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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Barrow Hill Mark II - The Roof - stage 2

The roof panels are now complete. A couple of pics to show different light levels achieved by altering the camera settings.   A first shot showing the Stygian gloom on an ordinary indoor setting (candlelight).     The next shot on a sensitive setting at a longer exposure. Quality is compromised on this type of setting.     I'm not entirely happy with some of the openings - they are not all flat, but this is because of the thinness of the card used. However, what can you expect whe



O Gauge - Coal Merchant's Shed

Things slowly grind on, I'm a thinking about getting a Tower Models B set... My mind is going around in circles with the folowing... Should I go for GWR livery and mix it in with the early BR? I do like the GWR but its not going to fit... I should really get Blood and Custard - I much prefer Bachmann's paler custard colour on their MK 1's rather than the Hornby as they used on the maunsells... But BR Maroon is a much neater colour - did the B set ever appear in all over crimson? That woul



"Thompson A2/2 build - 60503 Lord President" - Update

Last time I was getting to grips with the major bodyshell conversions. This time, I've finished the valve gear.     Yes, it's very crude. It uses components from the donor A2 model, and a spare set of Bachmann V2 valve gear I had squirreled away. Does it work? Surprisingly, yes. It works quite well. I have managed second radius curves with the model in its current state quite happily.     I've been making modifications to the boiler - removal of certain boiler bands, and a co

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

3D bridge printing and brass chimneys...

With snow falling outside the modelling indoors continues in whichever corners of the house are nearest to a radiator.   In my last post, http://www.rmweb.co....re-forestation/ the one thing in the bridge diorama that is looking a bit shabby, and letting the side down is the bridge itself (herself?). This is soon to change, the twisted concoction of MDF, cardboard and cocktail sticks is to get a new face, printed from a Google sketchup design, with all the nuts, bolts and embossed lettering th

Will J

Will J


I had been looking forward to today's Stafford show for the last few weeks as it would be my first show visit of 2012. This would be my 4th visit in as many years and I knew that there would be plenty of high quality layouts to see and lots of trade stands to tempt me to part with my hard earned cash. I was a bit worried by the snow forecast for the day, but relieved that it hadn't appeared when I left this morning.   As someone who is building my first solo project at home I was hoping to



Fiddling About

Hello.   I like fiddleyards. I like the form and function of them, the way they are designed and built with no scenery in mind, just to do a job and nothing else. The way they are (usually) as simple as possible, just enough to do the job they have to do and nothing more.   Well, thats my thoughts. I know that some fiddleyards are, in what I feel far too over complicated and why? As I mentioned above they are there to do a job, to hold trains ready for displaying on the scenic part of the la



Siphons for Cheddar - Siphon J Build

One of the most important sources of traffic to Cheddar was Strawberries, So much so that there were a dedicated fleet of Siphons marked return to Yatton which were used on this traffic.   Through a discussion with Chris F back at Scaleforum, he mentioned that a Siphon J was included in this fleet. Wanting something a bit different to the Lima and Airfix models that will make up the rest of the fleet, I have finally got hold of a Mallard Models kit   First impressions were good, though a f

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

First go at Airbrushing

It is snowing outside and very cold so I have stayed in the house and got to work on one of my UFO's. This particular UFO is the X3900 which is the Executive railcar for the SNCF management. These were taken by me in 2010. It is now looking a little sorry for itself and is not available for service!   Due to some overenthusiastic filing last year I had to fill some of the front windows and work on them a little this morning. Following this I sprayed another coat of primer onto the shell

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

Ropley - A Greener Green

That's more like it!   Hi All.   After the first failed attempt to paint the Carriage and Boiler shop, a much better green has been found in the form of, appropriately, Railmatch Malachite green. I suppose I should have considered this in the first place, what with the MHR being deep in SR territory....! Suffice to say, I'm much happier with how this looks in comparison to the previous colour!   High-vis man in giant 50p find.   Now, onwards with the roof!   Cheers all



58xx 5813 - Body detailing

Continuing the trend of starting a lot of projects (and finishing none) I've been wanting to get on with this one since finally finding a cheap loco to use for the project on ebay.   Inspired by this blog by Nick (Buffalo),   This will also be getting a High Level chassis, along with the Mainly Trains detailing kit, new washout plugs (following Nicks method) and a scratch built cab interior with an open door.   The inspiration for the project is a 1949 photo in steaming through cheddar s

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Transfix disaster

Tonight was going to be the night I got my 72xx to a runnable state, buffers, plates, a little paint touching up, coal, crew and transfers, Not too much to ask.     It went fairly well, I had the buffers in place, the plates attached, the cab interior finished, except for crew and the transfer went on well. The I noticed my mistake, I had spaced the lettering differently on the two sides. Looking at my picture in Russell of 7240 I decided it was the side with the most spread out lettering t



Harry Detailed

Some of you might have seen in my status updates that I've been fiddling with Summat Colliery's resident shunter "Harry" this week.   He's received a small Stay Alive capacitor pack to his ancient Lenz Standard (not Plus) decoder and I've now turned my attention to the outside.   I started adding some real coal to the bunker, and then went a bit mad sprinkling coal dust and a few large lumps to the footplate.     Needs a quick waft with some matt varnish but I'm pretty happy with the im



Box in a box Pt 1

Well, if you've read my latest 'Upton Dene' entry, you might guess what's coming next!   Basically I need a 'test bed' for a 2mm layout, and I rather like the 'boxfile' idea. All credit here to people like BCNPete who carry the idea out so well! The other inspiration for this entry came from a chapter entitled 'Corsham to Quarry Tunnel' in Colim Maggs's book 'Branch Lines of Wiltshire'.   The building of Box Tunnel revealed the presence of large quanitiies of Bath stone, easily winnable an



Upton Dene - A Revision Revised

Ive spent the last few days mulling over track plans for 'Upton Dene' station. Bearing in mind I want a range of facilities usually found at a secondary main line station (goods shed, cattle dock, coalyard etc) and transfer sidings/mileage yard to serve the branch, plus the branch bay itsel., I was a little worried by the available (12' x 6' 6") space. The maximum radii were never going to be greater than 3', and I felt that everything would look too cramped. I even considered modelling just



I Think I'll Take Up Stamp Collecting!

Well I had deliberately planned a break from modelling over Christmas but after the festivities other family commitments have over ruled any possible desire to go in the workshop. One of these involved a long over due clearing out of the loft space. The bedroom ceilings were at risk ! well not really but......!   This led to a discovery of several old vinyl records and a decision that these should be digitised and interesting though that has been it has kept me out of 'The Tank'   A couple o

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

Why, who and what

Yeovil Pen Mill as it was in 1939 and in 'finescale 00' is a project started by the members of the Taunton Finescale Group (TFG). We felt the need for a high quality, as close to scale as possible layout, that could be exhiited around the South with a small number of operators. So initially four of us, while still remaining members of the Taunton Model Railway Group, have deviated away from Bath Green Park and the S&D, to create it.   To give us an identity seperate from TMRG who ha

Steve Stubbs

Steve Stubbs

Victoria Bridge, re-forestation!

Evening all,   no long rambling stream of consciousness, its been a long day, but instead a bunch of pictures of mini Victoria Bridge on what is becoming a scale model of a sunny summer's day.   A big thank you to TomE (of Ropley fame) for advice and practical encouragement on tree gluing, flock-dusting and pruning. I'm enjoying the continuing expeiments with static grass; using a balloon rubbed on the carpet rather than an expensive electrical contraption, which seems to encourage a random

Will J

Will J

The Big ED: part 3 - glazing and detailing

Cold weekend days in January have their uses. Last Saturday, for example gave me enough time to sort the numbering and glazing out on my DC kits/Bachmann Warship based 74. It still isn't finished, of course. There are little things to do like windscreen wipers, headcode blinds, cab handrails, touching up and weathering left to do, but the impression of what the finished machine will look like is there I think.     Most of the windows are simple rectangles with droplights for the cab and cab



A4 in Primer, now to get the right Blue

I have assembled the loco and tender briefly to check heights etc. and to see the overall impression in primer. My intention is for this to be in BR express loco Blue, which is enjoying a bit of popularity of late and to weather it a bit to try and get an authentic look. The problem is that The correct blue seems to be a real issue at present and Precision paints have withdrawn their colour, stating that it was not popular. Currently I am testing out a colour called Roundel Blue - which I tak

Matthew Cousins

Matthew Cousins

72xx Paint Application and reassembly

Having now applied another coat of the Lifecolor acrylic loco green to my 72xx and brush painting the buffer beams and safety valve/whistles, I couldn't resist putting it back together to see how it looked.     The black is Halfords Matt black car spray, the green is Lifecolor as already mentioned, the buffer beams Phoenix Precission enamel, the safety value/whistles are Humbrol enamel. All on a base of two coats of precision etch primer. So quite a mix of paints on this one.   There are



moving forward again...

Many thanks for all the continued comments regarding the layout, in particular the recent 'backscene crisis'. I decided to reprint option 1 as that seemed to get the most votes and I think the differences are quite subtle but worth it. Although I realise it may not be to everyone's taste, I am grateful to Mike to raise the issue, which prompted debate and actually got me to rethink it and change it albeit in a subtle way. Thanks Mike. I confess I was starting to lose a little interest again with



Upton Dene - weekly update 3

Where were we? Ah yes, waiting for the timber delivery...   The track panels havn't made their appearance yet (but neither has the timber!) - the thought of hand rivetting about 1000 sleepers made me wonder what happened to the rivet-closing tool I'd bought many years ago at an 'ExpoEM'. Still cannot find it! However a really useful list on 'GWR.org.uk' in the links section has provided the e-mail of the person that used to make them. I'm hoping he still does!   So I had to find another



Finally an update - Most of the track is now laid

Well, it's been a while since I posted anything of substance on here beyond sporadic updates, so here we go:     As you, hopefully, can see, most of the track is laid, the one part to be done now is the banking down to the canal wharf, although this requires a little bit of packing to raise the trackbed up slightly above quayside but mainly to make the gradient a little less severe.   still deciding how long the goods shed line ought to extend through the shed,   also need to install dr

Black Sheep

Black Sheep

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    • Next step completed after the six needed for a track gang have been painted and their foot pedestals clipped off. They will be fitted to the club layout (Axford) as a spot sleepering gang.   First lesson learnt by the experience - it will be easier in future to trim the foot block and drill for the pins before doing the painting.   The reason for the track gang is the l/hand divergent track on this board no longer goes anywhere as it now feeds a single entry sector plate. The
    • This is fabulous Mike.   Thanks for sharing your techniques and it looks stunning in the setting - as Mikkel says, my kinda place!   A nice story and I do hope that they have success.   Love it in BR blue mode too 😀
    • Thankyou for the info.I want a British car but French or American would be OK. My "Dr" from Motley End could do with one of those modern contraptions! Railway modelling causes us all to be very aware of every aspect of life in our chosen era. Its part of the attraction. I could give your Postman a lesson or two in handling parcels also!
    • Thank you Chris and Mike for the input on wording, "motor cars" it is then.   Douglas those 1960s car rallys sound good. There's an annual vintage fair here in Denmark that we sometimes go to. Here's a 1926 Ford T from a couple of years ago.       Returning to the DAPR 3D prints, I have been in touch with Ben of DAPR. He says that they are still available if you enquire. He also has them with the roof drawn up, and in pickup versions.   He says he co
    • No but a modeller freind has owned and restored 3 early T models. Also I was draged to many Veteran car rallys in the 1960's. My dad being a fan.I have owned 50 cars and 24 m/cycles but only one car and one m/cycle were vintage, a1925 Bullnose Morris and a 1926 AJS bike. I have riden a few veteran bikes in rallys though., great fun.
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