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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

platform building commences

With quite a lot of the track down, I've been knocking up the platforms (well roughly at least). Nothing spectacular in the methods used. Paper template and a pencil held against the biggest coach.   The photo shows the platforms 1 to 6 (I think - it doesn't help that at some point the platforms were all swapped round). Platform bases are 12 mm ply and topped with 2mm plasticard scored to represent paving slabs. Later I'll build up brick walls to cover the edges of the ply, with suitable wirin



A view from the line #6 housing the locals…

Fisherton Sarum is of course based on the ex LSWR shed at Salisbury (I am sure I might have mentioned that before) and although primarily is all about the shed itself I wanted to incorporate a non railway related scene on the layout. At Salisbury the rear of the water tank building very much towered over and backed directly onto Cherry Orchard Road, although there were some houses on the other side of the road, I moved the road to incorporate some semi detached houses. These houses and gardens a



Moving to P4 (Post 21)

I haven't posted for a while, many reasons. Anyway, I thought I'd have a go at converting some New Bachmann vans seeing how every RTR wagon needs a different tactic. Seems that way so far. A few of mine I have just swapped the wheels and that has been enough for a free running rigid axle conversion, others are harder. I'm trying to bodge a "12T Ventilated Fruit Van BR Bauxite (LATE)". The detail on this van compared to earlier efforts is to be commended, rather than having a horrable thick



Judith Edge Ruston 48DS - First look.

I have a pair of Judith Edge Ruston 48DSs on my workbench, one for myself and one for another RMWeb member.   The kit comes complete apart from paint and pick-ups, something unusual for a loco kit but very welcome in my mind.   The main etch is shown below;     This covers all of the main variations of the class, apart from n.g. versions, having alternative cab sides and bufferbeams as well as windows, early locos had square framed widows, on later locos the corners were rounded off.  



Rule Brittania

Orders for an 86 & 87 have prompted some v4 upgrade work to both sound projects. The flexibility of the v4 has enabled some nice features;   Wheelslip if you accelerate hard at slow speeds, neutral section now on a function key, howling rheostatic brakes if you decelerate hard, speed-dependant 'rail noise' and so on. My v3.5 had some of these but they were nowhere near as elegant and responsive. As usual, having a play has yielded new ideas, and led to improvements I'd like to roll out oth



Eclipse Peat (Catcott)

nevard_120614_catcott_DSC_5845, a photo by nevardmedia on Flickr.   I haven't typed a 'Billy ######' page for ages, so here goes a snippett of parallel universe 'faction'....... Click on the photo above if you think it's pretty and want to see a bigger one!   In 1966 Eclipse Peat (Catcott) upgraded its loading facility with the ability to handle the loose product as well as bagged. In August 1969, diesel hydraulic No. D6313 is captured propelling wagons under the loading hopper. On loading

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

More slow progress on the T1 and E2

The T1 is now painted, lined and lettered. It's slowly having detailed added - mostly stuff that would have been in the way whilst I lined it, such as the clack valves, tank fillers, whistle etc. The lettering is by HMRS, I also cheated and used their boiler bands.   This photo shows the current state of play - sorry about the workbench clutter! The next step will be to weather it - then fit the handrails.   The E2 is ready for priming - the last few days have seen endless pipes added u



Modelling 2 Severn Valley 0

It has been a few weeks since I last posted in this blog and that rather reflects the lack of progress on Skaleby West recently. At every turn work seems to get in the way. First it was school report writing. Then it was parent’s evenings and more recently it has been SATs marking. If that was not enough the local authority have chosen our school for moderation this year, resulting in yet more work as I compiled the evidence for the “dragon†of a moderator who will be visiting me just after



On the fiddle! Part 2

After what seems like ages work as again restarted on the construction of my new Cambrian Modular layout Morfa Bach / Penmaenpool MPD plus fiddle yards. Poor weather for outdoor "wood butchering" and taking a holiday abroad have contributed to the long delay since the last update. Today has been the first opportunity to get the modules built so far or under construction linked together for the first time.     This picture shows the three modules that have been built /under construction t



Your Starter for Ten

Our next planned outing should be TINGS near Leamington Spa in early September although the show web site is curiously shy about our presence and that of another 2FS layout of this parish which I'm told will be in attendance.   There are still a few more buildings needed and some of these may appear before September but I think it's time to make a start on another aspect (get it?) of the infrastructure - the signals.   St Ruth needs a lot of signals so there is zero chance that they will be



7mm Sentinel Brake Gear

I had a conversation with Pete Harvey of PH Designs at the Derby Show about getting some brake gear sorted for my Warren Shephard Sentinel. Well, yesterday this dropped through the door     It all goes together like this:     Superb quality as ever from Pete, going to make the rest of the kit look a bit basic   Soldering iron at the ready .........



Cats, dustbin liners, 1959 and all that.....

nevard_120612_catcott_DSC_5788, a photo by nevardmedia on Flickr. Templecombe's 43216 is captured pottering about the sidings at Catcott Burtle on a bright but blustery day in magnificent summer of 1959. Click on the photo to get a bigger view.   '59 was very similar to the summer of 2006, with hot temperatures and wall to wall sunshine running well into the autumn. This is probably one of the reasons why there are so many colour photographs from that year, colour films from that era being g

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard


I blame this on Larry (coachman) of this parish. If he did not keep producing such inspirational coaches this would of remained in the box, where has sat for a few years.   What we have here is a Connoisseur Models, S&DJR full brake. This is yet again a model in need of rescuing. I was given this as a very badly paint model. After removing the paint, guess what, it was badly mad too. parts still had the half etch tags still on, too much solder, you get the picture.   I st


N15class in S&DJR PBV

Mock up completed!

I've spent a couple of evenings making a mock up of the proposed layout. It's really helped me visualise how the finished article might look. Everything seems to fit in O.K, but I've labelled the points with their "hand" and code number in the hope that if anyone spots an obvious cock up they'll let me know!   I think it has a nice flow about it and should have enough operational potential without being over complicated. I like the idea of my liitle Manning Wardle wheezing along the pr

Cheslyn - the back scene

The back scene has now been finished (nearly). This was made from a simple frame covered in 3mm MDF. I've found in the past that if you don't prime the MDF with a coat of oil based undercoat first then the emulsion/acrylic used after will only crack and peel.     Ordinary white emulsion was used for the sky. Some tester pots were obtained from Homebase (cheap) - sky blue and slate grey - these were dabbed on in several places and the white worked in. It creates a good effect without



Castlederg & Victoria Bridge Tramway 2-4-0

The little Beyer-Peacock is finished at last. The Westinghouse brake casting from Alan Gibson was waiting for me when I got back from my hols (you can't see it as it's on the other side!), so that was cleaned up and fitted along with the associated plumbing. Branchlines chopper couplings were also added. It was then primed, filled, reprimed and painted.   There is some doubt as to the colour it carried while at the C&VBT but the concensus is that it retained the LMS crimson lake livery it



5512 Part 5 (photo)

Following on from yesterdays post on 5512, here is the missing photo   It clearly shows where the quartering on the centre axle has shifted, and hopefully also shows the added finness from using the Mitchell components rather than the standard Bachmann parts.   Last night I soldered up the final part of the driving rods (whatever they are supposed to be called) and removed the locating rod from the Bachmann sliders. it now needs a .6mm hole drilling through the sliders and the rods, althoug

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Tanks a lot

I recently revisited the weathering I had done on a Farish TTA (and was never happy with), and attacked it with some oil paints.   Excuse the rubbish photo, it was too wet to take one outside!



Layout Update 11/6/12

Well on saturday I went to work at the SVR and I wanted to get some modeling stuff and to take some pictures. Well due to being short staffed I couldn't take any photos, but I did manage to buy all the track for the layout. I will upload the images on a new album that I will create this evening. This will be called St Johns End.

St Johns End

St Johns End


Work continues slowly but steadily on the down fiddle yard. This weekend I've constructed the alignment mechanisms for the traverser. With the first two roads in place running onto the main lines I soldered 2mm Ø brass tubes to the side of each track. Originally I was going to use larger tubes but there were fouling issues with some of the stock. Once soldered in place the tubes and rails were cut and I moved onto the adjacent roads. 1.5mm Ø brass rod bent into an 'L' provides the alignment bo



Been shopping!

I've been out today and bought some foam board, with a view to making a 7th scale model of the proposed layout. No pictures yet, but it's coming along nicely. I'd previously photo copied the templates in Barry Normans book and after cutting them out spent the afternoon shuffling them around. It's somehow very satisfying messing with these templates and has given me a much better idea of the radii and clearances involved. The paper representations of stock are great for working out how long loops


wenlock in Been shopping!

Hammer time

Two models that came close to the lump hammer treatment this weekend were a Hornby 50 in 4mm and a Heljan 20 in 7mm, after I expended an inordinate amount of time on both.   The 50 is the Rail Express limited edition 50149, weathered by Grimy Times and destined to become the star in a You Tube video demonstrating my v4 Class 50 sounds. Yesterday I milled off the weight in the underframe and spent most of today building a long speaker enclosure to fit down the middle with cut-down tanks etc glu



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