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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

JMAs and bogies, some progress.

Well its been a heck of a long time since i've done anything on this blog, spare time for modelling has been at a premium recently, though i have been tinkering with bits of brass and plastic to try to improve the bogies on the JMA's. All of the S kits bogies have now gone in the bin, as well as the wheelsets which have been replaced with some fine examples from Colin Craig, complete with the correct pattern brake discs. These are what i've come up with, yes just 1 pair! not an amazing acheiv



Botley (ish) - Layout planning

A bit more thinking on layout plans...   Back in 2010 I came up with a track plan for a station layout based on Botley, I have now revisited it as part of the planning for my next project.   The actual templot plan at the base of the attached track plan needs work (I am in the process of fully redrawing it using a planning portal drawing as a basis). The objective of this exercise is to see if the compression that is required to model Botley within the available space is acceptable.   As

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Leeds 301 arrives..........

First trial print of 301 (LCC1) arrved today with a slightly ammended Middleton Bogie. They are in the 'bumpy' White strong flexible medium, overall I'm quite pleased with it. I also have on order the same car in a new medium called frosted ultra detail, this gives quite superb detail but I'll need to see how it turns out in the printing process. In theory one of the prints will be used for a resin kit master, however with this process it's relatively easy to re scale the models, so should any

Red Devil

Red Devil

Brewhouse Quay: 5 Months On

For want of a BLOG post, rather than dwell on pretty photos and blarney, this one is about the journey so far, for Brewhouse Quay has to be one of the quickest layouts I've been able to get together. There is quite a bit more to do, but I think that layout at a push has reached the stage where I'd be happy to take it to a show. That however won't be until September at Model Rail Live in Barrow Hill Roundhouse. Any spare time over the next few weeks will be taken up tweaking Combwich for RAIL

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

More woodworking for Freshwater

As I have said before, woodworking is not my speciality, but I am building my own layout instead of helping build a club layout, so I have to do everything. Before advancing with scenic work, I really wanted a secure case or lid to protect the layout in transit or storage, and before the next exhibition, I wanted to have adequate lighting in place.I looked at what we had done previously, and what other exhibition layouts are using, and then decided to do something completely different. I decided

Ian Morgan

Ian Morgan in The Layout

Engine Wood - fiddle yard adjustments

I've finally tackled one of those jobs that I've been putting off for a while - adjusting the sharpness of the curve into the main fiddle yard on 'Engine Wood'. Whilst generally around 2' 6"+ in radius, a very short section was inadvertantly laid rather sharper some years ago, which some of my locos didn't like.   As a result, I've lifted the very sharp track, tidied up the board and re-laid it with new track and a re-aligned cassette 'docking station'. This took most of the afternoon, but I a

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

N Brass Nn3 GVT Coach

Hello.   As I am still having some minor problems with the servo controllers I took the oppertunity to make up a little etched kit I had purchased from N Brass Locos a while ago, mainly to go with the little diesel engine.     The kit is not really that difficult to make with the hardest bit being the seats, my advice would be not to bother with the etched ones in the kit and make some out of plasticard. The only other modifications I did was to add pin-point bearings and fit some Z Gauge



Currently up for the chop...

I was in Sabadell earlier (G-maps is your friend) on a photography gig... All was going well until my hearing aid packs in, right in the middle of a discussion; thank heavens for being able to lip read in not just English, but also in Catalan as well...   After that disaster, two hours were spent trawling "The Manchester of Catalonia" (I think they call it that, because every time I've ever been there, I get wet through... Just like in the real Manchester) for a set of hearing aid batteries, s



Playing Trains

Too much track tweaking can drive a person insane. Now for an image intermission.     I know it doesn't look very different from the images from last November, but it now runs and basic shunting is now possible



Static test

I got the track laying as far as it can go for now with help from a friend today. All the main running lines are down now, apart from the section leading up to the tunnel, I will leave this until I have built the fiddle yard board. The only other sections are the line leading up to the turntable, I will begin designing the components of the T/T soon, and the front line on the mineral quay as it will be raised above normal track level on metal beams and columns.   Having laid all the track I



Container Crane

It's been a long time since I added anything to my blog so here is a spring WOMW update; a container crane.   I picked up a Vollmer container crane kit for a fiver at the Redhill N gauge show recently .....     ..... and decided to bash it in to something more British looking like this Freighliner crane at Millbrook rather than build it as shown on the box cover artwork;     It's taken quite a bit of bashing around and building new parts that incorporate bits of the kit. I had to mov



£9 Sows ear...

As mentioned here I managed to secure a 1/35 scale civilian VW Beetle which fitted perfectly into the period for the 891 project.   Bought for the princely sum of £9 (incl P&P!) on eBay and sent from Poland, the kit arrived well packaged damage free. A quick glance through the cellophane wrapped sprue's and all look reasonable.   So yesterday I made a start on the kit as, after all a kit consisting of one sprue, a body molding and some transparent windows cant be too bad to put togethe



A Very British Bulldog - 16 hours but who's counting?

Well, a royal wedding and the father-in-law in hospital - but progress has been made...   Friday night I 'tweaked' (another technical term) the tender flare misusing a pair of engineers clamps, then assembled the rear bufferbeam (overaly & backing). Soldering that in place led to a certain amount of headscratching. The instructions state something like 'solder the rear bufferbeam in place leaving a slight overhang' Slight overhang? How 'slight' is 'slight? Eventually, using drawings a



Boiler for D16/3

Friday night meant a meeting with friends and the handing over of a length of 22mm diameter brass tube freshly purchased from Eileen's Emporium. I'd decided fairly early on that I wanted to replace the rolled etch in the PDK kit with a length of tube and I think I've made the right choice. Although the etch was rolled the fact that it had a number of holes already etched in it when it was rolled had meant that the curve wasn't completely smooth, also as it was still about 5mm larger in diameter

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

I found something useful on the internet

One of the pieces about building Hemerdon Bank has been the farm buildings above the layout and where can I get information about them other than via Google Maps or Bing. The image below is from a screen capture off Bing     So I started hunting round for other images of Hemerdon. I found various images and pages, but nothing that really helped until I came across a link with a picture of the line and some text that told me the farm is called Parkside farm.   So a new google search was se



Some dirty cows (seacows that is)

I have been having a little tidy up of the layout and something that resembles a workbench over the last few days and found a cheap airbrush i bought many moons ago so set about doing some weathering and a respray, The respray is nothing grand, its an olive liveried seacow i picked up specifically to paint in Mainline blue, shame is its the wrong variant but It'l do, i've addded what transfers i can find but need specific white Seacow lettering and Tops panel. (Sure i'l find something somewhere)



Napier Lane sidings - a Deltic photoplank

A brief posting to illustrate my photoplank that's had the ballast finished up to the retaining wall... and some foilage added where appropriate. The "men" have been repainted in a 1970s garb and my two TTAs have been fitted with 3-links, brake pipes, re-identiifed and weathered. This will do for now. [Edit: more on the TTAs through http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/35440-black-tta/page__p__376744__fromsearch__1&do=findComment&comment=376744] If you want to see this in t



Rain and styroplast...

I have thought more about the yard and decided to make the industry a brewery (!), part of a small industrial wharf, perhaps somewhere on the River Trent.I have seen quite a few quality brewery models here and there and there are plenty of prototype photographs out there. The river wharf itself will not feature, the view will be from the river across the yard.   As well as painting the bathroom today and minding my daughter's dog, I have managed to apply some paint to the yard. I have tried



The Gp continues....

Its been some time since a post about the GP, and it feels even longer since I have been able to find the time to do any real modelling.   Over the last weeks I have been able to find the odd five or ten minutes to do a bit more work on the Gp van. Seen here the only items remaining for completion are the fabrication of small details such as hinges, handrails and clasps to all the doors. Once complete the final application of decals can be undertaken and weathering can commence.  



Making Mountains

So with the new backscene in place the module is starting to look a lot better than just a few pieces of wood (if anyone is interested in a bespoke backscene like this then please contact me and I can put you in touch with the people that made mine!). Over the past few days I have removed a few parts of the valley that were just not up to scratch and replaced them with some polystyrene. This has helped with the viaduct as I was never entirely satisfied with the quality of running over it. As

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

Is it a good idea to return to the subject?

Well, yes and no. It's great to see it again, but there is a real risk of seeing things you have done a bit wrong in the planning. Some you can do something about, others you can't.   Anyway, we've just been up to Sussex for another reccy and check on a few details, especially concerning the piers. But first, here's a picture of the whole thing - there are pics like this on the internet, but this is the first time we've been up the public footpath far enough to get to this vantage point.  



The May Day Train Parade

Evening all!   I decided to make use of the good weather we've been having today, and packed my camera for a railfanning session. I tried another new photo spot this time, which was located a few hundred metres south from the train stop at Ostheim – which in turn is a borough of the town of Butzbach, roughly between Gießen and Friedberg.       While I was sizing up the location, 425 050 came along on the semi-fast RE 15019 service from Treysa to Frankfurt Central Station.        

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

On hold until further notice...

My Catalan project is on hold until further notice, sadly, as I can't get enough insulation foam to carve in to the correct rock formations, as expanded polystyrene (which is as common as horse s*** around these parts) being too loose for the height and carving required. I've already experimented with that, and it looks really poor, and wobbles easily making the plaster formed faces crack. So the locomotives, and already converted stock are in the 'MPD' until I get hold of enough blue foam to



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