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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

More T1 progress

A further couple of evening's work saw the boiler assembled and soldered in to place. The boiler and smokebox wrapper needed some slight adjustments to the correct shape (careful bending with fingers...) and the boiler had about .75mm filed off at the cab end to enable it to fit without pushing the front of the footplate down and out of alignment. It's still nowhere near finished, but I couldn't resist balancing the castings in place to get a rough idea of what it will look like.



Update 5 - the Stone Wharf - Laying the Foundations

Laying the foundation for the '2012 comp'!   As previously mentioned, the stone wharf will provide the scenic block to the fiddleyard & will be based on an amalgam of the wharves at Box and Corsham stations. The actual buildings, cranes etc will be the basis of the comp - but they need something to sit on, so the last ten days - apart from working - have been spent building track for the wharf siding & its run-round' loop -     By the end of this evening I was somewhat tired of c



So Much To Do - So Little Achieved !

I have such long 'absent' spells that every time I come back it takes me ages to work out how to drive this darned computer !! Not posted anything new since January, ouch, time to show what has been going on. Firstly spending money, this layout has loads of points, each requiring motors, switches for frog polarity changing. Then as usual buying a few building kits and vehicles just to try and keep the enthusiasm going as well as working out what will go where ?   Work has been done on the '



London Festival of Model Railways, Alexandra Palace

I’m a bit late writing this as I was ill for most of the beginning of the week as a result of the days exertions. As per usual I went along with my friend Natalie, who graciously did all of the driving (again). This year we went on the Sunday (26th) and I had pre-booked [...]<img alt="" border="0" src="http://stats.wordpress.com/b.gif?host=d827.wordpress.com&blog=24582877&post=270&subd=d827&ref=&feed=1" width="1" height="1" />   Source



Double Slip Tie Bars

Well, after much faffing around with various prototypes I have the final design for the functioning (the ones powered by the turnout motor) tie bars.   Basically one independent bar for each switch linked underneath by a springy brass wire allowing some sideways movement as the bars move towards each other as the switches throw.     I have cranked the wire clear of the end of one of the bars to allow for the drive pin from the motor. The bars are secured to the switch blades by the bent d



Narrowing the Gauge - O14 Jaunt

Hello & Welcome,   Today's entry is something a little different, still keeping with the theme of myself using me inexperience to bumble through making kits much to your amusement. However today we shall be swapping the comfortable world of Stephensons Gauge and working on something a little slimmer. Yes today Is my introduction to O14 scale; and the starter kit from KBscale. I should point out here and now I have nothing to do with KBscale - aside from being a satisfied customer. The stor




an old version of 4472 flying scotsman was stood on a few for a while and i thought that i will bebuild it this left me with a small dialema it had a single chimney and round dome to i had to think what period of the locomotives life LNER DONCASTER GREEN BR BRUNSWICK GREEN BR BLUE NE BLACK LNER GREEN DOUBLE TENDER (GREEN) LNER GREEN DOUBLE TENDER (FLYING SCOTSMAN ENTERPRISES) with the tender having a corridor i decided that i could rebuild the tender as well GN TEND




Well it seems that my airbrush compressor will be arriving from North America tonight. So I may well have to change track tomorrow and get on with some painting tomorrow. It will be interesting as I have not spayed using an airbrush for a while now.   Mind you if the weather is anything like today I don't think I will get anywere near to paint. Today we had the reason here is called a rain forest must of been close to 5 inches of rain and 90% humidity. The roads out side the apartment this mor



Modified 'Planet' Type 'The John Bull' - A Profile

The John Bull, as it first appeared on the line when bought in 2009. A sturdy and capable engine, and one with the distinction of being the oldest operable steam locomotive in the world. The motor for this locomotive is found within the tender, allowing for the locomotive itself to display a relatively high level of detail in this unique and original piece of locomotive history.   The side of the locomotive, showing its unique profile. The locomotive is all plastic, save for the wheel assemb



Cul Uisge - Kyle in 4 feet - The end of the line

Another year has passed since the last entry and the progress in that time has been.......nothing. Lots of ideas but zero progress. A few pieces of stock built but that is all.   I was recently asked if I could show a layout at a local "arts & crafts" show so I took all the detritus off the layout and had a look. It wasn't good, the baseboard and one of the backscene boards were slightly bowed, I had a step in one track cross the board joint and a lot of work was needed to bring the layout



2012 Project - An Update

The blog has been very quiet of late regarding layout progress. As regular readers will be aware, the 2012 project is all about creating a diorama that has the feel of the Waverley route and features a viaduct based on Shankend, a siding and signal box based on Whitrope siding, and a tunnel mouth based on Whitrope tunnel. The intention is to make the scene as timeless as possible so that anything from LNER steam to a BR blue Deltic will look right passing through. There is a good reason for slow



Morfa Bach Picture update 29 March 2012

Getting towards the finishing stages now, that's if a model railway is ever "finished" there are always little jobbies to be done somewhere.   Morfa Bach is no exception and I shall still be adding detail and paint in 12 months time!   But, all work and no play is no fun, so, taking advantage of this weeks fair weather I dragged the layout out on to the back yard and posed a few locos wagons and coaches for some natural daylight pictures.   Here's a few of the many shots taken this afterno



Very exciting news from the basement

It was my birthday yesterday. No trains (yet..), but I did get this: of course, when I say "this", I mean the wood not the people. They were already mine.     Today, I have this:     All the while I am thinking through a plan in my head. I am dithering over the four track mainline. I would like one, but my dad's locos require 5' preferably and 4'6" minimum radius (I have a few of his kit built locos: off the top of my head, two Saints and a Pannier, but for sure access to more), a



ABS 5 Plank Wagon - Part 2

Well, after a false start when it all went together crooked I dumped it in boiling water and started again. This time I ignored the instructions and built the body box up first using my nice magnetic corner jigs then fixed the soleplates/W irons on after.     I'm just waiting for some more parts from ABS, mainly the side door bottom planks to make the sackbarrow bottoms and then it's time to start painting.   Thanks to Adrian at ABS for his help and all the guidance and advice offered on



P2 Fitting extra pickups for DCC sound Bachmann Class 66

The easiest and quickest way is to remove the bogie frames as shown below in DSC01157.jpg or to strip the whole loco and remove the whole bogie as shown in DSC01160.jpg. I've done this work to improve the original class 66 electrical pickups for DCC sound.       The Above Image shows the 1/16" x 0.005" x 6" Phos. Bronze Strip from Slaters soldered behind the existing pickups.     The Above Image shows the strip cut to length bent and completed     Above shows how I've wired the l



Fitting Bass Reflex speaker to Bachmann Class 66

Above shows the components for modification and sound equipment for fitting.       Above and below show the modifications to the tank and the speaker fitted.         Above and below show the speaker, tank and the battery box fitted to the loco       Above shows the assembled loco.   Hope this is of some help, will post another blog showing the mods I made to the early Bachmann class 66s pickups.   Regards   Mr B



Roxey Summers Iron Ore Hopper part 9 - Hopper 5.

The rest of the strengthening ribs have been added together with the half etched rivet strips and the corner strips. For the corner strips and the rivet strips I used 179 degree solder cream and my RSU. Everything went together nicely although the end rivet strips and ribs needed trimming to suit the hopper angle;     The instructions ask you to drill holes in the hopper floor and chassis, bolt them together, solder, then remove the bolts and fill the holes. I decided on a different course



2mmFS 3D Modelling - GWR Outside Framed Goods Van

Having seen some of the great models that can be produced from 3D Printing, I have begun (for the second time) to produce the 3D model for a GWR Outside Framed Goods Van. These early vans were 15'6" long with a total body height of only 6'8". The earliest ones had wooden underframes, and they had a long life some ending up as Sand Vans.   I am using Google Sketch-Up to do the modelling, and so far have put together the main body, and outside frames. I am now in the process of adding the iro

Ian Smith

Ian Smith

Vertical fiddleyard - Locking bolts

With the hiatus caused by test building of a new MERG DCC Booster and the preparation for Ally Pally out of the way, (thanks everyone for the nice comments on the London Festival of Model Railways thread) I got back to the main matter in hand, finishing the engineers' possession on Empire Basin and getting back to being able to run trains around again.   Having made the fiddleyard move up and down the next step is making it stay in one place. Until I have a way of accurately holding it at a pa

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Par Station in N Gauge - a short update

Good evening all,   I haven't updated my blog on this layout for a while due to my busy work commitments but I have made a little bit of progress in that time. I have dismantled the layout into the three boards and have decided to work solely on the eastern end (London end) of the layout.   I have painted the rails and intend to do my usual watered down sleeper grime wash over the top to take the sheen off of the sleepers. I will then ballast and dry brush over the rails.   The platform ed

cornish trains jez

cornish trains jez

Brookford - now with O14 Narrow Gauge

Brookford now sports twenty one feet (a scale quarter of a mile) of two foot gauge track, around the existing yard area, then leading off up an extension to a new area of baseboard. That's 14mm gauge in 1:43 7mm/ft scale.     Hudswell Clarke well tank by P L S, on Flickr   The track is built with Peco Code 82 flat bottom rail soldered to PCB sleepers as it's all being covered with cinder ballast to rail web height.   Image by P L S, on Flickr   Image by P L S, on Flickr   Lo

Paul Lindsay-Scott

Paul Lindsay-Scott

Playing about with Templot

After using Xtrkcad and other layout design software I've downloaded Templot to try.   I'm still getting my head round it at the moment but have made a start on this.....     The above is a screen shot of my attempt to draw some track work for Penmaenpool MPD.   Not bad for about 30mins work, I still have a lot to learn about this software though, I'll have to keep looking at the tutorial videos!   All I really want to do is produce some templates for the turn outs, I'm not too bothe



Update on Almere Road TMD - 27/03/2012

Hi folks,   Thought I might update you as I've not posted on this blog for ages. There's not been a lot of progress on Almere because I've been concentrating my modelling time on Bexford TMD, my test-piece. I'm really glad I chose to do a test-board for two reasons; one of which is that I've learnt a few lessons in ballasting and warehouse-building, etc. The other is that I have got a small amount of satisfaction out of getting a piece of chip-board looking slightly more like a bit of railway



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