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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

FREMO Regional meeting at Hanau 2012

Hello,   last weekend I attended the FREMO regional meeting at Hanau near Frankfurt. There we assembled a quite large modular layout in N scale, with timetable operation. The layout featuered a two track main line from fiddle yard Schattenbach through Karlsruhe Durlach, to Abzweig Hohenrein, there the two track main changed to an single line main, from there it enters the second fiddle yard Frankental. From Frankental two branchlines emerges. One goes to the Industrial and harbour district,



Heathley Kirkgate Mk2 - Fiddling About & Underlay

Despite being away on holiday for a week I've not been idle and I've now completed the traverser fiddle yards. Both yards comprise frames of 18x44 softwood with heavy duty drawer runners between. The runners are laid flat rather than the conventional side fitting. I've tried side fitting before which was a nighmare to get alignment right. The downside of laying them flat is a tendency to sag slightly. This was anticipated and I intend to overcome this by adding either a wooden guide or perhaps a



Trackwork complete - board #2

I managed to keep the momentum up and have all the extra track for board #2 built (remember board #2 used to be the original board when Fourgig was just supposed to be a demo/micro plank)   Sleepers are gapped and tested, just the droppers to add and then I can start laying. I have to dig out a little ballast at the end of the existing track where the tracks interlace and get some cork glued down first.       So, I only have the engine shed road on the half scenic board #1 to build and



South Devon Railway, Kent and East Sussex Railway, North Wales - Bumper Update!

My 2012 page is finally under way! Updates include the South Devon Railway's Easter Gala, a footplate experience at the Kent and East Sussex Railway and a wet week in Snowdonia.   I feel that I should point out that only visit was made with the sole intention of taking photos, and that was the SDR Easter Gala. It is self explanatory as to the reason for this at the K&ESR, and the trip to Wales was a family holiday.   I have tried to take the advice of Oldudders from my latest blog entry

Coronation Tank

The latest loco to be put through the paint shops has been a Craftsman A5 4-6-2 tank engine. Now finished in LNER lined black livery and numbered correctly the loco body as received was carrying a rather peculiar number and a poor paint job. The brief was to improve and repaint. The model was thrown in jar of paint stripper which also dispensed with a few of the plastic items. I found that whilst it appeared to be largely soldered together quite a few parts had been glued on. What had been solde



Moving to P4 (Post 19 (C&L B6 Turnout Kit COMPLETE))

I had over 20 pictures but I've managed after some thought narrowed that down to 11, if that's still too many then...well. Can't please everyone.   C&L Timber Tracks B6 Turnout. Something before I start. I mentioned this when I started the Exactoscale turnout but nobody answerd on it, if you have an idea please share. Basically when I brought the turnout kit at Warley last year they were selling CARR'S Butanone to glue the chairs to the plywood. I also brought Exactoscale's Butanone



Sod's Law strikes Staplegrove Road

The first uncompleted version of Staplegrove Road used wire-in-tube for turnouts, the nylon / neoprene tube runs being glued into routed tracks on the top surface of the boards, and the slide switches operating them and the vee switching being set into the edge. But the edge mounting of the switches compromised the location of proposed low-relief buildings at the rear, as I needed to get my fat fingers in to operate the sliders. With the decision to use sub-surface mounted Blue Point units

Steve Stubbs

Steve Stubbs

Prototype Notes

Prototype notes I promised that I would give some background to the model. In doing so I must point out that the accompanying pictures and illustrations are taken from Roger Waring’s book ‘The StoneBridge Railway’ published by Brewin Books. Copyright is acknowledged. The station was also known as Coleshill, but I have chosen to retain the earlier name of Maxstoke (modeller’s licence!). The track plan, as can be seen, was very simple. For interest I have extended the siding to form a lo



Track Laid

After a little bit of an enforced break due to work and other commitments, a few hours was found on Friday evening to lay the remainder of the track work on my little shunting puzzle. The steps in putting down the track were fairly conventional: The sleeper web was cut Dropper wire were soldered to the underside of the rails Holes drilled for the dropper wires to go through Masking tape laid along the edge of the foam underlay PVA glue (Unibond in this case) was painted onto the fo



A restart is made.

Maxstoke- restarted After a break of several years, I have decided to re-start work on Maxstoke, a model of the only intermediate station on the ‘Stonebridge Railway’, a single track connecting line running from Hampton in Arden ( the LNWR east of Birmingham ) roughly northwards to join the Birmingham-Derby line of the Midland Railway at Whitacre. The inspiration for the model was a picture of the simple station building in an article published in the BRJ some years ago and the station bu



What I did in April

Hello,   Time to report in on Aprils activities...or lack of them.   In my last entry I was getting rather excited about some new project arriving in kit form. Deliberately unnamed to create a sense of drama. I left the clue that Swaynton would need 8 of them thinking that some of you would come up with what the eight things are. However since then I realise that if you study the photos on steamweb http://www.steamweb.net/ that the prototype(s) only had five. There that should lead to some



Bridgnorth, no real progress, but drawing intentions

As the title implies no real progress to report other than a continuing intention to model Bridgnorth's Cliff Railway. A series of domestic and family problems have prevented a visit to the prototype, despite the owners having given me permission to visit and measure etc. However, I have made drawings of the proposed track bed and its support, this will be 90% hidden by surrounding cliff formations, and in an endeavour to keep the weight down I have put some fancy cut-outs into the sides. I h



On the fiddle!

Yes! it's wood butchering time again!   I've made a start on the first of two fiddle yards for my new Cambrian modular layout, currently one module is built and finished (?) Morfa Bach. The second module (Penmaenpool MPD) is under way and the track is down. Next job there is the turnout operating motor installation. How ever this has been put on the back burner for a day or two whilst I took advantage of dry weather to work outside and butcher some more wood!   The fiddle yard shown here is



Bits o' modelling

I'm in a period of 'bits-&-pieces' modelling!   The banana vans are complete and running around on 'Birch Vale' and 'Bowton's Yard', albeit in 'naked' plastic for the time being. They'll probably get painted when the J10 is ready for the paint shop, - save air-brush cleaning sessions!?! When shunting them I can't tell which are on solid chassis and which are on sprung chassis, a fact that won't please the purists!   Both lathes have been in use in order to produce a set of buffers for th

Printed Saddle Tank Mark II, and 'Honey I Shrunk the Bridge'.....

Evening all, The latest version of 813 has a good many more little details, including the mysterious 'T18' disc mentioned in Dukedog's recent SVR blog post (appearing on the present day SVR on a Prairie), handrails, some nifty handle things on top of the tank and, remarkably sharp awaiting a lick of paint, slightly raised numbers on the buffer beam and cab sides. The plan with these, in the case of the buffer beams, is to paint a dash of yellow in the appropriate area, wash over it with red an

Will J

Will J

Exhibiting... and back to the workbench with a Duff

This will be just a short entry to record that my small P4 depot diorama got its outing on saturday to our local show... and quite a nice little show it was too. Well done to Chris R for organising what felt to be quite a busy day. Nothing on the scale of derby... but a nice show. My pitch all set up before the show... and before the creation of my impromptu paper light shade I was pitched next to Matthew as before... which was useful to enable each other's displays/layouts to be left in cap



Greystones Part 1b

Hi all.   Your in luck, double helping of my crazy antics. Thanks for all your comments on previous posts, keeps me putting them up!   The reason for the title is that there are three greystones runs a year, so if i go, there'll be plenty more this year!   With the gilling mainline rally this weekend, i'm off tomorrow evening to go camp in a field, get up at 8am and run trains in the wet! Lots of fun.     Heres a few more photos, this time from the camera, rather than my camera phone (r

London cambrian

London cambrian

Stalled again

It seems that I have to decorate the kitchen before I can carry on with the important work. But it's all more thinking time so that when I get the paint sprayer off a colleague so I can sort the ceiling and walls out, I should be able to get track beds cut and the track down. I sometimes think my proposed track plan (which hasn't really changed from the masking tape posted earlier) is too simple, but I can always stick a siding or two in for a loco at the end. And any excitement I need I can



Chagford - Track Plan

Hi All   I've now done the basic track planning. The main track in the diagram below is shown as straight. When the track is laid it will be curved, because it was curved on the prototype.   I am current planning to lay the track on thin foam board both for sound insulation and to allow the final track track position to be adjusted to make the best possible use of the very limited area.   The track diagram below was drawn using Trax 3. The points have a radius of 190mm, but it is a tramwa



A1 Models Freelance 009 Diesel - part 2 cab.

I've been working on the cab. This comes etched in one piece;       I've drilled holes for handrails and door handles. Strangely the left hand side door has the handle at the front and the right hand side door has the handle at the rear.   Folded up and soldered together;     All bends are re-inforced with a fillet of solder, not strictly necessary perhaps. I used a Bill Bedford handrail jig to bend up the handrails, which are made from .45mm diameter brass wire. Door handles are




These titles get worse, it took me at least 3 minutes to think that one up. Yes, ped-antics on my workbench this week as my Class 31 project gets its upgrade from v3.5 to v4. Relive the glory days of the Birmingham-Norwich in it's full audio splendour. The photo of such a working dates from Summer 82 and is one of my favourites from that period. Eagle-eyed viewers will note that it's running wrong-line through platform 1 at Nuneaton instead of the more usual 5 going in that direction (towards Le



Greystones, take 1

Hi all.   Exam revision has put paid to a large amount of the model engineering, that and lack of laser cut components, but that hasnt stopped me going out and playing trains!     The greystones railway is a private railway near bath, built into a hillside. its featured on here before but not this year. The owner has alarge collection of engine and wagons but they were hardly needed because we were so full! The roster, 2 metrovicks, which we bought because we had given the other an ov

London cambrian

London cambrian

Hitching a ride?

I'm always on the lookout for the unusual to include on my model railways. Either as scenic cameos or wagon loads. Like 100's of others I have a Bachmann "Weltrol" wagon, usually these come with either a boiler or transformer type of load and like all mass produced rolling stock looks the same as everyone else's.   So when the opportunity of purchasing a non working 009 model of this Alco locomotive came my way I jumped at he chance of getting it before it's owner put it on Ebay.   The Alc



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