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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Still loving it!

It's sad, but I've been like a child with a new toy over the last few days seeing what else I can do with these oil paints. I've known about them for a long time, Rich Divizio of mtw (http://modeltrainsweathered.com/forum/) has been using them for years, but I'm still getting excited by playing around with them and discovering things for myself. I think I need to get out more....   Side two of PR58265 has been completed, and I've now worked out how to use them for the spillage staining effec



LMS 20T Brake

Built from the etched kit 2-515 from the 2mm Scale Association Shop (originally an N Gauge Society kit) and fitted with 2-313 Standard BR W-irons, the above kit has been sitting on my shelf for the last two years. Since Graham Farish released a new version of the the RTR wagon, I didn't know which route to take.   In short.... I'm glad I continued with it



New NE Forum

After a few technical problems I have now set up a model railway forum aimed at modellers in the north east of englend. The forum can be found at http://nerm.freeforums.org and all NE members are welcome.

87 101

87 101

Something for the Weekend - LBSCR 8 Ton Van

nevard_110511_LBSCR-8-tons-van-DSC_2157_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia.   I've had this kit of a LBSCR 8 Ton Van in the 'kits to be done one day before I die box' since ExpoNG 2010, having bought it direct from the manufacturer Smallbrook Studios who are more well known for delightful resin based narrow gauge kits. However, in addition to their more well known items, they also produce a small range of ex-LSWR and LBSCR prototypes in 4mm scale designed around the Dapol 10ft wheel b

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

A few snaps...

Doing a bit more looking around at the local places, so I went a mooch round earlier, with the camera, just to get a few snaps of the local station. I'm going to go back when the weather is a bit better to get a few more (it was mixing over bright, with thunderstorms this after, so I didn't fancy setting the camera up on mounts and going busy with a yardstick). However, if anyone is interested in pinching them (the roof does bow like that), the edge of the platform is 18" from bed, the distanc



A1 Models Hunslet - Sandboxes.

Somehow I thought there was something missing when I was putting the chassis together - the kit doesn't include sandboxes. To get the size and shape right I went to visit the Heritage Shunters Trust who are at Rowsley behind Peak Rail. They have a very nicely restored 05 and after asking permission and giving a donation I was allowed to photograph and measure the 05's 'boxes. The H.S.T. are really nice people and the site is worth a visit.   To make up the 'boxes I first laminated 3 strips of



Finishing some models

Hi all,   this is my first ever blog.   I've decided to finish off some projects that need some small work doing as to be honest i rarely do anything of my own these days.   Well, heres some pictures of stuff that are quick and easy jobs.   My GER D16/3 was built from a old Mallard models kit i bought about 5 years ago along with a LNER J50 at the same time built from a DJH kit which requires further detailing and the gearbox and motor installed and of course painted to work cross Lond



Baby Squealer

Afternoon all!   This is just a quick snapshot I took on my way to uni...       Having shown class 425 EMUs on various occasions before, I can now introduce you to their "baby" sized variant as well, which is called class 426. Superficially, this type looks more or less like two class 425 cab segments stuck together, though of course various bits of equipment but are arranged differently. The two outer bogies are powered. They can be operated in multiples with 425s with no problem, thoug

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

SR Continental third progress

The Continental third is nearly ready for the paint shop. The body is complete, but I'm just waiting for a few Comet parts to finish off the underframe. It's going to be Malachite Green.     The door handrails were a bit of a pig to bend to shape. These were originally straight when the coaches were built. When the doors were rehung to open outwards in the normal way (they originally opened inwards) the handrails got a joggle in then to avoid people scraping their knuckles when opening the



Just got a little present...

Well, two of actually.   One of the older gents who i speak to on a regular basis popped round earlier, and he does like to talk, to put it mildly; so I thought the evening was going to be totally unfruitful. The gent in question was a signaller on the old line that ran through the area, and worked out of the railway station in the village (I'll dig some of my personal photos out sometime). We were sat on the bench in front of the apartment, and he asked me if I was interested in the local r



Its all about the tubes...

Today has been mostly spent doing a bit of batch building and producing all the bits I will need to complete all the signals for Highclere. There are still a few more bits to make on the lathe but I have now finished the majority of the lathework for them. As you can see from the above photo I am making good use of the telescopic abilities of the K&S range of Brass tubing which is available from many modelling outlets, to give you an idea of what is what in the photo the smallest tube on the



Researching the future of the past. Part 2

To keep the momentum going as things at work are rather irksome and sucking up way to much time from modelling I recieved my 1911 map of Leyburn. It shows the station plan almost fully but misses a bit off the eastern approach which is a bit annoying.. but it does show some interesting features that I wasn't aware of before, one being the long headshunts at both ends of the station. I think a trip to the records office at Northallerton is needed or a day out at NRM but it is a start and I can ge



Sometimes you just get lucky

When we were up at Balcombe last week, there were a couple of photos in the booking hall of the station in previous years, with a contact name and phone number for copies. Well, I rang this gentleman and what a diamond and fountain of knowledge he has turned out to be! He's lived in the village all his life and appears to be the community archivist, and has all sorts of other views and anecdotes as to how the place developed, filling in a few details that we couldn't work out.   He has alrea



Chagford - Building Homes for the Workers 2

Hi All   I have plenty of experience of using acrylic paints, but this is the first time I have used them to paint 2mm buildings. They have the advantage of being much cheaper than model paints, since you only need a small selection of colours and you can then mix them to obtain a full pallet. They also are water based, which means that if you make a complete mess, you can simply wash a plastic model in warm water, dry and then start again. When you are happy with your finished painting you wi



Boiler fitted, and cylinder cover on D16/3

A fair amount of fettling got the boiler to a decent fit around the splashers. I also enlarged and elongated the holes for the washout plugs, soldered a piece of scrap brass behind them and then drilled this with a hole into which a tiny length of nickel silver about .8mm square was soldered to form the bolt.     I adjusted the upper part of the frames to match the drawings and the boiler length by taking them off, re-drilling and positioning the handrails and then putting them back on agai

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Bachmann A2 Cab Sloop Fix

Bachmann A2 – correcting the downward slope of the rear running plate/cab With my analysis winging its way to Bachmann, I am posting it here!   ****NOTE – this advice is offered in good faith – I will not promise that it will work in all cases and modelling skills, and take no responsibility for loss or damage (to person, limb, model or model value!) that may result. Some measurements (including thickness of plasticard, and amount of material removed) may require amendment for your part



It's official....

I bloody love these water mixable oil paints that I've been using!   I thought gouache was the wonder stuff, well it still is really, but these oils are even better and much more versatile. It's taken a while to figure out how to use them effectively, it requires a slightly different technique to gouache, but I'm now glad that I've persevered with them after the initial disappointment that I had.   I've used them quite successfully, I think, on a couple of the TTA wagons that have gr



One step forward, two back...

The more things I post, there will be a recurring theme of other people's (namely family) involvement in what I do, and generally to the negative of what I'm trying to achieve. I thought it only involved things like high end camera systems and expensive hardware, but today, I realised that it also extends to the creative stuff that I do as well.   After being in and out all morning doing bit jobs, and spending the intermediate time between runs painting a loco up, and also doing some board wo



Chagford - Track Fettling and Running in an 04

Hi All   Since building the circuit of track and starting running trains I have had problems with derailments. Upon careful examination of the track I discovered that the alighnment of track section joints was not as good as I thought.   By running a train around, whist running in the locomotive I found that it derailed at a point, I then carefully examined the track near the site.     I found that small blobs of solder on the inside of the rails, this is much more critical when the tr



Modifying an Oxford Golf

After purchasing an Oxford VW Golf Gti at the York show over Easter weekend, I thought that I would modify it a little into one which has been 'improved' by its owner.     The first task was to dismantle the car, which was very easy thanks to the two screws, front and rear. Once I was inseide, work could begin. The first modifications were to the chassis. The hubcaps were drilled out to represent alloy wheels, and a small slice of plastic rod for the centre-nut. The moulded exhaus



Cornish Tempation

OK, so I was in Mevagissey last week, so HAD to call at the World of Model Railways with #2 son for an hour or two.   Some Spingside BR Head and tail lamps just jumped off the rack at me     Group 4 for the interested -     Well, it is a mixed traffic engine B) Gives you a good look at the other details added from the Brit detailing pack too



Plan B in effect...

Since I'm not going to be able to get enough foam board in sufficient time to construct the layout that I was going to do for the local arts fair in November (though my other half's uncle is on the case as he works in construction and the next insulation job they do, he's ordering me a 5x5m area), I've had to revert to my plan B.   In short this is going to be a build quick, temporary layout (so temporary, that I'm using old stocks of ply sheet fastened with double sided tape to the board, dit



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