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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

We Have The Technology To Rebuild Her....

....not the Bionic Woman, but another Bionic Bulleid - more that later   Two more loco's rolled off the renaming/renumbering and weathering production line this weekend.   First up was Rebuilt West Country 34095 Brentor another one I hadn't done     And then T9 30337, looking her age I might add (photo's have been redone )       Currently awaiting varnishing and weathering in the paintshop is another King Arthur 30797 Sir Blamor de Ganis.   Then the rebuild operation that's



'Doris' settling in..

111114_beattieWT_IMG_1919_WEB, a photo by nevardmedia on Flickr.   With the little Beattie Well Tank now in my possession I couldn't resist popping the little beauty on to Polbrock to see whether it fits in. On that note is 'it' a 'she' or 'he'? Presuming 'she' had a name, I think that 'Doris' would suit? That being the case, 'Doris' is all rather pristine and will in due course be given a little fake patina replicating a working engine rather than looking like a finalist in the X Factor. The

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

Two down, one to go...

I am now two thirds of the way through my three exhibitions in three, back to back, weekends marathon. The second of the three shows last weekend was the Spalding show assisting Mike Wild and the Hornby Magazine team operate his layout Bolsover and Seven Pit Lane.   The Spalding show is a large provincial show and is certainly one of the best in the East of England. This year in particular saw an extremely high standard of layouts on show including the likes of Stoke Summit, Hassell Harbour Br



Lots of pondering, not much building

I thought I better update anyone following my blog on what's been happening since it gained it's legs.   track is currently laid out along the layout, the bridge plonked in place and working on track bed and aligning things.   at the moment I'm toying with the option of point motors or wire in tube (the original plan) however I don't have much distance from the rear of the layout to the first set of points to be able to get the wires below board to the toggle switches to control the points,

Black Sheep

Black Sheep

Maisel Oil Company Number 6 : "Cinn Tìre" - Background Information

This locomotive was created primarily for the Permanent Way's locomotive building competition. Whilst there is still time left in it, I thought I'd allow you to read about it even if you aren't a forum member, although I'd suggest joining.   Please note that the following writing is fictional, and based upon an alternate timeline where the Maisel Oil Company's venture into coal-based oil had been succesful, and as such kept the railway going well into nationilisation. Whilst in the realm of



New layout (thread)

Having measured, planned and all that sort of stuff I'm back with the Border Counties route and its smaller stations with simple track layouts.   Thread here:   After the various things about Blog quality I've decided to go back to the 'thread' approach for the time being at least. This is probably not the worst attempt at blogging (as I have been drawing useful feedback from it!) -but I do have to confess to not really knowing what I am doing with regards blocks/entries etc - and its not

Russ (mines a pint)

Russ (mines a pint)

Empire Basin - Up Starter and question...

I've managed to build the platform starter for the Up line following the description of making a tubular post signal in Mick Nicholson's Constructing and Operating Semaphore Signals (Booklaw publications 1999) I'm pretty pleased with it, particularly the coloured 'Crystal Klear' for the lenses. It still needs the lamp fitting which is why you can see the colours from the rear. Operation is via a servo controlled using a MERG servo4 card (which also gives me bounce).     Having positioned t

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

A new layout

I am continuing to make a new layout set in Glasgow in an inner-surburban area, a contemporary ficional station inspired by Polkshields East. It will have mrk 3 and mrk 1 catenary masts and will have foliage and a background of tenements which I may paint on the backdrop. I am just working out the clearances on the slightly curved platforms using the simple but effective masking tape and a pencil method. I attached a pencil to the centre of my longest bogie on one side pointing downwards.



Barn Free!

Progress on Morfa Bach has been slow to stop just lately, I have realised that the original plan (not drawn to scale) was going to turn out a little bit too cramped, so, I am having a rethink on the buildings. The track plan is not going to change though in fact I am toying with the idea of introducing a narrow gauge (009) line to exchange with the standard gauge siding. (Nothing definite about that yet so it may or may not happen.)   The bridge keepers cottage will be staying as will the sho



45xx 5512 in GWR - P4 Conversion part 2

Another day and a bit more progress,   The new frames have now been tidied up to match the metal frame, then checked to ensure that the body fits on correctly. In doing so I have noticed another issue with the body retaining screws being directly behind the buffer beam (and as such will probably have to be removed to fit screw links...)   I have now almost finished the underside modifications, the Bachmann keeper plate has had the break gear / springs chopped off and sanded back to get a fl

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

End Loops

Hi,   These are some mock ups of our proposed end loops. We just used a piece of flat board to mark out the proposed board design and lay some curves to check gauge and clearances for stock. The end loops will be made in four sections and will use 9" width boards to provide the trackbed. The radius for the inside track is 36". Each board will have 2 cuts made at 22.5 degrees so that when put together they will form a 90 degree section. Pictures will describe this better than I ever could.  



Painting the Scenic Boards

Hi,   We have decided to fully seal our modular boards, by fully priming and painting them. The underside will be glossed white and a matt brown will be applied to the topside. Here are a few pictures of three of the scenic boards (the ones that are not curved), they have been fully primed and curently a single coat of white gloss has been applied to the underside.     There was also a small scenic cutting on the far right hand board, as our track plan didn't call for this then



Scenic Boards

Hi,   Here are a few images of the Scenic Modules setup during one of our club meetings, there's a 1:1 print out of an earlier track plan laid on top, but it isn't a million miles away from the one we decided to go with. Yes I had lots of fun with sticky tape   Cheers.



Whats happening in Marble Rose?

Firstly, The Dragon Statue is ready , along with a tree.   We have got a list ready, We will have Hornby Locos (Hoorah!!!!) Bachmann/Hornby Coaches/Cars   Hornby / Dapol OO scenery (and some of my own )   And some things by Cooper Craft.   Also i have been looking for inspiration.   We have some paint ready.   Budget is down to £40 but Christmas is coming.   Some Wagon Fills Ready.   ______________________________________________________________________________ Thanks, Prodigy



The Start

Hi everybody and welcome to this Blog covering the construction of 'Heworth Sidings', a modular exhibition layout being built by several members of the Yorkshire Area Group of the N Gauge Society.   The initial concept for this layout was put together towards the end of September 2011 as our group had 3 modular 4' by 21" boards available. We started putting some initial thoughts together and it was decided that we would put together a British Outline scene having a main line (up/down) with pas



Railex 2011

This is a week late, but I spent a couple of hours today going through my images from Railex, adding captions, and picking some to show off. We had a good show, packing and setup were both painless, and I opted to put the layout up on plastic crates (weighted with bricks) on top of the supplied table to improve the viewing height. I think this worked quite well, but I need to give a bit more thought to display next time: The pelmet made conversations with punters a bit tricky at times, and witho

Will Vale

Will Vale

Oooh Beattie, You're a Right Beauty!

Earlier today a much awaited Beattie Well Tank commissioned by Kernow Model Rail from Dapol was handed to me by the postman. This is the main reason for my current 'micro' taking the name of Polbrock, it being built to justify this delightful purchase which rarely ventured outside Cornwall.   This isn't a review, that's been well and truly covered in the popular press and on various railway forums, so this more of a punter's appraisal, and the first thing to make an impression was just how gre

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

Duke The Lost Engine - Work begins

This is one locomotive I've wanted to do for a long time, and as such, starts a whole new fleet of Narrow Gauge engines for a proposed layout I'm doing. Failing that, it'll make for a nice collection.     The kit itself is the Langley Models kit for the Larger Englands. Whilst not correct, it's as good as i'll be able to do Duke for now. Not a bad model, although the ammount of work needed on the parts is a bit of a pain. Considering kits sold for half the price are nowhere near as bad



45xx 5512 in GWR - P4 Conversion

While I try and get my head around how to set up the compensation in my etched kit for 4573, I have got on with a little bit of work on my other 45xx, which will be finished as 5512 in post war GWR livery.   Why 5512? It was chosen due to the number of photos in the 1947/48 period that are published in the Cheddar books, including two photos showing it with LMS coaches (a rake that will be modelled at some point).   As for the model, The starting point is a Bachmann angled tank model in Gre

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Refurb 4CEP part 3

Just this week, I took delivery of my first bash at laser cut windows. They turned out really well, and at 30 Canadian dollars for enough to re-window the whole CEP, were not too expensive. I used a local supplier here in Toronto called sawdust and noise, friendly and prompt service (usual disclaimer applies - no affiliation!)     One problem however was that as a newbie I forgot to take account of the kerf (the width of the laser beam when cutting the material) which has made them ever so



Competing Interests

Not a new embankment but the same paper and paste techniques used to replace the coving and cover the opening for the old Central Heating flue!     The last fortnight has been dominated by swapping out the oil fired boiler for a heat pump, and making good the plaster and paintwork. Crawling around in the eaves makes a change from ballasting. Not sure which I most prefer!     Since my last post, ballasting of the mid-level single track junction has been completed. It is maybe reminis

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

Catch Up and Open Day

It has been nearly three months since our last update, and since then the club has had two significant events.   Firstly, we attended the Gaugemaster open weekend at the beginning of September with Yamanouchi Oshika. Following some minor gremlins to begin with, the layout operated well, and on the whole it was an enjoyable weekend. Those scenic changes planned were more or less completed, which certainly has made the layout more visually interesting...   The ramp providing access to the ya



Sabotaged & Defeated!

111112_polbrock_IMG_1894_WEB, a photo by nevardmedia on Flickr.   Polbrock - late summer 1971 and the contractors are slowly clearing the line from a railhead 4 miles to the west of here. By May 1972 the rails had finally gone for good. Bigger version of the above photo here.

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

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    • Next step completed after the six needed for a track gang have been painted and their foot pedestals clipped off. They will be fitted to the club layout (Axford) as a spot sleepering gang.   First lesson learnt by the experience - it will be easier in future to trim the foot block and drill for the pins before doing the painting.   The reason for the track gang is the l/hand divergent track on this board no longer goes anywhere as it now feeds a single entry sector plate. The
    • This is fabulous Mike.   Thanks for sharing your techniques and it looks stunning in the setting - as Mikkel says, my kinda place!   A nice story and I do hope that they have success.   Love it in BR blue mode too 😀
    • Thankyou for the info.I want a British car but French or American would be OK. My "Dr" from Motley End could do with one of those modern contraptions! Railway modelling causes us all to be very aware of every aspect of life in our chosen era. Its part of the attraction. I could give your Postman a lesson or two in handling parcels also!
    • Thank you Chris and Mike for the input on wording, "motor cars" it is then.   Douglas those 1960s car rallys sound good. There's an annual vintage fair here in Denmark that we sometimes go to. Here's a 1926 Ford T from a couple of years ago.       Returning to the DAPR 3D prints, I have been in touch with Ben of DAPR. He says that they are still available if you enquire. He also has them with the roof drawn up, and in pickup versions.   He says he co
    • No but a modeller freind has owned and restored 3 early T models. Also I was draged to many Veteran car rallys in the 1960's. My dad being a fan.I have owned 50 cars and 24 m/cycles but only one car and one m/cycle were vintage, a1925 Bullnose Morris and a 1926 AJS bike. I have riden a few veteran bikes in rallys though., great fun.
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