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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Back on the slow line!

It has been a couple of weeks since my last blog entry, and progress has, to coin a phrase from a previous entry, been back on the slow line. The post school report round of parent's evenings have led to some very long working days, and much reduced time to work on Skaleby West.   I did find some time to finish pinning down the last few lengths of track which I did not have time to do before the layout's public outing at the school's birthday event a couple of weeks ago. These particular lengt



Shillingstone - occupation crossing

Ballasting is now complete, track weathering has begun and I've taken another look at the occupation crossing on the spring module. I'd originally placed the pillbox in front of the railway line but I found I was always moving it whenever I wanted to take a photo. The solution was to relocate it toward the background, on the other side of the line, and fill in the ground it occupied with a bit of hanging basket liner. The pillbox is now just plonked down on the existing scenery, making it easily

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Moving to P4 (Post 16 (Cambrian wagon complete))

Ok progress report. I've done abit of putting together. I didn't realise that I'd have to remove 80 or 90% of what I added with the inside lamination thingies / solebars? Sides of the truck frame - that'll do! Bill's sprung W irons were in the way. Rather than being carefull I bastardised them with a mini drill. Was fun but in hindsight I think I would have had a better more neat job if I only added the middle section that's left. Good thing is I know for the future now when making these C



First year in the garden...

This weekend is (approximately) the first anniversary of my garden railway...     The past 12 months have proven that a ground level line, built with good solid foundations, left floating in the ballast can survive the worst the British weather can throw at it, from baking hot summer (well spring!) days, torrential downpours, hard frost, deep snow. It is anything but maintenance free, requiring the ballast topping up, 'tamping' areas where the sub-layer subsides, and regular weeding - but i

James Hilton

James Hilton

Stratified Rocks

Here is a method for creating realistic stratified rock.   An article from one of our model railroad friends suggested using ceiling tiles to make  stratfied rock. When I mentioned this to John Lavender, a club member, he suggested using insulation board, some of which was lying about the club room. Apparently, this type of foam  insulation board is quite common in the building trade.   Three layers of this board were used to create an eight foot long cutting on Ilkeston Wood


snitzl in Natural

Moving to P4 (Post 15 (1st ever Cambrian Wagon Build))

Ok, whilst I still need to finish the cattle wagon and get some tie bars sorted for my turnout I thought I'd make a start on a wagon from Cambrian. To my knowledge they have a good reputation and the price (discluding wheels and couplings) made me drool. Seriously, you don't find this kind of value these days. Less than £5, 4 sometimes for a wagon can't be bad.   Anyway, I have to build it against the instructions due to me 'P4ing' it.         This is the kit, I've decided I'm going



Point Operating Mechanism- Cheap and works well!

Having come across lots of ways to do the electrofrog points dance, I was inspired to make these for our set up. The kids said they wanted it simple to operate, and I wanted play value built in to encourage them to really work as a team at exhibitions. This method is cheap at less than £1.50 a point and fairly simple to construct.   You need-   Brass strip, 25mm+ wide Brass rod- fairly thick, 3mm min Brass tube which fits over the rod as a sleeve. Soldering kit- if you haven't soldered s



Moving to P4 (Post 14)

This has repeated information on in part because it is a compilation I did for Scaefour.org's forum. There is plenty of new material though. First off a quote of the progress so far...   To which a few people kindly replied helping loads. Thanks. One reply in particular I found very helpful. Pictures always help too. Thus... Before (complete with yellow lamp lighting!) After Xuron and mini drill abuse Aaaand... "Wont sum led mayte? ayve got loads younz" 45 grams, I w



In with the In Crowd

Hello.   A while ago now I was lucky enough to end up on a 4 day 3D drawing training course courtesy of work. Not wanting to waste my new skills I also managed to get a copy of the software here at home so I could chip away at some bits and pieces for various things and projects...         Now I know my modelling is more than a bit disjointed and I apologise but I do seem to be getting easily distracted lately. I guess its something to do with a rather large amount of point rodding



fixing a secondhand Hornby ZRA.

Source: my layout, Ruby Road.     Not sure what to use for couplings. Thinking that for now it can be used on the end of a train as it's only missing one coupling. In the future it could be made to be a translator between the old tension lock and any new method I start to use for couplings.   time marches on and I've now got a second ZRA from Neil Mason and it has been weathered and modified for 3 link couplings. My plan is to do the same for the one end of my origi


ess1uk in Blog

Track Surveying

Progress with the layout can not exactly be described as fast, the last week can be summarised as full of distraction. It started well, I airbrushed the sleepers and sides of the track, both the points I have built and some lengths of SMP flexitrack. The paint I used was Lifecolour acrylic Matt Sleeper Grime, perhaps a little two dark, but at least it gave a nice finish, and took off the plastic shine. I even went as far as to paint the points of the check rails in a sleeper grime colour in an a



E2 detailing

Firstly, I'll apologise for the slightly dodgy photo, showing the clutter of my work table. This is the current state of progress with my much modified Hornby E2. It now has buffer beams, buffers, and handrails. Various bits of beading have been added from Evergreen plastic strip, and and smokebox door fitted. The latter is from Mainly trains and was intended for a GWR 14XX tank.   Progress is very slow, but steady. This might get finished at some point in 2012. Since taking the photo I've fit



Bleep & booster

In the olden days, before 50's were called Hoovers we used to refer to them as 'bleeps'. I have no idea where that name came from, or if it was in common usage. Answers on a postcard...   The photo is a vintage scene from Birmingham New Street in the late 70's. I wonder if Jim is planning to have hordes of spotters at the platform ends like this?! Those were the days.   The Class 50 project is shaping up nicely with a full set of auxiliary sounds recorded recently at the ELR. I've ended up u



BR Class A4 No.60010 'Dominion of Canada' - A Profile

The Class A4 No.60010 Dominion of Canada, as photographed in March 2012. Obtained in September of 2010 as a limited edition locomotive, this engine was obtained as an express locomotive for operating passenger services. Moreover, the locomotive has special significance to myself as being my favourite steam locomotive - happily preserved today in its namesake country, with hope for a full cosmetic overhaul soon. Once the locomotive was listed for production, I knew that it would be entering my fl



Ropley - Expanding tree line

New trees springing up everywhere!   Hi all,   The tree line along the top of the embankment has moved forward a little recently with the completion of a few more specimens! It's slow work, mainly because my fingers need some recovery time after all that wire twisting, however I think the end result is worth the effort (and pain!) Obvioulsy it's impossible to have a 100% accurate representation of each and every tree (or is it...) so this will be a rough approximation of sizes and shapes



Chagford - Back to the Drawing Board

Updated at 18:12 05-05-12 Hi All   Having started out with Chagford layout, in a circular format, inspired by Mark Fielders Pizza layout. I have discovered that whilst this works in narrow gauge, due to the lack of buffers, in standard gauge it does not work.   I am now pondering a more traditional design, similar to Mayfield Street. The layout would use an offstage cassettes to simulate one end of the loop and another for the Dairy Sidings at the other end.     My aim, as with the



trip to the big side of the tracks

a little off topic but while sorting a 00 gauge "trainset" for the grandkids i had a bargan off EBay 5 Hornby LMS coaches for a tenner.   they arrived friday morning and when un packed they turn out to be made of tin !!! errr i think i got a deal there now just need to value them and sell them on . any ideas ? they have buckeye cuplings and are labelled made in liverpool



Another complete (in itself) loco collection possibility now - part 5

Two more pre-owned locos arrived this week, a Hornby R2464 Chinese 5-pole tender drive GWR 28XX and a Bachmann J72 with post-1946 LNER numbering.   This completes the initial batch of acquisitions, so work will start on servicing them and changing numbers or logos as appropriate. It's likely the 28XX will have its G W R insignia changed to the 1934-1942 era roundel (shirtbutton) logo as I don't own any GWR locos with that style and it looks better with my GWR Toad brakevans labelled "Birkenhea



Fisherton Sarum features in new Southern Modelling book

Whilst Fisherton Sarum has now appeared in a number of the regular modelling magazines such as Hornby magazine, Railway Modeller and British Railway Modelling it has now made an appearance in the latest book from the Kevin Robertson, Noodle Books stable “Modelling the Southern Volume 1: Ideas and Inspiration†  This 112 page paperback publication by Jeremy English, a finescale modeller and lifelong Southern enthusiast, covers a range of aspects of modelling the Southern Railw



CN Fairbanks-Morse Consolidated 'C-Liner' A-Unit No.9344 - A Profile

CN No.9344, as photographed in March 2012. A strong and powerful streamlined diesel locomotive, this engine was obtained prior to 2007 as an express diesel locomotive. These days, the locomotive is not used as much, primarily as the rolling stock that it usually pulls are branded as its rival company's stock - Canadian Pacific. Nevertheless, this locomotive is still high in quality and looks, with details abounding and a crisp livery application finishing this locomotive off.   The side of t



Mitchell 43xx for Cheddar - identity crisis

A chance purchase off ebay of a built Mitchell 43xx kit has arrived this morning.   Took a bit of a risk on this as I had only viewed the photos in small size on my phone due to a lack of internet, thankfully it looks in pretty good condition. A little damage in posting (break gear, buffer beam), and a few missing parts (no buffers for a start)     The biggest problem appears to be the firebox, which appears slightly higher on one side than the other. short of stripping it down and re fa

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

BR Class 61xx No.6167 - A Profile

Class 61xx No.6167, as photographed in a partially-rebuilt state in March 2012. Withdrawn a while beforehand, this locomotive used to be one of the primary steam locomotives of the railway, pulling heavy stone trains across the country. These days it is in a partially disassembled state, awaiting work done on it so it can become operational once again; the locomotive was hastily reassembled for the purposes of these photographs.   The side profile of the locomotive. As far as its performance



Odds and bods

I thought I should show you what I have been up to recently.     Next on the workbench have seen a rake of box vans plus an old Bachmann(mainline) Brake Van which was a good little miodel but very much lacking by todays standard.       so some under frame details have been added along with lamp brackets and brass handrails.     I've also been extending some kit built wagons to add a bit of veriaty to the brood. There are some parkie Palvans as well as a parkie shock wagon andth

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

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