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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Biting the bullet.

Greetings. Well, I've done it. I've removed all the point motors from the board-which-was-Barnwell and consigned it to the garage for the time being!   During the past week I have managed to construct 5 working turnouts, all of which are stronger and more reliable then my previous attempts with glue. These have all been prepared for us on a new Little Midland ( this really will be little too - the prototype was a small country single track station - a rare thing on the Midland where I grew



Lower Writhlington Colliery

nevard_110601_writhington_DSC_2419_web, a photo by nevardmedia on Flickr.   This is my first post for over a week, that's because we needed a well earned break. However whilst away, we all know that a train buff will never really switch off, especially when close to such a former rich industrial area like the hilly landscape a few miles south of Bath. For some time, I've been gathering information and constructing buildings for my Mendip Colliery project, so a spare hour of so in the Radstock

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

Pictures from the FREMO N modular meeting in Hanau

Hello,   here are some pictures I took during my attendance at the FREMO N scale modular meeting in Hanau from 2nd until 5th of June. Unfortunatly I only could attend it on thursday and friday. I hope you enjoy the pictures. The time period was set to the early 1980s. We've got two double track mainlines. which crossed at Karlsruhe Durlach (these is a scale model of the real railway station) On one mainline we've run for the first time electrice locomotives. Then we've got two branchlines.



Primed and ready to go...

My relationship with Superstrip didn't exactly start well. I employed the "toothbrush" method and found that very quickly, my lovely clean stripper had turned into a green sludge and sprayed everywhere. Time for a new bottle... more of the same although I have found that it really struggled with the yellow on a L/L Hornby 50. Time for a new bottle...   Got a big one this time and chucked it in a washing up bowl. Dropped the shell in there and sloshed it around for five mins. Bingo!   Now we'



Fools rush in

fol·ly<script>play_w2("F0229900") (fl)n. pl. fol·lies   1. A lack of good sense, understanding, or foresight.   2. (Fine Arts & Visual Arts / Architecture) a building in the form of a castle, temple, (a layout!) etc., built to satisfy a fancy or conceit, often of an eccentric kind   Sounds about right.   I'm Canadian. I've never visited Cornwall and I've certainly never set foot in Golant. However, I know what I like and when Peter, one of our club members, showed me Peter



Judith Edge Hunslet - Cab

After an 18 month gap I have picked tthis project up again - but I am beginning to wish I had not.   I have purchased a new soldering iron, rated at 60w, and some flux.   Laminating the cab floor went well, and after opning up some holes was soon bolted to the footplate and chassis.   I then waxed the underside of the cab, and tried to solder the front of the cab to it. I did not manage to solder it on. I do not know what the problem was. Did I forget the flux? Was the wax migrating into



Baseboards for Low Level

I finally got around to making a start on the boards for my Low Level project last weekend. The plan is to split the layout into four scenic boards giving a total scenic area of 2440mm x 1000mm. I’ve used 3.6mm ply strips spaced with 18mm softwood blocks glued and stapled together. Dimensions of these two are 1220mm x 500mm with a height of 80mm and I’m pleased with the ease of construction and the lightweight but rigid structure that it gives.   Here is one completed board and the sec

Mark Forrest

Mark Forrest

Delph - (Fairly) major cosmetic surgery to the road

Although the track and electrics are far from complete, and the control panel and fiddle yard not even started, I have been thinking about scenic aspects of the finished layout. Following on from the coal drop wing wall, my thoughts turned to the retaining wall alongside the road as it curves round and up to the road junction near the station entrance. Study of a photo taken before the road layout was changed, looking towards the station masters house and down the road to Dobcross and road elev

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

Ropley - Custom pointwork

Hi all!   There has been one job I haven't really been looking forward too as far as trackwork goes, namely the overlapping points at the entrance to the yard. I'm not sure if there is an official name for this type of arrangement but here's the prototype setup at Ropley:   © Copyright David Sands   So today I've drawn up a template using that provided with the Easitrac point base in order to get the right geometry. I'm not too worried about 100% accurate sleeper positions because they



Resprayed Neath & Brecon Saddle Tank

Some time ago I made a Dean Sidings Neath and Brecon Tank loco, which I managed to mess up the spraying of. I finally took the plunge and stripped the resin body, using Phoenix Paint Super Strip. My initial concern was what it might do to the resin, but I need not have worried - it was fine. The only casualty of the stripping was one lamp iron that was easily replaced.   The loco now sports a respray - using aerosol cans this time, Phoenix GWR Green and Halfords Matt black. The result is much



The Future

Hi all, just read a comment and I should tell you what I want from Brocklesby, I want to make a realistic model of the station,and have a nice collection of late BR NE/LM rolling stock and Basically a good realistic model of a station I like and one with good choice of diffrerent operations.



Another RTR conversion at Honley Tank

The K3 conversion is complete. At least the engineering bit is complete; the re-numbering and early BR totem, plus a bit of weathering, remains to be done.   Although I've done a fair bit of lathe work on this one, I think it can be described as an easy conversion for any one willing to buy and assemble a new set of valve gear and a set of Gibson wheels. I wasn't!   Years ago, just after Bachmann introduced the W-D, I converted one of those, and reported back that it was not such an easy con

It's been a while.... Servos, signals & points

In talking with St. Simon on Wednesday at the HWDMRS club night I realised it has been a while since I put anything on my workbench thread - checking back here I find it has been more than a year - how time flies!   So, the latest thing I have been playing with is RC servos. This came about because we are looking at building a new club layout and need about 100 slow acting point motors - now that's a lot of motors and a lot of money for the likes of Cobalts etc. So I looked into servo - I used



Please Comment!

I've noticed over 50 of you have looked but no-one has commented, I am quite upset about this , so please comment !



My first building in 'N'...

My first 'N' gauge building, picked up for £2.50 at a flea fair a couple of weeks ago. I had no specific need for it, but at that price I thought it was worth it for the practice of building in this scale - fully expecting to make a hash of it.         Painted again using Games Workshop / Citadel paints. This time I started from a white undercoat, and used thin washes to build up the colour, using a picture from flikr for inspiration. Its probably far from prototypical, and I chickened



Paynestown pics

With the layout set up in the conservatory, and the sun out, I thought the late afternoon light looked pretty good. Here are a few snaps of the more developed left hand side of the layout. The right side is still awaiting some remedial scenery and final detailing work after some major changes, but hopefully it should all come together in the next couple of weeks.        

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Kidmore N Gauge

Members may be interested in the addition of a new photograph of the construction of "Kidmore Vale", the latest in the series of Kidmore N Gauge micro exhibition layouts. The image may be seen at www.kidmorengauge.weebly.com. Comments appreciated.



I'm modelling in the rain.....

I'm modelling in the rain, I'm modelling in the rain. What a glourious feeling i'm having again - Come on, sing along as i'm sure you can make the words up.   What the hell is he on about I hear you cry as you look at this!!!!! Its not some wierd fantasy that I can only do things outside when its raining. Can you imagine trying to make a model from card in the rain?   I've always found the sound of rain on a tent canvas to be a fairly soothing sound except when accompanied by high wind, and



Building a Bagnall: little steps...

Source: Preston Docks Bagnalls   For those of you unfamiliar with the prototype, the idea is that the build should result in something which looks a bit like this, but with a Giesl Ejector:     The body is now complete (see the thread over in the 'UK Standard Gauge Industrial Group') and primed, but I haven't any pictures of it in it's current state. I acquired some rather nice nameplates for it at EXPO EM (from AMBIS Engineering), so it will eventually bear the name 'Carnarvon'...   We



Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog,   This is my first so it might go wrong, but I will make do,   This blog is about my own layout 'Brocklesby'. It is based on the station in north Lincolnshire,   It started with my love of large frieght locomotives, Immingham docks and Express locomotives. I wanted a layout that wasn't to far away from where I live but has a good variety of locomotives and rolling stock, I couldn't do the dock so I went for Brocklesby station which is nearby.   I got a 4' x 2' base



Train Noir

...might be a fitting description for the following set of bleach-bypassed images which I snapped at Frankfurt Central Station on the rainy afternoon we were having yesterday...                    

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

ST Reatham, 4mm scale, 009 gauge layout

Hi all, i thought i would reveal my layout on here.   This is my first ever proper layout which has been in the making for the last 5 or 6 years!   This was done as something to test ideas and develop techniques on which they have been very successful and others i have learnt from!   Its not based on anywhere but ST Reatham does exist but certainly looks nothing like the scene depicted by the layout!   Already having ideas for another layout before finishing this one but something that i



It's grim up north............

Quick picture and update on the row of Skaledale terraced houses. Still work in progress, gable end still needs work and plenty of weathering still to be done to the roofs, back yards to be detailed next, better start having a look in the Langley catalogue...........      

Red Devil

Red Devil

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