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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Kidmore N Gauge Layouts

The "layoutaholic" strikes again.   With the Household Manager decreeing that I must move my railways into a shed, the obvious opportunity arose to create another N Gauge micro layout in the "Kidmore" series. This time, & unusually for me.... a tailchaser. This would take the form of a front operated 6' x 2' country station layout with three lane fiddle area at rear. Whilst being much bigger, 50% than my "normal" layouts, I still needed it to be transportable to exhibitions so the 12" a



Back to where it all began...............

My occasional long suffering reader will remember that 'Grime Street' started from your usual big headed bloke quote of 'yeah but I can do better', when Mrs Red Devil commented on some Hornby Skaledale buildings on a day out somewhere or other.   Anyway, due to time constraints I decided to use a number of Terraced houses on the front of the extension, however rtp Hornby just doesn't look quite right to me so a few alterations are in hand.         Window frames, doors and sills will

Red Devil

Red Devil

Gronking along

I needed a break from constructing the building for Baby Laira, so have spent the last couple of days weathering up 08947 I'm not 100% happy with it. Perhaps I'm looking a little too close, and forgetting it's only an inch long. The weathering of the bodywork isn't a direct copy of this loco from the few pics I can find of it at Westbury - unique features, like rust patches etc, are copied from 08947, but general dirt is an amalgamation of several examples to give an overall look that I like.




nevard_110516_planet_IMG_9904_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia.   Currently on the work bench, a Planet 0-4-0 Diesel from Roxey Mouldings. And here is the white metal kit after basic assembly. A little filling and cleaning up will be required before painting as well as some extra details. The body is just sitting on the chassis, and will be screwed properly into place once painted. It sits on a Tenshodo WB 24.5 'Spud' which makes it ideal entry to white metal loco construction because o

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

"Apologies for absence!"

So many projects on the go, it simply isn't funny. However, thankfully life is returning to normality shortly, so some updates on my plethora of coaching stock to be finished, and a few locomotives (one in particular) will be forthcoming.   That, and I have to think of a 2011 entry. Surely I can start and finish one this time around...!!!

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

76009 "I've got one of those somewhere"

Well much excitment at Brightspark Towers today. My drawings from the NRM have arrived.   It is a shame that the just missed Expo where they could have answered a few questions that were raised. But more of that in a minute.   I was at ExpoEM on the North West Surrey Area group stand. The plan was that we were there to encourage local members of the EMGS (and to encourage non members to join) to get involved with the local area group. Contact details are in the EMGS newsletter that was en



Getting Plastered and a Rethink

Steady progress on Brafferton continues. Mike Taylor did kindly invite the layout to Expo, but we agreed in the end to give it a break from Association events for a little while.   The station area continues to receive attention and the cattle dock base and platform (brick bit) are in. I've been playing about plastering these into the contours of the land and laying the station approach road from the main road and overbridge on the right hand end of the scenic area:       As a result of

Tony Simms

Tony Simms

It's been a long time

Too long. Almost 7 months since I made an entry on here. There was a time when I'd post all over the forum - daily. Not that I haven't been doing anything. Far from it. I've been working on projects that fire my imagination without making any concrete progress on a proper layout. To that end I'm currently working with Z scale . For what started out as a bit of fun to go with the T scale layout, I'm actually finding the scale quite rewarding. Which quite surprised me to be honest. This layou

Ian Holmes

Ian Holmes

Public Outing

Thanks to Diesel Dayz for allowing the 2-8-2 a guest appearance on Duke Street at this weekend's Derby Show     raised a few eyebrows and even attracted the attention of Steve Flint B-)



In which I temporarily admit defeat..

I had to take a difficult decision today. Despite great patience from the exhibition manager I have reluctantly decided not to debut the layout over the May bank holiday. The reasons for this are: The station building and platform is unfinished The control system is not finished- all switching would be via hand of god method. I have 2 chipped locos, but key items of stock are still absent, despite offers of loans from Kris I feel I will not be able to do justice to the traffic in my chase



Modern N Gauge Buffer..a 1st attempt

I'm working away at the moment and had a few spare hours this weekend. I rooted out a model shop in Lancaster CA, (Smith Brothers) and bought some plasticard and Plastic Weld. 15 minutes of cutting and glueing bodged up this freelance modern buffer stop. Not sure that the dimensions are quite right as I am several thousand miles away from my stock...but it looks in proportion. A coat of Rail Red and a plonk on a bit of track beckons when I get home, along with refining the design. Fr

Stu from EGDL

Stu from EGDL

Oh, whats occuring...

Hello.   As Highclere is due to be on display at the RMWeb members day on the 2nd July it is about time I got at least the trackwork on the scenic boards finished off so I can run things at the show. The plan at the moment is to take just the two scenic boards which will hopefully give a flavour of the layout, even if it wont be finished.   So today I finishyed off the trackwork on the second board and got things running along it. I am now happy with all the track with the exception of a lit



The butterfly returns...

Hello all, it's been a while since I posted any updates so here we go. Not done too much lately, suffering a slight loss of direction and focus but I have been working on a couple of Parkside LNER ply vans. One a salvage job bought as a body only that had been built, this received a new chassie with vacuum Moreton brakes while the other was a new build which has received LNER 8 shoe vacuum brakes and is now awaiting a visit to the paint shop (AKA garage with the door slightly open). There's als

Turin 60

Turin 60

Projects, projects, projects....

I think I have too many projects on the go. Mind you I do prefer this, I get bored with one thing when I stick at it and if that's the case then I don't do as well with it (although my modelling is never that amazing even when I do my absolute best!).   At the moment I am doing the following rolling stock modelling projects: 1 X5800 Autorail (needs painting) 1 X3800 Autorail (repaint) 1 X5600 Autorail (rebuilding the cab, adding buffers and then repainting) 1 X3900 Autorail (needs to be p

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

A bit of 08 progress

After cleaning the weheels and adjusting the pickups, the chassis now runs very nicely (it was pretty much just collecting current from the centre wheels only!)   I have made a start at modifying the lighting arrangements to match the prototype, so the top and middle lights have been removed, as have the associated conduits. I fear that this is going to require a repaint though, the blue I can cope with, but I'm not too keen on doing the wasp stripes! Ah well, we shall see what happens. I'm



Anyrail 4

Having discovered that there is an update to Anyrail available, I've done some colouring in type stuff to the trainset plan. Quite satisfying, in a non-productive way!  

mr magnolia

mr magnolia

GWR C.80 Coach

Having built a test body I've been assembling the second revision of the coach. Some end detail left to add and then it needs the sides and roof fitting.   The main structure is a piece of H shaped plastruct beam with extra material over the top sides to provide a key to shape for the body sides and then everything else glued onto it..  

Etched Pixels

Etched Pixels

NN18" spoil wagon

After the bogie coach I thought I'd try something a bit smaller and more complex. The main problem with T scale wheels is that they are designed to be held in bogies and the bogies have points that go into the wheels not pinpoints on wheels. They are also of course very small.   For this wagon I drilled 0.4mm holes into the centre of each wheel (down the existing dip) and superglued fine wire. The next problem was bearings. After about five failed experiments I hit upon the answer- N gauge han

Etched Pixels

Etched Pixels

A few pictures of the layout

Freightliner 70003 await its next turn of duty       DRS 57011 and 37688 are stabled in the yard       DBS 37670 and DRS 20904 and 20307 prepare for their next duties       DRS 57008 await the siganls so it can leeave the station with a pair of DRS support coaches  

Boleyn Road

Boleyn Road


A special occasion at our 009 Society meeting tonight, THE FIRST TRAIN at Isle Ornsay!!!!   The loco is Society member Charlie Insley's conversion of the Parkside Dundas W&L #85 kit on a Fleischmann 2-6-2T chassis.   Nice to see things moving under their own power! The only wired bits of track were the two platform roads, so there's still lots to do before one can make it's way along the entire length of the layout.



Smoothing Shapeways White Strong Flexible....

As I'm still waiting (end of next week at the earliest) the frosted ultra detail print of Leeds 301 http://www.shapeways.../frosted_detail apparently demand on this material is massive at the moment, to the point of Shapeways buying extra machines! I thought I'd smooth out the bumpy WSF model, if the FUD doesn't work at least I'll have this one done. Quite simply done with filler primer and wet and dry down to 2000 grade finally finishing off with Farecla G4 rubbing compound, think I've got it

Red Devil

Red Devil

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