of my car with the back seats down. Hidden away I found



A bit more progress

]As the title says really, there has been some more progress on Milliedale starting out with purchasing all the points required to build the scenic area and purchasing some solid 15mm thick MDF for the board.       This has allowed for getting the track plan from the wall into reality including the pointwork around the baseboard join       As you may notice in the next few pics, the board has not only been cut to shape but also the turntable has been sunk into the board and various

Black Sheep

Black Sheep

Delph - Station board wiring completed

It's bee a while since my last post, mainly due to lack of photogenic progress - and that hasn't changed really. However, I have made some steady progress with the wiring of the station board (board No. 4 in my scheme of things). This is now complete with the jumper cables, plug/socket for connection to the control panel, which will be mounted at the end of this board. Due to the position of the panel relative to the bulk of the pointwork and signals, lots of the wires just run from one end to t

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

Ropley - Slow but steady. Oh, and a Vulcan.

Hi all.   Just a quick update to show the first finished point on Ropley! Only another 6 to go   Having test run all the stock I have through it, amazingly it seems to work first time! All that is left to do now is wire it up and fit the tie bar once I've decided on the method of operation.   Unfortunately I'm waiting again for another supply of chairs now. Seems i cleared the 2mm SA out of stock with the last order, but hopefully there will be another spurt of activity towards the e



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