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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

through the looking glass

My last entry perhaps came over a bit more glum than I intended, giving the impression that I was abandoning 2mm rather than just having a break for a while to give my eyes a rest! So am adding this one to balance things out a little! Firstly, as I indicated I have been tweaking my little 2mm goods engine and am pleased to report that it is now running more smoothly, having traced the cause of the intermittent the short to a frame catching a crank.   I also mentioned that I have been having a



The joys of modifying R-T-R for P4

It's only a rake of nine coaches you say, shouldn't take too long. That's only 18 sprung bogies with 36 axles, 72 wheels, 72 pairs of brake hangers and 144 brake shoes to assemble. Don't forget the 36 cosmetic sides. Then there are 18 Kadees to assemble and fit (after modifying the coach ends to take them), 18 corridor connections to assemble and fit, 9 sets of underframe detailing to cobble up, 9 roofs that need all those strips removing. Numbers to be changed, bogies and roofs to be painted, s



Quick update - electrics

It's been far too long since I posted an update, and equally, it's been far too long since any serious progress has been made!   So, I thought I'd briefly describe the electrics (which are now complete):   The layout is DC controlled, using one track of a twin-track Gaugemaster controller. This plugs in to a small switch in the fiddleyard box, which has 3 switches. Between these switches and the points, any one part of the layout can be isolated, allowing 2 shunters to be used - the intentio



Delph max

As a follow-up to my entry the other day, I've added the next board along - with the coal drops. This is the maximum length of the layout I can erect on the floor without moving furniture around, so the station platform board is not attached. I haven't started the fiddle yard. In use, the layout is high enough (1400 mm to rail level - quite high) to go over the furniture, but I haven't made a start on the support structure so far. Having these boards connected allows the point rodding runs and

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

Building time.

Pannier wise, dug out some pics of the current state of affairs. We're fiddling with the valve gear atm, though work has stalled for a long time now. As anyone who has built an outside cylinder loco kit knows, valve gear is the tricky part. and being quite a lot bigger doesnt make valve gear any easier in 5. Its something of a black art, few people understand it fully, many people get the basics and are happy with that, but being live steam it is essential to the working. Parts of our gear

London cambrian

London cambrian

Signaling the way forward

Not much done tonight as work interfered However a start has been made on my first ever attempt at a signal, and the 2nd and 3rd lol The pic is as far as its got, and as this is going to be a ............ first i have decided NOT to make it working ...... I am waiting for Missy to publish her methods I think I must invest in some different temp solders I have multi core and solder paste and has any one got any recommendations ????



No more points to lay ...... Another step forward.

When I started this in October I don't think I realised just how much work was involved in making a large portable layout. I had worked out the track would probably be 1K when points, decoders and all was built in, but this has just seemed to go on forever. However today I pinned down the last points by completing the south station throat with it's 6 assorted turnouts that includes a double slip and a 3 way.     From above it shows main lines to the right, with the left siding to serve



Taking stock

Right, afternoon all. Its just too cold to be out in the workshop and i am bored of cutting up planks for van sides (more another time) and waiting for glue to dry so here goes part two   Perhaps i should just identify the pics alittle. The first pic, not a single wagon in there belongs to me, thats a very small selection of wagons that can turn up to any GL5 event. A small event may have 30-50 wagons. a medium size, 100+ wagons, and the biggest easily top over 200! The second and 5th pics a

London cambrian

London cambrian

Ropley - The little things

Spot the difference?! Hi all.   Taking advantage of the thoroughly rubbish weather outside today, I've tackled a few smaller details which were preventing ballasting moving further down the line towards the station. I had previously completed up to the area where point rodding crosses under the mainline to reach the wheel drop road points but there were a few detail items relating to the ground signal controlling exit from the yard area.   The Prototype (from the other side!)



"The Last Run"

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPv1T-ad7KY   "The Last Run"   www.britishrailwaystories.com   In the heart rendering final episode of The British Railway Stories, Allen the A1 Pacific recounts his final tale...including his last run...   Music by Kevin Mcleod, Incompetech.com   The contents of these videos, including all text and photos (except where credited otherwise) are ©The British Railway Stories & Simon A.C. Martin

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

An introduction to the world of 5...

A few people have expressed an interest in my larger scale modelling activities, not really the norm on here so you understand the interest when just a wagon is bigger than the human baby! So, with a bit of luck what follows is an account of the world of 5 inch gauge railway modelling.   Hope this ok on here Andy and all the mods (if not chuck me out with a shout of 'and stay out' ) but 5 inch gauge is basically model engineering and is usually associated with the miniature railways found in

London cambrian

London cambrian

Bristol Barrow Road - The Four Sidings

I have now finished laying the four sidings which are alongside the roundhouse and workshop, the track over the pits laid using Exactoscale M1 chairs. I have extended the track on the engine release road - in one of the photos there is a section of this track with one length of rail positioned using pins - but this is as far as I can go with this track at the moment as the templot drawing needs adjustment to the south exit trackwork. All the new unstained trackwork is still in need of the additi



Making Tracks

This time last week the weather was bright and sunny with temperatures around the 20degC mark, To-day it is blowing a blizzard outside, putting the damper on any chance of wood butchering the baseboard for Penmaenpool MPD, the next module in my Modular Cambrian model railway layout. As it happens there is always other work that can be done indoors in the warm! I need two points, (turnouts) for Penmaenpool and one Trap (catch) point. I also wanted the minimum radius to be no less than 36inches



BR Class A4 No.60022 'Mallard' - A Profile

In 2010, I took a trip to the local railway exhibition, where I got the opportunity to see many of the finest railway lines around in full operation. Several examples of railway practice from across the world were on display, including several examples from the mountains of North America, the beaches of Southern England, and even a narrow-gauge industrial complex. The photo opportunity was sadly missed as cameras were unavailable for capturing the event for posterity - all that remains are the m



getting there

Second evenings work is done ( my cutting disc broke when i put the dremmel down so took that as a sign) Tank sides are done rear tank sides are done Step supports ( no steps yet ) are done and the last pic is my signal bits all laid out ready for tomorrow nights first job . ( identify cut to size and ...... rest lol the 1 P it needs a clean up and my Macro lens is very cruel   and the signal bits



The train now arriving is....closing the gap!

The last week has been something of a landmark for both the show and the layout as things move forward once more!   The first train has now pulled into Skaleby West as some serious testing began to take place. A Bachmann 57xx, hauling two wagons was run onto the layout from a Peco loco lift, which acted as a temporary fiddle yard! The short train was then run over all track on the board to test that everything was running as it should be.....sadly it wasn't! The loco seemed to stall on a few



Delph - Approach track laid

I recently retrieved the final scenic base-board from my friend's workshop, primarily to check the space for the home/loop bracket signal and if there were any under board obstructions which might get in the way of the operating mechanism. Actually, there's loads of space, unlike some of the other signal locations on the next (station throat) board. I've taken the opportunity of having the board at home to lay the first section of the single track approach to the station. I'm happy with the ali

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

Rumours of my demise...

Relay boxes by Will Vale, on Flickr   ...have been greatly exaggerated. I have been modelling in my spare time, just not railway modelling, so I'm doing better than last year at least...   But I have done something train-related today - I dug Whitemarsh out of the cupboard and finished painting all the cable trunking which had only had a base coat of cream paint until now. I'm trying to get the bridge end of the layout ready to take to the NZAMRC convention at the end of the week, so of cour

Will Vale

Will Vale

the real Mojo has returned

finally it has come out of the corner where it has been hidding this evening saw the work bench / desk clear of clutter and the poor lil 1P has beed attacked with iron solder and files So far the foot plate is almost complete. as for the chassis !!!! if that s what a kind person would call it . i have given up for the time being and ordered a ready made one for 2mm Locomotives ( cheers Damien ( usual disclaimer)) another little project is the GWR home signal for the end of the platf



Scratchbuilding a 7mm loco shed

Image by P L S, on Flickr   I've been building a loco shed for the new exhibition 7mm layout my local club is building. Since I am using the same techniques as I used to build the one for my layout Brookford, I thought I'd share what I'd learnt so far.   The frame is built from square section obechi.   I drilled and pinned the main joints for strength having glued them first with wood glue.   Image by P L S, on Flickr   I made the wooden cladding from beech veneer which I found on li

Paul Lindsay-Scott

Paul Lindsay-Scott

Marshalling times!

Hello and welcome to my third blog posting.   I have been making steady, if slow, progress with my layout. My efforts since Christmas have mainly been focused on the marshalling yard element of my model railway.   The original layout (showed below) had plenty of sidings but I thought it was rather unimaginative and restrictive to operate. I had a major redesign and came up with a new track layout. This would allow more flexibility and be a bit more interesting to operate.   Old Layout



All in a day's work - Part 3 (1914)

"Francis, what on earth is that?" "I don't know, dear" "It says 'Monster' on the side. How terribly silly. Why on earth would they call a railway carriage something like that?" "I don't know, dear." "Perhaps it's for third class passengers? I don't suppose the working classes need much light." "I don't know, dear." "Francis, I do wish you were more knowledgeable." "I know, dear."   As the Longbottoms fell silent, the Monster rolled past them in all it



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