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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Hythe Parkway - Exhibitions

Hi,   Well, it's going to be another busy year for Hythe Parkway!   Hythe Parkway - The Tour! Will be attending the following exhibitions this year:   Sunday 29th April: RMweb Taunton Members Day - Staplegrove Village Hall, Taunton   Saturday 29th September: Loddon Vale Model Railway Club Earley Show - St. Peter's Church Hall, Church Road, Early, Reading   Saturday 24th & Sunday 25th November: Shoeburyness Model Railway Clubs 30th Annual Festival of Model Railways & Hobbies - S

St. Simon

St. Simon

Morning Slow Through Thoraldby

OK. So here we are at the threshold of a new era. I've passed the point of no return and committed myself to 'putting pen to paper', so to speak. This is my soapbox and Speakers' Corner has shifted from near the site of Tyburn Gallows to a terraced house on the edge of eastern London towards Essex. These days I spend time at 4D on Leman Street in E1, The Engine Shed on Leytonstone High Road, Modelzone on Holborn and phoning up traders for kits and bits. Brian Roper, Colin Snowdon and Peter Rum



Warship 816 is now finished

The Warship is now finally done. I expected this to take a few weeks when I started it last year, and its taken the best part of a year.   A spot of playing around with Helicon focus produced these black and white images, taken on my 2011 challenge Diorama entry. I'm not sure what a Warship is doing on a South Eastern section branchline, although it does have an interregional parcels headcode. Possibly it took a wrong turn at Reading.....   To sum up what I did to get this far: New w



Four Vees

So here are the Vees ready to go. Two are reworked from the 1:6 ones I made earlier and two brand new ones.     Now to get some switch rails etc prepped, not forgetting all those sleepers



Heworth Sidings - Update - 22/02/2012

As track laying on the scenic section nears completion work has started on some of the other parts needed for the layout. Several N Brass OHLE gantries have been built and as you can see from the photos we've made progress on the accessory decoders needed for the fiddle yard.   Early on in the design of the layout, we made the decision to control the points via DCC. For those points on the front of the layout we've opted for the Traintronics TT300 slow motion units which contain built in decod



Farish class 37206 almost ready

Good afternoon,   Just thought I would add an entry as I haven't updated for a few weeks. Progress on Par is slow but I hope to add an entry by Sunday evening with progress on the layout.   This entry is to talk about my latest loco, class 37 37206.   Having looked through John Vaughan's excellent book "Diesels in the Duchy", I noticed that this loco is photographed on more than one occasion in the Par/St.Blazey area so naturally I wanted to have this loco on my layout.   The donor was t

cornish trains jez

cornish trains jez

Clay Dries

My small Cornish layout is based around a China Clay works, I'm planning on calling the layout Trevowgwyn. I made the name up using a book of Cornish etymology, so there is no real place, though I imagine it being on a branch north of the Cornish Mainline between St Austell and Par. Trevowgwyn is supposed to mean White Towns.   The first structure is the clay dries itself, I wanted something quite big as my layout represents a modern dries. As I wanted to keep the layout small I have modelled



The Loco Yard

At the entrance to Diddington station is a small loco yard. It has a small shed, and in steam days had coal, water an ashpit and turning facilities. The original idea was to model the depot as it would have appeared in the 1950's, with the loco shed in use and a small turntable to turn the steam engines. I brought the period modelled forward to the 1960,s, by which time the loco depot had been downgraded to a daytime stabling point. The shed is used as a store, and the turntable bridge has been



Rewheeling a GF Class 24

Greetings,   Just finished rewheeling and recoupling this loco and what a straightforward and easy job it proved! Compared to the Class 25, everything about this retooled loco makes it easy to work on:     Now just need to dirty it up some more...   Chris



Morfa Bach Update 21/02/2012 (ROCK & ROLL!)

Time for the weekly update....   This week it's ROCK & ROLL!   First the ROCK..   The spoil heap next to the tunnel portal has been made, glued, stuck down and painted. Some Mininatur grass clumps have been added. The remaining area has now received it's base of hanging basket liner.     On the other (Viewing)side I've added some vegetation growing in the crack between the rock, just to break it up a bit. It's a pity that this view will not be seen by the viewing public but here



Some more trees

Some more trees and an armature for Balcombe. These are all experimental ATM and will be placed at the rear of the layout. I've still got to improve on tree recognition and produce better models of particular types.   Some of these will probably be removable for use on other projects. The smaller ones will be used on the Matford rebuild on the new extension board.  



Roxey Summers Iron Ore Hopper part 2 - Bogies 1.

The bogies consist of an etched frame with whitemetal sideframes. All very straightforward really but there are a couple of points to watch for.   When folding up the frames there are some inner striffening ribs to fold down after the sides are folded down. (I used a 2" Hold & Fold for the sides and a pair of square ended pliers for the ribs). If the ribs are just folded as they are they will splay the sides out so a file has to be taken to the edge of the rib that will butt up against the



The Duke Finished

As promised some snaps of the Duke on Summat Colliery at the Syston Show. I took advantage of the sunlight on Sunday as you can see.             and finally, late in the day the ultimate express loco met up with possibly the ultimate mixed traffic loco  



All in a day's work - Part 1 (1914)

Farthing, June 27, 1914. Europe is on the brink of war, but noone knows. The staff go about their morning routines, and No. 835 sleepily shunts a horsebox.         Station Master A. Woodcourt examines the scene. He likes the order and calm of the bay area. He is feeling his age and hopes it will be a quiet day.         But it is not to be. As he propels the horsebox into the sidings, driver T.F. Oberon notices a problem. Throughout hi




Having tiled everything tile-able on the layout in between reloads, I've now got the ED to the point where I'm happy with the diesel flowchart, the electric flowchart and all the auxiliaries (compressor, horns etc). Next comes the tricky bit; how to program the changeover from diesel to electric and visa-versa, whilst maintaining authenticity and staying within the technical constraints of the chip. I'm not anticipating this to take too long but the annual sojourn to Model Rail Scotland is going



Box In A Box (3) - Tunneling starts!

It's starting to come together... A large-ish packet arrived from 'Worsley Works' at the weekend.. Tiny or what! Then today a package arrived containing a '5700' body. (if you're reading this - cheers Ken). Just need the chassis bits from the shop now.   Meanwhile a start has been made hacking at the boxes.     2 layers of 6mm 'depron foam' were cut to represent the main tunnel portal and a 'road' from the quarry siding into the fiddleyard box. This was then used as a template to mar



New Stock Boxes

There has been quite a lot of activity chez mois in preparation for St Ruth's forthcoming appearance at Nottingham, mainly on the buildings front as those watching the St Ruth blog will have seen. This has meant something of a hiatus in areas like locos and rolling stock because once I get started on these the buildings won't get a look in.   Those who saw St Ruth at the Oxford Expo in 2010 may have noticed a lack of many things including (but not limited to) coaches. This show came at an awkw



The best laid plans of Mice and Men!

Just over a week ago I broke up for my school's half term planning a relaxing week at home with my wife and new daughter. I had even hoped that I could end my modelling drought by restarting work on my home layout of Skaleby. But like the best laid plans of mice and men life does not always work out how you expect it. Visits to two model railway shows and several local model shops failed to find the dry stone wall pieces that I needed for my planned half term project. And with no other parts of



The best laid plans of Mice and Men!

Just over a week ago I broke up for my school's half term planning a relaxing week at home with my wife and new daughter. I had even hoped that I could end my modelling drought by restarting work on my home layout of Skaleby. But like the best laid plans of mice and men life does not always work out how you expect it. Visits to two model railway shows and several local model shops failed to find the dry stone wall pieces that I needed for my planned half term project. And with no other parts of



Presidents Day off

Thank goodness for American Presidents! Without them I wouldn't be gifted another day off work! So once again I'm making good use of the time off and working on the APA Box layout. Today I've done lots of little jobs. I made an abortive start on the fiddleyards, that got aborted when I discovered I didn't have enough 2 x 1. A case of not measuring twice I'm afraid. So after that I set to and sprayed the track, gave the ground a basic coat of earth colour, rounded the corners in the back of t

Ian Holmes

Ian Holmes

Heworth Sidings - Update - 18/02/2012

Hi,   It's been nearly a month since our last update but with our self imposed dealine of 'All track laid by the end of Feb 2012' looming it was time to get back to it.   We managed to get a good few days work done laying track over the last week and have now managed to complete the main running lines. We are now working to complete the on-scene and off-scene sidings.   Other members of the build team are busy completing the modules for the fiddle yard, Catenary masts and soldering up MERG



Stepney - Complete

Whilst this is a somewhat lazy model, I've yet to add a few features such as the extended bunker and a crew. Certainly looks more appealing in his real livery though.         As always, running test will be up soon on my YouTube channel.   Jack   Source



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    • So can Kyle in 7mm be booked for Basingstoke in 2031?   Seriously.   Rgds, Graham
    • Next step completed after the six needed for a track gang have been painted and their foot pedestals clipped off. They will be fitted to the club layout (Axford) as a spot sleepering gang.   First lesson learnt by the experience - it will be easier in future to trim the foot block and drill for the pins before doing the painting.   The reason for the track gang is the l/hand divergent track on this board no longer goes anywhere as it now feeds a single entry sector plate. The
    • This is fabulous Mike.   Thanks for sharing your techniques and it looks stunning in the setting - as Mikkel says, my kinda place!   A nice story and I do hope that they have success.   Love it in BR blue mode too 😀
    • Thankyou for the info.I want a British car but French or American would be OK. My "Dr" from Motley End could do with one of those modern contraptions! Railway modelling causes us all to be very aware of every aspect of life in our chosen era. Its part of the attraction. I could give your Postman a lesson or two in handling parcels also!
    • Thank you Chris and Mike for the input on wording, "motor cars" it is then.   Douglas those 1960s car rallys sound good. There's an annual vintage fair here in Denmark that we sometimes go to. Here's a 1926 Ford T from a couple of years ago.       Returning to the DAPR 3D prints, I have been in touch with Ben of DAPR. He says that they are still available if you enquire. He also has them with the roof drawn up, and in pickup versions.   He says he co
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