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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

K3 tweaking

Our Grand-daughter’s 18th birthday party, plus a few days bed & breakfasting in North Yorkshire means less modelling than usual has been achieved in the last couple of weeks.   A few hours have been spent test-running and tweaking the K3 conversion. Two problems caused less than the quality of running I aim for.   The first is the care needed in adjusting the Bachmann scraper pick-ups to reach out to the new gauge but also run on the rear of the steel tyre of the Gibson wheels.   B

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

Shuttle train complete

Back to the train shop this morning to see what had happened to the steering coach! It turns out Andy had accidentally mixed it up.   So now the shuttle train is complete. Here it is going round the test track:         Back to the real work, building something for it to run on!



Saturday morning extra..

Was: completing a roll, but didn't like the title!   I have been soldiering on this weekend as things have generally been going right.   The other thing I have been considering is how to tackle the station buildings. I include a picture in case anyone is not aware of how delightful this little station was:     This is a preliminary sketch, with dimensions made from another photo I have with figures on the platform, and trying to adjust for perspective distortion etc:     As I said



Newtown - Getting Round the Curves

Hi   I made a decision to use KD couplings because they can handle sharp curves without causing derailments.   I have however had problems with the uncoupling because I have not been able to obtain the face magnets required.     The point is a Peco Setrack Y point, but I intend to replace it with a Setrack Right Hand point, because this will allow me to ease the approach curve.     Diane



Friday night session.

Greetings. I have been tracklaying tonight. The turnouts are temporarily fixed in place with tape,while the track is trimmed to length. The turnouts were subsequently removed and sprayed with undercoat and then the sleepers given a coat of sleeper grime mixed with matt black. The turnouts are awaiting reattachment. The Track was attached with double sided tape, on which fine ballast was pressed down between the sleepers to leave a minimalist ballast trackbed ( I overdid the other board!)  



Brackhampton North Signal Box

Whilst I await some decent weather so that I can order the materials to line out the new shed without them getting soaked I've been dabbling with building the North Box for the station. This is based on the old one at Birmingham Snow Hill, which was some 50ft by 10 ft and stood on girder stilts because of the restricted site.   The basis of the cabin are some butchered sides from a number of the Hornby GWR Dunster Signal boxes, the windows whilst typucally GWR do not match those of the prototy



An Industrial Smokey Joe….

Hello, I have been a member for quite sometime, but have never posted anything, so this is me saying hello and also updating you on a project of mine at the moment. For quite a while now I have been looking at the Hornby Smokey Joe sat on my desk and dreaming up ideas for how I could convert it to a more prototypical tank locomotive. This is the second Smokey Joe I possess and the first has also been industrialised some time ago inspired by an article in RM on industrialising the Hornby Thomas



Some proper modelling at last

I've returned to the hobby after a 20 year absence and after a lot of planning, false starts and mistakes I built some baseboards in the sizeable garden shed in 2009 ready for track laying for a fictional OO layout that would be set in 1950s Yorkshire. However, last year disaster struck and a number of leaks in the shed ruined the boards. So start again, have a rethink. Now I've finally just about got the garden shed cleaned out, weather proofed, insulated and boarded out and most of the baseboa



Matlock Eat Your Heart Out

For once I've managed to make better progress than the big boys! - My platforms are finished and fixed down   Here's a few snaps of the layout as it stands with some temporary trees to show roughly how it's going to look.         Keen eyes will see that I messed up the measurements for the overbridge - got to extend it by 30mm or maybe make a new one   Might get some more ground cover done over the weekend - area where the Scooby is will be cinders and good old hanging basket



Further developments at Glenfield...

A small but interesting parcel arrived yesterday - a set of beautifully etched MR station awnings and some whitemetal chimney stacks from BH Enterprises.   A bit of polystyrene scenery former has been added to the Glenfield board. I still need to sweep the garage up haha. B)   View 1 is the basic structure for the sunken road overbridge ( West Street) - moved a tad nearer the station!). I hope this to be a scenic feature for photography! There is summat I like about photos of trains crossin



Part 19: A scratchbuilt Boxcab for my layout!

Hello in the summer heat I have always had a desire for a special locomotive for my layout. It all started when I read about the small port terminals in New York and the locomotives they were using. Central of New Jersey had an Ingersoll Rand locomotive that is one of the first commercially made diesel locomotives: A very beautiful locomotives in my opinion Then came Tim Warris with his Bronx Terminal in HO (an incredible layout). There he showed how to take a brass Boxcab and rebuild

M Graff

M Graff

72xx In Motion

As promised I did a little video last night of the 72xx moving on Hinton Parva. It's not the best video ever and it is a little short, but it does show it moving.   http://youtu.be/xWOIUcAB2Fo     Later I had it doing circuits of the club test track, it was taking 10 minutes to do one circuit, I'm not sure of the size of the test track, but I think it is about 20 feet by 10 feet. Now all I need to do is finish it, there's that word again, "finish", I must look it up some time, something to



Realism, Impresionism and Dorset. (Phillosophical ramblings of the insane mind)

First of all, let me sum up with the pretense, Modeling locations in Dorsett does not make you in the slightest bit insane.   Inspired some what by a heated discussion at the club as well as one of Mikels' blog entrys ( bellow) , The old grey matter churned away at a rate that had it been in competition with a butter churner, it would have put the butter churner out of buisness.   http://www.rmweb.co....iscussion-club/   To set the scene,     ( I aknowledge this came from some webs



Fun with servo based interlocked lever frame

Over the last few months I've been working on a cunning plan to add interlocking to my lever frame. The frame itself is from the Shropshire and Herefordshire Area Group sold through the Scalefour stores. The frame is connected to a MERG CANACE3 circuit board so that each level generates a different event on the MERG CBUS. This means that the only thing coming out of the frame to the layout is the 12v and 0v power lines and the CANH and CANL data wires of the CAN bus.     This has been fitte

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Making a crossing and filling in the gaps

I sanded flat the filler I put into the gaps on the SMP turnout, a lot easier with no rails in the way. Now just have to fit the rails.   Also built the common crossing for the C&L plastic turnout     Just placed on the sleepers, as it does not show up on the paper plan too well.   The V was soldered up in a simple jig (hi tec engineering)     Then the wing rails were soldered to the V with scrap brass shim     2 extra bits of shim hold the frog in gauge, then the ends we



A Platform for the Future

Been a while since I did some work on Fourgig as I've been concerntrating on the 2-8-2. Now that's with Roomey for a final light weathering I have started looking up a scale again.   The scalescenes platforms are well under way, 3.5mm card produced from two layers of #1 son's Christmas Lego boxes. Here's a snap of the shorter of the two     I had to redo the surface as I left it in the back of the car in the hot sun yesterday and the surface bubbled. The print in between the edge stones w



Zis is ze summer of ze German Doorslammers!

Afternoon all!   You may remember my having presented the 7th batch class 420 EMUs from our suburban network several months ago – and today I have another image to show you . And in much better weather and light than had been the case last winter...     As additional units are currently needed on the S5 line due to the "Hessentag" festival in Oberursel – which is served by that line – a number of 420s have seen a comeback on lines from which they had long been displaced. This morni

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

Cheep Trees ( well cheepish trees)

This is something new I have been playing with. Inspired by my local model club and some what frustrated about the size and "plasticness" of trees ( i guess thats a subjective statement). I have decided to create some of my own. The semi finished example is bellow :     Exuse the photo, It was taken on a phone ( as most photos of mine are now days sadly )   Construction is relativley simple   1. Start with some thin gardening wire. The thinner the better. (not jewelers wire thoug



To nights jobs

A few little jobs done to night     The crossover is finished, sleepers gapped, tiebars fitted and isolation breaks cut through the rails. A right selection of locos used for testing, Mainline J72, K's Terrier, Wills Pannier and a Comet Auto tank chassis     The SMP turnout has had the sleepers gapped and filled prior to fitting the rails, the idea is to see if its easier filling the gaps and sanding them before fitting the rails.     Building a C&L turnout in 00 to a B6 size.



A Grand Day Out - The Platform For Further Progress

As others have previously posted, last weekend was Expo 2mm; a lower key event than last year's Golden Jubilee Expo, but an excellent day nevertheless. The big advantage of these days is getting to see members from across the country, old friends and new alike and have a good chat about all things 2mm in a relaxed environment.   I especially enjoyed seeing new layouts from Nigel Ashton and David Long. Always a great source of inspiration to see other members layouts taking shape.   Back home

Tony Simms

Tony Simms

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