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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

"60010 Dominion of Canada"

How else to describe this particular conversion, but "emotional". There's a lot of emotion behind this one.   It all began on a family holiday to Canada. We had met up with my Uncle Edwin and Aunty Grace in Toronto, and taken a variety of transport to arrive in Quebec. Saint-Constant, specifically. Uncle Edwin, or "Uncle Ed", wasn't actually relative by blood, he had married my maternal grandmother's younger sister, but he had always been a close member of the family, and such a wonderfully in

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

AWS Ramps

I recently bought a pack of four AWS ramps by Peco after inspiration from the article about painting / weathering them, featured in the Railway Modeller March Issue. I decided that as I couldn't use them on Almere Road (because they're not any use on TMDs as there aren't any signals), I could make some use of them on my home layout.   Here is a picture of the product (SL-45)       The unpainted plastic models on the sprue.   I find that it's easier to paint them on the sprue. The f



GW MICAs - an overview.

The recent completion of a commissioned X2 MICA B in post-1904 livery prompted this entry, and the accompanying photographs illustrate that model.     Located as it is between the dock and Smithfield market, meat traffic will play a significant part of goods traffic passing through the subterranean levels of Basilica Fields, with the GWR shouldering the greatest load. If, like me, you grew up unsullied by Great Western telegraph code nomenclature, and therefore completely in the dark about



So what comes next (2)

Well here is the choice narrowed down to two thanks to the input from here. They have not taken to nine months storage very well, both have a lot of tarnishing. The atmospher here in North Brazil really attacks the brass. Even when working on a model if left for a couple of days the brass tarnishes, you just can't keep it looking nice and shiny as you can in the UK.   The Well tank I think will be mine, it was bought as a started kit, with the intension of selling on. But as it cost me so litt



Nighty Night

One of my jobs for St Ruth is the preparation of the operating sequence so that we don't get stuck in a rut of just running the same trains up and down. I've done this by referring to the WR working timetables for Cornwall for the late 1960s and the excellent carriage working information available on the BRCS Yahoo group. This material has provided plenty of ideas for introducing variety into our train services without the need to depart from reality. One of these ideas was the working of a slee



Between the shows.

Well here is the latest news from Brightspark towers. In January I was part of the team that took Swaynton to the Southampton Model Railway show at Eastleigh. Thanks for all the kind comments posted. I particularly like Adams picture of the funny blue thing.   When the show is over the bit that no-one sees is the repairs ready for the next outing which is going to be at Basingstoke this weekend. I guess at the last outing we had quite a high attrition rate. There seems to be a problem with al



Here we go again, Deltic destruction.

Not much has been happening in the last few weeks on my modelling front, work seems to have taken over again, anyway after a cold but very enjoyable day at the East Lancs yesterday i seem to have re captured my enthusiasm to start hacking things about again so heres the latest project.   I bought a very tatty Bachmann Nimbus off Ebay months ago after id got St PAddy almost sorted with the plan to 'shawplan' another deltic. Nimbus was looking a bit worse for where with alot of orangy brown 'wea



Made to Measure

Another week has past since my last post about the show. The last seven days seem to have been spent with some kind of measuring implement or another in my hand. So here is the latest.   The show This week I have raided the school's P.E store and blown the cobwebs off the long athletics tape measure that is only usually dragged out for the summer sporting events. I have measured the basic dimensions of the main hall and used this to create a "show plan" grid on my computer using scale "1 foo



Update on Almere Road TMD - 05/03/2012

Another progress report on the weekend's work on the layout....   Well, I've fully sanded down all the filler and repainted the non-scenic parts of the layout structure / board black. I've also completed the warehouse MDF cutouts, as seen in the pictures below...       Here are the scraps of MDF left over from the cutouts...   I use the scraps to make the two half-warehouses to go on the right end. It needed another little bit on scrap added on to make it the correct length (which



black, white...and grey...

Update - A number of activities have been taking part of recent, and so to blend against those new FC Barca RMWeb colours I thought I would try a few black and white photos.   Firstly, I recognise that I do need to improve on my photographic skills. The neat Canon A590 digital camera bit the dust recently so I have been using our 'entry level' Nikon D3100 and am still struggling to get good light/depth of field despite using a tripod, manual settings and selftimer simultaneously...   Back t



Still ill, and some news

So I’ve been really rather ill again last week, not really managing much more than existing from one day to the next. This is sadly rather normal for me sometimes, being the nature of my illness (fibromyalgia). But I try to see the positives when I can, however small. Yesterday afternoon provided one positive, meeting [...]   Source



Two Steps Forward...Two Steps Back

Hello Again,   Since last we spoke, the Scalescenes Narrow Boats pages have been downloaded and laser-printed. Having read more in these forums, I acquired enough 8 1/2 X 11 (approx. A4 size) self-stick label material for a reprint on inkjet--also enough ink for the Canon Pixma to last through the job, some spray matte acryllic, and assorted glue, knives and blades.   The final ingredient ? Card--1mm and 2mm. None to be had in the local office supply, school supply, art supply or big box st



Shunter progress

It didn't take long to reduce either loco to its constituent parts. The 04 was a lot simpler to take to bits, as you'd expect given how much older it is The 03 was a bit of a struggle and I damaged some of the piping from the air cylinders (attached to the cab) to the footplate (a separate casting). Not a big deal as I'm replacing these bits.   This is the result of the demolition work on the 04. Moulded handrails removed, air tanks sawed off with a razor saw, and the crude attempt at the m



Crisis of confidence

It had to happen, a weekends hard work and some good progress made. I was feeling pretty pleased with myself. Then the doubts started to come. It concerns the single storey warehouse, front left. The one that I planned to have the detailed interior in. I'm thinking it's not right for this small layout. Getting down close to the layout and looking at the close up views of other shots have caused this re-think. Take a look at these pictures below. All are lit in the same way... My feeling is

Ian Holmes

Ian Holmes

Travelling in Style

Apologies for anyone who's been holding their breath: this entry has been a while because I keep getting distracted any time I come on rmweb and run out of time before I get to updating this. Sorry.   This expands on a thread in the 3D Printing and CAD group on my experiment in 3D printing model railway items. I have a job that uses a 3D CAD system extensively so I have a 'leg up' (as one person kindly put it) on the skills required to create a file for printing. Having used similar technology



Some progress Photos

I've been busy this weekend. Saturday afternoon I ballasted the layout. A layout this small doesn't take much ballast and doesn't take long to do it. Then on Sunday brim full of confidence I set to and worked on the fiddle yards . Of course 'fiddle yard" is a very grandiose for what these will be. Just some plain baseboards with lengths of track fixed to them. Its all I need for such a small layout. However, once again my woodworking abilities failed me. Things like allowing for the thickness

Ian Holmes

Ian Holmes

Ruby Road. Signs of the times.

I've been making signs for the layout.   Here's the first attempt on the shed. not brilliant i know, but neither is the shed! and with all the handling it gets from Ruby it won't last long anyway. just trying a site i'd been told about to see how they would look. a little bit more work and i'll have a few more for the station and car park areas. Now need to make a pole to put the station sign on. one thing i'm still not sure about though, is it red arrows on a white background, or white



Mansfield Show - Day Two

And lo, the double slip emerged from the pile of twisted copperclad and nickel silver rail     Very, very happy with the weekend's work, in the full glare of the public too   Here's a couple more gratuitous shots       Next steps are to cut the sleepers and then remove it from the board. Then it's tiebars and a good electical test



3D Printing in N Gauge - And the paint goes on!

Today I spent the morning masking and spraying up the DU65 Draisine that has been sitting in my UFO pile for months. The spraying went well and this afternoon I touched up the parts that needed that extra fine detail. As with all things like this the camera makes it look awful but from normal viewing distance I am extremely pleased.   Here are a few snaps:   I need to tidy up some of the painting and add the glazing. After that there are a few details I want to add like the battery b

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

Roxey Summers Iron Ore Hopper part 5 - Hopper 1.

The hopper body is etched in one piece;     There is a problem and it is that the base is too wide. The solution is to cut the etch into four pieces leaving the base attached to one side;     I used a piercing saw, which followed the half etched fold lines beautifully.   This is all in the instructions. The instructions also suggest punching out the rivets before folding, however I did this after folding figuring that the folded panels would be stronger and less likely to deform on b



Is that a completed 9F I see... no

So here is is, the basic almost completed model, there is still a little way to go before I would consider her finished.   I in the end decided to number her 92087. I slight in-joke I have taken a little bit of infantile humour in. 92087 was the first 9f built at Swindon, my club isn't a big GWR fan. I know, you had to be there to appreicate it.   I cut back the 92221 number with whitespirit.   Anyway, I broke out a can of Halfords red primer spray all the necessary parts.     then H

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant


My aim is to produce a model of a West German Industrial City in the 1960s. The period allows the use of both Deutsches Bundesbahn steam and diesel locomotives. The layout is designed as a five track continuous oval, with the Hauptbahnhof (Main station) and its approach tracks on one side and an eleven track storage yard on the other side (Capable of holding fourteen 1/87 scale prototype length trains, which will be run to a prototype timetable). Most of the buildings use commercially availab



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    • So can Kyle in 7mm be booked for Basingstoke in 2031?   Seriously.   Rgds, Graham
    • Next step completed after the six needed for a track gang have been painted and their foot pedestals clipped off. They will be fitted to the club layout (Axford) as a spot sleepering gang.   First lesson learnt by the experience - it will be easier in future to trim the foot block and drill for the pins before doing the painting.   The reason for the track gang is the l/hand divergent track on this board no longer goes anywhere as it now feeds a single entry sector plate. The
    • This is fabulous Mike.   Thanks for sharing your techniques and it looks stunning in the setting - as Mikkel says, my kinda place!   A nice story and I do hope that they have success.   Love it in BR blue mode too 😀
    • Thankyou for the info.I want a British car but French or American would be OK. My "Dr" from Motley End could do with one of those modern contraptions! Railway modelling causes us all to be very aware of every aspect of life in our chosen era. Its part of the attraction. I could give your Postman a lesson or two in handling parcels also!
    • Thank you Chris and Mike for the input on wording, "motor cars" it is then.   Douglas those 1960s car rallys sound good. There's an annual vintage fair here in Denmark that we sometimes go to. Here's a 1926 Ford T from a couple of years ago.       Returning to the DAPR 3D prints, I have been in touch with Ben of DAPR. He says that they are still available if you enquire. He also has them with the roof drawn up, and in pickup versions.   He says he co
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