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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Is Scale That Important?

Hello.   I had an enjoyable weekend, on Saturday I went along to the Narrow Gauge Show at Sparsholt College and enjoyed my time there. I chatted to a few poeple there and was equally inspired by some of the layouts and display. One of the people I spent some time talking to was Allen of Worsley Works fame and I left with a few goodies from him to try out.   Allen has added some more items to his collection of 2mm Scale Narrow Gauge stock including some Irish Narrow Gauge engines and coaches.



Lima Class 50 Eagle refurbishment.

I keep looking at my Lima 50043 and thinking I need to sort the front end out. For a start the multiple working gear and ETH needs painting orange, but what shade should it be? I have a couple of Craftsman Models headlamps in my bits box as i'm sure it should have them fitted if in large logo? also the headcode box would have marker lights by this time so the Craftsman Models panels are being used and some Jackson Evans metal nameplates will make it look a whole lot better too. I also like t



New Wagon Kits for Halifax

Since last writing something I have been a bit busy getting the new range of wagon kits ready for the first show of the year in June. With most of the engineering work complete I am now turning to the pleasurable part building the prototypes. June's new kits are:- NER R2 and R4 Coke wagons. These are based on our popular NER P5 coal hopper that came out some years ago. NER Q1 Loco coal/High Goods LYR Gunpowder Van Rhymney Railway 4 plank open/Loco Coal S&DJR 2 Plank Open



Bristol Barrow Road - Hitting the Buffers

I have done some research on the type of buffer stops used on the shed and have identified three different types in five positions:-   The first type is found on the headshunt alongside the coaling tower and has been difficult to identify as photos of this area have usually have a 16 ton mineral wagon blocking the view. I have managed to find a couple of useful shots one of which is courtesy of Patrick O'Brien on his flickr site:- http://www.flickr.co...157625157165429 The buffer stop is to



Even more on the 'Tin' HAL unit

The first group of photos shows the hook and loop coupling system I devised, bent up from stiff brass wire. The hook is a simple 'Z' (or 'N' if you prefer!) shape with one end stuck into the floor and the other projecting downwards. There is a small groove cut into the headstock to locate the hook and stop it from swivelling. The loop is also sitting in the floor and a slot in the headstock but is made quite wide to allow for the end throws of the coaches on curves - by sheer luck I got this rig



More on the 'Tin' 2HAL unit

Just thinking about that last little bit, I realised that technically, since the motor coach has no lavatory access, while it was running around on its own it was a 1NOL !   Anyway, I have now rigged extra pickups on the trailing bogie of the motor coach and, unusually for me, run the wires very neatly through holes drilled in the upper corners of the compartment partitions.   Next, I rigged a simple hook and loop coupling system using some stiff brass wire drilled into the floor at right an



Belem Markets

Something slightly different today. We went for a walk down by the docks and markets Saturday morning. So I thought I would give a little tour for you all. The area is called Ver-o-Peso which translates to "check the weight"   First just to keep a bit of the railway interest, I think this is where an old turntable would of been. The walk way there is edged in lightweight flat bottom rail. I am not sure but it is at the end of the old rubber warehouses. I will try and find out, they certainly h



Updates on No.5972 - 04.11.12

A slight update regarding No.5972, and unfortunately it's not one for the better - I took too long in waiting to obtain the parts needed for a complete cosmetic overhaul of the locomotive; they have all sold out. The only options left are to either repair the existing bodywork and tender, or else simply leave the entire piece alone.   Disappointment looms for this locomotive's future; it will continue to survive but at this point even its future as an engine on public display are in doubt...



Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible

Things in Legomanbiffo's world have been extremely hectic lately, mainly due to three weeks of training in Manchester and Scotland, punctuated with a day's intensive recording session. The trip to Manchester gave a welcome opportunity for rail travel and photography, with stops at Crewe, Stockport and Manchester Picadilly on the way up. On the return journey I spent some time at the Crewe Heritage Centre with Brian Porter, trying to coax more sounds out of the APT. We had minor sucesses but it w



4mm scale, 00 gauge Manning wardle Old Class I, S&M Morous

Hello Everyone,   heres one model that i have slowly been building over the last few months.   Im not going to deny it has been built from one of my own kits.   The prototype for the kit in the first place was choosen based on its long career and wide spread useage, nothing to do with personal interests at the time.   During research i found one of these, "Morous" ran just down the road from me on the Shropshire and montgomeryshire railway which actually got me interested in researching



Progress Report

Whilst reviewing my galleries I realised I had not updated the blog, so here are a few pictures of progress. We have got the second board and its track done, which I will update next time, despite the first version of it warping in the warm at work and me having to make it all over again. The young people have done all the plaster work and we have designed and built the building shells on the left from foam board. Overall scene,   A view down the trench, towards the main gun emplacement,



Norris Type 4-2-0 - A Profile

The Norris Type locomotive, photographed in March of 2012. Out of service for some time, this locomotive was once touted as the first engine to operate the Sumtown Tramway Company's rails (although it is certainly not the first locomotive operated by myself). Unique, simple yet elegant in ist own way, this locomotive is in need of some work before it runs again, including attempting to find some of the root problems behind its failings - for now, it is in a very presentable condition, and still



Deeping Show 2012

Back from visiting the Deeping show (after a good chat with Neil and a proper look at Deeping Lane Depot which is even more impressive up close than it is on here) with a couple of items. Mainline BSK coach in blue and grey as M34571 for the passengers. Not listed in 1989 Platform 5 book so may not stay. Hornby MSV wagon to add to the collection Hornby 12T Brake van Hornby power controller so the second loop can be used independently at last which should hopefully stop some moaning And the



Addendum to my earlier post; 2HAL has run!

Further to my earlier posting, I have fitted an NCE decoder with a 9-pin JST connector and harness, so I can substitute alternative decoders if I'm not happy with the NCE one. I haven't yet wired extra pickups on the trailing bogie so running was a little hesitant in places but it has now completed several circuits of the layout as a 1HAL!



between the (planned) trees...

Update - Good afternoon,   With the 'Outlaws' safely dispatched during the middle of the week (after almost 2 weeks here ) it was time to do some modelling....a sort of reward for my tolerance if you will   The first task was to apply the first coat of Sculptamold to the ground contours. Lovely stuff to work with (as ever, thanks Julia for the tip ) and surprisingly not that messy either...the only downer is when I step back and look at it, I have a sudden craving to eat a bowl of porridge



The Old Days!

8404_smrs_expo_019, a photo by nevardmedia on Flickr. Earlier today I decided to upload a few 35mm negative scans of toy chuffers taken between 1981 and 1984. Many of them were taken down the long gone Southampton Model Railway Society clubrooms at Sholing Railway Station which housed Newhampton, a huge OO gauge out and back and duck under Southampton Terminus inspired layout. I remember that the standard of modelling at the time was generally a cut above the norm, with the miniature portrayal

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

the current state of play

Hi all.   this is gonna be words only unless I get some pics on tomorrow.   lots of activity, little progress I am afraid. last few days, buffer stocks have sprayed up for the van, and holes drilled for all 12 buffer stocks on the wagons. door frames corner brackets have been drilled and the body drilled for them, mostly done with a little hand twist drill, because I can't get the battery drill in the door way! The roof arches are all drawn, just waiting for access to the router. But really

London cambrian

London cambrian

Tile that Roof

A much slower but more effective way to model roof tiles and ridge tiles. Step by step guide to Tiling Roofs.   I've tiled most roofs on Snitzl Town using this method, and there's no doubt in my mind that  the overall look is well worth the time and effort. Its worth modeling the odd building with  larger tiles, and that might be a good starting point. Try not to get to much liquid poly under  the tile, because really thin styrene tends to distort. Use a small artists brush, not t


snitzl in Buildings

GWR Class 57xx No.5705 - A Profile

Class 57xx No.5705, as of March 2012 when these photographs were taken. The locomotive had been out of use for several months prior to these photos being taken, and had to be reassembled to its current state of a rolling engine. Obtained in 2008 from unknown origins, this engine's past is very murky - what is known is that this locomotive was brass-built, operating relatively smoothly prior to its withdrawal after a disastrous overhaul gone wrong.   The side of the locomotive, showing off th



Canals for model railways

Starting back to modelling again now that I have finally retired, I have always enjoyed canals etc having lived in England for 9 years before moving to Ireland and want to create one in 00 format for my layout but, for the life of me I can't find any info on modelling any, Plenty of info on canals of all types but not on how to build models.   New to this blog thingy !! so hope soemone will come back with some advice/info   There are a few canals over here in Ireland where I now live but th



Cement hopper

As well as getting Wheal Elizabeth ready for the Cheltenham show this weekend, this week I've been building a 51L kit for a Castle Cement air braked hopper. This will be added to the modern image fleet for occasional use. Nothing to do with china clay at all as far as I know, but there were workings to Chacewater, so maybe an excuse for a diverted working? The real reason is it was on the bring and buy a couple of years ago at Scaleforum. I'd kind of hoped it'd be ready for the show, but I've o



Returning to the Bulleid 'Tin' HAL

Returning to the 'Tin' HAL unit, I decided that the separate jumper cables I fitted a while back were too thick so I have now fitted finer wire jumpers and repainted the affected areas. The new jumpers may now be a fraction too spindly but a layer or two of paint will thicken them up a bit.   While I had the wire, the cutters and the pliers out, I decided to spend an hour or two and do all the front end handrails and the windscreen wipers, plus the front lamp irons. The result is shown here.



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