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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

A 4F for Maxstoke

So here we are. Not sure about the paint finish or the photograpy- need to put proper safety valves on and do a bit of weathering, but the loco is substantially complete. Now all I have to do is finish the layout



spiral motion...

G'Day.   Since the resolution of certain pressing family matters back in March/ April, I have turned back to the renovation programme for the improvement of some of my Midland engines. First out was the little class 480 goods engine, which is now running reasonably well after some minor tweaks.   Next up is the very first engine I built and described on the thread below, the Johnson bogie single, which on paper, should be the easiest of them to get runing well, as there is no quartering to



Protyotype notes- alternative sources of information.

Searching around the Web there are a number of other sites that have prototype information, including some pictures of the site at present. http://www.railaroundbirmingham.co.uk/Stations/coleshill.php   This site has some colour images of the station prior to demolition, and seems to indicate a doorway through the wall at the rear of the platform to what I assumed was the station house garden. This door does not feature in my model (I may have to make ammendments!) http://www.photobydjnorton



Protyotype notes- alternative sources of information.

Searching around the Web there are a number of other sites that have prototype information, including some pictures of the site at present. http://www.railaroundbirmingham.co.uk/Stations/coleshill.php   This site has some colour images of the station prior to demolition, and seems to indicate a doorway through the wall at the rear of the platform to what I assumed was the station house garden. This door does not feature in my model (I may have to make ammendments!) http://www.photobydjnorton



Command & Control

Progress has once again been slowed due to a combination of work, domestic and revision issues. One of the reason for doing this layout was as a joint project with my teenage son, sadly he is in mid-GCSE season, so is unable to do anything other than revise at the moment. So I am restricted to doing things he has no interest in and sympathising over the revision. Hence no scenic work has taken place and I have spent a little bit of time assembling the electronics that are going to run the layout



The train is complete

Hi all   With the excitement of the last few weeks with gilling mainline rally, things at Neasden carriage and wagon outpost have calmed down!   The lull in any running and with the exam season in full swing the opportunity was taken to do a bit of finishing and new things in the loco. so this post will be a bit of a workshoppy type post     The project to build the full rake of coaches nears completion. My dad, the builder of the coaces has received the final eight wheels, the last few d

London cambrian

London cambrian

Reducing Gloatage 2

We set St Ruth up yesterday to test some recent work and get some photos that we've promised to exhibition managers using the layout's own lighting.   I also took the opportunity to get a move on and finish painting a couple of vehicles that I've been working on.   I mentioned the Thompson BG here a little while ago. This has now been painted in unlined Precision maroon. I didn't make any attempt to lighten the colour on this occasion because colour photos of maroon parcels vans in service o



Controlling Interests #4 looking to ‘turnout’ inprovements

One the benefits of recently changing to slow acting ‘stall’ type point motors as per my Controlling Interests #3 post, where I describe my fitting of DCC Concepts Cobalt slow acting motors, is that the unprototypical spring and spring housing in the middle of the Peco turnout is no longer needed, removal of this certainly improves the look of the turnout.   There are a number of simple improvements that can be made to the Peco turnouts even when using solenoid type motors that still requi



Ready to lay? Nearly. And a new tool

I have now sprayed the ceiling and I am now almost ready to lay track. Just got to build another few feet of baseboard supports and then I can get the track bed set up. I reckon that by the end of my nearly two weeks off coming up, I will have track down, and maybe even trains running.   The other day, at the chemist, I got myself a new tool. Illuminated tweezers. I think they are supposed to be for cosmetics purposes, but they will be very useful for all manner of tasks I have lined up.



Creating a small sub-collection incorporating my favourite models

How many of us who own their favourite/preferred loco(s) or other item(s) justify their appearance on their layouts in their chosen era or location?   We can invoke Rule 1, "It's my layout so I can run anything I like", but I prefer to go down the route of prototypical likelihoods and possibilities. As most of my collection is based on specific themes I try to group small groups of locos and stock which could have appeared together to stage a running session on my small layout.   To show ho



Ropley - Primed

All primed and ready for the final details and painting   Hi all.   Just a really quick entry to show the water tower now primed. I'm really quite impressed with the way the rivets decal film is pretty much invisible, and where it can just about be made out it's barely noticeable. If you're looking for an easy way to produce rivets, then I really can't recomend the Archer sheets enough.   Next stage is adding the smaller details then painting & weathering!   Cheers,   Tom.



Garden Line Decisions

Its been a while since I have posted on here. In the past months I have been sat in more traffic jams in and around Oldham and Ashton-under-Lyne than I care to count. The only plus side, the jams are caused by metro link and I have been watching them lay track and do all the associated ground works. Not really a massive plus point, but its better than sat with nothing of interest to look at.   So a combination of Summer coming, seeing track being laid and popping in and out of the shed to coll



A(12) Jubilee for the Jubilee!

This weekend the Country celebrates the Diamond Jubilee of her Majesty whilst bunting manufacturers reflect on the good times and worry about their ongoing share price and the inevitable drop in sales. To mark the occasion in Southern style I thought I would share a few pictures of my Adams A12 ‘Jubilee’ class 0-4-2 locomotive number 528.   Built originally in 1887, at the time of Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee, hence them gaining the ‘Jubilee’ name, the Adams A12 class were buil



Back to plaster work due to iffy weather.

Although I want to work on my 'river' end I need to work on that outdoors and today the weather looked iffy. In addition I didn't feel too good as my back was playing me up. As a result I started plastering more of the cutting where the boards are up in the garage.     Took this with one of my 3 x 14XX locos pulling a short freight. From track level that cutting looks quite deep. Still very wet and glistening .....   Probably slow up now as next week I'm away for a few days, while the c



Landforms developing - and other progress

Eridge Mk2 is slowly getting ever closer to where Mk1 finished. Scenic landforms now cover the London end, showing the increased depth of scenery in the new version. These show how the low embankment of made ground on which the whole station rests (real) transition into a cutting as the topography rises (fictitious).       More on the odd looking locomotive later!   At the station end, the stream course has been carved out from extensions to the polystyrene baseboard surface, and the



Ropley - Riveting

The water tower is now firmly "riveted" together   Hi all.   A small package dropped through the letter box yesterday containing a sheet of Archer Transfers resin rivets. I must hand it to DCC Supplies for some excellent service as I only ordered these on Wednesday, and with the economy postage I wasn't expecting them until the weekend.   The sheet itself is printed with rows of very fine resin dots, representing the rivets, and has a selection of various different sizes spacings. The



Moving to P4 (Post 20)

I've painted some of the wagons now. The following needs Matt varnish and a little toning down of the white lettering, but it's pretty much complete. The livery is made up but sensible, I've seen examples of the same scheme and some RWS illustrations have it so I hope it's believable. Lettering is 4mm high and the NWR stands for North Western Railway. On the other wagon I'm going to use 8mm lettering and just have NW to represent the same thing, that wagon has grey strapping instead of black



more of glendevon

at the club tonight we put the whole layout up as it is going to the the dundee show in july, so i took the oppertunity to play and take some more pics at the same time.   carrick knowe halt enamel station sign     two views of the halt looking toward the road bridge which carries the road that leads to the brewery.     a view of the cattle bridge at the entrance to the main station part of the layout, with a cloud on legs crossing.     a general view of the approach to glende



Heworth Sidings - Update - 31/05/2012

Hi,   Work has been continuing on the fiddle yards over the last couple of weeks.   The boards have been primed, painted with gloss and the ends / legs have been varnished. End protectors have been made so that the boards can be stored safely when not in use. The decks of the modules have been covered with 1/16" cork in preparation for the track laying.   The Fiddle Yard will have 32 points on it and these have been modified in a similar fashion to those used on the scenic boards. The frog



Thinking is dangerous ....

Having run up against the Law of Sod, I powered up Templot to see what could be done with the under floor clashes caused by moving to sub-board turnout operating units instead of wire in a tube on the surface.. Clearly moving a couple of turnouts either left or right a few inches would cure the immediate problem, so I did that and then printed up a full size version to check out the clearances etc. This was done by populating the stuck together full size sheets (13 in all) with rolling stoc

Steve Stubbs

Steve Stubbs

Colin Crompton

Ding ding ding ding ding, can I have some order please! Younger viewers should turn over to Dick & Dom now.   XL'ing the Class 33 for v4 has highlighted one or two things about the project that I wasn't happy with. I also noticed that some improvements made to other projects hadn't found their way to the 33 yet so this evening was time to start putting this right. I'm not quite finished yet but the new version will have 'Multi-Start' (prime more than once, extend the cranking, have the loc




My workbench sits in a bay window that gets the full sun in the afternoon. I had a bit of modelling time on Friday but it was just too hot to be spending time sat at the workbench. Sometimes I set up in the back garden with something fairly self contained like assembling some bogie kits, but I already have several bogies assembled and waiting for coaches to make use of them.   I've been buying and building a lot of coaches recently to run on St Ruth. I've enjoyed doing this but it's always a b



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