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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Beattie comes to Whitborough...

30586 rolled into Whitborough Quayside a couple of weeks ago and psoed for a couple of photos, and prompted me to have my first go at adding various steam effects to hide the prominent NEM pocket, which has yet to be removed befor the coupling loop for Spratt & Winkles is fitted, and a small amount of weathering applied, these locos always seemed to be pretty tidy, but a little touch of working dirt is needed to take off the plastic sheen.     I also took the oportunity while at the



Rip it up and Start Again

Had a day off today so started to remove the bits of 4gig mk1 that are no longer needed     The platform will be reused but the cinders are in the bin. I was relieved to find the pva softened easily with water - still made a mess of the kitchen though!



Basilica Fields

I have an external blog - a journal, if you will - in which I have been recording the research and construction of a long-term modelling project in ScaleSeven which will cover the Metropolitan Railway’s Inner Circle Extension, the Extended Widened Lines, and the East London Railway Extension as well as the Great Eastern lines out of Liverpool Street. Such a large area could not possibly be replicated in it’s entirety, so it is proposed to concentrate on the underground lines just east of the ju



Taking trains for a ride

Its been a while since I did any model making, and even longer since I posted anything on this blog. I have been blogging in other forms. Just not here ! After a long summer and lots of Hospital visiting my mum passed away in October. This has resulted in my Dad and I spending more time together. It seemed a natural thing to find a way to share our mutual interest in model making. To that end I have taken a few tentative steps back into the shed and more tentative steps into the world of R/C mod



MR&SF goes digital / other news

MR&SF will be controled by a Bachmann E-Z Command Center.   We will be getting: Bachmann UK 32-830 Ivatt Class 2 2-6-0 6402 & tender in LMS black OO Gauge (1:76th scale) £68 430 3 In Stock Now £68 Remove Bachmann UK 34-226D 57ft Corridor brake end 3rd coach in LMS Crimson. OO Gauge (1:76th scale) £18 212 More than 10 In Stock Now £18 Remov



The spoils of War(ley) & Ropley Progress (or lack of!)

Hi all.   A rather intense period of work hasn't seen much opportunity for work on the layout recently, however things should start moving again and a trip to Warley has give me a burst of enthusiasm!   The main purchase at Warley this year were a couple of the new DCC Concepts Cobalt point motors with a decoder built in, removing the need for a separate decoder. It also brings the price down slightly!   I am a big fan of these motors. Smaller than a tortoise and a doddle to wire and pr



K's E116 B-Set - Part 3 - Body Complete

Having fitted extra spacers to the top of the sides, the next task was fitting the roof.   For the first coach (a very late production example of the kit) the roof appears to be much thicker than the earlier production kit that I sourced for the 2nd coach. As a result of this thickness the fit is very poor.   a combination of reshaping the ends curve, and thinning the outer 5mm of the roof (careful filing and scraping with a square ended knife blade) I got the roof to fit. However the rail

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Chivers SECR J Class

I thought I'd start a new blog to record my slightly hamfisted attempts at building 4mm loco kits.   The first victim is a Chiver's SECR J class 0-6-4T. These are one of Harry Wainwright's more obscure classes - there were only five of them, and all were scrapped by 1951. I've heard it claimed they were the last 0-6-4T tanks in Britain (although the type survived in Ireland until 1969 due to the Sligo, Leitrim and Northern Counties' peculiar attachment to them).   When finished it will be 31



Empire Basin - Banner repeater - Eek these things are small!

The internet is a great tool for research for this hobby of ours. Following inquiries on the Scalefour forum I was pointed at some drawings of banner repeater signals. I found few pictures on 'Adrian the Rocks' signalling web page http://www.roscalen....gnals/index.htm and following a quick email Adrian sent me a couple of pictures showing the rear of the banner signal without having to resort to Eileen's extreme products.     At just under 11mm in diameter the result isn't big and has caus

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Etching to get something done....

Hello.   Well as the title says I have been busy trying to resurrect my modelling mogo and I have found the solution at the moment with etching stuff. For years I had a mental barrier regarding etching and how to draw things for etching. This fortunately has recently been lifted with the help of talking to others and trying out various things in Acad and the first results have arrived back from the etchers today.   I was racking my brains as to something which I could use as a trial to see i



There and back again.

This entry should signify the start of me putting some productive contribution back into RMWeb after what has been a very long and fallow time for me in modelling terms of at least 24 months or so. The last four months or so I've been playing catchup with a big backlog of commissions (I'm astonished that some people were prepared to wait until I was ready to start again!) and it's been a very hectic but thoroughly enjoyable time getting back to doing some modelling done again. Almost like coming



Penguins & Pillboxes

111119_polbrock_IMG_1960-web, a photo by nevardmedia on Flickr.   Mr & Mrs Penguin ponder on whether they should go in to The Pedant & Armchair public house next to the halt at Polbrock.   Deep down in the mystical country of Kernow all sorts of strange creatures are know to exist, everything from druids and dragons through to the well known but elusive Beast of Bodmin Moor.   The Pedant & Armchair public house was known to attract all sorts of strange creatures, many with thic

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

An idiot's error & consequent frustration

What a frustrating week!   One of the good things about modelling LNER locomotives is the ready availability of reliable information. Who really needs more information than is available from the small grouping of: RCTS Volumes –“Locomotives of the LNER”; “Yeadon’s Register of LNER Locomotives”, and Isinglass Drawings; ?   As far as I’m concerned, if it ain’t in one or other, or all of those, then you don’t need to know!!!!!   This week I’ve found out how very useful it is t

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

Collett Goods 2220: Part 1

Following on from my thread here requesting details of the class, Its about time I described the work completed so far on my Collett Goods.   So far the majority of effort has been spent preparing the body shell, a quick overview: This model had already been fitted with sprung buffers, which were removed to be replaced in the new buffer beams. The pipe runs down the side were removed, unfortunately this took the rivets with it so these will be replaced later on. Removal of moulded hand

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

The Armchair & Pedant Now Open for Shandy and Rover 400 Drivers.

111116_polbrock_IMG_1930_WEB, a photo by nevardmedia on Flickr.     The Armchair & Pedant is now in place to hide the right hand exit to the fiddle yard on Polbrock. Of course it still needs a proper sign, but my printer inks have dried up, so until I waste yet more time on cleaning the printer heads and taking out a mortgage to replace the inks it won't be happening for a bit unless I get a print done in the local Boots or Happysnappy next time I'm down in town. The sign on the right han

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

rip it up and start again...

Good evening,   The good news is...it's not the track...as this has been somewhat fashionable in 2mmFS circles of recent...   I am referring to the quayside which has seen some work the last few days.   First up, after repainting the water with a touch of black (thanks Will) I started the PVA layers. The first coat was applied thinly and after leaving to dry overnight, the second was applied. No problems with misting...but it didn't really start to take on the water effect. I guess it wil



Thinking of TOU

Work is ongoing on the station platform. The construction method comprising a 5mm foam board core edged with PECO brick platform mouldings seems to be working well. The ramps have been made with some creative slotting and mitres from the straight pieces to produce the desired angle for the length of slope.   I have also taken some time re-organising the mess in my area of the hobby room. The milling machine has been set up and tried out, although running and cutting at 20,000rpm is quite noisy



Ayjay 2HAL update

Here's another pic of the HAL, this time with some more coats of the green and solebars, footboards and some of the details picked out in black. Roofs are still in undercoat and the bogies still have flash to be cleaned off before proper painting. Handrails on the cab ends and around the driver's and guard's doors are also yet to be added.   I suspect I have used too heavy wire for those main jumpers. Still they are relatively easy to change if I decide I don't like what I have done so far.



New Small Layout gains a name!

After many months of consideration, debate and suggestions (helpfull & otherwise!) I can announce that NSL now has a name...it is to be christened Warewithial Quay. Of all this I will post more anon.   John.

Turin 60

Turin 60

5512 part 3

Only a little more progress today (and unfortunately its too dark to take photos tonight but I will try and get some done tomorrow)   First up the pony truck mounts, This morning before I headed to a revision course I glued the two Bachmann mounts into position on the chassis. Once I got back this evening I then fitted on the two Bachmann pony trucks, which after testing have held up nicely.   The only problem is that I really dont want to use the Bachmann part (given it is far too narrow

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Progress has slowed somewhat!

I always said it would happen! Half term holiday over, back to work, and the progress on Skaleby has slowed to an almost standstill. There has simply been too much paperwork to catch up during the evenings and with the birth of our first child also immenent, my weekends have been taken up with decorating!   I have, at least, managed to sneak out to the occasional model railway show. I visited the recent Burton Rail Fayre which took place at Burton Albion Fc's "Pirelli Stadium". Quite a nice mo



Downtime and the Past

Little progress on Brafferton right now.   Most of the house is now boxed up with an impending move in a week or so's time. I just hope that the layout makes the move unscathed; it is all packed down into it's carrying cradles, but there is the matter of a week in storage between leaving house #1 and arriving at house #2. Fingers crossed.   Meanwhile, seeing Russ' blog (now thread) about his first steps into 2mm reminded me of mine, some 26 years ago. Whilst evacuating the loft I came acro

Tony Simms

Tony Simms

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    • Next step completed after the six needed for a track gang have been painted and their foot pedestals clipped off. They will be fitted to the club layout (Axford) as a spot sleepering gang.   First lesson learnt by the experience - it will be easier in future to trim the foot block and drill for the pins before doing the painting.   The reason for the track gang is the l/hand divergent track on this board no longer goes anywhere as it now feeds a single entry sector plate. The
    • This is fabulous Mike.   Thanks for sharing your techniques and it looks stunning in the setting - as Mikkel says, my kinda place!   A nice story and I do hope that they have success.   Love it in BR blue mode too 😀
    • Thankyou for the info.I want a British car but French or American would be OK. My "Dr" from Motley End could do with one of those modern contraptions! Railway modelling causes us all to be very aware of every aspect of life in our chosen era. Its part of the attraction. I could give your Postman a lesson or two in handling parcels also!
    • Thank you Chris and Mike for the input on wording, "motor cars" it is then.   Douglas those 1960s car rallys sound good. There's an annual vintage fair here in Denmark that we sometimes go to. Here's a 1926 Ford T from a couple of years ago.       Returning to the DAPR 3D prints, I have been in touch with Ben of DAPR. He says that they are still available if you enquire. He also has them with the roof drawn up, and in pickup versions.   He says he co
    • No but a modeller freind has owned and restored 3 early T models. Also I was draged to many Veteran car rallys in the 1960's. My dad being a fan.I have owned 50 cars and 24 m/cycles but only one car and one m/cycle were vintage, a1925 Bullnose Morris and a 1926 AJS bike. I have riden a few veteran bikes in rallys though., great fun.
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