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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

ABS 5 Plank Wagon - Part 3

Well, I got the bits from Adrian at ABS so the angled planks at the bottom of the doors and label clips were added and then the painting commenced.   Below shows the wagon as it sits now, basic spraying done but there is a lot of overspray on the black where I couldn't mask well enough. No matter, I'll touch up with Tamiya semi gloss black and no-one will know.     It's done in BR period livery, and just needs black number patches adding once the overspray is sorted, oh and a touch of whi



Callow Lane - visiting railcar

When John (Re6/6) and Peter came round the other day to refresh play on Engine Wood, we naturally had a play on Callow Lane as well. Peter brought his P4 converted ex-Lima GW railcar, which utilises the drive from a Bachmann 158 to power it, and it looked rather at home on Callow Lane:     A bit of mindless shunting was also indulged in:     Still haven't glued the roof to the goods shed, waiting until after TrainWest:

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

Ropley - It must be Spring

Remember this part completed tree seen a few entries ago?....   Hi all   I've spent the afternoon finishing one of the many trees that will be required for the top of the embankment. The tree in question was seen partially completed a few entries back, and was been produced using the the twisted wire method, with some polyfibre teddy stuffing I found on the net for the finer branches.   I'm quite pleased with how this one has turned out, and I have to admit that for a short while I was



Coopercraft AEC Lorries

These two were built at least 18 years ago. I recently rediscovered them in Mum's attic and now they reside in my display case. I think that the kits need no introduction, there must be thousands of these on layouts up and down the country!         Despite their shortcomings I'm still rather pleased with them, otherwise they'd have been sold on as part of one of my semi-regular purges. The blue one was built first and the red dropside came later, its interesting to see how my modelli



In Print!

Well, spring seems to be a popular time for my random scribblings.   The 2-8-2 is scheduled to appear in the next Model Rail - May issue out April 19th and yesterday Mike at Hornby Magazine confirmed the Duke of Gloucester will be appearing in the June edition (HM60) out 11th May



Dovedale Models

During my recent attendance on the DOGA stand at the BRM Festival of Railway Modelling, Alexandra Palace I came upon an interesting demonstration desk in the smaller hall. I admired the handiwork of David Wright whilst he dealt with an enquiry and then had a lengthy natter with him whilst he showed me some of his scratch-building technique. Amongst the exhibits was a derelict building in the process of construction as well as a few finished projects. Mr Wright is the owner of Dovedale Models bas



What I did in March. A follow up from Basingstoke

Well at the last update I was getting ready for the Basingstoke show held on 10th & 11th March. So I was busy wheel cleaning and checking the wheels back to backs as well as fixing the broken buffers from the Southampton show and other repairs. I want to thank Western Star of this parish and his team for putting a great show. I think that we were in one of the “Hot†rooms. We had the little windows open to get some air in there. We had quite a few kind comments about the layout. I do g



A selection of rolling stock

Hi all,   I had planned on constantly updating this blog with the progress of my test layout in 2fs. After the last post I kind of lost interest as I have been working hard at planning my proper layout in Google Maps, Templot and Autocad. Rannoch in 2mm Finescale is born (kind of).   During this time I have been slowly building up a collection of suitable stock by finding bargains at shows or on eBay. I thought I would post a few quick snaps taken today with my iPhone. The aim of these p



Freight for Cheddar: Cattle Wagons

The next project for tonight was a start on the first wagon for my cattle rake, following Martin Goodall's articles from MRJ as a guide and using a combination of Coopercraft and Airfix kits.   The plan is for a 6 wagon rake comprised of: 1 W3 with rebuilt doors (shortened Airfix) 1 W8 Airfix 1 12 Airfix 2 W5 (one with rebuilt doors one with standard) Coopercraft 1 W1 (coopercraft)   To start with I am going with the W12, followed by the W3   The ends will need to be modified to get t

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Freight for Cheddar: GWR Opens

A little more freight progress:   First up the Cooper-craft GWR O5 5 plank that I started on last month. It has now been completed as a running model, with a pair of Bill Bedford units fitted. Unfortunately I have somehow managed to fit Dean Churchward breaks with a RCH lever (found out when I came across the correct breaks when building the O2 7 plank). Trying to decide now if it bothers me enough to correct (the answer is probably yes). The model runs very sweetly (and for once the sprin

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

So what size are yours - flagstones?

The list of jobs to do is endless but finishing off the platforms must come near the top.     This could be quite a long task but first what size to make the paving? The British Standard suggests that paving stones should preferably be 900 x 600, 750 x 600 or 600 x 600 (mm). However my layout represents the late 1950s, early 1960s, long before metrication. In those days, and for some considerable time after, the standard size of paving stone was 3ft x 2ft equivalent to 12mm x 8mm in 00 s

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

Updates: 04/11/12

Just a few updates from the line today:   -I am considering the fates of several locomotives in the fleet. Some engines will continue to exist and survive, while others may not be as fortunate... -The railway may get some new stock in a couple of weeks time, pending the annual railway exhibition.... -Updates to the existing fleet, like chassis replacements and overhauls, may commence this summer...   I am also aware that not all the current engines have their profiles up yet - these will c



Heworth Sidings - Update - 11/04/2012

Hi,   It's been nearly a month since the last entry in the blog and although the unseasonal weather threw a spanner in the works, we're back on track now it's raining again   Having previously completed the bus wiring on each of the modules, the next job was to create the inter-module connections. As we are running 4 DCC Power Districts along with a DC and an AC supply for other items, we would need to provide 12 way inter-connects. Our requirement was for something that would be easy enoug



Lindleymoor yard

Hello all,   Lindleymoor yard is the name of my new model railway. The project started around november last year and since then the layout hasn't progressed since until now. Lindleymoor yard is set as modern image era but I am wanting to set the era at around 1999 to 2003, when class 66s where new and class 56s where still seen in service. The layout is set on a refuelling point, although not based on a real location many ideas have come from the Tees Yard feulling point which I found photos o



J photos and T1 progress

I've finally taken some decent photos of the Chiver J class, in all it's late 1940s grottyness.   I've also done some more work on the T1. Friday afternoon was spent constructing a replacement bogie out of nickel silver. I decided that the lump of whitemetal provided with the kit wasn't worth bothering with. The new bogie supports the rear end of the loco in a way unknown to the designers of 0-4-4T kits in the early 1980s. I had a good read of an Iain Rice article in an early MRJ, w



wagons (not yet) roll!

Looking back over the short period of this blog its strange to find that my main project has received no coverage. So to redress the balance! The little van which i have recently been working on is technically a sideline and afterthought to a pair of 3 plank dropside wagons like the ones shown and mentioned earlier. The project is for two more MET ballast wagons commonly used from 1896 uptill around 1980, when the last two were retired. My two are BD704, a wagon adapted from BW251 for carryi

London cambrian

London cambrian

Update 06- An exercise in tedium....

As I've explained elsewhere, I have concerns about the long-term stability of solvent-based chairing, particularly on point-work. As 'Ambridge' is designed for the 'long term', it's got to be right - if something goes wrong in 10 years time I might not have the eyesight/manual dexterity to fix it! However, I do like the 'look' of C&L chairs (as ably demonstrated by Mikkel & others, so I'm going the route of 'standard' 'EM' construction (ply sleepers with the rail (code 75) soldered to



Part 34: A new beginning :-)

This is how I have planned my new layout to look. There will be some changes along the way I think.... :-) I have designed it to include my current layout along the left side. The size is nice to fill with landscape. The room is 6.5 x 4.5 meters. The possibility to have a decent sized harbour is really exciting! Almost true to scale liberty ship maybe? :-)

M Graff

M Graff

Ropley - Powder on the line

A quiet moment between services.   Hi all.   My sole purchase from the York show this year was a bag of Green Scene Weathering powders in browns, black and ash grey. I had been mulling over ways of improving the weathering of the track on the layout and also how to achieve the multitude of different colours and shades found at the real location and decided that powders might give slightly more control and flexibility than using paint.   It's something of a bugbear of mine that I see a



Wheal Elizabeth new traffic flow

Wheal Elizabeth is out and about this coming weekend at Cheltenham. Do come and say hello if you're going.. The modifications to the layout are all but complete, just some point rodding, facing point lock and a lever frame to add. The slurry loading facility has been relocated, allowing a rake of tanks to be filled, so expect to see the bullet train this weekend. Also, Wheal Elizabeth has secured the lucrative contract to supply Tulis Russell, the papermakers so expect to see their own privat



Bank Holiday Blues

Bit of an anticlimactic weekend following a week away in Wales. Saturday was spent sorting out the usual chaos that greets you following a period of absence and then, yesterday, there was a pile of paperwork to shuffle into some semblance of order as well as catching up with various relatives.   After all that, I really didn't feel like braving the Easter throng in York so a quiet Monday has been spent beavering away on the central board. More trackwork has been tweaked and large chunks of wha

Tony Simms

Tony Simms

Revised Middleton Bogie SLA model.

A distinct lack of modelling time at the moment as 'real' work seems to have taken over all my spare time!   One thing that has moved forward though is the 3d Middleton bogie, the first revised models have arrived from Belgium and they are far superior in detail to the original.   This is the model as received       And this is it after a little work     Work undertaken so far includes smoothing the steps in the roof, I Materialise have pretty much sorted out how these models ar

Red Devil

Red Devil

Easter Results. Yard Crane & More Point Rodding!

Hello.   Easter this year in the Adams Household had been quite a quiet affair. For a change I didnt have anything planned so I took it as a oppertunity to relax, especially as April this year is quite a busy one. As a result, apart from numerous easter eggs being consumed I did a bit of modelling for Highclere...       The best bit for me was the oppertunity to get a little more done on Highcleres yard crane. As some of you might remember from an earlier post I got the jib a



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