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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Having Fun With a Stripper!

Hi All     I been using a device that I purchased last Christmas in Cardiff. It allow the user to cut thin strips, hence the name, of card or plastic strip. When used with plastic card thicker than 10 thou, the stripper only scores the surface. But by bending the sheet is snaps along the scored line, cleanly.       I am currently experimenting using plastic card, to build track bases, instead of using PCB sleepers or Easitrac base. Below is a photograph of some base made, before I fo



Harbour Street

The recently documented strange phenomena occurring at Isle Ornsay must have had a positive effect, as more buildings have appeared in the village immediately next to the station and harbour.   As I've mentioned before, the street is based on the curved series of properties at Plockton, but is made up of a more eclectic mix of buildings from prototypes all over Western Scotland.     Left to right you have: The hotel (still needs a name) + lodge (Dundonnel Hotel), croft (modified from t



Sounds good...

Well, I've done it.   For some time, ever since I bought into the potential of DCC in fact, I've been hankering after having sound in a loco. I have never been really taken thus far with the quality of steam recordings I’ve heard, so have been tempted more towards a throaty Sulzer on a class 24.   The problem is, 2mm just doesn't lend itself. Even if you could crank the sound up loud enough, it would somehow be disproportionate to the size of the models in the general context of the landsc



"An A Class Dillemma"

Sorting out my stocklist, I looked over my two valance conversions and spotted that something was amiss compared to my Walter K. Whigham A4 Pacific. The problem lies directly with the use of either Kingfisher or Mallard models as the donor locomotives for these conversions.   The short access hatches at the front end under the nameplates, are wrong - they should be the double length ones as seen on the Walter K. Whigham model, and any of the BR green liveried A4s that Hornby produce.    

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

CFPL Mallet-Type Articulated Logging Tank No.3 - A Profile

The locomotive as it arrived, August 2011. A surprise, indeed: even I wasn't expecting to obtain this locomotive - however, I do not regret the decision whatsoever. A unique design of Mallet-type articulated locomotive (one that few would be able to claim as their own with myself), this engine has superior pulling power and is a unique locomotive to haul some American freight when needed.   The side profile, showing how massive this locomotive is. This is easily the biggest tank engine I hav



GWR 'City' Class 37xx No.3440 'City of Truro' - A Profile

The standard shot of the locomotive, when it first arrived on the line in January 2011. Already amazing detail can be seen, from the crisp paintwork to the external handrails and leaf-springs found on and around the locomotive.   The nameplate and builder's plates are a tad unrealistic in this instance, but the rest of the locomotive pulls together so well you hardly notice. The plates below are actually legible, which is astounding. The outside driving rods are a nice addition and it's good



Moving to P4 (Post 5)

The replacement point blade that was wrong/same as I posted back that I again returned with a more full letter and diagrams still hasn't arrived. It was posted last wednesday and I'm still waiting. One tends to think that if it isn't lost in the post it's some cruel trick to wind me up more than I already am. Been about a month since I made any progress. I really do not want to have to get on the phone or send a nag letter.   One day i might make another progress post.



Roxey Summers Iron Ore Hopper part 8 - Hopper 4.

The internal hopper divider is made from 2 parts, the lower part needs folding to shape. You're asked to scribe a fold line to help form the top, for this I used an engineers scriber followed by a 'scrawker', which can be seen in the photo below;     As the angle would be less than 90 degrees I deliberately scribed the fold line so that its on the outside of the bend.   The lower part is a sloppy fit in the hopper, resulting in gaps;       Better this side;     Not my neatest



Heworth Sidings - Update - 15/03/2012

This week three of the boards have moved house to allow more work to be done on the electrics.   Last time the main track feeds had been fitted. Over the last couple of evenings we've tidied up this work by using self-adesive cable-tie bases and cable-ties. Hopefully this will mean that we don't snag wires as we're moving the boards around.   We've also mounted a covered distribution box in each corner. These will act as junction boxes between the cables that link the boards together and the

Steven B

Steven B

Weekly update 04

The fiddle yard board is now complete & stood on its own four feet....     The scenic block - a stone wharf - is to the left, with the entry to the low-level 'stock management area' (!) on the right. 'Templot' templates for the stonewharf siding (basically a 'run round' loop (were) in place - one of them (the entry switch) is now on the construction board, and I've spent this evening 'rivetting up' ply sleeper strip.   I've also purchased 6 'cobalt' p/m's and was very interested to s



CR 'Caledonian Pug' Class 0F No.272 - A Profile

The Caledonian 'Pug,' No. 272, as delivered to the Sumtown Tramway Company in January of 2012. A small yet sprightly 0-4-0ST, this engine is capable of the shunting turns in the quarry yards with the most ease.   A side view of the locomotive, showing its diminuitive shape and proportions. This locomotive, though appearing rather basic and childish, is actually quite handsome and iconic in the flesh, with its Caledonian livery picked out well and its shape marked out well against the backgro



Mind the Gap

A change of scenery, well a change from running trains. There has been a gap between the two baseboards ever since the layout was started and it was time to block up the opening:     I wanted an arched retaining wall. Time and economy are important and I favour the use of card kits. In this instance I decided to make the wall using parts from the Metcalfe Two track Viaduct Kit (PO241).     The first task was to form the arches. The picture above shows how parts of the internal viad

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

Hafod Las Mk. III – The Towcester Tenon Saw Massacre

Quicker as it would be to simply buy a job lot of flexitrack and run it on the floor, I don’t think that I would receive a great deal of my rental deposit back once I de-ballasted and lifted the track from the carpet when I move out. So, with the safety of my deposit and the longevity of locomotive mechanisms when carpet fibres are concerned in mind, I decided that some baseboards may come in handy. With a track plan and dimensions to hand, the next stage involved much scribbling and estimat



Another complete (in itself) loco collection possibility now

Bachmann's announcements yesterday (13th) were significant in one respect, although it took time to realise its opportunity. Their forthcoming L & Y 2-4-2T finally allows me to model a complete collection of RTR locos, if I so wish, i.e. one loco chosen from every pre-grouping company represented in each of the areas where my family and I have lived over the years. If I take into account the nearest station (open or closed) to where I and my family have lived over the years, here are the fol



Bridgnorth, First steps in planning a Funicular Railway model.

Bridgnorth, First steps in planning a Funicular Railway model.   Posting as a Blog as it does not seem to fit into any of the thread categories.   Having completed my “Challenge†model, which was my first Scratch-build of any sort, I thought I would cast around for a smallish project to follow on. Having been to Bridgnorth a couple of times in the last 2 years, I looked at the Castle Hill Cliff Railway as a project which I could hope to complete in a sensible time. http://www.bridgnort



Back again after a long time!

Hi All   I haven't posted for a while. I've been prosecuted for actions which not only did I not committ, but which NEVER happened. The whole incident was made up by the other woman, so that she could claim compensation.   I have now done the first modelling, since the start of the case!   I am building a dairy, for my tramway layout. I have hacked a Metcalfe warehouse kit, to build a dairy, see photographs below.     Despite being built from the kit, it does look like the prototype,



Roxey Summers Iron Ore Hopper part 7 - Hopper 3.

Today I had a few hours to myself free from distraction, so I soldered up the hopper body. The hopper floor is too wide by approx 1mm, so I scribed a line 1mm from the edge, and cut just inside the waste thereby leaving a little material to be removed with a file after the ends are tacked in place. I used a pair of snips, in this case Draper Expert Jewellery Snips, which can just be seen in the second photo. These are very reasonably priced (about £9) and are well suited to brass work.   In



Pen Y Bont seen in Railway Modeller!

I had a pleasant surprise this week when I found a picture of my layout Pen Y Bont in the April edition of Railway Modeller, No, not a feature or article by yours truly, but as part of an advertisement for my local model shop Modellers Mecca,   I had almost forgotten that I had given the shops proprietor Lucy Pitch permission to use some of my pictures on Modellers Mecca web site http://www.modellers-mecca.co.uk/ Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ModellersMecca and in some magazine



Jenswell Signal cabin

There has been a useful thread in the card structure modelling forum. I have been working on the free Metcalf signal cabin from RM Jan 2012 as a gate box for Jenswell.         Source: Free Signal Box from Railway Modeller January- Lets see them.



Welcome to the Sumtown Tramway Workshops

Hello all,   This is Trainmaster64, here to let you into the Sumtown Tramway's workshops. Here, you'll get to see all of the locomotives of the line, as well as any other engines that may stop by. For a look at the line itself, visit the thread in the Layouts section. For now, feel free to enter and view all that goes on in the shops! __________________________________________________________   OPERATIONAL LOCOMOTIVES:   ALCO 0-6-0ST Switcher Boiler Ticket: 2016 Service: Full Long th



The Terraced Shops

The Terraced Shops :  First of all, an apology, I didn't start taking pictures of the construction methods  for the terraced shops till part way through this project, however, all will become clear  with my next posting.   The terraced shops are part of what is to be a market place on the Snitzl Town layout.   The illustrations below show how they were constructed.      


snitzl in Buildings

Bristol Barrow Road - Point Motor mounting

Having decided to use the new Cobalt digital point motors with the Brian Morgan TOUs I thought a few photos would be in order to explain how I have decided to fix them to the underside of the baseboards.   The Cobalt motors are attached using M3 screws fixed into M3 Rivet Nuts, positioned in the baseboards using the rivetting tool shown in the photos. The position of the 4 holes is marked using a home made jig, whilst the hole for each TOU has been cut out using the Bosch multitool.      



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    • So can Kyle in 7mm be booked for Basingstoke in 2031?   Seriously.   Rgds, Graham
    • Next step completed after the six needed for a track gang have been painted and their foot pedestals clipped off. They will be fitted to the club layout (Axford) as a spot sleepering gang.   First lesson learnt by the experience - it will be easier in future to trim the foot block and drill for the pins before doing the painting.   The reason for the track gang is the l/hand divergent track on this board no longer goes anywhere as it now feeds a single entry sector plate. The
    • This is fabulous Mike.   Thanks for sharing your techniques and it looks stunning in the setting - as Mikkel says, my kinda place!   A nice story and I do hope that they have success.   Love it in BR blue mode too 😀
    • Thankyou for the info.I want a British car but French or American would be OK. My "Dr" from Motley End could do with one of those modern contraptions! Railway modelling causes us all to be very aware of every aspect of life in our chosen era. Its part of the attraction. I could give your Postman a lesson or two in handling parcels also!
    • Thank you Chris and Mike for the input on wording, "motor cars" it is then.   Douglas those 1960s car rallys sound good. There's an annual vintage fair here in Denmark that we sometimes go to. Here's a 1926 Ford T from a couple of years ago.       Returning to the DAPR 3D prints, I have been in touch with Ben of DAPR. He says that they are still available if you enquire. He also has them with the roof drawn up, and in pickup versions.   He says he co
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