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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Heathley Kirkgate Mk2 - Inspiration Wall

The baseboards are now complete, jointed and sealed with varnish and work will soon commence on the fiddle yards which I hope to have done in a couple of weeks.   During the periods of inactivity whilst waiting for the glue and then varnish to dry on the baseboards I've been busy creating this 'inspiration wall'. Basically it's a series of A3 sheets with annotated photographs, maps or plans of the infrastructure in and around Great Horton station (the core inspiration for this project), as wel



Updates on No.2325 - 05.01.12

As of May 1, 2012, AT&SF Class SW1 No.2325 has been sold to a locomotive workshop consortium. The locomotive was proving to be far too much trouble to maintain, and given its relative inexpensive cost by comparison it was decided by the railway that this locomotive would be better suited to a different railway operating company.   The locomotive has been listed as 'Sold' in the main registers. Officially this locomotive is not expected to be replaced by any other locomotives at any point s



CPR Mastodon-Type 12 Wheeler No.3 - A Profile

The 'Mastodon-Type' locomotive, No.3, which arrived on the railway in May 2012. A large locomotive with lots of presence, this design of engine dates to the 1880s and was used in various forms for years - the builder's plate indicates the famous Rodgers company as the builders of the locomotive. In terms of wheel arrangement, the 4-8-0 was a powerful and capable evolution of the classic 4-6-0 Ten-Wheeler design, and was named the 'Mastodon' style (also being known as the 12-Wheeler style, in the



O Gauge Sentinel #4

So another lunchtime passes and the basic superstructure of the Sentinel is done       I've also fitted the Lima drive unit to two new 6BA nuts soldered to the floor of the loco, here's the good old ringfield with all the supression gubbins removed as this will be DCC controlled. Note big red spacers cyano'd to the chassis     Ride height is about right methinks, I've set it to the buffer height of a Parkside TOAD brakevan and also scaled off an old photo of Isebrook, both came out



ARC Hanson JHA Part 6: Revised bogies fitted to scratch-built wagons

I finally finished off the rake of 5 scratch-built wagons that were built by prominent modeller Andy Elliot who built a number of models for Foster Yeoman before he sadly died five years ago. I obtained these last year from Gridwatcher who was a mate of Andy's.   Andy constructed the wagons in styrene sheet and they are surprisingly detailed. I've done them as a rake of 2 outer wagons and 3 inner wagons:     There was a actually quite a lot to do in the end:   - Creating mounting points



Chagford - Getting Close to One's Subject

Hi All   Taking decent photographs of one's models, in 2mm finescale can be difficult. I have been using the macro facility on my digital camera for some time.   However last night, I was experimenting with the camera, and I discovered it has a facility called 'Super Macro'! The photograph below was taken with then lens only 7mm from the subject.     You do need of course need to keep the camera very still, but I feel that using this facility does have possibilities.   Lisa



Shillingstone - spring module

One of the great things about yesterday's very enjoyable RMweb member's day - due thanks to all involved for their hard work - was that I came away itching to try my hand at achieving some of the brilliant scenic effects I'd seen during the show on a number of layouts. In particular I was impressed by the textures and variety of scenic effects on Re6/6's fantastic Netherhope Halt diorama, which I kept coming back to with a view to taking mental notes.   Tonight I got out the scenic box and spe

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

I've not been modelling today.... Off-topic!

Just a clue - SWMBO is let off the leash!   Yes, we spent the day at the Warner Brothers Studio's 'Harry Potter Experience'. 'Whats that got to do with modelling?' you may ask. Well -     This was one of the first 'concept models' on disply - 'the great hall'     and it's roof - rarely seen in the films but you could almost mistake it for the roof of the 'Great Hall' at Westminster. Hardly surprising as that's what it is modelled on.     Village modelling or what!     A



UPDATE Wiring Complete

Its been a while since i have been able to work on the layout due to decorating the house but in the last 2 weeks i have fitted all 14 point motors and completed all the wiring with the exception of the control pannel.   The layout will be be on display at the EXE MRS annual exabition on the 23rd and 24th of June 2012 at The Matford Centre Marsh Barton Exeter ( see website for more details www.exemrs.co.uk ) as a work in progress with some basic sceneary but touch wood fully operational.   B



Cost Saving Measures

It's a weekday and I have been at work on the model trains. This is very unlike me.   However after posting yesterdays blog I realised that I did not need to buy a new chassis for the X5800, I could just improve the one I have.   To recap, the one I have is a modified Kato tram chassis with two bogies. The chassis has been extended and one of the bogies has been moved onto this extension. What I tried to do on my last attempt was use superglue and brass wire to extend the pickups. This faile

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

C&VBT 2-4-0 - nearly there

This delightful little loco is nearly finished, she's just waiting for her Westinghouse brake (can't get hold of Alan Gibson Workshop to order one at the moment) and chopper couplings (they'll be fitted after she's painted). I'm sure there will be more filling required after a coat of primer. The brass patches are my attempt to modify the cabsides to replicate the prototype. She's a good little runner although with a worm and single gear box she travels a great deal faster than the prototype!



From Penhydd to Cheslyn

I've decided on Cheslyn as a name for my fictitious GWR branch terminus. Here are some latest pics of progress to date.     The ballast, point rodding and signal box have been completed. I tried the method for ballasting as prescribed by Andy Y's article, but came a right cropper when cutting out the webbing - the flexi track just twisted completely out of shape despite glueing all the tie bars and going carefully. The webbing was left in place thereafter and was disguised by the fine ba



Roxey Summers Iron Ore Hopper part 13 Bogies 2.

The bogies are almost finished now.   The owner supplied some tension lock couplings to be fitted. I used a strip of 5mm x .5mm brass strip as the mounting bracket, bent to shape and soldered to the underside of the etched bogie frame;       I drilled 1.3mm dia. holes in the couplings so they could be attached using 12BA nuts and bolts. The mounting bars have 2 holes drilled in them, the outer hole position is based on the coupling position on my Bachmann JNA (untouched - bought becaus



As a bonus...

I have mentioned many times the industry of Deltak, now Hamon Deltak, across the road from work. Here's some film of the UP delivering a flat car to the premises. Notice how delighfully scenic the location is for being in the middle of a major industrial park.

Ian Holmes

Ian Holmes

Loads of loads...

OK only two... I thought I'd take time to share a few pictures of some outsize loads I've made as traffic for the APA box layout. This first one is based on a picture I found on the internet somewhere, I've lost the link now but it was built to fit the car it's on the proportions look about OK. So I'm happy with it. It looks a bit over simplified but that's pretty much how the inspiration looked. Besides its only a load on a freight car it will be moving all the time folks are looking at it...

Ian Holmes

Ian Holmes


Short blog on the construction of guttering on Snitzl.   Illustrates construction of a small wooden office, complete with guttering. No down pipes ,  but we have a gutter. I only use this approach now and then, usually a con-caved piece of  plastic does the job. There's also a variation on this thyme that's worth a look.     Thanks for Looking..  


snitzl in Buildings

T1 - nearly ready for painting

The T1 is now mostly complete. There's still a few details to be added to the chassis, and I'm in the process of assembling a cab interior out of plasticard. This is partly guesswork, being based on some slightly murky photos of T1s the show parts of the cab and some photos of the cab of the preserved O2. I'm guessing there's some similarities, since they are both Adams locos. Photos of the ca to follow when it's done.   This is the current state of the loco. The main hold up was getting th



Summer of '69

120429_4-track_DSC_4245, a photo by nevardmedia on Flickr. During the long hazy summer of '69, D6313 is captured near Great Wishford on the Wylye Valley route with a Westbury bound goods.   The highly regarded Dapol Class 22 certainly looks the part on a secondary mainline with just a few wagons in tow. The unkempt finish and hazy light I think capturing the feel of the era which is now getting on for half a century ago. This is of course the era of free love, outdoor concerts and drug induce

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

Vertical fiddleyard - I can go round and round again!

Having fitted track on two levels I thought I'd better get some power back on and make sure I could still drive trains round and round. This hasn't been possible since the original fiddleyard was removed in February. I wasn't happy with the idea of just feeding power to all the levels all the time as this seemed like a recipe for disaster. I could just imagine selecting the wrong loco on the DCC and then driving it off the top level when it wasn't aligned with the exit track! The solution I've a

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

An orange 'blue train'

A two-week course in Scotland provided an ideal spring-board for a bit of recording during the middle weekend. Various Scottish modellers have been asking me to record the sliding doors on a 303 and adapt my 304 project accordingly. However, with the help of the hard-working chaps at Bon'ess I've managed to go well beyond that and record almost all the sounds that the 303's made, including horns, driver & passenger doors, hustle alarm, main & auxiliary compressors, guard's right away bel



We have a UFO down (work on two French Autorails)

With the weather being so pleasant I decided to stay inside and work on a few projects this weekend. I have to say the progress has been good. As well as the station building that has been making steady progress I have decided that I need to get some of the rolling stock moved on.   X5600 FNC The first project I got stuck into was the X5600 or FNC as it is sometimes know. This petite railcar probably did not operate on the line I am modelling but there was one based about 100 miles north. So

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

A wet Saturday afternoon on my workbench (the kitchen table!)

When I started railway modelling back when Adam was a lad if you wanted decent looking rolling stock you had to either scratch build it or use kits. The only RTR stuff available was either Tri Ang or Hornby which in those days were intended to be sold more as toys for boys rather than railway models.   Since then RTR stuff has come on leaps and bounds each year the accuracy and standard of detail improves.   Take this Bachmann ex Southern Railway Van, The chassis is superb. Long gone are th



between the track(s)...

Update - It's been a strange time of late...   The following tale of woe's hopefully describes what's been happening here in sunny economic disaster ridden Spain.   Having remade the mini sliding traverser beneath the dries covered area which serves as the loco release, this was wired with a very Heath Robinson kind of affair, which thankfully will be hidden from view and work then turned to redoing the inset track...again.   Having failed last time using a clay product I found in an art s



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