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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Squashed EMUs and live steam

A few weeks away on holidays has resulted in alot of arm chair modelling and very little time building, however its been good. In NSW I had a chance to ride the worlds steepest ( or so it claims to be ) funincular railway at 52 degrees. Saw a EMU get squashed by a tree     luckily no one was killed. The storm that blew through the area completely killed the rail system. Many of the OHL were down on the tracks and it will take ages to clean up and repair.   Saw some nice live steam models



D16/3 New girl meets grand old lady

Our 'Day of Railway Modelling' yesterday gave an opportunity for my D16/3 to drive up and down Pampisford. It took a bit of fiddling with insulation tape as the loco tender pickups initially were shorting on one side and then through to the locomotive via the tender drawbar and it was rather difficult to track down. The run also showed that I needed to adjust the pivot for the springing on the front driven axle as there was not quite enough weight on the rear (something I've adjusted tonight). I

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Making a start on the station buildings

In my last layout blog entry I mentioned having some concerns about the future of my Low Level project. To address this I’ve decided to put the baseboards and track work to one side while I focus on the buildings. As I’ve said before, the position of the buildings makes them critical to the success of the finished layout – so I want to make sure I can get these looking right before getting too carried away.   I’ve been preparing drawings for the buildings and have been experimenting

Mark Forrest

Mark Forrest

Raiding the Gloat Box

A package containing two mermaids was waiting for me when I got back from work last Thursday. In case you're wondering how the postman got two mythological creatures through the letterbox, I should point out that these were 2mm finescale kits for the GWR/BR 'mermaid' ballast hopper wagon. The photo below shows what you get for your money - a cast resin body, a nickel silver etch for the chassis (and body details) and a comprehensive set of instructions.     As you would expect from a kit p

2mm Andy

2mm Andy

Class 24, D5038 (TTGFYE)

Sometime ago I bought myself a sound fitted two-tone green sound fitted class 24, with the intention of modelling D5038 in the condition seen here on the excellent Derby Sulzers site. D5038 was out-shopped from Derby works following overhaul in 1965 wearing the two-tone green livery applied to later class 25s. By 1971 (the start point of the era I model on Foundry Lane and the year in which I intend to set my new layout) she was in shabby external condition but retained many of her as built fe

Mark Forrest

Mark Forrest

Here we go!

Well this it, My first attempt at "Blogging" (If that is the correct term).   This bit is all new to me so please excuse if I make a few mistakes along the way. I am not adding much content yet until I see how this "Blogging" lark works. I'll just post some thing of an introduction for now and see what happens. Indeed I shall be surprised If anything does happen or I get any comment back saying "Yes I can read your blog"   If there is no feed back then I have obviously done something wrong



Jigs and batches

Nice to see that we have passed the 10000 views mark - we appreciate the interest.   Here are the two prototype 3d-printed corbels loosely in place on one of the viaduct sections. Just the job, although I can see we may have to face the edge of the track base with plasticard strip to disguise the lamination join - or fill it with something prior to painting.     Yesterday John made up a jig from some bits of brass in his scrap box which enables the accurate trimming of the pier apertur




Well time drags in my modelling efforts at the moment and yet another month goes by, with things going on around me it is hard to concentrate on modelling, however I thought I would settle down to a little on this rainy Sunday afternoon and set myself the task of re-wheeling my GraFar Class 60 loco so that I have one 2mmFS loco to test out my soldered point-work.   This has proved to be a little frustrating once I had got the body off and split the chassis as you can see from the picture above



Weston at Camrail 23/24 July

Next weekend will see Weston-super-Mare WC&PR rolled out for one last time. Never say never and all that but I'm not planning to do any more shows with it. It'll be at Camrail along with some other cracking Colonel Stephens layouts. Come along and say hello (or goodbye) as we look to recreate May 1940 and the last train from Weston...   Camrail details     In the meantime, here are some photos I never got round to posting including an original (courtesy D Walrond).



Starting to look like a Warship!

This is the current state of play with 816. I've kept the Bachmann body colour (it's actually moulded plastic rather than painted) and some of the lettering, but have repainted the noses and touched up parts of the blue. The grilles have also had a coat of dirty grey. This still quite a lot of touching up to do.   The biggest transformation has come from painting the moulded headcode boxes surrounds black - the boxes now look the correct size.            




Hello.   For a while now on Wednesday and Friday evenings at the Abingdon & District MRC which I am a member I have been beavering away on an etched kit for a 2mm GWR Toad Brake van. The kit, designed by Chris Higgs for the 2mm Scale Association (kit number 2-598) is a bit fiddly to make with the handrails being particuarly tricky, but it makes a nice little wagon...       It now needs paint, glazing, transfers and couplings to finish it off but I will do that at some point!   Mi



The N.C.T.S.

Are there any former members of the Northern Counties Transport Society out there.My Name is Peter Trotter and I used to be a memberb in the late 1970s and early 1980s.For a brief time I was the membership sectretary before I left to rejoin the Royal Marines.It is now 30 years since i left and I do wonder if there are any of my former society members out there.The memories that I have of this time are still very special to me and I would like to hear from any body out there.



First 'long hole' piers & other shorter one clad

Thanks to Andy for sorting access to our blog problem. I have already posted this by way of the 'edit' feature, but anyone who might be interested will not have been notified and it will have slipped out of sight. Apologies to those who may have seen this already.   Here are some more snaps of progress. A few more clad with brickwork along with the first couple of the 'longer hole' piers where the hole goes into the supporting plinths. It's been very difficult to clad the piers properly when



Apologies for delay

I am sorry, but I am having to give priority to the writing side at the moment - after all, it pays me! - and the model railway work has taken a back seat. I have actually made progress with the wagons and (I think) there are several that look quite respectable. I will try to get around to posting a pic. However they all, or nearly all, need proper brake gear adding, and at the moment I haven't the time or energy to fire up the soldering iron.   The next phase will be to build one or two from



Progress of upgrading TMD

Hi   So far so good. Much of the big stuff done but as you will see alot of detailing to go. I am quite pleased with things so far. The only remaining shed from effort 1 will need a good bit of detailing and a repaint to stand next to the new ones!   Here are a couple of progress shots            

Tay Bridge

Tay Bridge

A1 Models Hunslet - Chassis running.

The chassis for this thing is finally up and running, although I've yet to fit the pick-ups. Before fitting the chassis together I sprayed the wheels and chassis, masking off the important bits, with car primer followed by a coat of Precision 'Frame Dirt'. Wheels are lathe turned Romfords from the West Coast Kit Centre. I've used Markits axle nut covers to improve the appearence of the wheel centres. Gearbox is a High Level Loadhauler+ with 108:1 reduction and the motor is a Mashima 12/24. Whe



New Camera

Visit to Comet yesterday was a huge success as they have taken my broken camera with no questions asked and sent it away for evaluation and possible replacement. The service was great and the system so easy, I cant fault them at all. Promised a written reply within 5 working days, how good is that. Let you know the outcome.

Granddad gnome

Granddad gnome

New Station Building - Part 2, Inside and Out

I have been working quite hard on the new station building for the layout. Although until this evening I felt the work was not paying off. Today I created the windows, the frames and the interior of the station. It is all very basic inside at the moment but the good thing is that it is all pretty prototypical.   To end the evening I attached the wall panels to the frame and took a few pictures to celebrate. Only the West Wing (not the TV show) is assembled as of now as I need to print some wi

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen


Here is a photograph showing a tad more progress, mainly in the station buildings dept.     I have had a stab at the small booking office/hut which stood at the end of the platform by the road. Again I have photographs of 3 sides of it, but have adlibbed the aspect at the rear facing the goods shed. The latter you may notice I have given a rear entrance/loading area. I am not sure at all that this existed, but decided that it would add a bit of extra interest!   The lavatory block now h



OH Heck!

The Goons sang about walking backwards for Christmas!   That's how I feel about my progress with the Crab conversion; not exactly backward but pretty well stationary over this last few days.   I have it running very near as well as I find acceptable - in forward gear! - but swing it in to reverse and the thing's as lumpy as mother-in-laws gravy.   Normally I would blame poor relation between wheel centres and coupling rod holes, and/or, bad quartering of the wheels.   It can be none of t

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

P4 Class 55 "Deltic" conversion: Nearing the end of build... getting close to the paint shop - P4 Deltic Pt 14

Ok... here we are, time for a brief update. This time, fewer words and more pictures! I’ve been working on the fuel tanks (still)... but I feel that these are now done. Detail was added using the Archer fine transfers – cast resin... 0.008†rivets (AR88014) to the underside of the fuel tank seem, at the ends of the tanks and to the sides below the tank mounting brackets (2 under each)... as seen in prototype photos. I’m going to admit, that this was quiet tricky given the confines I was w




Just been outside to photograph last evenings work and guess what, I DROPPED THE CAMERA. It does not seem that it wants to work anymore, (Good job i have the accidental insurance cover) Well it looks like a trip into town to see about repairs. No work today. "O" well the weather man said (if he can be relied upon) that we should get a good weekend, we shall see. But here is an old photo of what we are facing.  

Granddad gnome

Granddad gnome

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