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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Big progress on small things…

Well my parallel modelling in G-gauge (http://ejklr.blogspot.co.uk) and 009 continues (http://paxton-road.blogspot.co.uk), albeit at a reduced pace with a busy time at work and an even busier time at home (my second child is due in about 4 weeks)…   It does seem a long time since I wrote on RMweb so in the style of Jon020 here is a bumper update. The Worsley Works (WW) kits are cheap, well designed but really are ‘scratch aids’ in that you get a body, possibly a roof, possibly a chassis

James Hilton

James Hilton

Onward! - -but slowly.....

Who said retirement is an easy life??? Somehow I seem to spend less time on my own modelling now than I did when I was at work!   Efforts have concentrated on finishing the tracklaying in the stonewharf, ballasting & weathering it so that the wharf itself could be installed.     The ballasting needs to give the impression of a run-down siding just about 'fit for purpose' & bearing in mind this is a stonewharf should also have evidence of the industrial activity going on.   The



Ladder Completion

After a long break, caused in part by my need to get replacement switch blades, a trip to California and then having to get replacements for the replacements, I finally got back to the pointwork I am building for the layout. Not a great deal was left to do, but of course it took longer than I thought to get the final pair of switchblades in, the check rails and finish adding all the chairs.   However, finally I have the track components in place and added the tie bars. I had decided to go with



Bristol Barrow Road - Hitting the Buffers - Part 2

Having formed and soldered up the two main support structures     the main beam was formed from two pieces of rail each 30mm long. There is a narrow gap between the two rails so I used a short length of 0.2mm nickel silver strip as a temporary spacer during soldering. I also used two additional pieces to join the rails together.   I have since modified this by using a couple of pieces of thin double sided pcb to make the beam insulated from the trackwork - [ Mark, I have taken note of you



C&VBT 2-4-0 gets her skirt

A little more progress on the 2-4-0 and it's starting to look a bit more like the prototype. However the further I progress, the more differences I pick up between the Isle of Man locos (on which the kit is based) and those supplied to the Ballymena & Larne (and thence on to the C&VBT). Most of these relate to the body. The side tanks should be taller, the bunker larger and there are lots of differences on the cab itself. As the buffers should also be a lot lower, I'm wondering if there



Corridor Tenders

Hi, I just thought that I would clarify a misunderstanding on one of our contributors, who suggested that I had got the tender front wrong on this A4 build. He said that the streamlined tenders were straight at the front and not curved in. Well in fact all the corridor tenders were curved in at the front not just the 1928 built and modified. The Corridor type tender fills out the loading gauge, so that any handrail on the outside would be out of gauge, so all the fronts had to be curved in to mo

Matthew Cousins

Matthew Cousins

Morfa Bach at MRG Forum members day

I haven't updated this blog for a couple of weeks mostly due to the fact that I have have had a few health problems and to be fair not much work has been done on the modelling scene.   However, Morfa Bach made it's very first outing on Sunday 22nd April to the MRG Forum's members meeting day at Bristol. So, the couple of days last week saw some last minute tweaks and a general tidy up. I was hoping to get rid of the temporary back scene and replace it with something more suitable but, time ha



New Layout Planning Hardware arrives

<p>Last weekend I bought a pack of B&Q's finest layout planning hardware.   A four pack of blue masking tape.  I can set out my track plan and see it as it will look in full size without making a single permanent mark on the board.     All I need now is to save up for my points.  I've decided that since I have the space, I'm going for nice long Tillig ones.   The first photo is the view along the station throat.  The bendy route on the left will dive under to meet the rig



Nottingham Photos on the 2mm Topic

A quick note for those who don't tune in to the 2mm topic on RMWeb to say that Nigel and Jerry have posted some nice photos from the show including St Ruth and Fencehouses. Links below...   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/53154-photo-call-2mm-layouts-out-and-about-at-exhibitions/#entry649757 http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/53154-photo-call-2mm-layouts-out-and-about-at-exhibitions/#entry670006



Hafod Las Mk.III - Rewriting History

With a number of other commitments being a serious impediment to progress, now seems to be a good time to rewrite history, geography, economics and quite possibly geology.   Numerous plans and attempts were made over the years to create a 2ft gauge railway network in North Wales, largely inspired by the phenomenal success of the Ffestiniog Railway once steam locomotives were introduced. The most famous of these would, I suspect, be the NWNGR line from Dinas to Rhyd Ddu and Bryngwyn which event



Pointing the way to a first public appearence!

Due to a heavy work load since February, progress on Skaleby West has rather resembled that of a steam age freight train – slow, plodding progress interrupted by lots of signal checked periods of inactivity. As I left school on the Friday evening at the start of the Easter break I felt like I was receiving clear signals onto the fast line. This was the chance to speed up progress during the two weeks away from work. Things started very well too. During the first week the layout was moved



Moving to P4 (Post 11)

After 2 months I finally managed to get the blade problem sorted out and progress has continued.   I fixed the blades in position as per the instructions, constantly checking with standard 18.83mm gauges in relation to the stock rails, I used a few different types as I seem to like doing to be sure. Looking here you will see there are no fishplates, that is because I kept breaking them, and then later I realised 'how' I was supposed to remove the switch assembily away from the main structur



The yard lineside hut and storage container

Well I know they aren't much to look at, even in 7mm, but the yard hut and container for the layout are now more or less complete. As with the others, painting will take place at a later stage. As usual here follow the real / model photos.   The yard hut in 1995. Photographed by Dave Sallery. In use by the looks of it as the window shutters are open. Does anybody know what the pipes entering it behind the sign are for? Water, electric?   The same hut now drab looking , all locked up...I wo

Howard Smith

Howard Smith

P4 - (Another) diesel servicing point diorama - some progress and other stuff

Well, if you’re reading this, RMWeb is back. Thank goodness. Well done to Andy for persevering on behalf of us all. As a result, I suspect that this entry won’t stay on the front page for long; I imagine there will be a few of us doing catch up blog entries... and why not.   Since my last posting I’ve made some progress with my depot diorama/plank, some progress has been positive, but not all. I think in my last entry I’d mentioned using scalescenes card inspection kit which my se



Callow Lane goods shed - plunge taken re awning roof

Having previously felt that I wouldn't be able to remove the moulded slate detail from the roof of the road-side awning, I looked at it again and decided that the difference in slate finishes was such that I really ought to make the attempt.   This is how it was done...     First of all, the whole structure was encased in card, to protect it from stray movements of the gert big ** file that I was planning to use, and to keep plaster dust from the model generally, and from the interior espec

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

Moving to P4 (Post 10)

Well, I'm back from my 1st S4 exhabition, Wakefield. Really enjoyed it, some great layouts were there that I was thoroughly impressed with, not one of them disapointed me. it must be said I went mainly for trade though. I think I've spent at least £80 (gulp), I'm sure it'll be worth it in the end, the best thing is I managed to nab exactly what I was after and then some, so no disapointments. This is an overview of what I got. A close up of a few things. I brought a mixture of wheel typ



Updates on No.2325 - 04.21.12

No.2325 has been withdrawn from service following a failure of one of its power bogies; the cause is believed to be poor construction of the bogie, causing its failure.   The locomotive had completed its initial trials successfully, but began to suffer from performance issues afterwards - the motor was functioning correctly, but the gears in the bogie were not engaging, and thus the locomotive was immobile. Upon inspection, it was deduced that damage had been done to the bogie unit itself, whe



ALCO Steam Switcher 0-6-0ST - A Profile

The ALCO Steam Switcher as photographed in March 2012. Considered the flagship locomotive of the Sumtown Tramway Company, this locomotive was originally obtained prior to 2007, and has performed flawlessly for years. As an unnamed and unnumbered locomotive, it was perfect to add to the fleet of the time as a new locomotive, without raising too many questions as to its ownership - however, it has been verified that this locomotive is an exceptional performer regardless of the owner. Minor modific



Bananas in Bulk

The last two posts I promised pictures next time; therefore sorry for not posting any last time!   As I said I’m having a rest from pitting my brains against the J10 but it is at last beginning to look the part and those bl***y little splashers are complete. They are totally solid and no way will the wheels throw any splashes to their inside faces.   Posed on ‘Birch Vale’: the J10 with its part built tender and the prototype-build Ratio banana van waiting for painting. Although norma

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

Staying Focused

From this post forward you will (I hope) notice a marked improvement in the quality of photographs. This is a result of a generous bonus from my employer this year and me treating myself to a camera so that I don't have to use a phone any more!   I have been working on improving and back dating a pair of Lima horse boxes, at the same time as finishing a few other horse box kits from other companies. These were going to be the subject of the next post but as is usual I have got distracted onto



2mmFS 3D Printing - GWR Outside Framed Van (Part 3)

Today I received the printed up models of my GWR Outside Framed Van from Shapeways.   I am really pleased with the results (photos below). I had ordered 3 of the little chaps, one of which looks a bit rough on one side (and is in the ultrasonic cleaner as I took the photos of the other 2). Hopefully, it might look better after half an hour or so in there.       The plan now is to scratchbuild some underframes for these vans (as they are a scale 15'6" long and the 2mmSA doesn't seem t

Ian Smith

Ian Smith

AT&SF Porter Hustler Switcher No.6705 - A Profile

One of the American diesel locomotives obtained during April 2012, this locomotive was brought in to work the basic shunting duties with the American rolling stock. An AT&SF Porter Hustler-Type switching diesel, this locomotive was bought cheaply - and although in some ways it displays these qualities very clearly, in others it is actually a decent locomotive. The only modification made to the locomotive thus far has been the removal of the original couplers, to be replaced with knuckle-styl



Castlederg & Victoria Bridge Tramway 2-4-0T

A couple of progress shots. This is the Branchlines IoM kit which is being modified to represent this particular Beyer-Peacock loco which started life on the Ballymena & Larne Railway in 1880 and ended up on the C&VBT in 1928 where it lasted for 5 years before the line was closed.   There were various differences from the IoM locos, the principal ones being the fitting of a skirt to one side only (the tramway ran alongside the road and the loco was presumably always facing the same way



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