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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

08850 ready for traffic

I decided to go ahead and put the Fox wasp stripe transfers over the yellow mentioned in my previous entry, and it didn't look too bad, so I've fitted the other bits and bobs to the ends (lights etc) and the air pipe extensions (kindly provided by James). I have also done a bit of painting of the interior and fitted an Aiden Campbell driver, the shunter on the front step is also from the same source, and both painted by me (I'm not sure how platform clearences will affect the guy on the step, b



Taking stock (1)

I thought I would share some of my bench work via this blog.   Starting off with this Coopercraft cattle wagon kit.   Sold as GWR diagram W1 / W5 it is a little too early for my layouts era. So, I decided to modify the kit slightly to make it look more like the BR standard 8/12 ton cattle van. Using Paul Bartletts picture gallery as a guide this is the assembled kit before painting.       This is the second one of these kits I have done in this way, learning from my mistakes on the fi



Back, but not consistent

Well, I've decided to start a new blog for my model railway interests. It won't be regularly updated and the content will be varied, ranging from occasional model building stuff to ideas and dreams for the future. Apart from this very sentence, it will avoid covering any issues in my life re unemployment trials and tribulations, writing and publishing etc. It will just be for model (and occasionally real) railway stuff.   To start with, I'm thinking at the moment of what I can do with a number

Ian J.

Ian J.

The Duke so Far

Well, work on the Duke will be suspended as I've run out of bits!   The ex-JE etched deflectors will be posted out next week, so I'm told. Chris at Golden Arrow is chasing his supplier for the missing buffers - he already has the cylinder drains.   So I thought a few pics of the current state of play might be a good idea.           I still havn't sorted out the cab details yet, although I have found a pair of Hornby crew that will do fine. Big question is how to fabricate the



Western Detailer

Hi,   As mentioned here: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/41181-detailingrebuilding-a-lima-western-too-short-or-correct-scale-length/ I am currently working on a Lima western. The aim of this blog entry is to hopefully document what can be acheived using the Lima model as a basis to represent The Class 52 "Western.   Introduction   Although Westerns historically are before my time ive always liked them for an enthusiasts point of view. MY first run in was in 2005 when D101



PDK 72xx Haulage test on Hinton Parva

I've done a bit more work on my 72xx, steps have been added, vacuum pipes, smoke box door and a coupling loop. So I thought it was time to see if it would pull anything. So it went back to Hinton Parva tonight, I borrowed the coal rake normally pulled by one of the two Garretts at exhibition and off it went.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqXNVKTKNzM     It seemed to manage with the 68 loaded coal trucks, but did have a bit of wheel slip if not driven with care. Still a bit more work to d




Following on from this thread, I have now started work on the research   Background: This project is still in the very early stages of research, having decided that I really like both the track plan, the architecture and most importantly the stock seen through the station I have decided that I will base my new project on this line. While at the moment I am planning to model Cheddar, if research on the line turns up a more suitable/interesting station or I find that Cheddar is too large to d

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Centre section cladding completed and experimentally undercoated.

Centre section cladding completed. Some more work still needed here and there, but I think that we're gradually getting it how we want it.   Some expermintation has been done with the primary undercoating as it's important to get the base colour just right when finishing with light airbrush misting. The real thing is like a 'patchwork quilt' of colours. Light browns, oranges, greens, limescale staining, even with engineers blue brick in repaired areas and even individual differently coloured b



GC long car CAD, Grime St Mechanics Institute, and coming next month......

Sorry if you've seen some of the CAD pics in the 3d printing section, but for my loyal reader here's the latest 3d CAD nearly finished, couple of tweaks but 99% there, a GC long car for the Grimsby and Immingham,   These were supposedly the longest first generation trams in the UK, supposedly 2 lower saloons on a railway type underframe, here's a great pic of no 14 as preserved at Crich, one of the few never to have run there, 50 years after the G&I finished and it entered preservation, pi

Red Devil

Red Devil

Preparing for a period when I won't be buying much

Very soon I'm coming to a stage when I've more or less finished assembling what I want in my collection(s). There are a few gaps that I would like to fill eventually in OO at least: a NBR Glen 4-4-0, Southern Maunsell U 2-6-0 and Q 0-6-0, and one or two more Southern Region EMUs (I already have a DEMU on order) This doesn't mean that I'll close the shop on my hobby. Instead I can focus on chipping locos, working on buildings on my Horniman Park layout, for example, and simply running and maint



Chagford - Getting the Train Going Again

Hi All   Recently I have been suffering pain, but I have now started to make progress again. I have finished the modifications to the DCC bus wiring, following the modifications for the Dairy Stream bridge.     I have also modified the cassette alignment to make the alignment more reliable.       Lisa



Ropley - Oil store part 2

Hi all.   Just a quick entry today. A new colour cartridge has been acquired for the printer and I've now managed to print a test sample of the artwork for the oil store building. After printing the original artwork shown in the last entry I felt it was a bit on the dark side even though it looked fine on screen. So after gradually lightening and some sharpening to bring out the detail in Paintshop I think I've finally reached something I’m happy with.   Anyway, here's the first print fol



Dirty Minky

nevard_110719_MinkD_DSC_2976, a photo by nevardmedia on Flickr.   Extract from my blog at www.nevardmedia.blogspot.com     From a Parkside Dundas kit; a GWR Mink D used for stores and local movements around Bath seen here on Brewhouse Quay being pulled along the wharf road with a tractor. The driver has probably gone for a jar by the way...   Rather than go for 1950's carmine which was rather pushing history, I decided to turn it into the local stores runabout in grey (Halfords prim

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

Point and click, point goes click..

Well more like a whirr but..   MERG CBUS modules drive a Tortoise controlled from Panel Pro in edit mode. I believe the code for the MERG setup we're using was only recently added to JMRI so we were using a MERG utility to test the points previously. Its nice to have the visual working now.   The physical setup of the stretcher bars and TOU's may take slightly longer!       An overview for Mike G before the yard started to be glued down and ballasted.  



Brackhampton Water Tower

Whilst I await the delivery of some more GWR dark stone paint to paint the girderwork on the Signal Box, I've been cracking on with the water tower for the station. The original one at Snow Hill stood on the Southern approach to the station, on the opposite side of the tracks to the South signal box and next to a typical GWR overgirder turntable (very good article in the RM last month on how to make one of these).   I have only a few photos of the tank and its supporting brickwork and so once



76009 The Tender is ready for the paintshop.

Finally the tender is ready for the paint shop. I think it would have been quicker to make a real one! Attached are photos showing my efforts at modifying the Airfix BR2A tender into a BR2.   Starting at the front. Windows reduced to the smaller size. Note that the tool hole is unmodified and so is too narrow. This has been left as is for practical reasons and also won't be easily seen when the model is finished.The white plasticard filler is to bring the front plate out to width of the t



Fen End Pit pictures - by request

As requested a few more pictures of Fen End Pit.   The drag line is scratch built based on plans from a Ruston Bucyrus works manual I was given by a friend.   First up a view of the entrance to the works as a Simplex 40S arrives with a train of sand from the pit.     This is a view of the entire unloading end showing the tipping dock, unloading conveyor and the storage silos.     And finally a shot of the unloading hopper with a skip just tipped.     Hope you like them.   Da

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Ropley - To print, or not to print....

....that's the question!   When I was building the block of flats for the modern image "plank" I decided to produce the buildings using paper with bricks printed onto it, stuck to a plastic shell. The benefits of this were I could take a photo of a real building and then print it out to scale and use it create the prototype brick pattern rather than a generic one. I was quite pleased with the results but to save people digging back through the blog here is the block of flats in question:  



Kyle of Lochalsh in 00

The past week I have been working on a model of Kyle station building for a customer. The building mesures 3 feet long and has been built in half relief to fit on a narrow baseboard. The model is being finished in green/cream as the station was in the late 1980's and will form the ideal backdrop for the customers fleet of class 37's. Heres a couple of pics        

87 101

87 101

Burning Brakes!

If the entry title sound familiar, then it is!   Some time ago on the previous incarnation of RMWeb Neil Ripley of Walker Marine fame produced a model of a burnt out BR brake van. I was inspired by his modelling to have a go myself. Here are the results.            




Its been a while since I updated the blog, so having restored my mojo with some work on a micro layout I thought it was high time I put some effort into Kingsbridge again. No station is complete without a platform, and my platform was far from complete! Regular readers will have spotted the rough shape in my last set of photos, made from a laminate of foam board, mounting card and leftover hardboard. In hindsight I should have done a single sheet of 10mm foam board for ease of construction but



Duke Pipework #2

And here's the RHS firebox pipework.     Note the extra bits in copper where I've enhanced the kit whitemetal and where the castings were too short or had missing bits.   The lower casting proved too narrow to fit around the extended firebox/ashpan and was cut and approx 5mm of extra piping soldered into the two pipes leading from the injector that head rearwards. You can still see the join just to the rear of the pip that runs up to the steam manifold.   Handrails next and them I will



A start on track laying and a bit of weathering

A bit of spare time last week meant I was finally able to make a start on track laying for my 1950s West Riding layout (name tbc). At some point soon I'll have to publish a bit more info about it as well as a track plan but briefly it will be a ficticious suburban station situated on a secondary mainline somewhere near Leeds/Bradford. Anyway, the first section of cork underlay and C&L track has been laid in the station area. Not a lot to see yet!     I picked up a PO wagon from the Hart



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