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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

A little update

Its been a couple of months since i last updated blog,but i haven't been able to get on doing layout as much as i wanted to. What i have got done though, is alter the track plan a little,so making it a bit better to operate ,nearly finished the turntable,butit is fitted ,only needs wiring up.Ive also been making up some retaining walls and trying to figure out how to make sure i have clearance when board is folded,this been the end board with the turntable.I had it planed but only today though



Vertical fiddleyard - it goes up-tiddly-up-up, it goes down-tiddly-down-down

Well a couple of days off and a weekend's worth of construction and the frame of the vertical fiddleyard is now mounted on the wall. First up went the rack-mount server runners and then I hit the first problem, trying to fasten things accurately to masonary is a complete pain! Despite measuring accurately it is just impossible to actually drill a hole and get a rawl plug into exactly the right place particularly when you are trying to fix something to the resulting holes and have no margin for e

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Coming out of a period of relative dormancy

Despite John's excellent forestry experiments, it's probably true to say that we've 'relaxed' a bit since the intensive run-up to Scaleforum last September - see http://www.rmweb.co....post__p__496055 for a refresher.   This hasn't been helped by diversions due to work, other projects, work etc although John and I have been busy at times mulling over some of the lessons learned and ideas stimulated from the exhibition. One of these was to add between 0.5 and 1m scenic section at the front and



CSP Radstock Sentinel, part 2

Since last weekend's entry, most of the work on the Sentinel has focussed on a myriad of small pieces. The first of these to be added were the sandboxes and the axleboxes and springs. The latter castings are highly detailed and capture the characteristic shape of the spring supports. Small filler tubes were fitted to the front sandboxes. These pass through the running plate and have their filler caps added.     Two other points of interest in the above photo. Firstly, I've had to make a sma



Roxey Summers Iron Ore Hopper part 1 - Intro.

I'm about to start work on a Roxey Mouldings John Summers iron ore bogie hopper. These wagons were built between 1952 and 1958 to carry iron ore from Bidston Docks to Shotton steelworks. After steelmaking at Shotton stopped in 1980 some wagons found their way to ICI to replace similar wagons used to convey limestone. Under Summers ownership the hoppers were unbraked, they had to be fitted with vacuum brakes for ICI working. Plate frame bogies were fitted from new, roller bearing axleboxes being



Leaving it too late as usual!

Long time readers might recall last February(!) I bought a ready built baseboard to make a new fiddle yard for my EM gauge layout "The Works Yard", last February note!   Well over the last year I've cut some holes in it, added a new level to it and generally faffed around. The point is the layout is due at both Devizes and Swindon in March, so I'd better pull my finger out . The plan is as follows, try and get all the track laid this week including any droppers from the plain track. Next f

Turin 60

Turin 60

Progress? Loads...

I've not posted in a while, so here are some hoppers on my photo plank I built a month or so ago...     I have added some stock to my collection, although there are only so many pictures of dutch liveried dogfish you can really show off when they look pretty much the same. I've been purchasing each one here and there as funds allow. Anyway, I've now added loads to the hoppers, and the rake is coming along - I am aiming for 8 dogfish and 4 seacows, so 5 and 2 is over 50% finished!     L



Update - 19/02/2012

In the previous entry, I wrote a breif discription of the story behind the layout and I also attatched a basic track-plan just to give you a rough idea of what it'll look like.   So, down to the nitty-gritty...   I breifly mentioned that I had been working on the base-boards recently. Attatched below is a diagram in plan-view of the board dimensions:     But, anyway the base-boards - and the 'Sky Blue' painted back-boards are actually now complete, as of a fortnight ago. I'm currently g



Castled - An appendage or Achilles Heel?

Following from my earlier Blog I have been asked by a friend whether I have had any problems with the front bogie of the latest Hornby Super Detail Castles. In short the answer is 'no'.     Seemingly there is a recent review in the model railway press that says that on first removal from the box, the front bogie was detached. I have included a few pictures here of the bogie on my Castle highlighting what I would describe as Hornby's cheap and cheerful means of attachment.     Undersi

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

Whats in a name?

Up until now the RAF Chilmark inspired layout has been without a name This has bugged me a bit recently. Discussions with Natalie brought up the name Winterbourne. I liked it, and I feel Winterbourne Exchange feels a suitable name for the layout. I’ve updated the categories and the page for the layout, so all [...]   Source



Tidying things up a little

I've decied the bst way to make this blog readabe and so on, is to split West Cromwell Road to its own blog, similarly for the RAF Chilmark inspired layout, which has now been given the name of Winterbourne Exchange.   I'll leave the content already here in place, as no sense in changing that.   But future updates here will be more generalised, and feature models as i (hopefully) manage to make them, regardless of where they're intended for perhaps. I'll figure it out!



A name at last? and a new home

So since last year myself and Natalie have been planning a layout based upon RAF Chilmark near Salisbury.   We discussed names over and over and struggled to come up with one. Natalie suggested Winterbourne, I forget the reasons for this now, but I like the name.   I think Winterbourne Exchange sounds about appropriate.   So a recap:   3 modules. Module 1 narrow gauge with storage bunkers and a loop off scene to others. Module 2 Tranship shed, where narrow gauge and standard gauge m



Making things a bit easier

So, been thinking that with all the myriad of thoughts and ideas, it might be best to seperate thing out from my main blog and put future updates relating to West Cromwell Road here.   A quick recap:   West Cromwell Road is set in the 1960s, based upon Lillie Bridge LT depot near Kensington.   Aim is to use two IKEA APA boxes for the main layout, with a 3rd for storage/fiddle yard use.   No firm track plan has been formed yet, but one is being drawn up. Attached is the plan originally po



London buses...

Well not at all about LT, except like those fabled red buses, I post no blogs for ages and then two come along at once, haha.   After a period of very low ouput ( and interest, if I'm honest), a few things have been happening this week, so I thought I would blog them. if only to fill up some space!   The experiments with more complex track has already been documented, and any further assistance with getting the wiring and operation will be gratefully received ( see last entry).   This week




Over the past few months, I've been constructing the baseboards for my new exhibition layout called Almere Road TMD. The project began when, a few months ago, I felt like putting a small, compact, cheap and hopefully simple exhibition layout together. I've always been interested in the 80s/90s era of diesel traction and so I instantly chose to model small, fictional Traction Maintenance Depot. The name is made-up but I imagine the scene to be set somewhere in the South of England. As I've said a



More tiles than the Space Shuttle

Developing sounds for the Loksound v4 chip involves periods of tweaks & adjustments to the various flowcharts followed by a 15 minute wait whilst the chip loads. You then check that the loco does what you want (which invariably it doesn't without further tweaking, but I digress).   Those 15 minutes are usefully spent doing real modelling, and today I've been roofing an old woollen mill with some laser-cut slate roofing tiles from York Model Making. The mill itself is a Walthers 'Background



Linda - Brass Domes and Boiler Implosions

Superb as the Parkside Penrhyn ‘Lady’ kit is, I didn’t think that a whitemetal dome painted to represent brass would do it justice but I wasn’t quite sure how to go about solving the problem. The subject has been discussed at length on the NGRM-online forum and, following a similar (but briefer) discussion on my workbench thread, Robert Thompson of RTmodels offered to turn me a dome using the original part as a master and made specifically to fit the saddle tank for a very reasonable pr



Sileby, Leicestershire

Three weekends in February so far and now three model railway shows visited. This time it was the Syston Model Railway society show which takes place in Syston, Leicestershire.   I have to say I really enjoyed this show. Whilst there was once again nothing on the trade stands to tempt me, I enjoyed many of the excellent layouts on show. There were some old favourites such as Rowthorne and Cromer, both of which seem to attend every show I go to. I always like to see layouts that have appeare



Moving to P4 (Post 4)

Exactoscale P4 C10-LH Turnout Kit (They didn't have a smaller one for the starter pack at Warley)   Started by taping the template above the work area so I can refer to it. No need to build the track on this as there are pips to locate chairs. Instructions reccomened blue-tack to hold the 3 sections of timbering down, so once I de-flashed them I did so with White Teck. Same thing really. The crossing V or frog comes in one section so that was a relief, however, at one angle it looks sl



Delph - Holiday Excursion train (yet more progress)

I've finally painted all the bogies and re-assembled all 6 coaches which make up the train. Weathering can wait till a later date. Here are some further views of the train posed on the station throat section of the layout - track yet to be wired & painted. For those who haven't followed earlier entries, Delph wasn't built on a continuous viaduct (!), the arch shaped openings are the tops of lightening holes in the stiffening ribs. These will be hidden behind an embankment and stone retainin

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

Ropley - The Front

Giving thought to the final presentation of the Layout   Hi All.   Now that the backscene is in place, I have been giving some thought to the eventual presentation of the layout. The intention was always for Ropley to be exhibitable, should anyone want it, and so it will need to have a proper frontage. To that end, I thought it would be nice to incorporate the Ropley Station totem as part of this, the only question mark being what colour to paint the rest of it.   A quick doodle in Pa



Paint Stirring.

Here's a few tools that I use when painting;     At the top is a Badger battery powered paint stirrer, with the paddle underneath. I use this when stirring paint for spraying. Originally bought as a bit of an indulgence, I previously used a bit of bent wire in a mini-drill which was a faff to set up, I now view this as an essential piece of kit.   Below is a 'Nuffield style' laboratory spatula, used for transferring paint from the pot to a colour cup for spraying. It's stainless steel, wh



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    • So can Kyle in 7mm be booked for Basingstoke in 2031?   Seriously.   Rgds, Graham
    • Next step completed after the six needed for a track gang have been painted and their foot pedestals clipped off. They will be fitted to the club layout (Axford) as a spot sleepering gang.   First lesson learnt by the experience - it will be easier in future to trim the foot block and drill for the pins before doing the painting.   The reason for the track gang is the l/hand divergent track on this board no longer goes anywhere as it now feeds a single entry sector plate. The
    • This is fabulous Mike.   Thanks for sharing your techniques and it looks stunning in the setting - as Mikkel says, my kinda place!   A nice story and I do hope that they have success.   Love it in BR blue mode too 😀
    • Thankyou for the info.I want a British car but French or American would be OK. My "Dr" from Motley End could do with one of those modern contraptions! Railway modelling causes us all to be very aware of every aspect of life in our chosen era. Its part of the attraction. I could give your Postman a lesson or two in handling parcels also!
    • Thank you Chris and Mike for the input on wording, "motor cars" it is then.   Douglas those 1960s car rallys sound good. There's an annual vintage fair here in Denmark that we sometimes go to. Here's a 1926 Ford T from a couple of years ago.       Returning to the DAPR 3D prints, I have been in touch with Ben of DAPR. He says that they are still available if you enquire. He also has them with the roof drawn up, and in pickup versions.   He says he co
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