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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted


Having gone as far as I might with the trackwork from a running aspect, I turn further attention to scenery. Actually I'll be getting some third party input on the trackwork from somebody substantially more qualified than me; more of that when it's happened.   Now then; I have been slapping paint around to try and build up those layers of believability that might just lie beneath the surface. What? Well one of the things that impressed me about Framsden (apart from the overall scenic quality)

Tony Simms

Tony Simms

Chagford - Refining the Track Layout

Chagford - Operating Sequence Updated 26-05-12   Hi All   The layout design, in the last post, needed to have the loop entry points simulated by the use of train cassettes. There is nothing wrong in principle with this, but there would have been 3 tracks leaving the scenic area in parallel, at the right hand end of the layout.   By having the main and the other lines curved, and by using asymmetric y points, it is possible to have the loop entry point in the scenic area.       This a



Class 47 detailing project. Conversion of Bachmann 47. "A P4 Brush 4". Part 3 - Contemplating my bogies

This won’t be much more than a “this is where I’m at†posting because progress has been zilch since the last entry... the warm weather, building work, decorating, allotment and work hasn’t helped the situation... but still I’m at a bit of a holding point.   Having gone about as far as I’m going to go with the Bachmann 47 body (maybe some roof handrails beckon)... it was time to turn the attention to the underframe. Whilst I need to do some research on the fuel/water tanks, my init



Correct operation?

I was very pleased to receive the award at expoEM for "most authentically operated model railway" - the Reverend Peter Denny Memorial Cup, presented by his son Crispin Denny (of automatic Crispin fame) and judged by Bob Essery.   However, it seems that some people seem to think that correct operation implies trains arriving within seconds. Even gaps between District line trains in the rush hour seems to exceed some people's attention span.   In my book, correct operation means adhering to

Tim V

Tim V

Brassey's Workbench

Well today I have completed putting together a set of Dean Goods coupling rods which is the first job completed after an abscence of 26 or so years. These were a trial run for a set for the Special DX which is up next. Will put some images up when I have got far enough and worked out how to do it.



A roarer Borealis

The arrival of the 85 from Bachmann has accelerated the conversion and upgrade of my v3.5 sound project to v4 standards. One of the more interesting features enabled by the v4 is an on-demand neutral section, triggered by a function key. Whilst running along at anything other than a very slow speed, pressing F11 causes the contactors to drop out and the blower motors to spool down. Pressing F11 again pulls the contactors back in and the blowers fire up again. Also of note is the ability to selec



Two for Albion Yard

Following high level discussions with PMP, there's a chance these two cheeky chappies may make an appearance on Albion Yard during its Railex showing. Both are suitable for the Forest of Dean although I make no claims for appropriate loco shed allocations, etc.   The 94XX has featured on my blog in the past but it has now received a little more work and a touch of light weathering, hopefully to suggest a loco that could plausibly be running in early BR days, despite retaining GWR colours. I wa

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

My first bit of weathering for a while...

Well, I haven't posted a blog update for a while. Still no layout, so I have cut back on the stock purchases... austerity and all that! Still, I couldn't resist this Farish SPA wagon I picked up in Modelzone - unfortunately they only had one or I would've picked a couple up! I have wanted a couple since they came out. Could do with some coils to load my OCAs with now though...   Experimented a bit by using some cheap oil paints I got from The Works instead of the usual acrylics to wash some gr



Chagford - Checking the Track Design

Hi All   To check if the design will work, you can draw out your design full size, and then check the lengths of loops and sidings using the locomotives and rolling stock, as show below.     The loop length can be increased by curving the Main and Loop roads. For Chagford this is essential to make sure that the layout will operate correctly.   The above test showed that a train of 4 wagons and a break was able to be run around using the proposed loop. BUT only if one end of the loop



A1 Models Freelance 009 Diesel - part 4 roof and exhaust.

The roof and exhaust are now soldered in place. Before rolling the roof to shape I annealed it by holding it over a gas flame (cooker) until it turned straw coloured then rolled it using a couple of round pieces of metal (the handle of a scraper and a piece of 5mm bar) using a copy of the Yellow Pages as a soft pad. Then the roof was taped in place before being tacked using a small amount of solder in two places;     Once I was happy with the positioning, which took two attempts, I solder



Cheslyn Station

Time for an update. The station building has now been completed (few minor details to do). This is the Scalescenes Small Station Building kit which has been extended - the Scalescenes Gent's Kit has also been added to the gable end. I'm a bit of a Scalescenes nut and very much enjoy making and modifying the kits. I'm crap at painting plastic building kits so really love the crisp detail of the textures - there is a wide range of kits and papers allowing you to scratchbuild and modify to your



Wheal Elizabeth update - now with added N

Evening all,   been a while hasn't it?   Wheal Elizabeth's glacial conversion to incorporate a running line is almost complete. We now have a dividing railway fence, facing point lock with protection bar, lever frame, rodding etc and all the details I've been meaning to get round to. I'm sure someone out there can tell me what colour the levers should be for a point lock and point lever (which operates a pair of points in case you were wondering). Fencing is EZ line and the track details a v



SACKED... and rehired on probation

Well, I bit the bullet! One of the reasons the layout has been taking so long was that I was not happy with one of the baseboard joins....Weeeeell , actually I stuffed up. It turned out I had not put enough adhesive at some of the joints which allowed sag. So at the join I cheated and sanded the cork down. WRONG move! When I found the issue I sorted it out but left the cork and just put packing under.   Now I have said I am not into DCC...that is partly due to a fear of electronics (is that



In and around Glendevon.

I decided tonight to take some snaps of various locos on the layout and while i was at it some photos of the rest of the layout.   this layout is older than i am and still wins awards. the track plan is based on moffat but, as the name suggests the layout is meant to be in the fife area served by trains from thornton or maybe perth. when i run it i use mainly a perth based black 5 on a two coah passenger set, as was the case on many scottish branches as the black 5 had the coal/water capacity



ex NB J88 No 68334

my J88 conversion is progressing steadilly, the loco is complete now and has been painted and numbered etc. i decided the other nyte that the cab needed to be altered, i knew it would not be right if i had left is as it was so took the plunge and had a go and, it turned out well. although looking at the pics from this evening, it does need a bit more finishing off.     the other little job was to finish off the roof, i had deliberately left this till last as i was not quite sure about the r



Gilling mainline part 2

Right since i got such a great response last time, a few more photos can be posted! That and a few of the best videos from the day and one for Kempenfelt   Before i collapse from what is almost certainly alife threatening ailment, i shall continue!   You heard all the details yesterday so few more piccies wouldnt go amiss. To satisfy john, here is a pic of his admittedly lovely sounding western, nearly twice the length of my loco!   Double heading metrovicks, literally minuter before

London cambrian

London cambrian

Ruby Road Depot. Trying it out for size. Should I or not?

I thought about a small servicing depot for my locos so I've been having a try of the depot track plan to work out how much room it will take. Allowing for the 2 shed roads to take 2 locos each and the fuel area to take either 3 TTAs or a loco I reckon that i can fit what i want onto a 2m by 30cm board. I've laid the track out roughly on the kitchen table to get an idea, what do you think? 47378, 50043 and 56 try the depot for size. obviously the setrack will go in favour of flexi.



A Beginner Begins

As my name suggests i am completely new to the world of Railway Modelling (within the last 18 months) and am in the process of building my first layout - i don't even have a name for it yet! My knowledge is extremely limited, and its fair to say that practical skills are not my forte but i have a very patient Father In Law who has helped, and continues to help with ideas and advice. He took me to the Warley Show at the NEC last year and it was a real eye opener, in fact if your reading this and

A1 Models Freelance 009 Diesel - part 3 bonnet.

The bonnet is now in place. First of all I soldered the grills, top panel and doors in place whilst the front panel and bonnet were still flat;     (Flat brass sheet is a pig to photograph!) The backs of the doors etc. were tinned with 188 then soldered in place with my RSU using the probe to hold the component in place whilst the joint is made. This kind of work is where the RSU excells. I drilled an extra hole in the bonnet top, for the exhaust pipe. The etched hole is at the front, pa



Chagford - Operating Sequence

Modified 23-05-12 & 26-05-12   Hi All   It is my intention to operation of Chagford on a sequence, based on the operation of the prototype. The red entries didn't run every day.   The sequence may seem at first sight complex, but every tram operated is a minimum of three lines in the table below     My intention is to use some form of random number generation, to decide if the non regular trams are included in the operating sequence.   The next stage of the design process is to



Is it really 7 weeks since I last posted ?

I suppose the 'hacking' problems with the associated down time made me leave on-line things well alone. Meanwhile progress has been the usual snails pace. No apologies as this is a hobby to be enjoyed at whatever pace the poster wants. We do so often let ourselves be pressured into actions we may not want. I suppose we oldies become rebels as there's nobody who can dictate to us (except the dear wife that is !!)   Castell Mawr rather than becoming a joint GWR/LMS route is becoming more or l



Gilling mainline rally May 19th-20th 2012

How do all.   Well, I'll take abreak from my constant schedul or revising to bring you the news of the weekend just gone   Twice a year, Ryedale Society of model engineers and The Lindsey Model society (Yes the LMS!) Organise a Main line rally at the Ryedale track at Gilling (Village of Gilling East, look up 54.184772,-1.061845 in google maps).   Its a double track mainline with three yards, an MPD and rolling stock storage bunker, semi automated signalling system as well as two manual si

London cambrian

London cambrian

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