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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

have a little...patience...

Update - Its been a bit of a frustrating 10 days or so for me...   Last week our two boys were away on holidays so I took the opportunity to work on their 4mm roundy roundy. I made quite a bit of progress although when they returned this weekend it wasn't long before the screaming, shouting, arguing and fighting started and I nearly went a threw the whole lot on the floor in frustration   So, rather than work on finishing the station building and weathering it, I decided to work a little on



2mm Midland van D257

As the weather here in Perth, Western Australia has been too hot for me to use an airbrush outside, I decided to press on with making another of the 2mm Scale Association's kits and wait for cooler days before painting all the LMS vehicles in one go.   This one was for the Midland Railway's diagram 257 van. The date on the etch is 2007 so it has been around for a while and I have noticed examples of completed vans in pictures elsewhere on this site but I am not sure if anyone has posted any d

John Brenchley

John Brenchley

The rolling stock fleet expands

For the rolling stock on Isle Ornsay I've decided to use a method that's been tried and tested in 009 for many years - Ratio coach sides. They are actually good for the larger stock that I'm trying to portray - sharing more with the Irish narrow gauge than the Festiniog.   I've already completed (well, almost) an observation coach, but I've been working on another 5 today. I would have done another three, but I knew I wasn't going to have enough L section to do so. At the start of work th



Track and Ballast update

Better late than never as the expression goes.   Ive slowly been working on completing the track with wiring. After hours of testing I decided to start weathering the track, i got quite a nice mix of Precision Track Colour and Light Earth.   For the first time Im using Normandy Sand from Tremendous Models. I found it past my expectations. It was extremely fine so was easy to mould but did get everywhere.   Here are some pictures don't think they do it justice so Ill post some taken with



CSP Radstock Sentinel, part 3

Only a little progress this week because limited modelling time has been split between building a bridge for Camerton and the Sentinel. Nevertheless, the kit is now beginning to take on the unmistakeable form of the prototype so I thought it worth posting one photo showing the engine and tank covers resting in place on the running plate.     Apart from end pieces, the kit includes a couple of formers to help get the shape right. The curves were formed around various lengths of steel rod of



Saxon Suburbia

Evening all!   As this Sunday turned out to be quite sunny indeed, I grabbed my camera and went for a round of tram spotting in the afternoon.   I decided to have a look at the outermost northwestern branch of the 11 line, which actually extends beyond Leipzig's city limits at both ends. In the northwest, the line has its terminus in the town of Schkeuditz, which is located roughly halfway between Leipzig and Halle and has about 17,500 inhabitants. As this branch includes a single-tracked se

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

Duke The Lost Engine - Steady Progress

Whilst I find the colour of this loco a little dark, it's also more to my liking. Got to say it'll be a nice change compared to the other locomotives in red and black. As soon as it has a crew, nameplates, chassis fixed and lining, hopefully it'll be a good addition to the motive power.     Even when positioned with some of the Mid Sodor Railway stock, it looks the part. Hoping to get a few more of the Skarloey engines done and out the way, always been something I've wanted to do and n



Progress on some N Gauge UFO's

There is nothing like a nice blog after a weekend of modelling! I have to say that I have not been able to get as much done as I had hoped but I have pushed on and got a few UFO's nearer to completion. Here are the results:   X3900 Inspection Car I had not realised until about 2 weeks ago that the roof was painted a different colour to the rest of the body. This was due to the fact that there are not many images of this unit on the internet and those that are on the internet are usually of th

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

Update on Almere Road TMD - 26/02/2012

Hi folks, thought I might update you on the layout.   Over the previous week, since the last update, I've got on with completing the retaining wall structure at the back. It's now completely finished, and after purchasing a tub of wood-filler on Wednesday I've been smearing a 2mm thick layer of the stuff over the bare ply-wood with a pallet-knife to give a smoother finish. Next weekend I'll be able to start sanding it down and I'll possibly even get round to painting it a tar-mac colour with



More on 'The Great Lift'

Apart from two pieces on 15 refuges (waiting for timber delivery) the refuges are now all done. Here are all 72 of them lined up, with the incomplete ones at the back. They still need trimming and fitting in places.     With each refuge having 19 pieces, when the last 15 are done there will be 1368 pieces in the photo above!   Balustrades are also all done, and here they all are, 70 'standard' ones and 8 'specials' which are a bit longer for the runs between the pavilions and the inner



Chivers SECR J Class progress

Another update on the J. Pickups are now fitted, and it runs under it's own power. Despite all the earlier problems with the chassis, it's turned out to be a smooth runner. I'm partway through fitting the usual myriad details - handrails, lamp irons and so on. The curved pipes that run down the side of the boiler were surprisingly difficult to do, an took several attempts to get convincing. On the real locomotives the pipe work was a bit wonky looking in places, and it's difficult to get this



Show progress and slow progress

This week has been another busy week as my return to work saw the date of our show confirmed and a start made on booking layouts and exhibits for the event.   The show The date has been confirmed as Saturday 10th November. A big thank you to those people who have got back to me already. So far I have confirmed 5 layouts for the show and reckon I have at least another 5 or 6 layouts as possibles as well as a couple of trade stands confirmed and a couple of other exhibits. Things are beginning



Making a start on the 1P

I finally got around to starting this Twommlocomotives kit. The bulk of the chassis has been kindly built for me by the owner, leaving blackening and some detail to add, some of which will be difficult because it has been assembled. Anyway, this afternoon I worked on the footplate,        



Bristol Barrow Road - Wagon hoist Pit and more trackwork

Having promised some photos of recent work on the layout I managed to find time today to take a few. Time had come to cut a suitable hole in the baseboard to fit a removable pit to accommodate the wagon hoist apparatus for the 150ton Coaling Plant, so out came the drawings and after taking the appropriate measurements I marked out the outline shape and literally took the plunge using my Bosch multi-tool - what a useful piece of kit.   I then made up a removable pit which is bolted to the under



Making a start on the scenery

This week having got everything i need working for now. finished control panel ive looked at making a start on scenery.Im starting on the end ,engine shed board for now.Looking at it a while i decided to push the background board back a tad to make the hill over tunnel a little better looking.The background board is detachable anyway to allow the board to fold up,so moving the stops back a little still works ok and im making hill detach in two pieces aswell.   The foundations of the hill s



Welsh Highland Railway in the snow

Time to resurrect Spoonerisms, again...     This weekend just gone I have been to Snowdonia for my first trip on the completed WHR all the way from Porthmadog to Caernarfon.   On the Saturday evening there was a little snow which dusted the high points of Snowdonia around Beddgelert and Rhyd Ddu - very pretty when we arrived there.   Here are some pics from our trip if anyone is interested:   The work being carried out to widen the Cob didn't seem as intensive, presumably because it was



Freight in February

Afternoon all!   As we're currently in Leipzig once again for a few days, I would like to regale the Continental railfans among you with a set of images I took today while I was at Thekla Station on the outskirts of Leipzig for a round of railfanning...         Numerous V 90 type shunters from what was Deutsche Bundesbahn territory originally have found a new home in the Eastern states by now - one of them being 294 663 at the head of the first working I snapped.           Funni

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

2mmFS Further Thoughts On A Layout Plan

Following on from my previous blog entry, I have again ventured into the world on Templot (it becomes easier each time ).   This time I have taken on board some of my own thoughts and input from others. I have put the whole visible section on a 10'0" constant radius curve. I have also narrowed the gap between the running line and loop (i'm not sure about this change).   The revised plan can be seen in the photo's below (again with some stock on to give me a better idea of what the plan wo

Ian Smith

Ian Smith

Sleepers sleepers everywhere

After a mammoth session with the guillotine we have all the turnout timbers as well as the plain line timbers for board #2     Should keep me busy at next week's Mansfield Show   I have loads of 7mm turnout copperclad left, although less than one pack, so looks like my calculations aided by Martin Wynn's TDV version of Templot have worked out fine.



Woe is me!

The progress with the J10 is a long way from making me happy but also this week I have been saddened by being told of the death of two modelling friends - Malcolm Crawley and Tom Harland. That is another unpleasant fact related to age, you loose old friends at a greater rate than you make new ones and you attend more funerals than weddings and christenings. RIP my friends.   The progress with the J10 is that I’m now back to where I was a few weeks ago. Four of the enlarged splashers are fixe

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

Saddle tank (Part 2)

Unfortunately progress has been rather slow, so there's not a lot to show in this update. I blame the recent cold weather - it didn't seem like a good idea to attempt such delicate work with frozen fingers...   The chassis is now soldered together - not a difficult job, with the jig holding everything together.   The insertion of worm and motor shaft into the gearbox looks somewhat unclear - the motor shaft is 1mm diameter, the inside diameter of the worm is 1.5mm diameter, and the motor s



Finishing off various projects (mainly GWR and SR coaches)

After a gap in my modelling over Christmas and during January, I decided to clear down the backlog on nearly finished models that I've accumulated (as we all do).   These two first appeared in this blog a few years back! The Parkside LMS CCT has acquired some rather nice cast buffers of the correct pattern from Lanarkshire Modelling Supplies. The incorrect buffers supplied with the kit were a big weakness, and my attempts at modifying other types were't successful.   The ancient and now d



Roxey Summers Iron Ore Hopper part 3 - Chassis 1.

The first stage in putting the chassis together is to bend up the stiffening ribs and bufferbeams on the top chassis plate. Then another pair of stiffening ribs can be cut from the etch, ends folded over, and soldered in place (the outermost ribs). Before the solebars can be fitted to the chassis there are half-etched overlays to be sweated in place, I left the solebars on the etch whilst I did this and used my RSU and 188 degree solder paint. The completed solebars could then be trimmed to leng



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    • So can Kyle in 7mm be booked for Basingstoke in 2031?   Seriously.   Rgds, Graham
    • Next step completed after the six needed for a track gang have been painted and their foot pedestals clipped off. They will be fitted to the club layout (Axford) as a spot sleepering gang.   First lesson learnt by the experience - it will be easier in future to trim the foot block and drill for the pins before doing the painting.   The reason for the track gang is the l/hand divergent track on this board no longer goes anywhere as it now feeds a single entry sector plate. The
    • This is fabulous Mike.   Thanks for sharing your techniques and it looks stunning in the setting - as Mikkel says, my kinda place!   A nice story and I do hope that they have success.   Love it in BR blue mode too 😀
    • Thankyou for the info.I want a British car but French or American would be OK. My "Dr" from Motley End could do with one of those modern contraptions! Railway modelling causes us all to be very aware of every aspect of life in our chosen era. Its part of the attraction. I could give your Postman a lesson or two in handling parcels also!
    • Thank you Chris and Mike for the input on wording, "motor cars" it is then.   Douglas those 1960s car rallys sound good. There's an annual vintage fair here in Denmark that we sometimes go to. Here's a 1926 Ford T from a couple of years ago.       Returning to the DAPR 3D prints, I have been in touch with Ben of DAPR. He says that they are still available if you enquire. He also has them with the roof drawn up, and in pickup versions.   He says he co
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