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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

3D printing for the Dapol N Gauge Terrier Chassis

The other day I was browsing the blogs seeking inspiration and stumbled across SNCF Stephen's excellent litte 3D printed Drasine project. This got me thinking about a small is beautiful approach to N gauge modelling. After all, 3D printing costs depend purely on cubic centimeters of 'stuff' used rather than complexity....   ...so a small, fiddly model seems to offer the best value!   A while ago I bought three Dapol Terriers with an eye to using the chassis for some unspecific project, at so

Will J

Will J

Shunting the yard

In my last entry I mentioned that we had a few problems with Swaynton at the Tring show.   The desire of the group that we should make an effort to run 100% to period. So far due to the lack of stock we have run trains of various regions and periods. We have always tried to keep each train within it's own period, i.e. Southern (1930) engine with 1930 Southern stock etc. However we were aware that this confused the public and really didn't present a good example of a finer scale layout that w



Half Term at South Yard

I thought I would introduce South Yard by concentrating on what it is for so here is a picture of South Yard set up in the holiday cottage that we rented last week for our half-term holiday on the North York Moors.     I don't claim any originality in any of South Yard's ideas (or the title of this posting) - the main inspiration came from David Mallott's 'Chapel Wharf', particularly his idea of having a layout that could easily be taken on holiday to provide entertainment in case of inclem



Welcome to my Skaleby blog.

I have only been a member of RM Web for a few days, but I thought that I would get started with a blog about the construction of my first solo model railway. I have had no previous modelling experience other than helping my dad build his, never finished, layout when I was a child. This is definitely going to be a learning process.   Today I thought I would introduce my layout and hopefully I'll get round to adding some photos of my efforts in due course.   My layout, named Skaleby (a combin



RT Models jackshaft drive fitted...

For quite some time I've been intending to upgrade my Chivers 'Harlech Castle' to an outside framed version, using the newer Farish 08 chassis. I eventually bought one earlier this year, and it has been sat awaiting attention ever since. The whitemetal body had been originally fitted to an old inside framed chassis, which was a bit dodgy in its running qualities, being rather old, with minimal pickup. A few weeks ago I set about dismantling the body (it was unly superglued, so easy enough to



Part 27: Some weathered Swedish Ore wagons :-)

I had a client that had built these from kits (brass/white metal), and he wanted them painted and weathered. I primed and painted them with Phoenix paints, when I got to the decaling I got into trouble (wich didn't really show at this point......). There were 4 sheets of decals with most decals for all for cars on one sheet. The problem was that one of the sheets looked okay..... the rest looked "old"..... I applied them on a gloss surface and used both micro-set and micro-sol. There was som

M Graff

M Graff

Pointwork for Heathley Kirkgate

A brief interlude to the pseudo-historical mumbo-jumbo - some actual modelling!   The first turnout (a B6) has been built (apart from the stretcher bars) and temporarily placed in place. This is my first attempt at a C&L turnout and whilst it took a while to build and I'm not 100% happy with it I can see where I can improve and I'm certainly encouraged that this is the way forward for me. This has been built to BRMSB (DOGA Intermediate) standards for several reasons: I already had a set



K's E116 b set part 1

having spent the last week I'll in bed, ive taken the opportunity to do 5 minutes modelling before my course this morning (will also. E finally able to make a dash to the post office at lunch!) Thanks to the genorisity Of Ian Smith I now have the first half of my E116 B set On first glance it looks like a lot of work to do At the moment my plan is: Prep all components Remove moulded grab handles and end detail Remove raised lines for doors and scribe replacements - this is because there ar

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Im back! Has anyone missed me?

Hello   OK, so its been ageess and aggeess since my last post and I apologise. It does seem to be normal now for me to stop modelling for a month or so around this time of the year and this year has been no real exception. I havent totally stopped but there hasnt really been anything worth posting recently. I know things will return to normal at some point though.   One thing that hasnt helped is being without any broadband here at home. For some reason my original ISP decided to cut my bro



alternative history pondering...

if you didn't know, my layout is late 1940's LMS purely for wanting to run LMS stock and livery when I'd really rather be modelling early 50's in order to be showing the advent of personal motoring for the average man (brought about by cheaper and easier to run and maintain cars such as the morris minor etc) This would put me firmly into BR days, which I've now got nothing against, but at the time of starting railway modelling, I was put off by the custard/mustard colour that ready to run MK1's

Black Sheep

Black Sheep

I certainly don't spend too much time on here !

Well again months roll by and I've not done too much. Just a little weathering to 4 Ore Hoppers, trying to decide which was best, Dapol, or Bachmann.     From my own point of view I find the Dapol version better because there are less plastic moulding marks. Having said that Dapol have an incorrect wagon number and although 22 or 24 ton they marked theirs 12 ton !! Once weathered a swipe of rusty paint over part of the number and weight hides the mistake. With the Bachmann even a splash



3D Printing - N Gauge Rolling Stock

In my last few blog entries I have been hinting at an exciting announcement. Well today is, finally, the day of that announcement. Indeed it has been a very exciting 2 months for me, although I have had other things on my mind and not been able to do much actual modelling I actually commissioned CCE to do some CAD design work for me on a piece of rolling stock I wanted to make.   My main interest is French N gauge (as regular readers will probably know). French N gauge is less developed than

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

More on the Bridge (New Layout Morfa Bach)

Some progress,not a lot, but some progress!   I have almost completed the bridge, it still needs some more colour dry brushing as I'm not satisfied with the grey, It seems to have a blueish cast to it, so more work is needed here. Handrails need making and fitting. The main purpose of this entry though is to show where it goes on the layout.   Over on the right hand side! I had to get the bridge built and the track laid on it because that sets the datum for the height of the rest of the



Back in the 'Tank'

I have to say sorry yet again for delay in posting; this time it’s down to illness, - I’ve been hammering the NHS stock of medication and doctors time! However I’m now in recovery mode and getting some time in ‘The Tank’. The J10 is now at the frame assembly stage but getting to grips with all the gubbins associated with a CSB chassis, and a split-frame one to boot, has tested not only the little grey cells but also the deteriorating hand-eye coordination. For years now, I have started on a ch

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

Short trains for short layouts

Brake Third, Third, Composite, Brake.   Above: Small layouts require short trains. Recently I've been looking at prototype examples of short GWR formations in pre-grouping days, and options for employing them on Farthing. Here are some of the more obvious/common ones to start off with. Above are the classic Ratio 4-wheelers, with an RTR-bashed PBV at the end. The Ratio kits constitute a T47 Bke Third, an S9 All Third, and a U4 Composite respectively. I am not sure why these particular


Mikkel in Coaches & Browns

Why I'm Ripping My Track Up

I've started work moving the layout forward again. Here's a photograph of progress since I got back from Peterborough. Progress has gone backwards to move forwards. I've printed out and mocked up the main railway buildings, the station and signal box. I want to get these started, and they can be worked on and completed before being incorporated into the layout when it is ready. That bit is all fine so far. You will see that a large chunk of the rear siding has been removed.     It seems fas



PCP Panel, Rolling Road, Test Rig

One of the reasons for lack of progress on the Duke is that I've been distracted constructing what has turned out to be a multifunction rig for shows and home.   I've been wanting a programming track when exhibiting for some time, as I have at least one loco still running an R8215 decoder that resets itself to 3 when a short occurs. I have had to seek out a friendly trader or other layout who can reprogram the chip for me. Sociable though that is, I really wanted to be self sufficient.   I'v



Street Lane, nos. 39-47 Parade of Shops

17thAugust 1935 On the left junction with Shaftesbury Avenue, no 39 Walter Barker grocersshop. Next no 41, Arthur Bentley junior has a bakers shop. George Edward Wormald hasa butchers business at no 43. Then at No47 A flag advertising film is hanging fromthe wall. The shops continue until no 81 is reached at the junction with SutherlandAvenue. (copyright Leeds Library and Information Service - see www.leodis.net)   This blog is copyright Nicholas Oughtibridge. All rights reserved.   So



Street Lane, nos. 39-71

StreetLane, nos. 39-71 17th August 1935 Shops on Street Lane, to the left no 39, at the junction with ShaftesburyAvenue ending with No 71 on the right. This is a bakers shop, business of Miss FlorenceGadsby.   (copyright Leeds Library and Information Service - see www.leodis.net)   This blog is copyright Nicholas Oughtibridge. All rights reserved.   Source



Street Lane, nos. 59-81 Parade of Shops

StreetLane, nos. 59-81 Parade of Shops19th December 1932 Parade of shops, on the left no 59 are Harry Parsons, chemist andRaymond Malins, ironmonger, sharing a shop entrance. To the right, no 61 is Fred Burnistonnewsagent and Post office. Babies in their prams are outside the shops. An electricsign for the chemist is on the pavement. (copyright Leeds Library and Information Service - see www.leodis.net) This blog is copyright Nicholas Oughtibridge. All rights reserved.   Sour



The setting for the Street Lane project

I thought it would be helpful to provide some pictures of Street Lane in the timeperiod I am modelling, which is just pre-war. Here is the first of a few pictures:   StreetLane nos. 47-55 Parade of Shops 19th December 1932 On the left is no 47 Ernest Carrick Foster chemists shop is onthe pavement. Next to the right is no 49 H Caress and son, drapers, then no51 AmosWebster, boot and shoe shop. The shops continue Newbys greengrocers at No55 is behindthe delivery bike on the pavement. The



A scenic break

There's been a bit of a hiatus in work on the layout. At the end of last year, I suffered a detached retina. It's all been put back together now, but immediately after the event I couldn't see to do anything and then until my eyes stabilized there was a mismatch between the two which meant I couldn't do close work (this was brought home to me when I found I couldn't judge the distance to put the brush in the paint jar) So.. I started a lot of projects which still await the finishing touches, suc



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    • Next step completed after the six needed for a track gang have been painted and their foot pedestals clipped off. They will be fitted to the club layout (Axford) as a spot sleepering gang.   First lesson learnt by the experience - it will be easier in future to trim the foot block and drill for the pins before doing the painting.   The reason for the track gang is the l/hand divergent track on this board no longer goes anywhere as it now feeds a single entry sector plate. The
    • This is fabulous Mike.   Thanks for sharing your techniques and it looks stunning in the setting - as Mikkel says, my kinda place!   A nice story and I do hope that they have success.   Love it in BR blue mode too 😀
    • Thankyou for the info.I want a British car but French or American would be OK. My "Dr" from Motley End could do with one of those modern contraptions! Railway modelling causes us all to be very aware of every aspect of life in our chosen era. Its part of the attraction. I could give your Postman a lesson or two in handling parcels also!
    • Thank you Chris and Mike for the input on wording, "motor cars" it is then.   Douglas those 1960s car rallys sound good. There's an annual vintage fair here in Denmark that we sometimes go to. Here's a 1926 Ford T from a couple of years ago.       Returning to the DAPR 3D prints, I have been in touch with Ben of DAPR. He says that they are still available if you enquire. He also has them with the roof drawn up, and in pickup versions.   He says he co
    • No but a modeller freind has owned and restored 3 early T models. Also I was draged to many Veteran car rallys in the 1960's. My dad being a fan.I have owned 50 cars and 24 m/cycles but only one car and one m/cycle were vintage, a1925 Bullnose Morris and a 1926 AJS bike. I have riden a few veteran bikes in rallys though., great fun.
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