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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

on my workbench

i am currently rebuilding an old Hornby 9F '92220 EVENING STAR' this includes removing the old paint livery and undercoating the locomotive then adding the BR brunswick green livery then applying the transfers and the final pieces such as nameplates and number plates.   these first set of pictures show the locomotive minus the nameplate and lining



DS1169 part 3 - Kadee couplings

The owner of this loco wanted Kadee couplings fitted. I've little experience of using these but I do have some US stock, usefull when gauging coupling height. Obviously there's no room for a NEM socket under the loco so another fitting solution had to be found. I was sent some Kadee 'European' couplings to play with, which have a long 'tail' and are, I think, designed to fit into NEM pockets. The 'base' part of the Kadee was shortened as much as I dare, allowing for the screw hole.   My soluti



Bristol Barrow Road - Back on Track

It has been a while since I updated my blog so I thought it was time to let you know what progress has been made.   I have finally completed the first batch of 15 turnouts and one double slip. These are all now fitted with Brian Morgan TOU's and are ready to be installed on the layout. I have also finished the task of making a further 8 and a double slip for our Scalefour Society area group layout Brinkley [ attending Railex next year ].   Whilst at the Manchester Show in October I decided t



A Test Track in N

I think I've mentioned somewhere on RMWeb that, like many others, space is an issue for me. So now that N gauge RTR models have improved enormously, that might be the way to go in order to get something running! Plenty of small-space ideas on here and elsewhere for inspiration...   But first, new locos would need to be run-in - 'run for half-an-hour in each direction' say the manufacturers' blurb - so a test track would be a good idea.   After scribbling with pencil and paper for a while,

Platform 1

Platform 1

Where angels fear to tread.

Mad houses, poor houses, work houses, whore houses, slums, hospitals, feculent rivers, churches and cemeteries have all succumbed to the steady onslaught of the coming of the railways to East London from the late 1830s to the present day. As the Eastern Counties Railways and its successor the Great Eastern Railway marched inexorably onwards towards the City, they cut a huge gash through the densely populated streets where pickpockets, housebreakers and prostitutes live in great numbers alongside



A little bit of real modelling and some more CAD (yawn!)

All my recent entries seem to be showing yet more CAD, and this one is no different! But as time allows some real modelling is happening. Two early CAD models are progressing along, these being Leeds 301 and the middleton Bogie, both of these were produced in WSF by shapeways, to be honest they may end up not being completed and substitute bodies in Prime Grey may be used, however it seems a shame to not push them on.   301 is at paint stage, usual story here Rover Monza Red for Leeds red, the

Red Devil

Red Devil

A view from the line #4 The water tower a presence and pressure…

The imposing long building beyond the turntable at Fisherton Sarum is a representation of the water tower, dormitory and stores building at Salisbury. It dominates the turntable end of the layout and although over 2 foot long is actually a good 6 inches under scale length.   The water tank at Salisbury held 110,000 gallons and fed both the shed and the station water cranes totaling 12 in all, with eight in the station and four in the shed yard. The water pressure at Salisbury was maintained un



The near finished Silver Fox Class 22

I have now fully glazed the windows, after earlier drilling and filing out the solid engine room side window apertures. I flush-glazed the windscreens a couple of years ago but I think I will have to redo one of them. I also painted the body at that time but have now finished off most of the details. An added refinement was to fit Bachmann sprung buffers. I still need to tidy a couple of rough patches on the light stripe along one side, and then give it a good coat of varnish, followed by a dece



1st Entry on my new scratch building blog

Hi RMweber's I've started a new blog at http://nscalenswgrandpommy.blogspot.com/ which will follow some of the scratch building I do in N scale.   The first entry is regarding a Victorian Era Signal Box I'm building at the moment:   I hope you find it encouraging, Best Regards, James



Starting work on the roof slates

When I joined RMWeb and posted some pictures to a gallery (3 Dec 2011) I had reached the stage where the train shed roof for Tavistock was structurally complete but needed the slates added to it. The picture attached shows the roof as it was last Saturday.     The slates I have used in the past on the station building were produced by Ian Barefoot under the trade name of ClearSolutions and are printed as sticky labels on good quality paper. As these worked very well for the building roof,

John Brenchley

John Brenchley

25. Goods Shed Platform Replacement.

The OO Garden Shed By John Geeeee   I have replaced the cardboard platform with a plastic based one. Made from a Ratio platform kit and scratchbuilt steps. I painted it to give a stone effect in my usual way as described in previous entries. It is fixed down with a bead of milliput. The milliput just needs painting and a few crates and other goods added to finish it off.                

John Geeee

John Geeee

JMA coal hoppers finished. Plus a transrail grid.

Well after a final push ive managed to get these wagons finished! The blog entries show that this has taken a considerable length of time, but this shouldn't be confused with this being a difficult project, more that i take an age to complete anything. Obligatory shot of them on my loft layout.   This is one of the end wagons which have recieved heavier weathering, due to ( i think ) brake dust from the loco, apart from that there is not a massive amount of weathering/dirt from coal, in a



Adding to the electrics

Following on from extending the board and laying the extra siding it has been necessary to add a couple of additional switches to the control panel - bottom right:     The panels are made from 3mm thick high density fibre board, hardboard as I used to know it. After drawing the line of the new siding on the front of the panel the next task was to drill two pilot holes where the new switches were to be located.     These initial pilot holes were gradually opened out using ever bigger s

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

Early DMUs in Scotland.

Two sets were loaned by the Eastern Region to the Scottish Region for a period of 14 weeks. They arrived at Leith Central on the 13th April 1956 and they started running on the Gullane branch (closed to passengers some 25 years previously) for crew training. They were placed in service on the 11th June to determine the suitability of using DMUs on certain routes. One set operated between Waverley and Galashiels, and the other on the Gleneagles, Creiff and Comrie line. This second line became com

Saint Johnstoun

Saint Johnstoun

Work over the summer

I have now finished the diorama for the Hotel/Large manor house (haven't decided which yet) and it is now in it's place next to the fiddle yard, which has now been extended to six tracks , plus a short one for a Railcar                           AS mentioned in another entry the church diorama has now been added             Work has also been done on the Gasworks and the wood                       I 'm in the process of planning my winter job whi



Roding Reach: new baseboards and other progress

A while back the home made baseboards for my first attempt at building Roding Reach were looking less likely to deliver what I wanted - a sturdy and portable layout. Possibly with exhibition in mind.   With input from SWMBO and other voices of reason on RMWeb I upgraded the baseboards with two kits from Model Railway Solutions.   These kits were topped off with MDF and the original viaduct repositioned. I've now added a back scene and sector table. There's still two small pieces of woodwork



Ropley - Carriage shed progress

Hi all.   Slow progress is being made with the carriage shed building for Ropley. The laborious task of applying each individual raised section of cladding is not the most enjoyable modelling task to date, but hopefully the end result will be worth it!   In the previous entry a request was made to show the process of construction, so here’s a quick run down also showing the progress to date.   The first step was to work out the dimensions of the building. This was done using photos to gene



Fiddling About

Hello.   Just an entry to blog my progress on things really, nothing special....   I have been slowly working along the fiddleyard, to date I have track laid on one of the semi-circular end boards and I have now started on the rear board...     The above picture shows the beginnings of the bit that the cassette slots into, just to the right of the cassette I have removed the cork and added a piece of plywood. As the Aluminium angle is going to be screwed to the boards here I wanted some



Wheal Elizabeth the next bit

OK, so as I've mentioned in earlier posts, the intention is to convert Wheal Elizabeth to through running, whilst still being able to run as terminus when the mood takes me. Those of you who know your Cornish railway history will be aware that there were several schemes to link the Bodmin and Wadebridge line with the Par to Newquay branch, via an extension of the line from Ruthernbridge up to Roche (Victoria). I've never actually seen the confirmed route, but analysis of the OS maps show a coup



Castle bogie - more details

Further to my previous blog, herewith pics showing springing/mounting details for bogie as requested.   The pics should be self explanatory but I am happy to help with any other queries. The large washer bears on the upper face of the bogie (which you can't see in the pics). The slots in the bogie need to move freely on the tube pivot post. The lenth of the tube will determine the amount of longitudinal and lateral rock on the bogie.   I apologise if the pics appear in the wrong order (as th



Letting things slip

I recently purchased an old MTK kit of Ebay of a Sunshine stock slip coach to diagram F24. I'm not a great fan of MTK kits, for those who don't know they come with the sides and roof and solebars all folded up from one sheet of aluminium and they usually have badly fitting ends.   It was described as an unknown kit but resarch before I bid allowed me to discover the coach type and for £12 I didn't think I could go far wrong. The Ebay photo suggested brass sides and so I thought perhaps the pre



Jenswell part 2

Whilst our initial goal is to have a layout ready for Hull Show, we also want to have the layout usable at home. This means it needs to be fairly small and tidy when not in use as a railway.   Croft Depot suited both requirements, also the way it was operated from the front with plenty of opportunity for interaction with show visitors fitted our view of railway modeling as a social activitY. We decided to build something similar.   We were looking at a small shunting layout built into a fou



Tractor painting

Evening all   apologies for the lack of updates. Primarily due to my camera having to be repaired. I don't see the point of blog posts without photos. As the title suggests, I've got the Muir Hill Tractor to the painting stages and have managed to get something approaching a wooden appearance, after a couple of false starts. Just the transfers to add, one or two painting defects to rectify, a little light weathering and we'll be done.   Clevedon has been put away for Christmas, having been



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    • Next step completed after the six needed for a track gang have been painted and their foot pedestals clipped off. They will be fitted to the club layout (Axford) as a spot sleepering gang.   First lesson learnt by the experience - it will be easier in future to trim the foot block and drill for the pins before doing the painting.   The reason for the track gang is the l/hand divergent track on this board no longer goes anywhere as it now feeds a single entry sector plate. The
    • This is fabulous Mike.   Thanks for sharing your techniques and it looks stunning in the setting - as Mikkel says, my kinda place!   A nice story and I do hope that they have success.   Love it in BR blue mode too 😀
    • Thankyou for the info.I want a British car but French or American would be OK. My "Dr" from Motley End could do with one of those modern contraptions! Railway modelling causes us all to be very aware of every aspect of life in our chosen era. Its part of the attraction. I could give your Postman a lesson or two in handling parcels also!
    • Thank you Chris and Mike for the input on wording, "motor cars" it is then.   Douglas those 1960s car rallys sound good. There's an annual vintage fair here in Denmark that we sometimes go to. Here's a 1926 Ford T from a couple of years ago.       Returning to the DAPR 3D prints, I have been in touch with Ben of DAPR. He says that they are still available if you enquire. He also has them with the roof drawn up, and in pickup versions.   He says he co
    • No but a modeller freind has owned and restored 3 early T models. Also I was draged to many Veteran car rallys in the 1960's. My dad being a fan.I have owned 50 cars and 24 m/cycles but only one car and one m/cycle were vintage, a1925 Bullnose Morris and a 1926 AJS bike. I have riden a few veteran bikes in rallys though., great fun.
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