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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Barrow Hill Mark II

Smoke hoods now in. I only intend to cover 12 roads out of the 24. I took on board the advice about lowering them closer to the locos but looking at the pictures of Saltley and old pics of Barrow Hill I noted that they are about this height anyway. I guess that when initially installed in Victorian times they suited the height of the tall stacks on the steam engines of that time. Hoods for newer roundhouses were then brought down much closer to suit later train design.   Below is a pictu




As a raw beginner in P4 I am in need of a donkey loco for track testing purposes. Can anyone out there please sell me an unwanted P4 runner ? I am modelling the LSWR in 1929 but the donkey can be anything with 6 wheels and a pony truck, so as to give the turnouts a real trial.   Thanks for your attention.   Stuart Shelton.



Camerton in pink foam

I've made steady but slow progress on the baseboards over the last month or two. The boards are made from Knauf SpaceBoard extruded polystyrene which comes in 1200 x 500 x 52.5mm sheets, though it seems they are getting increasingly difficult to obtain (see this thread). End plates were made from 9mm ply and fitted with bolts and dowels from C&L. The front and back facing is 4mm ply. The foam pieces were glued together, and to the plywood, using the non-solvent indoor variety of "No More Nai



Track laying part 1

I can't put it off any longer. Track laying has to start sometime otherwise I will get distracted by something different entirely. The trackplan is really simple so tracklaying is no great difficulty. But I will need to be extra careful around the baseboard joins. Firstly I was quite shocked to find this warning on the back of the pack of code Micro Engineering code 83 rail joiners... Once again the state of California is out to ruin every single part of your life. Really the track laying i

Ian Holmes

Ian Holmes

GW Dia.03 5-plank open

Some 1600 ten ton open merchandise wagons to Diagram 03 were built by the Great Western Railway in four batches during the years 1904-5 and 1912. These wagons were a development of the Diagram 04 introduced three years earlier and incorporated a 4⅛†wider top plank bringing the internal height to 3’3″ which remained the basic standard for GW 10 & 12/13T opens in all future builds. At the same time the width was made wider by 6″ bringing the inside and outside dimensions to 7’7″



N7 rebuild - filling a gaping void

The original Wills kit was designed to fit around a Hornby Jinty or such like with a massive X04 motor protruding into the cab. Having built the chassis with something a little less 'old school' it was pretty clear that the absence of a floor, or backhead or crew was going to be a bit noticable. It isn't as if you can see much in the cab through the windows, it is just that you can really seen the absence of anything through the windows, if that even vaguely makes sense.   So I decided to put

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Lesser known whitemetal figures

I've been exploring some of the smaller and lesser known 4mm whitemetal figure ranges recently. Here's a handful of photos showing a selection of some of them. These are cruel close-ups, but if we're concerned about the details of our stock, shouldn't we be equally concerned about whether the figures look right?     Above: This group of horse shunters are from the Geoff Stevens range, which features sets of railway staff that can be used together in little cameos. As evident



It was only a matter of time...

It had to happen. Didn't it? There I was happily messing around with my iPad sketching out ideas for APA Box layouts and I had to go and test fit the Purfleet Quay idea into in APA box and see if it would fit. In P4. Now I happen to have quite a bit of P4 stuff tucked away in a bag ready for when I start the project that keeps on getting aborted, so a test fit was not difficult A class 08, some Bachmann 16T mineral wagons and Parkside box vans all running P4 wheelsets, five yards of track (a

Ian Holmes

Ian Holmes

Slow progress

It has been a bad couple of days model making wise. But progress else where. The start of the problems was yesterday, it was lovely and cool for here, 23C first thing. Unfortunately this normally means rain, and we were not let down. Hopefully my video will upload, I think it is why it gets called the rain forest.   I could not upload the video, I will see about doing it via youtube, that will be another day now. Well that was yesterdays problems rain stopped play.   Today no model making a



"Gresley D49 Conversion to a Thompson D Class" - Update 3

We're getting there with 62768! I've put it into a black matt coat, and will varnish the areas where there are to be transfers applied. The camera does show up a few areas to sand down again - the steps, for example, so we're not quite ready to shout "finished!" by any means.         This is where we were a day ago, with the model unpainted and with the steps, new buffers and bufferbeam detail newly added. In hindsight I should have sanded it down more, but that can be done when the

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

GWR Toad pt1

Going to need to model a couple of break vans for Cheddar, a topic on which I havent much research yet.   To start with I have an old Bachmann 20t model   The first thing to go were the moulded on hand rails, a pig of a job carefully carving with a new scalple then finishing off with a square ended blade. At the same time I removed the moulded on lamp irons, and the break shoes.   The planed work: New sprung W Irons (just need to confirm which type) New hand rails, still debating w

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

My first V

Following Brain Harrup's excellent example here I've made my first V     It's a 1 in 6 - taken with a similar one from a Waverley point kit (the Waverley is the one at the top)   Nose is a bit blunter than I'd like, but it should be okay.   Right, one more #6 and a #5 to do then it's onto switch blade practice




Good morning,   In between working on Kyle, I have been doing a little further work on this project, sometimes sketching with an espresso and in this case a small model to test ideas.   I think I have said before that I am very interested how layouts present their public face at exhibitions, as a pet hate of mine is to see a fantastic layout...and beneath it, a fairly scruffy base or a piece of cloth tacked along like a washing line...   Firstly, lighting. The first outing for KIAB, I did



All up and running...

nevard_120119_combwich_DSC_1024, a photo by nevardmedia on Flickr. 43216 arrives at at Combwich with the 2.15pm service from Evercreech Junction, August 1961   Yesterday afternoon, Combwich was assembled for an up and under prior to this weekend's show in Guildford. Much to my surprise, it ran pretty well first off, apart from a slight problem with a Peco polarity switch being a tad lazy - next job will be to dismantle the layout and ship it down to the show which is just a couple of miles aw

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

Building a Typical West Highland Station

A typical West Highland Station       I did build a West Highland Station in N Guage in 1985; still have it but it needs a little TLC   While going through the various forums on RMweb I came across Rannoch MoorWest Highland Line Modern Image Project Started by MRDBLUE17 This kindled a little fire in my head and I just had to have a go I managed to get a set of window and door etch done by Pete Harvey to Marks design ; I think they sat beside my printer for a year. In the meantime I



Wheal Elizabeth gains a bridge

The ongoing addition of a running line continues. Here you can see the new bridge with a bubble car where the new platform will be on the viewing side. A shot without the bubble car and the addition of a background blocker. No photoshop here! The bridge was made from cut and shut sections of the existing retaining wall, so the colours match the original bridge exactly. I didn't fancy trying to replicate the stonework from fresh.   The change in levels from the original to new bridge is unfo



getting there...

Good afternoon,   Despite a recent flurry of activity on PWIAB, work has been progressing on trying to finish this project.   I suddenly realised that I was going about it all the wrong way I had been trying to complete the station building before tackling all the other bits and pieces and detailing but whilst not wanting to rush the second attempt at the building, it meant there was no progress on everything else...   So, I decided to reverse that, concentrate all my efforts on all the



Another Test

A further test. Seems like I've got more control over monotone at the moment. (Which is OK for me) David Hockney uses the "Brushes" App on his iPad and iPhone. So I'm downloading that as I type so I'll try that and see what happens with it. Last night I reached for soe P4 track I had and discovered that this sketch would fit in a APA box in P4. A5 turnouts and the stock would only be things like short wheelbase shunters shunting 16T mineral wagons and box vans. Food for finescale thought...

Ian Holmes

Ian Holmes

at last

morning all after many months of following many blogs and threads on rm web its time i dipped my toe into the water!! my last layout about 15 years ago was american switching one about 15 foot by 2 foot based in a downtown city on santa fe rails at the time it was the stranded of the locos and wagons that lead me to the states.what a turn round in British out line models their got fly wheels!!! and as for the wagons its like chalk and cheese i have still got all my american models some of which



Table 6. Miscellanea.

This table is titled Miscellanea. The miscellaneous snippets of information, some of which may be useful, some of which may bring a wry smile to those that know or knew better. The table is sorted by Text, as I assumed that most readers would be seeking information about a particular Class or individual locomotive. Dates are given in the form YYYY.MM.DD. I've used '00' in the date fields where the information wasn't given, i.e. a date of 1981 would be 1981.00.00, July 1981 would be 1981.



Table 5. Images.

This table is titled Images. A sort of graphical miscellaneous bucket. Pictures that I thought others might be interested in. The table is sorted by Text, simply to clump multiple pictures of the same subject together. Dates are given in the form YYYY.MM.DD. I've used '00' in the date fields where the information wasn't given, i.e. a date of 1981 would be 1981.00.00, July 1981 would be 1981.07.00 and 21st July 1981 would be 1981.07.21. As another aid to sorting, I have used the TOPS C



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    • Next step completed after the six needed for a track gang have been painted and their foot pedestals clipped off. They will be fitted to the club layout (Axford) as a spot sleepering gang.   First lesson learnt by the experience - it will be easier in future to trim the foot block and drill for the pins before doing the painting.   The reason for the track gang is the l/hand divergent track on this board no longer goes anywhere as it now feeds a single entry sector plate. The
    • This is fabulous Mike.   Thanks for sharing your techniques and it looks stunning in the setting - as Mikkel says, my kinda place!   A nice story and I do hope that they have success.   Love it in BR blue mode too 😀
    • Thankyou for the info.I want a British car but French or American would be OK. My "Dr" from Motley End could do with one of those modern contraptions! Railway modelling causes us all to be very aware of every aspect of life in our chosen era. Its part of the attraction. I could give your Postman a lesson or two in handling parcels also!
    • Thank you Chris and Mike for the input on wording, "motor cars" it is then.   Douglas those 1960s car rallys sound good. There's an annual vintage fair here in Denmark that we sometimes go to. Here's a 1926 Ford T from a couple of years ago.       Returning to the DAPR 3D prints, I have been in touch with Ben of DAPR. He says that they are still available if you enquire. He also has them with the roof drawn up, and in pickup versions.   He says he co
    • No but a modeller freind has owned and restored 3 early T models. Also I was draged to many Veteran car rallys in the 1960's. My dad being a fan.I have owned 50 cars and 24 m/cycles but only one car and one m/cycle were vintage, a1925 Bullnose Morris and a 1926 AJS bike. I have riden a few veteran bikes in rallys though., great fun.
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