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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Bristol Barrow Road - Back on track

It's been a while since my last post but I haven't been wasting time. I purchased three magnificent scratchbuilt P4 locos after meeting Graham Warburton at the Taunton members day; a Patriot, 8F and Crab, all of which were in LMS livery. After much heart searching I made the decision to remove this livery and have them repainted and renumbered in BR livery to suit my 1950/60s modelling period. With the help of my friend Morgan all three had their paint stripped and removed and the 8F and Crab a



Images from Brian's posh shunting board

Evening,   Been very quiet of late, mainly due to a course I'm doing.   Have managed to do some modelling (hopefully some updates soon) and am getting into the swing of things again.   However, a group of us meet at Brian's for a running session once aweek. He happens to have a very posh shunting plank in a spare room.   Being an ex-Wellingborough (15A) fireman there is obviously a BR Midland theme though anything goes as long as it's steam. The only diesels seen on the plank have be



Hornby Railmaster

Having replaced the Ez-command and the two command companions with the Hornby Elite and the two Select units I just had to try Railmaster!   First off I tried using it with a Samsung N110 Notebook and it does work but the screen really is too small, OK to use sort of but a bigger screen would be much better, so I treated myself     There are a number of Multi-Touch screens available which all say Windows 7. I believe that they need Windows 7 for the multi-touch function. Railmaster work



Skinningrove Roll wagon model and scrap pans.

Hi, Here are a few photos of my Roll wagon and scrap pans on a slightly modified Bachmann 16t mineral. The Roll wagon was made several years ago useing the Clarkes kit now RT Models and I found it very easy to put together using super glue. The 16t wagon, I just replaced the body with plasticard and is not modelled on anything particular its just a freelance version .



Callow Lane signalbox - fenestration

No photos yet, sorry, but I’ve started to fit the windows to the structure of the signal box.   Having established that the windows wouldn’t hamper the final fitting of the operating floor and internal detail, it was also clear that it would be much easier to install them without the internal detail getting in the way.   The windows are etched products by Modelex (formerly Churchward Models), but have had to be filed to fit, as the window apertures of the Ratio components don’t quite m

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

What Ever Happened to the Commentator?

I always find it amusing that model railway exhibitions are at sports centres – the type of people that ‘do sport’ are generally the complete opposite to railway enthusiasts. I suppose the advantage is that the exhibition organisers do not need to invest in too many signs or arrows announcing its presence (ideally painted onto an old stripped baseboard top with splodgy white lettering on lumpy SR green) pointing to the show. They simply rely on the plastic bag toting unfashionable non-spor

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

A question of colour

I've taken the plunge and re-sprayed my Bachmann 08, using Railmatch blue and pre '83 yellow. Once it was dry I sprayed a coat of gloss varnish so the decals should adhere better, but I have a problem: I'm not sure the yellow is right.       Compared to my other locos, it is a different colour altogether, a lot paler and less orangy, but compared to a photo of the real 08850, it isn't too bad!     I know, of course that the reference photos are takein in daylight, and so the



Hard Lining

The last few days have seen me tackle some BR mixed traffic lining on a Peppercorn K1, made from a DMR kit. Consistency of lining is always a tricky job and it takes me a while to get into the swing of it. Also spending so long looking at it close up tends to make me overly critical of small blemishes and defects. Frequent breaks and viewing from a distance help keep things in perspective. The attached photos show where I'm up to on the loco body. The tender is not too far behind. After th



New Station Building - Part 1, Digital Design

Well in my last blog I hinted that I was going in the direction of digitally designed models as pioneered by some of the other modellers on this forum. If this works then it might enable me to have more bespoke buildings on my layout to a higher level of quality.   This first entry is a few weeks into the construction process. I actually started learning photoshop when me and my wife were on holiday in France. She showed me the basics and I started editing some pictures I had taken of the loc

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

Shed Doors 2 - Painting and Weathering

The shed doors have gone through the process of being painted and weathered. After a bit of digging on the net for suitable techniques, the end result was created using a mish mash of techniques and a bit of an experimenting.       As seen in the previous post, the doors were sprayed primer grey.   A base coat of Vallego German Desert Camo and White was mixed and applied in the direction of the grain this thick mix provided some of the textre. Once dry, a wash of Acrylic Dark German Gr



Cut-outs, corbels and Scaleforum

It's been a while since the last update, but progress has continued nonetheless - even if not much of it has been by me (work just continues to get in the way). And John seems to have lost his ability to post to the blog directly (Andy is looking into it).   After finishing off some of the outer piers (where the plinths don't come into play) John moved onto, or rather returned to, the inner ones. This is where the tapered piers are inset slightly on the rectilinear plinths, and we now seem t



Ropley - It's in the detail.

Hi All.   I've come to the conclusion that modelling a real life location is somewhat of a mixed blessing. On one hand you can go there, see the place for yourself and get some valuable photos & notes to aid with replicating it in a smaller scale. On the other hand, you know exactly what you have to model and where it needs to go, and there is always the thought that if you miss something someone will point it out sooner or later! So, taking advantage of the fact that the Mid Hants is jus



GWR Indian Red

I'm sure this has already been done to death, but anyway...   This is a picture of a Dapol City of Truro used as a test bed for paint colours before I embark on an upgrade/improvement to a Hornby Dean Single.   City of Truro (Large Picture 1.3Mb)     The thing thats bothering me is the colour of the Indian Red frames. Having Red/Green rod/cone confusion (aka colour blindness) means that judging shades of red and green are not my strong point. However, one of my strong points is working wi



Hornby 4 Wheel Coach

I was reading someone else's blog on rmweb and it inspired me to have a go at a little RTR-modification. This is the result:   Modified Hornby 4 Wheel Coach (Large Picture 1.2Mb)     The underframe is untouched, but the body has been reduced in height at the sides by about 1mm, the ends have been drastically cut down to a single arc, low roof style. The new roof is plastic card with rain strips from microstrip and oil lamps from brass washers and plastic tube. Ends were sanded smooth and th



Next coat

Mates turned up so the next layer was mixed and applied. We then balanced rockery stone on edge to see what it would look like and a bit of track. We are well pleased what do you think.      

Granddad gnome

Granddad gnome

Duke Pipework #1

I know it's me just being picky, but the cast pipework provided in the kit for the LHS of the firebox just was not good enough for me. So I took a mold off the Comet Exhaust Ejector valve from my 2-8-0 build and cast one in resin. Pipework completed from a good photo of a late fifties DoG with remnants of an old Comet detailing pack and some stripped bell wire gave this:     The RHS is not so troublesome, although I'll end up enhancing that too with more bits of wire no doubt



Skinningrove Steelworks Wagons - part 1.

I've started building some RT Models Skinningrove steelworks wagons. The kits are based on open hearth furnace scrap pan cars, used to transport boxes of scrap to the furnaces where the boxes will be mechanically emptied into the furnace. Arthur's excellent Steel Industry Images gallery explains the process better, and also has a photo of a similar wagon. (Thanks Arthur!).   Photos of Skinningrove wagons are seemingly rare. There is an image of half a wagon in Bylines vol. 16 issue 8 and a br



Today's Railway Fairytale (or how long will it take to appear on Wiki)

nevard_110625_BrewhouseQ_IMG_0275_webJPG, a photo by nevardmedia on Flickr.   This ancient 0-4-4 Midland 1P spent much of its working life on 'the Branch' of the old Somerset & Dorset Line. The pretty loco was withdrawn in 1959 and spent much of the following year next to the water softening plant at Bath Green Park shed awaiting removal - or so we were all lead to believe!   In November 1960 the Marriott, Dent & Foster Brewery bought the locomotive to shunt its extensive qua

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

As regards the speed

From the comments I have received it seem that a few of you are under the impression that my blog is showing an on going job. Well to put the record straight,I must tell you that only the entries from "present working position" are to do with the restart of work, all the other entries from the start are just telling the story and showing what had been done before I was taken ill over 18 months ago and had to have open heart surgery. I am please to say that I have 2 very good mates who come round

Granddad gnome

Granddad gnome

A new Station Building - part 1

When Hallatrow was exhibited at the final of the 18.83 Challenge I did not have a station building, however Tim Venton of Clutton fame had previously made a model and has loaned to me ever since. So I thought it was about time I made a start on a model of my own.   The engineer for the Bristol & North Somerset Railway was William Clarke, who was the engineer to a number of local independent companies whose lines were to connect their local community to a main line. In a number of in

dave k

dave k

Baseboards, Traverser and Track Plan

It's been a while... but things have been progressing. I mentioned in my last post that the original track plan has changed somewhat after the layout location and available space was worked out. After much planning and re-planning I've settled on the below plan. The layout will go round the 4 walls of the room, one side for a 6 track traverser fiddle yard, the dock area on the back wall, a 2nd yet to be worked out scenic section along the bottom wall and a removable section at the door end of t



Sum of its parts, a first view.

As I have now completed some of the buildings, I thought it would be interesting to site them on the layout. The effect is quite encouraging - to me at least, it is beginning to look something like Glenfield as it was in the photographs.   Of course, I still have to finish painting the little booking office shed thing, and the toilet block; and there is the gatekeepers cottage to construct yet; but hopefully you can begin to get an impression of what the place was like.   Chris    



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