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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

A1 Models Freelance 009 Diesel - part 5 footsteps and couplings.

Footsteps now added;     These are made from 5mm x .3mm brass strip, folded up using a scrawker and a square needle file to make some fold lines. I thought about open steps backed with mesh but went for solid steps, partly for simplicity and partly for ruggedness.   Couplings are RT Models 'Harrogate Gasworks' type. These have a nice heavy fabricated base, not unlike those used on some NCB underground locos. The back face of the coupling base needs to be filed flat before use. The buffer



The Nightmare boards begin.

So far 'Castell Mawr' has proceeded at a steady crawl, but those gentle steps now give me 10 working layout boards with all 7 point decoders fully functional working my selection of points. The last posting shows the North end cutting taking on it's base plaster in preparation for adding grass and asorted other greenery. What I have done is to forget the Southern 180 degree section on two boards that sit just shy of 6 inches lower than the rest of the layout. On these I want a resin river, wate



The march towards completion continues!

Well yet again, I'm busy modelling, amonsgt others things (working and writing) but I've now managed to complete my brake van and van kits, all are currnetly in the process of being weathered now which you shall see the finite product once complete, but whilst you wait... take a look at them "sort of" done!   the brake van if can recall was an old mainline/Bachmann wagon             Please do tell me what you think so far?

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

it's been a while...

...since I last updated...   Despite having a very severe attack of 7mmitus this last month, I have not lost focus on trying to make some progress on CJM this year.   Various small things have been tackled...all of which individually I had been putting off, so I decided to bite the bullet and get stuck in with them.   1 - I have permanently glued the two main dries buildings in place Whilst it would have made far more sense to complete them, paint and weather etc, before attaching, I kno



2 mm Wanderings in wonderland, or what to do after Glenuig

Glenuig has been on the exhibition circuit, for over a year now, and I have bookings for 2014 and beyond. I an now looking at a follow up project, and have found myself with a big dilemma. First I have made my mind up on a few points in my plan. Some kind of 2mm standard Set on the West Highland, in the 1980's Well the latter sound familiar, but the 2mm?. This scale has impressed me in the way you can produce a model of a railway in its scenic setting, and it is the creative and scenic side

sixteen 12by 10s

sixteen 12by 10s

04 shunter ready for painting

The detailed 04 has been on the back burner for a while, whilst I work on my 2012 Challenge entry, but a burst of activity tonight saw it ready for painting. Since the last update it has been given the extra Southern region marker lights, and various other small details. The airtanks under the footplate were replaced by some larger ones made from evergreen tube, and the various front and rear end clutter added (including extra handrails, and the rackets that hold shunting poles).   Now read



Delph - A DMU arrives...

As far as I know, no DMU ever visited the real Delph, but in my model version (Holt), a Cravens power twin unit is being trialed as a potential replacement for the steam powered ex-LNWR push-pull trains.....a trail doomed to fail I predict! Anyway, a converted Bachmann set is seen arriving past the head-shunt buffer stops. Behind the unit is a template for the extended over-bridge I have relocated from Dobcross. Also seen is a photo of the actual bridge (with my late wife, Sue, acting as a 5' -

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

Ropley - Water Tower

Can you tell what it is yet?   Hi all!   Continuing work on the water tower area of the layout, I've made a start on the tower itself. The prototype structure was once resident at the Longmoor Military Railway before being moved to Ropley and is fed by a larger tank which is located up on the embankment, another structure yet to be modelled. Information on these structures is difficult to come by, and I don't know if this was a standard L&SWR design. It is very similar to the tower a



Something for Bus Spotters!

nevard_120529_Bristol-LS_DSC_5233, a photo by nevardmedia on Flickr. At RAILEX over the weekend an hour or so before the show ended I finally got around to having my tour of inspection and came across this rather nice diecast EFE Bristol L.S in Southern National green livery on the hosting club's secondhand stall. The clincher being the Devenish Draught advert which sadly now promotes that long gone well loved Weymouth brewery.   All starry eyed, I donned that dirty gabardine raincoat, greasy

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

The First Loco Build

Inspired by Sir Douglas's efforts I decided to make a start on a loco, built from plasti-card sheet over the chassis of a dodgy old Bachmann US outline loco picked up for £8 on ebay. First I chopped the chassis by 20mm to help fit the tighter radii of our railway. I also added as much weight as I could at this stage as it is a pancake motor. Not ideal for reliability I know but this one seems to run OK. First I sat and drew out the concept model onto graph paper, stuck it to box card and produ



Heathley Kirkgate Mk2 - A Start on Track Laying & Other Tales

With most of the underlay now complete I was hoping to actually lay some track this week. However, my conviction that the horizontally placed drawer runners on the fiddle yard wouldn't be a problem proved to be misplaced. My idea of a guide worked only up to a point and was proving problematic. Undeterred I quickly redesigned them and modified the down yard to a traditional vertical placement. With the benefit of hindsight, I don't know why I didn't just do it like this in the first place as ali



Bristol Barrow Road - Turntable Pit for 60ft Cowans Sheldon turntable

I have been at Railex all weekend helping to operate our S4 group layout Brinkley. One of the highlights of my weekend was collecting the Turntable Pit for the 60ft Cowens Sheldon turntable used in the roundhouse.   Thanks are due to Morgan Gilbert for all his hard work with the design and the CAD modelling and to Phil Hutfield for producing the turntable pit on a CNC machine out of an acrylic polymer - [brand with-held].   I have attached some photgraphs which show the pit in position. Of n



what did you do this weekend, a bit of 12" to the foot'

I though this might interest some modellers, and I know some of you are involved in railway preservation. I have been involved, with the Class Forty Appeal, for some 23 years, and have held the post of technical officer and engineer, for my sins. A few years ago we visited the GCR with our 37190 and our class 50, no other than Sir Edward Elgar, number 7. During their time there, both locos suffered damage to their heat exchangers. These units cool the engine oil by exchanging the heat to the wa

sixteen 12by 10s

sixteen 12by 10s

Railex 2012 - and what a show it was!

120527_railex12_DSC_5164, a photo by nevardmedia on Flickr. The annual Railex in Aylesbury on the weekend of 26th and 27th of May cued the beginning of summer like it so often does. I’m sat here in the garden with laptop taking advantage of the weather, our rather limp-wristed wi-fi just about giving me a signal strong enough to allow me to reflect on a fabulous weekend away from the more usual camera, sofa or modelling bench.   Railex as always is in a very well lit supersized tin shed bui

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

Stone Paving.

Modelling Stone Paving for Snitzl Town.   Random stone paving can take hell of a long time model, I know, I've tried it.   To help speed up the process, a method that requires only four stone sizes was developed,  and if each stone was perfectly positioned, no trimming.   However, I'm not that good and a little trimming is required.     Thanks for Looking..  

Plinths or Planters

This week I am sharing some thoughts on the excellent kit from Mike's Models for the ex GWR Medium Yard Crane.     I had a full set of instructions for constructing the crane but there was no mention of how to model a base for the crane. A Google Search highlighted a couple of results in this Parish but both acknowledged that the cranes had been assembled without instructions. There was a suggestion that the base should be circular.   A search of my own books showed that the cranes at L

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

Work on the Autorails

Whilst I was cooling down from doing the gardening I had a chance to make a little progress with the UFO collection that is slowly being worked down.   X3900 Today I painted the buffer beams and used the waterslide transfers for the stripes on the sides. This caused a bit of bad language because I have never used them before. However, I got there in the end! There are a few places where I will paint such as the whiskers, which are going to be difficult, and the the small gaps by some of the

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

Big Mac(rat)

Although it is possible to load a sound project written for a standard (HO/OO) chip into a v4 XL, you tend to find that all of the bassy sounds are too loud when played through the bigger speaker, so relative volume levels have to be revisited. The bigger speaker also ruthlessly exposes any deficiencies in your clip editing. Any slight glitch leaps out at you, having been inaudible through a small speaker. First recipient of the treatment is my 26 project, which sounds great in my Heljan test-be



The J10 can now stop - it's got brakes

The research to locate a suitable two car DMU for ‘Hayfield’ has resulted in my deciding that Longsight MPD had severe problems in keeping their fleet of DMUs on the road and had to resort to asking for loan from Carlisle. In short I’m now fairly confident that the Bachman version I purchased, is of a pairing that was never used on the Hayfield Branch. I don’t want to start carving the Bachmann set to suit, so I have come up with this story as to how this set got to Hayfield. All lies of

National Power JMA Part 1 - LTF-25 Bogie

The need to place an order with Shapeways for components for the PTAs has seen some frantic work in completing a few other bits that have been on the back-burner for a while. One of these is a version of the LTF-25 bogie designed for the national power JHA/JMA:     There are actually an awful lot of differences between this bogie that is fitted to these Finnish-built wagons and the one fitted to the ARC JHAs (built in the UK). Again, there are two versions of the bogie, one with a hand whee



AMJ blog

Had an interesting few days advising dad on buying points for his layout. Peco electrofrogs. This also resulted in me drawing up the rail breaks and feed locations. This was done on his plan with a different colour for the breaks and red & black triangles for the feeds.   His layout is based on Rothwell E&WYUR with the attached pit.   OMWB Just a few cosmetic items - too warm to go into the loft at present. A trio of Ratio coaches are in the process of being cut & shut to pr



Plastered outdoors in the garden !

Bliss , or is it ? Working in the garden today laying a plaster/sawdust skin over styrene. Now summat went a little wrong as todays effort has developed cracks, yet that I did a few days back before the weather changed is fine. I presume that either the mix was too dry, or too wet, perhaps it dried too quickly out in the sun. Still no problem as the surface will be painted (and worked into any cracks) and then soaked in watered down PVA to attach all the greenery.   Just for play time I



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