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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Scenery encroaches while long goods are propelled

It's been a long time since this blog was updated, and without the temporary platforms and some buildings it looks almost as if nothing much has happened in 10 months. Not so, much has been done to tweak the trackwork to make it reliable - even if it's not all wired up yet - and at the London end the scenic base for the cutting is now ready for planting and the insulation foam is now encroaching towards the station area.   So here are a few snaps from last Thursday, with a variety of Mike's m



Blue sacrilege..

Rich - if anyone would have said that I'd have a couple of diesels on my test track a year ago I would have thought them deluded.... However, I confess I have always liked the class 25s having lived next to them (near Toton sidings for a good few years) and having heard that particular sound which a Sulzer has. Unfortunately,once I had one and offered power to it and saw how easily it runs in contrast to my steamers, my interest was well and truly aroused!   Fortunately, the 0-4-4T chassis ar



Servo mounting for N gauge Peco points/turnouts

I'm using Peco code 55 track for Burwood and have decided on Servo operation as this offers the realism of slow action at a much lower cost than stall type motors. My kit is as follows: Merg CBUS (connected to PC) CBUS servo module (can drive 8 servos) 9g servo Adapter plate Peco code 55 point I'm not using microswitches for frog switching, as this is being done by separate relays.   I've come across a number of people describing methods of mounting and aligning servos man



And the wheels go round!

Having read comments about track cleaning on one of the forums I struck me that one thing that is often overlooked is that of keeping the wheels and pick ups clean.   getting my stock ready for tomorrows outing to Weston got me thinking that the wheels are often overlooked and poor running is not just down to track problems.   To clean my wheels I use this handy device.       Supplied by a certain Cornish emporium, it's not cheap at nearly £23, but, the time and trouble saved it's we



a euro for your thoughts...

Good morning,   Many thanks all for your interest and enthusiasm for this new project.   Whilst it was originally timetabled for May 2014, Chris, the BHMRC exhibition manager read my proposal, liked it and floated the question whether it could even be ready for May 2013... Let's just say (I know you might be dropping into this Chris) that it could be a distinct possibility...as I have been working on Kyle again and prepping CJM for its next phase...   This week, in between trying to award




Just before Christmas I joined MERG as they offer a number of well developed electronics designs for layout automation (my interest - there are other things available too) which can be built for a tiny fraction of the cost of commercial systems.   I wavered for a while before joining - as I have to be careful with my hobby money. However, now that I've joined and have full access to the designs I'm glad I did. If anyone out there is also trying to decide whether or not to join I strongly rec



1st Baseboard build

Hi everyone, Just catching the blog up with my progress from the last few months. Last June we finished replacing our internal doors. Salviging the old ones, I cut the baseboards for Burwood. the West board is shown below. Where cuts were made I planed the edges and reinforced the cavity of the hollow door with some 30mmx20mm pine strips.       I took over our living room for a day to fit removable pin hinges which I am going to use to join the boards. (sorry, I forgot to take a pic



Upton Dene Layout Construction Blog - weekly update

I thought I'd probably make weekly updates for the foreseable future - there's a lot of other stuff going on - trying to move the old house (now 'sold STC') into the new whilst still decorating the new house etc!   There has been some progress - the testbed track has been basically laid - just got to solder up the secondary rivets (those that are on plain track..) However, the rivet method has one advantage when constructing a 9' straight switch per GWR practice.. In real life the heel of



Victoria Bridge, genuine progress for once!

Hello everyone, and a belated mid-January Happy New Year to all on RMWeb!   I'm sure I am not the only one to have experienced a surge of 'actual modelling' over Christmas with the temporary lack of gawping at other people's fine creations on RMWeb. I took it upon myself to get cracking on my Victoria Bridge diorama..   (part decorative display shelf, maybe occasional exhibitable micro layout)   ..which had begun life with some tentative woodwork, but little else, a year ago, the previous

Will J

Will J

Conditions for entering a blue period....

There is something about a double headed train..... Perhaps its a Midland thing? The 25 and 24 were common partners I believe, and I think look good together.   I suppose I ought to get on with some proper modelling again soon. I seem to have lost impetus since November, and I've quite a bit to do still on Little Midland before I can indulge in a blue period layout. . More has gone into the work box than has been done during the past year- I kid myself I'm saving it up for early retiremen



Leeds 600 Prime Grey model

First model of Leeds 600 arrived from I Materialise arrived this week, overall quite happy, there's some minor stepping on the roof but that should be easily sorted.     Advert boards are on a test etch by Mark Hughes, early impressions are that he's got them absolutely spot on, so hopefully this should be a nice easy model to complete. It goes straight onto a Halling C mech which is pretty much spot on for bogie centres etc.   Meanwhile one of 'the other' Leeds railcoaches gets a bit cl

Red Devil

Red Devil


I got sidetracked from the usual sound-based activities this morning by a bit of railway photography at Lea Marston. I also managed to fit in some 'real' modelling, having made a start on weathering my rake of BDA's. I spent yesterday morning round at a pal's where we milled the cast lumps off the underside of a Bachmann 20 and a Hornby 56, both in readiness for underframe mounted, downward facing speakers. Tonight's task was to turn Bachmann's clip-on battery box sides for the 20 into a rectang



"Budget" Rail Head Treatment Train RHTT with Hornby Railroad

Living next to the East Coast Mainline, the Autumn RHTT is a welcome site, and often an excuse for the use of #ClassicTraction on the Great British Mainline. After encouragement from RMweb member, friend and fellow photographer, JaymzHatstand, I have decided to post progress on my "budget" RHTT made with Hornby Railroad items, some old spare bits, and scratchbuilding.   He directed me to the RMweb article 00 RHTT KIT, which details construction of a more prototypical set of RHTT units, with



Plans for 2012

We are a week into 2012, the festive season is well and truly over, and New Year resolutions already broken. It is time to look seriously at some objectives for 2012. On the Rede Valley, my 2011 aim was to have an operational layout that could run trains. The main obstacle to this had been completion of the Viaduct, so that the continuous main line circuit could be completed. This was achieved, and by and large the layout is operational. There is still quite a lot of track to lay in order to c



A little taster of what I've been up to

Hi all,   Since I completed my 2011 challenge entry I have been planning a new layout which can be put into a small enough package which can fit into the boot of my car. This is currently a 2010 Vauxhall Astra Sport 3dr, so the boot isn't massive.   I wanted to build the baseboards out of decent lightweight materials. I had decided on birch ply but all the local suppliers had to specially order it for me and it was a tad too expensive. I found a website which sold 10 A2 sized sheets of la



The Big ED: part 2

A small update. Last night I managed to fret out a new motor bracket from nickel silver sheet. This will be screwed onto the chassis frame once I've arranged some means of dampening any vibration, almost certainly the judicious application of silicon sealant under the bracket...       While I had the parts to hand, I removed the flywheels from the big 1824 in preparation for fitting them to the new motor. These have been 'modified' (or butchered) to leave sufficient space to get the univ



The finished mk1's

Completed a few month's back but not uploaded here is the completed rake of 5 coaches sprayed and lined for somebody. Painted as follows: 2 primer + 2 maroon + varnish + transfers (fox) + varnish. I don't think they look too bad. As he didn't want the interiors doing they have been left untouched.          

Howard Smith

Howard Smith

Article on Fisherton Sarum published in British Railway Modelling magazine

The February issue of British Railway Modelling magazine has today hit the shelves (subscriber copies should have landed on doormats by now too) and features an article about Fisherton Sarum. The article discusses designing and building a layout taking inspiration from an actual location rather than being an exact scale model of a location or being totally fictitious, just as I have done using Salisbury as the inspiration for Fisherton Sarum. The article coincides with Fisherton Sarum



RT Models Chaldron wagons - part 1.

Chaldrons (or Chauldron if you prefer) were a very basic and ancient design of wooden coal waggon predominantly used in the North East. They feature bottom doors to be used over coal drops or staithes. The particular style of chaldron that the RT Models kit is based on is of the type used at Londonderry Colliery and at Seaham Harbour. These 4 ton capacity waggons were built in the 1860's and some lasted in use into the 1970's, famously used with Seaham's Lewin and Head Wrightson locos for picki



Contrast - is it infectious?

Greetings,   Two very different offerings tonight.   Firstly, the completed chassis for my Johnson 0-4-4T kit, kindly built for me by Damien at 2mm Locomotives. I will attempt to blacken this by brush, as I don't intend taking anything apart as its all working well enough. Now I have no excuse for not soldering the rest of the locomotive together..       Secondly, dearie dearie me. The arrival of a couple of GF blue and greys to keep my class 25 company... well it doesn't look right r



So Far A Non-Winter ........ So the next project has moved along

I'm never quite certain what to do with a Blog ? What exactly is it ?   Well I use this as a sort of diary of things done and to be done. I have always tended to look forward, but explaining rough ideas for the future would be a waste of time. As a result all I can do is show a few things that have been completed enough to have something to look at.   Back in October a few of us (4) decided to make a lightweight layout where we could have longish trains thundering around. This with a view to



In search of realism...

The wonderful thing about model railways is that it's a hobby with so many different areas to maintain your interest...   Take the garden railway in these photos, a totally different scale, with a totally different prototype - needing lots of research. Then there is the building of a layout and buildings, then modifying or building your stock. Throughout the whole experience there is photography.   Adjusting photographs to improve their realism is nothing new in the hobby. These days with mu

James Hilton

James Hilton

Carriage Shed Painted

Well I got time this week to paint up the shed, here are the results with a brief pictorial stroll through the process. Having started with a black undercoat I put some rust tones randomly across the roof, looking at the pictures from the 50's.     There are 2 brown shades and a dark metallic in there. I wanted some faint rust visible through the grey base.     The base grey was put on with a heavy drybrush.     After 2 lightening tones on the grey I put more careful rust marks o



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    • Next step completed after the six needed for a track gang have been painted and their foot pedestals clipped off. They will be fitted to the club layout (Axford) as a spot sleepering gang.   First lesson learnt by the experience - it will be easier in future to trim the foot block and drill for the pins before doing the painting.   The reason for the track gang is the l/hand divergent track on this board no longer goes anywhere as it now feeds a single entry sector plate. The
    • This is fabulous Mike.   Thanks for sharing your techniques and it looks stunning in the setting - as Mikkel says, my kinda place!   A nice story and I do hope that they have success.   Love it in BR blue mode too 😀
    • Thankyou for the info.I want a British car but French or American would be OK. My "Dr" from Motley End could do with one of those modern contraptions! Railway modelling causes us all to be very aware of every aspect of life in our chosen era. Its part of the attraction. I could give your Postman a lesson or two in handling parcels also!
    • Thank you Chris and Mike for the input on wording, "motor cars" it is then.   Douglas those 1960s car rallys sound good. There's an annual vintage fair here in Denmark that we sometimes go to. Here's a 1926 Ford T from a couple of years ago.       Returning to the DAPR 3D prints, I have been in touch with Ben of DAPR. He says that they are still available if you enquire. He also has them with the roof drawn up, and in pickup versions.   He says he co
    • No but a modeller freind has owned and restored 3 early T models. Also I was draged to many Veteran car rallys in the 1960's. My dad being a fan.I have owned 50 cars and 24 m/cycles but only one car and one m/cycle were vintage, a1925 Bullnose Morris and a 1926 AJS bike. I have riden a few veteran bikes in rallys though., great fun.
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