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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Contingency/scenario planning

Last week I went through my OO loco fleet to see, as an exercise, what could go and the criteria I would use to keep models in my collection if I moved and found I had less room available to store stock, and to assess its implications in terms of storage space. I'm fortunate I'm living in a pretty large flat with adequate built-in storage space, converted from a large late 19th/early 20th century house, but renting this privately on an renewable yearly tenancy agreement.   The most obvious ca



Post Scaleforum to do list...

Scaleforum has yielded another batch of new projects, though my other half taking our puppy on an emergency trip to the Vets while I was at the show limited the budget somewhat (and hence I havent quite been able to make a couple of purchases.)   The B Set project has gained a set of ABS battery boxes, but still requires new Vac gear and some of the Model Railway Developments square GWR buffers once they get some stock in.   Picked up a pair of GWR Collets (Bachmann break and Mainline) from

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Top of the Pops

Evening Pop Pickers. In amongst the box of goodies i have brought back from my Dad's loft is a Hornby HST power car that has had an indentity change. it's not the best job in the world, in fact it looks battered, but it is carrying a cast name plate Top of the Pops and is numbered 43002. I have several 43010s so decided to change it, but as the InterWeb was not around and I didn't have a picture to work from i guessed about the nameplate and have since found out I guessed wrong



T gauge glasgow central (update)

I am finally getting started on my new layout. The process of laying the track is a wee bit fiddly, putting the little scews in the track joiners annoys me a lot, but I'll find away to get round it. I am hoping I'll get most of the track beside the platforms laid this weekend, but I'll have problem's to make my own scale point's, because of those uni-track points which to me are useless, perhaps I'll have to find an alternative for those big bulky sections of plastic. Oh well, better not go



A bit about my own modelling interests.

Having been a bit too active in the Wheeltappers section of this forum, I decided that I should show my rather humble modelling efforts here and I feel that the blog format is the best way for me to do that since at present I have a number of rather small and disparate projects on the go which makes conventional threads a bit untidy.   I aspire to have a P4 layout of a London terminus vaguely similar trackplan to Minories because I have a very soft spot for late 1980s BR especially around the



shocked, but pleased.

i've just been looking at my gallery and i'm shocked by how many views it has had. not bad for a cheap work provided digital camera. Mind you the mods are not so impressed with my photography so far it seems. glad that my efforts are appreciated by others though. Also i can't believe that so many people read my ramblings on this blog! it's not even like i've got any real news about the real layout yet !! Sorry some of you have been a little bored with my input so far, things will get bett



stock move. Wonder what I will find?

off to my Dad's today to pick up some more of my kit. hope to bring back all my locos and wagons so i can sort out what I'm keeping, what Ruby is allowed to play with and what can go as it is no good. in reality it will probably be 2 piles, 1 for Ruby and 1 for me, doubt very much that anything will go!! sure that some will be of more use to Dad though as it doesn't fit my time frame of 1987. i hope it has survived many years in the loft I'll post some pictures of my more interesting items late



Railway Modelling is Alive and Well !

Someone said to me in an exchange of opinions over the interweb recently that no-one did any proper railway modelling anymore as the standard of the ready to run stuff you could buy was so high these days all you needed to make a cracking good model was a healthy bank balance.   Interesting point of view but not one I personally go along with as there is so much more to the hobby than having good looking models .   However when I put the wagon castings from Woodham Wagon Works on to ebay I



Sorting out a Bachmann A3 chassis for an A4 in 0 gauge

I am starting this blog at somewhat of a halfway stage to give a warning to anyone starting to mess about with a Bachmann A3 chassis! Having had a cast white metal A4 body lying around for some time I came up with a novel idea to get this on a chassis from a Bachmann A3 that I picked up for £365, whilst saving the body and tender of the A3 to form the basis of a P1 2-8-2 (Gresleys freight Mikado version of the A1/A3 pacifics) Later on I shall show progress on both these engines where for an

Matthew Cousins

Matthew Cousins

Darker Nights

Well, I guess that was summer! Not the best for sailing up here. However the shortening days lead back to some modelling time. The spare room has been cleared of sailing junk and a return to modelling has begun. This winter is going to be a time of detailing the depot...(not spending cash on sound chips!!)..and getting a new baseboard for the static part of the layout where Glasburgh station is above the tunnel. I have decided to do this and create some more room for stock and perhaps a carriag

Tay Bridge

Tay Bridge

P4 Class 55 "Deltic" Conversion - Some paint (again) P4 Deltic Pt 18

Dear all, This will be a quick entry, with nothing stupendous to show, but the last couple of evenings have allowed me some practice and deployment of some railmatch BR Blue to my Nimbus. Having bounced back due to the huge support received in response to my previous posts, I'm back where I was... but this time with a better result. This is good. The Railmatch paint is a lott more "matt" that the Precision paint I was using, and this has clearly helped me in my novice "insufficently experience



Commission part 2!

This my second commissions for a friend. Done for free for two main reasons. Firstly, I initially didn’t ask for a price and secondly…I’m not too happy with the outcome though he is completely fine with it.   It was a bit of an uphill struggle I don’t mind telling you, especially repainting it from scratch.   Any way here’s the outcome.Also please bare in mind that this was an old and cruder model than what I we expect of todays models.   Same techniques as mentioned before.      

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

Plug & Play!

Being the clumsy person that I am, i was getting a bit fed up of catching and damaging the ground disc signals on Pen Y Bont every time I cleaned the track.   After replacing the Ratio plastic ones several times I was getting a bit tired of buying and making up new ones. So when I came across some white metal ones made by Detail Matters.I jumped in and bought a pair.   They come ready painted so that was another fiddly job saved. However, they were still vulnerable to accidental damage.  



GWR Outside Framed 8 Ton Van

Been working on this little van - an Outside Framed 8 Ton Van from the David Geen whitemetal range. Still need to add rainstrips, I completely forgot about them! According to the instructions, these lovely O/F wagons were introduced in 1879 - although the Atkins et al bible seems to have different dates?     I tried out Vallejo acrylic primer this time, brush-painted on. Doesn't look so neat at first sight, but once the van was fully painted I couldn't tell the difference be


Mikkel in Wagons

Ropley - General update

Hi all.   With trackwork nearing completion, there are only a few outstanding jobs to be done before thoughts can turn to finishing point motor installation and then scenery!   Here's the current view looking East:     This shows the one remaining point to be completed outside the boiler & Carriage works, a very rough mock up for which has been created for positioning purposes! The lines will continue further inside the works, but I need to visit the site again to see just how far d



Grain Wagon

nevard_110920_grain_IMG_1294_WEB, a photo by nevardmedia on Flickr.   Currently on the workbench; a Dapol grain wagon. Breweries and maltsters need barley to turn into malt, so at least a couple of grain wagons will not look out of place on Brewhouse Quay and as part of a good train for my other layouts.   At Model Rail Live last weekend, the fine folk at Kernow Model Rail Centre who had a stand at the show with all sorts of goodies, also had a bargain bucket to suit cheapskates like me who

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

Filling cracks (and carving new ones)

Smoothing the hills by Will Vale, on Flickr   The next step after the foam carving and sticking is filling in all the rubbish bits. I tend to stuff the cracks with offcuts to save on filler, and then spread a coat of "lightweight spackle" over the landforms. I think this is made with tiny glass bubbles in an acrylic carrier. It's really really light, flexible, and clean to use - if you drop some on finished scenery it won't stick - you have to spread it onto surfaces before it grips. And this

Will Vale

Will Vale

Great Northern

It's been a while since the last entry, so by way of showing what's been keeping me occupied lately, here's a taster of the current incumbent of my paintshop.   A recent commission has been a repaint of 60113 'Great Northern' into British Railways express passenger blue livery. Now, whilst I'm not a fan at all of Thompson's essays in Pacifics (no, I'm not going to open the debate here), I must admit that blue certainly suits this machine better than green. Suffice to say, it's just "differen



Duffers day out!

Yesterday a few of us nutcases met up for a jolly tracking down full sized trains with cameras in the north Oxfordshire/Warwickshire area. Without rambling on too much about what a nice day we had hanging about on station platforms and railway bridges - here are the results. Oh yes, and we also bumped into fellow blogger Phil Parker. To the PHOTOS You might like to check out what fellow photographers Chris Perkins and Tony Callaghan captured on their cameras too.

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard


To make this abundantly clear, the Bachmann Peppercorn A1 model is fantastic. None of the nine member strong fleet I own have been anything but exceptional runners, and have always looked very much like the prototype whilst maintaining a rugged, purposeful look as a model.   That is, in all but one area: the chimney. Bachmann decided, for reasons as yet unknown, to make the chimney a two piece moulding, where the top half is either the stovepipe or the rimmed chimney, and the lower portion is

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

Got My Head Round Ebay at Last

Well its taken me long enough . I have been buying on ebay for several years but never felt confident enough about my computer skills to try any selling.   Anyway since I started the Cancer Charity Wagon Project I needed to find a good way of marketing and although selling through the forums I belong to has been good I could not reach as big a target audience as I would like . I felt that as people were being kind enough to give their wagons to the project I should make every effort to maximi



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    • Next step completed after the six needed for a track gang have been painted and their foot pedestals clipped off. They will be fitted to the club layout (Axford) as a spot sleepering gang.   First lesson learnt by the experience - it will be easier in future to trim the foot block and drill for the pins before doing the painting.   The reason for the track gang is the l/hand divergent track on this board no longer goes anywhere as it now feeds a single entry sector plate. The
    • This is fabulous Mike.   Thanks for sharing your techniques and it looks stunning in the setting - as Mikkel says, my kinda place!   A nice story and I do hope that they have success.   Love it in BR blue mode too 😀
    • Thankyou for the info.I want a British car but French or American would be OK. My "Dr" from Motley End could do with one of those modern contraptions! Railway modelling causes us all to be very aware of every aspect of life in our chosen era. Its part of the attraction. I could give your Postman a lesson or two in handling parcels also!
    • Thank you Chris and Mike for the input on wording, "motor cars" it is then.   Douglas those 1960s car rallys sound good. There's an annual vintage fair here in Denmark that we sometimes go to. Here's a 1926 Ford T from a couple of years ago.       Returning to the DAPR 3D prints, I have been in touch with Ben of DAPR. He says that they are still available if you enquire. He also has them with the roof drawn up, and in pickup versions.   He says he co
    • No but a modeller freind has owned and restored 3 early T models. Also I was draged to many Veteran car rallys in the 1960's. My dad being a fan.I have owned 50 cars and 24 m/cycles but only one car and one m/cycle were vintage, a1925 Bullnose Morris and a 1926 AJS bike. I have riden a few veteran bikes in rallys though., great fun.
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