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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

About bloody time too!

Railex has managed to do what several other shows have singularly failed to do this year, and that is to inspire me enough to get on with this layout. I've also got Chris Nevard to thank, as reading the description of Combwich in the programme sparked a Eureka moment - expanding foam filler!   I'd been wrestling with how I was going to achieve the landscape that I desired, and this, combined with some flue tape (like gaffer tape only much, much stickier) is the answer. I considered blocks of



Round the bend?

Had a couple of hours spare today so used the same process as yesterday to try a curved point, using a Templot printout as a basis. Using Pritstick to secure the sleepers to the paper template works a treat, and makes it very easy to remove the point once constructed:     This was a bit more experimental since I used the 1:7 jigs still to produce most of the crossing, only adjusting it to the template when soldering it on. The rest I Made up as I went along. I am suitably encouraged to try



Nearly the last bits soldered onto D16/3 body

A Bank Holiday gave the perfect excuse for some more soldering, but I'm running out of bits to solder on the body now. I put on the pipes along either side of the valancing, complete with little joints. Also got on the lamp irons and buffers.   The chassis now fits, but for the wrong wheels in the pony truck.       Still left are the guard irons on the front bufferbeam and the various bits of frame underneath the footplate but I'm waiting on getting the pony truck right before I do thi

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Chagford - Crossing the Dairy Stream

Hi All   When designing and building a micro layout you have to make the most of every cm of layout frontage. That is the reason that Chagford has a curved instead of strait frontage, with the curve, your frontage is longer. The length of the frontage determines the number of discrete scenes which can be fitted it. The layout is designed to be viewed at eye level.   The dairy stream ran between the dairy and the tramway depot. There were two bridges which crossed the stream, the tramwa



Auto-train and railcar

A couple of slow-burn modelling projects near the finishing line. I posted about the detailing of the 14XX over the showcase - basically it's the Mainly Trains kit applied to the Hornby model, which is otherwise unmodified, plus a few bits and bobs from the scrap box. This is a nice "one afternoon" project which really transforms the model (which is, of course, very very good for a model released in the 70s, and which has seen only mechanical upgrades in the intervening 30 plus years). The model

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Wrapping up... some final running before the move- Epoch V DBAG

I leave New Zealand in four weeks. I'm really looking forward to coming home, but I will miss NZ and particularly Wellington. However, I think I will be able to visit every couple of years, so the wrench isn't too great. I plan to time my visits around the NZAMRC conventions!   Bad Horn spent most of the summer in the garage, as we had visitors for a lot of the time. A few weeks ago a friend who hadn't run it came around, and so we set it up in the spare room and had a play using my DBAG (



Making a point!

This evening I set myself a challenge: I was going to try adding a decoder to the little 1F.   Unfortunately, the varnish had not quite set, but as I was in a set-challenge mode, I gave myself instead one evening to produce a turnout soldered up from PCB sleepers and easitrac rail! The process you see here took 2.5 hours in total, and the is finished apart from adding check rails and tie bar. The rail is soldered straight onto the sleepers ( a little untidily in places), which have been pre



Another dirty dogfish and a Cargowaggon

Hello again,   Here are today efforts, both picked up on the cheap at Malvern toyfair. The weather has been rubbish all day so no step by step pictures I'm afraid, but managed to grab a couple of shots of the almost completed models.     First up, a Dapol Cargowaggon. Dirtied up with lots of repeated washes of grime, wiped off after each application. Games Workshop / Citadel acrylics and a touch of Mig powders.       Next up, a second Dapol dogfish, posed with the dutch example from



Munktells MDR125p 'Speeder' (Part 1)

Built in the early 1950's, the Munktells MDR127's were built as a means to meet a requirement for a Permanent Way trolley type vehicle. The design type was consistent across the track gauges used throughout Sweden from the standard, 't' and 'p' gauges.   Powered by a Volvo B16a engine and fitted out with Volvo truck instruments the vehicle was of a double ended design, however it was only fitted with one driving desk. It was however able to travel in both directions at the same speed, top sp



Toy(fair) Story

Having recently taken delivery of some elderly Triang track and accessories, I ventured out to a toy fair today. Two reasons got me out of the house, one was to see if this stuff was in any way in demand and the other was to snap up a bargain (if there is such a thing any more).   Firstly, I have established that there is little demand for Triang stuff so I'll clean it up and use it for fun. Bargain wise, I had my eye )God knows why) on a Hornby 155. The chap had it up for £40 but said I coul



Chagford - Building up a head of steam!

Hi All   I have been building part of the boiler house for the Chagford Dairy of the Cooperative Wholesale Society. Or should I say a quarter of it as the rest is off scene.   The model building is based on the boiler house kit from Kestrel. The basic shape is correct, but the windows and the door construction are wrong on this kit. This type of construction is called scratch bashing, as I am modifying a kit, but adding feature which are built from scratch. The end of the building was fir



Pavilion roof Mk2

A few entries back I showed a 'completed' pavilion. But on returning to the viaduct for another recce a month or so ago, we found that the roof construction was somewhat different so it was back to the workbench for another go.   The objective this time was to come up with something like this:     So here is a photo sequence of how I did it:   1) Build basic subframe (2 x 2mm Evergreen section)     2) Attach 'under-roof' using 0.5mm plasticard - in black so you can see what you'r



HLR Route Part 2

I've done a bit more work on describing the route of the system, Part 1 covered the section from Isle Ornsay to Broadford.   I've just finished detailing the next section of the line, from Broadford to Sligachan. This is a section of railway line that, I think, could have provided views of some of the most spectacular scenery in the country, excuse enough to provide some tourist stock with larger windows, perhaps like the Ratio LNWR coach sides.   More details on my blog: http://hlrco.wordp



A Home for Brackhampton

With the aid of the annual bonus from work I've purchased teh home for Brackhampton. Its at the end of the Garden and thus allows the long suffering other half to be free of all things model railway. It was put up surprisingly quickly on Saturday and once boarded out will give approximately 21ft by 14.5 ft to fit the railway in.     Right, where did I leave that number of the builders yard   Rovex



Railex pics

Back after an enjoyable day at Railex 2011. Just been uploading a few photos of some of the layouts. First the "hosts" layout in its wintery finery:         Witney slipped into a worm hole for an hour or so this afternoon   Next a few of the layouts which caught my eye - the best for me was Sheep Pasture - i like quirky and this layout was very original.           Came back with more than I went - well, not money, of course..   Chris



Wheal Oliver Clay Works

The clay works has started to take shape so I thought it was time to post some pictures and show what I've been upto. Firstly apologies for the quality of the photos - the computer and the camera have chosen not to talk to each other so I've taken some pics on the iPhone to hopefully explain my ramblings!!   The main layout is being built in the loft but as most of my modelling time is in the evening when the baby is asleep access is obviously not ideal (as my wife says 'you wake him, you ta



A fisherman's hut (with thanks to Chris Nevard) for Whitborough Quay

I was looking at the Harburn Hobbies website and liked the look of the fisherman's workshed, and thought that something similar could fill the empty space at the back of my layout nicely. A quick bit of measuring and planning and a root through my collection of spare materials and I was away.   The basic shell is made from thick card...   ...with Superquck brick paper covering (including the capping over the doors and windows)...   ...a cereal packet roof and plasticard windowsill (an



The beginning of a blog.

Hello all,   My name is Steve and I have just started modelling in N gauge. I never quite got anything done in 00 due to a lack of space, and always had my reservations about N gauge (horrible couplings, chunky wheels etc.) until my friend Lee (Lee M22 on here - have a look at his layout thread) brought a Farish 14 amongst other things round one day. Since then I have picked up the odd wagon and an 08 shunter and I'm hooked.   I am currently planning a small shunting layout, although my aim



West Country Branch Line Weekend

Worked as a porter at Staverton yesterday, with a good range of different traffic going on I did m best to get a few pictures. Some are a little out of focus but I was trying to work and photograph at the same time. The official pictures and information should be here There were 3 steam engines in action, 5526, 3205 and 1369. Also running was the class 25 D7612 and the Gloucester "bubble car" 55000. 5523 with an up service train in a rare patch of sunlight,   Break Van Specials, unfortu



Glenbogle Viaduct

With only about 2 Month until our Great-britN meeting, I started with the construction of the firt of the tree required modules. I called it Glenbogle Viaduct. For the viaduct I used a Scalescenes kit. After the viaduct was built, I started the construction of the module.           Markus



D16/3 rolling-rolling-rolling!

Last night, with the help of the Chief Mechanical Engineer of our little group, I got the wheels on the chassis of my D16/3. Once again the GW wheel press proved its worth in getting everything quartered though we had a bit of fun getting the first set on the axle as the holes in the wheels were particularly tight. So points to remember with Alan Gibson wheels:- 1) always make sure the rear boss on the wheel won't foul the counter sunk end of the crank pin, you often need to cut the plastic bac

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

A Very Britsh Bulldog - no rush now....

Well, the inspiration for this build finally reached his 'safe harbour' early Friday evening. Rest in peace, Jim - you will be sorely missed.   So little work (obviously) in the last few days - however, the error has now been fixed, and the tender sits on it's wheels properly for the first time.       Hopefully, now the pressure is off I'll take more time reading the instructions...   Raymond James (Jim) Trim 2 Jan 1923 - 27 May 2011 Master Mariner 'Finished With Engines'



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