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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

steps forward and backwards - a coda of sorts

Greetings.   Since I set up my OO Bachman 04 with sound like an executive toy on my windowsill, my attention has turned back to my 2mm endeavours and I have been through a reflective period; trying to decide whether in fact I should continue with 2mm. My declining eyesight is one serious consideration.   The Little Glenfield layout has required some TLC as it has been neglected for some months. I have had the engines out on parade and find that some of them just don't work reliably enough




So it's been a good few weeks since my last update. I've not had any time to devote to modelling, mainly due to the job. Just one of those things, though it has given me some time to reflect on the ultimate aims of my hobby.   One of the things I know to be true, is that I do not have the space currently, and am unlikely to have the space to, model Copley Hill as I want to. I could not do the area justice. My stocklist is based on that which could be seen at Copley Hill - and that is still the

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

Modular Model Railway Layout (MMRL)

Now that Morfa Bach is almost completed a start has been made on module 2 Penmaenpool MPD, based on the actual prototype that existed on the Cambrian coast line between Dolgelleau and Morfa Mawddach.   Each module will be a "mini" layout or diorama in it's own right. At exhibitions the exhibition manager will have the choice of which "modules" he wants at his show. The caveat is that the "basic layout" of Morfa Bach and Penmaenpool MPD must be included, modules 3&4 (yet to be decided) ar



Screws and glue

After the start with the beams last weekend, this weekend saw the assembly stage, the beams where glued and screwed together to form a framework and the trackbed baseboard glued and stapled to the structure.     It wasn't laying very flat, so I came up with a different way to use the workmate, a cast iron patio umbrella base and some floor tiles. Not how these items were designed to be used, but it gave me plenty of weight to hold it down. It will at least be as flat as the block paved sect



A weekends worth of pre-group Southern steam progress

A trip to the local Sorting Office after work on Friday resulted in a parcel from Branchlines. The E2 chassis now has a Mashima 1220 motor and 67:1 Branchlines Multibox two stage gearbox. It drives the rear axle under the cab, and the gearbox needed a fair amount of it's sides removing to fit (and not be visible). I also had to reduce the thickness of the moulded backhead.   It's pictured on my hi-tech loco test facility - none of this rolling road nonsense for my locos.   This is the curr



Vertical fiddleyard - first track laid

The weekend gave me the opportunity to remake the ends of the bridge corner boards which I had to shorten to make space for the extra 10cm of fiddle yard. A short length at the end of the baseboard is built up with MDF and ply to a height which allows for a solid length of copper-clad PCB to go underneath the rails. This gives something solid to solder the rail onto and hopefully keeps everything from moving. I had to put an additional bit of bracing onto one of the main baseboards to stop it fr

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Tracklaying Masterclass

I tried to convince these folks of the merits of Easitrac or even soldered PCB construction, but they seemed happy with their own way of doing things   http://youtu.be/0jFZReHQTTE   Still, they managed to lay about 12 feet of track in under 5 minutes, so maybe it's not a bad approach.   Their next move was to rip it all up again, which sounds a lot like what some people write about on RMWeb, so I think that there's hope for them yet.



More Test Etch Results - A little bit of fun!

Hello.   I havent really has much time to get any serious modelling done this weekend so instead I decided to have a little bit of fun and see if my engine body I added to my test etch would actually go together. I havent had much luck with the bits and pieces on this test etch with various faults appearing when I put them together so I didnt hold out much luck for this one....     It doesnt exactly slot together but with a little bit of fiddling I managed to get the bits to fit together



Totally O/T but......

Arrived at my station today to travel to London for my last ever late turn...   Station announcement 'Southwest Trains regret the late running of trains today due to engineering works at New Malden'.   Me..Turn to the one platform staff on duty - 'What engineering works?'   PS..'The notices have been up all week'.   Me.. 'Where?'   PS.. 'In the booking hall'.   Me.. 'And the booking hall is?'   PS.. 'Over there'.   Me.. 'No - the booking hall is ---- SHUT for refurbishment!'  



I'd like to report a robbery...

The following is a transcript of a conversation I had last month with the Police. For simplicity I have translated it from Spanish to English…   Bcnpete: Good morning, I would like to report a robbery. Police: Good morning Sir – What exactly has been stolen? Bcnpete: A viaduct. Police: A viaduct Sir? Bcnpete: Yes…but not a complete one….only one bay of the viaduct. Police: One bay of a viaduct? I'm not sure I follow. Bcnpete: That’s right…but not a full size bay…a scale mod



Hi all......Does anyone remember "Clayworth", "Kirkfield", "Saafeld-am-Zee" or "Pfaffenbrucke"?

Hi everybody,   I just want to introduce myself, as the 'behind the scenes guy' responsible for all electrics on my parents' exhibition layouts.   These include :-   "Clayworth" dating back to the 80's which was an imaginary OO guage LNER branch line based near Retford..   "Kirkfield" mid 80's, which was also an imaginary OO guage LNER layout with station buildings scale modelled on Sutton Central, but designed to resemble Kirkby-in-Ashfield.   "Saafeld-Am-Zee" early 90's which was an



Something Achieved !

Posting twice in one week - something of a record ..... As I can't find a way of extending a thread by additional postings we have a new one !!   After a couple of days 'messing around' I've at last made all the track on station boards 1 - 3 go live !! Not a single wiring glitch although two crossovers are not yet attached to their decoders due to being on separated boards and I've not bought the connecting plugs & sockets.   I so often hear of difficulties with double slips and being



OMG... ...WTF!

What's going on here then?   Major surgery in the yard area, that's what!   Post-Nottingham I've been obliged to take the sledgehammer to the walnut. Bits of rail have been removed, replaced and rejigged.     As a general guide:   W = widened N = new rail TD = still to do! OLANB = there's the titchy weigh hut from the last post!!

Tony Simms

Tony Simms


An 8th show in 10 weekends and another new one for me. A colleague of mine is a member of the Belper Model Railway Group and had told me about this show. So after being kind to the wife I was able to sneak out this morning to make it over to the Strutt's Centre, Belper for this event.   This is another small local show, very similar to the Mansfield event earlier in the month. It featured a number of small layouts, many of which I have seen before. Many of these layouts represented the later



Spaceship ready to launch!

Well it's all done now. Totally updated Hornby Railroad 9F. Practically complete. Only a couple of touch ups needed where I've glued things after I've painted.                     Weathering is the same as the Ivatt, including Red frames.     As I plan to try and give a bit of individual character to all my locomotive stock. I'm going to try and have the crew doing different things. This time the fireman is enjoying the the wind in his face whilst the driver calls

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

Stone Steps and Walkways

Building the stone steps and walkways for Snitzl Town.   A step by step illustrated guide to building the stone steps and walkways on the market place  of Snitzl Town. The model is based on a walk way / railway bridge that existed on Main St,  Kimberley, Nottingham.   The individual components of this model bolt together to form a complete assembly,  an idea I've carried on into other modules of Kimberley Station, that I will post soon.  

Gentle Progress at Pen Mill

Here's one of the uncouplers embedded in position. Progress recently has been the printing up of production templates, which are printed on 'Toughprint' waterproof inkjet paper, stuck down with 3M Spraymount, then given a coat of shellac. The various electrical connections are then marked on, dropper holes drilled and dropper wire strung down through the holes. This will be soldered onto the underside of the rails as they are laid. The turnout timbering is then cut to fit and glued on using UH

Steve Stubbs

Steve Stubbs

Hogwarts 'Hall' Class 49xx No.5972 'Olton Hall/Hogwarts Castle' - A Profile

No.5972, Hogwarts Castle, in a partially rebuilt state in 2012. The locomotive had been withdrawn for a few years prior to these photos being taken, and was quickly pieced together again for photographing. Once the strongest engine in the fleet, it has since been replaced by more powerful locomotives - although this does not detract from the locomotive's ability and style in the slightest. The classic profile of the locomotive is shown here.   The side view, showing the locomotive's classic



Bristol Barrow Road - The engine sidings

More progress on the trackwork this time on the engine sidings alongside the roundhouse. In addition to the two main lines there are five other lines which cross the board joint at the throat of the sidings. Track fixing across this joint, as all board joints, is by positioning ply sleepers adjacent too, and across the joint and inserting 12BA brass bolts into pre-drilled holes in the ply sleepers. I usually do this on two or more sleepers either side of the joint.   One length of rail - 120f



P4 - (Another) diesel servicing point diorama - a start!

Well, here we have a slightly different project to compete with the loco detailing projects and writing projects and drawing projects, (and and and) that are all seeming vying for my spare time at the moment... a small diorama layout to plant the P4 locos completed and under construction. The theme is rather tedious I’m afraid... just another small servicing/storage yard, making use of the Bachmann single-road shed, a scalescenes inspection pit and some knightwing bits (that are still in thei



A belated bumper update

February and March have flown by and there's me too busy to post and update.   Well here goes, my Bulleid plans have been tweaked and several other locos have been slotted into the mix.   T9 30718 was in works and was subsequently completed:     These locos have been completed:   Q1 33034, I really love weathering these. This is the 6th Q1 I've renumbered so far, it's also the first loco I've used etched route indicator discs on.   An 'Inworks' picture taken prior to weathering  



All Steamed Up - repairing Bachmann coach glazing

The sun has come out and the garden beckons. With the sunshine we can also see which of our double glazed units have failed. Upstairs the sudden warmth is likely to be responsible for the spontaneous failure of the glazing in one of my Bachmann Mark One coaches:     This need not be a major problem. Many of us will be familiar with the 'stress test' applied to items sent by post and will have received coaches with displaced glazing. I must have been inside over half a dozen Bachmann coa

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

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