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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Delph locos - Caprotti Std 5

Not much visible progress with the layout recently, so in view of some recent interest in Caprotti fitted locos on RMweb, I thought I'd post a few photos of my effort - BR Standard 5, number 73129 - intended to work my Wakes special (for the North Wales coast). I think it's fair to say that Caprotti fitted locos were not well liked by footplate crews during the BR era, being regarded as weak on banks but fast on the level and good coasters. The super performances by Duke of Gloucester in preserv

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

400mph on floats...

Apparently, the 22nd of May was the last time I did any modelling (for Calshot anyway). Today I made a start (but didn't get too far) on the construction of the hangar. Because of the tight deadline for the Woodgreen show in May, I was unable to build it properly out of plasticard and so I had to resort to printing off the building as a corrugated texture. I then built the roof and one side roughly out of this paper on the eve of the show!     Now I'm looking to replace it with something mor

Virtual reality

I've been getting into 3D design in a big way of late. I need to get some parts made for the 7mm scale tank wagon projects, which are slowly progressing beyond ideas in my head, so set to learning the drawing package (Alibre) by knocking up a buffer of the type required. It's taken some time to get to this point, but I'm now happy it's as accurate as I can make it. Behold the mysterious floating buffer:     Unfortunately, as the head has been built as the same part as the shank, it app



Hornby Tornado VS Bachmann Tornado!

In my previous review of the Hornby Railroad Tornado, I was impressed with the overall quality of the mechanism, and the accuracy of the model. I made a mistake in my review, where I incorrectly stated that there was no detail pack included in the box. It was in fact, stuck into a recess on the back of the polysterene packing.   The Special Edition model of Tornado has now been released, and with it comes the opportunity to compare it with the Bachmann model of Tornado. The Hornby model is an

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

SLW Paint Shops

As an opening play on words it is perhaps sensible to "gloss" over the myriad reasons why I haven't posted anything on my Blog for nearly 2 years. So moving on....   A few weeks ago I completed the construction of a spray paint booth in my garage using the left overs from the kitchen installation I completed over the winter months. Obviously with a few grands worth of new worktops, units, tiles etc... I was not keen to continue my habit of spray painting models in the kitchen.     A 1.



moving on

On crossing the path we tunnel under the waterfall that we build when we first moved into the bungalow. This was built as a garden feature as well as a way to help keep the water clean. Our journey takes us all the way around the fish pond climbing steadaly as we go.We travel back to the place we crossed the track earlier where we come to a junction. this is where life gets awkward as decisions now have to be made.

Granddad gnome

Granddad gnome

Tales from the riverbank #1

Tales from the Riverbank #1 (You may want to read this with your internal train of thought set to 'Alan Bennett-voice mode' for extra effect )     After several kind people gave me a gentle nudge at the Member's day, here is a bit of a kick-start to the scenic work on Victoria Bridge. It has been sat on the shelf for too long!   The basic scenery had been encased in a bandage layer, so first job tonight was to fill in all of the rather obvious weave which made the ground look like it was

Will J

Will J

Trefallion - Coaching Stock

So far I only have a part completed 6 wheel coach, an IKB Models U28, pretty much all that needs to be done to complete the vehicle is to add the brass grab irons for the doors, however I am putting those off until I summon the guts to put the gold lining on which will go all around each of the panels just inboard of the raised mouldings.   Also on the books are another couple of IKB 6 wheeled coaches (a U21 compo and an S6 all third), and a rake of 3 Slaters clerestory coaches.  

Ian Smith

Ian Smith

D16/3 - tender love

A busy weekend of soldering has resulted in the bulk of the tender being put together. At this point I've found that the etchings for the tender in the PDK kit are a little rough. The half etching in particular is only about 1/4 of the way through the metal making the parts hard to cut from the waste, even harder to bend at right-angles and pretty useless where you have half etched detail. The sides shown in the previous entry had some .45mm wire soldered on as beading and then filed to a flat r

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit


Eeek! Nearly 3 months have passed since the last blog update, and I don't have a lot of modelling to show for all that time! A few projects have been rumbling along slowly - a Chivers tube wagon has made it through the paint shop and transfers have been added (I'm hoping I can sort out that rather obvious carrier film on the transfers). Some fairly savage weathering and some couplings are all that is required now.     The layout has also chuntered along - the dodgy crossing has been replac

2mm Andy

2mm Andy

Hawksworth Full Brake

The class 22 is in the paint shop (scary) so something new has taken its place on the workbench - an Ultima kit for a Hawksworth full brake.   These coaches survived well into the 1970s in rail blue, so this will fit neatly into my chosen period. I also happen to think that the Hawksworth coaches are some of the finest looking coaches ever built, so I don't need much of an excuse to build one. I'm planning to make life difficult for myself by painting it maroon and using my new Bob Moore linin



Progress.. of sorts

Still recovering from Saturday, but a fantastic day it was! Photos are edited and online. Video to follow later.   Been discussing West Cromwell Road (name for 2011 Challenge entry) more with Natalie, so a finalised trackplan and arrangement has been worked out with the aid of old stock and track to get impression of what fits etc.   More work on track plan for the narrow gauge and standard gauge military layout, which is still without a name, continues also. I think the trackplan is almost



Dutch Syphon- Are we there yet..

I trust everybody enjoyed the Members Day, it was a great occasion where we could all come together as one forum; personal thanks must go out to Andy and all of the team for the planning and operation. It was truly superb!   Having come away with a lighter wallet and an incentive to make some more progress with the 37, I have spent some time carrying out further weathering and detailing to this locomotive during the course of the day. I have used a slightly different method with this model, bu



Part 24: Fire engine!

I have some favorite "hate objects" in model railroading. Among other things, in terms of cliches .... For example, I would not like to have a church on the layout, as there is one in every old track book! The same applies to fire trucks .... Scenes of burning buildings with smoke generator and fire trucks with flashing lights ..... Not for me thanks . I happened to see a kit that almost converted me! A-(nother) Jordan-kit! An Ahrens Fox fire engine!?!. I just had to buy it ..... But I c

M Graff

M Graff

RMWeb Members Day 2nd July 2011

Hello.   Now I have had a good nights sleep and time to reflect on the show yesterday it was definately worth posting an entry about it.   The show was fantastic! I had a brilliant time and couldnt fault anything. I have a Thank you list as long as my arm but here are some worth mentioning...   Firstly a bit thank you goes to Mark (Mitziblue) for all the help, not only with driving and his van but also for helping out on the layout during the day. Secondly Andy H, Bryn, and Pixie for sett



2-8-2 after a couple of weeks

Those who made it to the Member's Day will have seen the 2-8-2 quietly simmering away on Summat Colliery.   For those who didn't here's a couple of shots showing off Roomey's "2 weeks into service" weathering that sets it off perfectly 🙂       Now, must get that article finished for Model Rail .....


RedgateModels in General

P4 Class 55 "Deltic" conversion: Fuel tanks - part 2 - P4 Deltic Pt 13

Well... I did miss the members’ day today – I hope it went well for all! I did manage to get my two boys up to the Bluebell railway... and that was quite nice; what they’ve now done at Sheffield Park is good... an improvement, and we had a nice run with the Std 4 and a 6 coach train... and the E4 with the metro set (looking very smart). Only disappointment was the response I got when I bought a copy of Bradford Barton Diesels in action 4 at the Bulleid shop... when they said that they donâ



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