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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

It's the little things...

Sometimes, I find, it only takes a little work to set a RTR product apart from its brethren and a few minor alterations here and there can certainly help to capture the character of the prototype. I do not consider myself particularly skilled so nothing here comes under the banner of 'major surgery'. With that in mind, let's meet our first patient: 47847     Here it is, as Heljan intended, pretty much. Looking over it, there are a couple of things that are just wrong - the boiler exhaust be



Track Laid at last!

Tonight was a milestone, the track was laid on board #2 completing the plan for the main body of the layout.       The only remaining trackwork to do is the engine shed road on the (yet to be constructed) fiddle yard board #1. Most of that is over the inspection pit, so not too much soldering left   I am going to concerntrate however on getting boards 2 and 3 operational for the Member's Day, I have Monday off work and the plan is to wire up and test (including all the remaining TT300



Pannier stuff and last weekend, part 2

Hi all.   Now, with time on my hands, progress can seriously rebegin on the pannier tank!     Right, bit of background. In 2010 we bought this fully built but almost totally unpainted pannier tank from a dealer.     Really it was a bit of a catch. We had just sold our part built winson Britannia (a battle in itself!) and we always wanted a pannier, the LT connection being evident!     So we purchased it, had it on a rolling road, and apart from a few niggles, all seemed well. So

London cambrian

London cambrian

Delph - Bridge takes shape

Following on from my last entry, I've started work on the over-bridge which forms part of the scenic break between the station and the fiddle yard. The bridge is based on Bridge No. 4 which was (is) actually located in Dobcross, a mile or so along the branch from Delph, but which, together with the nearby group of cottages, forms an effective scenic break. A photo of the real thing appears on page 23 of Larry Goddard's excellent Delph book. The bridge - at about 81 feet long, more a short tunne

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

Two years and 1 day after I started...

This blog is officially 2 years one day old today. I have learned many things over the course of building Kingsbridge. Content has been a bit slow in coming lately but I haven't given up on it but it will be a case of doing odd bits for the next few months. I have decided to concentrate on completing the main station board before going any further with the other boards as this should enable me to run trains on it and I have finished most of the secondary buildings. Just wanted to say a big tha



Am I too superstitious?

I had planned that Thursday was to be a full day in the workshop and I hoped to virtually complete the J10 detailing and perhaps give it some shunting work on one or both of the S4 layouts prior to setting up the paint shop.   However, having completed the tender to loco drag link and wishing to test the running of the full unit, I was to discover that the tested and proven chassis had become a non-runner. This was at the start of the after-lunch session and from that moment every thing went d

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

Shillingstone - backscene tweaks

I've been mucking about the backscene on the spring module a bit these last couple of days. I decided to paint an impression of middle-distance trees directly onto the original photographic backdrop, with the idea being that, placed in the right position, these will be able to soak up the shadows cast by the taller 3-d trees in the foreground.   I started by mixing up some gungey greens and reddish-green shades using almost neat acrylics, and then dabbled them onto the backscene using the roug

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Z4p 317 Loco - Test Run

Its amazing what a day off from work can achieve.   Following test fitting of the body onto the chassis for motor clearances etc, work has continued to scratchbuild all the under body detail for 317. All the side frame, footboard, brake gear, springing and W iron is now fabricated complete and fitted on to 317 for its initial test run.   http://youtu.be/w7tZ0oYpFJA   A bit of time needs to be spent cleaning the wheels to improve running, otherwise its ready to go. Weight distribution



Some Iron Ore wagons and other bits.

It's been ages since I last posted and truth be known my modelling motivation isn't brilliant at the moment.   Before I go into full on Leonard Cohen mode I'll write about a few positive bits that have sprung from the work bench of late.   One of my modelling interests is the Kettering-Cambridge line which is fascinating. Although a very rural line and one which closed to passenger traffic in 1958 the western end of the line was deep in Northamptonshire iron stone quarrying country. Pits aro



New beginnings.

I'm not sure who will still follow this blog as it has been sadly neglected for some time.   This has been partly due to the death of my father and all that that entailed; but also down to a disappearing work ethic, then a number of side-tracking issues, ranging from Swiss mountain railways (!) to dabbling with that( lovely) OO Bachmann Robinson 04 - choo choo!   Anyway, try as I might to readjust, the draw of 2mm is just too strong.. I like the "small club" feel of belonging to the 2mm ass



A nice bit of design - Piko VT 612 Regioswinger and DCC

My wife bought me a Piko 612 "Regioswinger" for my birthday. I've got a peculiar soft spot for the real units, and they run over the line which I am modelling for my new layout (KBS 510), so it was a wonderful gift. While DCC Ready to me generally means that it's plug and play with an appropriate socket or plug, Piko took it a step further on this unit.   On the circuit board there is a pair of movable jumpers configuring the interior and destination screen lighting. As supplied, everything



Kimberley - Roads, Walls & Fence.

Modelling the roads, walls and fence for Kimberley.   The houses for Newdigate Street are constructed as modules, each with its own garden  plinth. Garden walls and fences are sandwiched between these plinths and the roadway is constructed in the same manner. Plinths are bolted together with 4mm screws and the complete assembly fits a snug recess in the landscape.   Constructed from styrene sheet ( mainly 1mm and 0.5mm ).    


snitzl in Kimberley

Transfers + paint for the hut (but no weathering just yet)

Just a quick post to show the hut painted as it now stands. Transfers were created using GIMP with BR typeface working from photos of the original, then printed onto transfer paper. You will notice the signage is in English as well as Welsh. Paints are a mixture of Halfords, Revell and Humbrol (both old and new).       There are still a few details to be added to the doors on the container as I noticed they were omitted while uploading...   I shall try and post something on the yard

Howard Smith

Howard Smith

Progress on the Nightmare boards

I see I claim to have started on these at the end of May. Outdoor weather has been less summer like than ever, and these are 100% outdoor work. I'm still day dreaming with little ideas, but have started the raised track bed. Also have made rough road under bridge formers out of 3 mm MDF, these will be used as a base for embossed plastic sheeting. The supporting uprights will have 9 mm beading attached across the top each side as per the base, onto which the track bed will be screwed and glued.



Cattle Trucks revisited!

In response to the comments and advice I received from Buffalo regarding wagon numbering, along with suggestions from BlackRat and Ian Smith, that straw might make a nice addition to the wagons, I decided to get busy! Thanks for all your interest and advice guys, i hope you like the results.   GWR cattle wagon diag W1   GWR cattle wagon diag W5   GWR cattle wagon diag W3



From: Refurbishing an Impetus Hunslet 15" 0-6-0ST

When this machine has featured in an earlier thread Mike Edge kindly pointed out some details I should have spotted earlier which needed correction, notably the safety vales and the chimney. He was also kind enough to supply replacements from his own kit, at a very reasonable price, and, following a second strip down, here is the state of the engine halfway through the paintshop. Note the improvement made by the new chimney.     A full list of the work undertaken appears below: Strip [pha



I joined Farnham & District MRC

Where does the time go? Been far too busy with other things, e.g., work, children, DIY, etc., to make much progress, but in an attempt to build and maintain momentum I have joined the Farnham & District Model Railway Club! F&DMRC have a great N-gauge group and a fantastic exhibition layout in the form of Basingstoke. Looking forward to learning lots, meeting nice like-minded people and hopefully contributing something to the new N-gauge layout, Warwick.   Other than that I have finally

Peter & Seth

Peter & Seth

Further progress on the Cornishman

I have at last been able to get back to working on the Cornishman this week. All nine coaches are now sitting on Bill Bedford Bogies complete with cosmetic sides. I take the discarded Bachmann bogies, cut off the sides and then reduce them to a suitable thickness - a very messy and time consuming task. The axle boxes are drilled out from the back (to allow the pin point bearings to move up and down) then the sides are carefully fixed to the bogies with epoxy. All the coaches now also have Kadee




Some more of this PBV done. I have added the footboards and a couple of scrap nickel silver straps to the underframe. These are to take the hinge pins for the Slaters underframe. Holes to be drilled.   I have also made some clips for the roof to make it easily removable. I did try my normal wire ones I use on loco cab rooves but it failed misserably. I also drilled new holes for the lamps and bungs. the original ones as can be seen quite some way out, they were also in dents, the size


N15class in S&DJR PBV

A stairway to heaven

Just a few shots of one of the stairways up to the footbridge. Construction is plasticard and slaters embossed brickwork. Doors and windows will be added from Scale link etchings once the stairs have been painted. The stairs themselves come from an old Hornby concrete footbridge glued together to get the necessary width and cut down to the right height.   Still some fillering to do and a bit of fettling to tidy this one up - and oh yes the one for the other platform to build too.  



Are you sitting comfortably - Is that seat free?

In between the showers there has been time to make up some of those excellent Cooper Craft GWR seats:     Those of you familiar with the kits will know that Cooper Craft provide a choice of end frames, the original Edwardian frame with entwined GWR crest and the more modern roundel or target version of the crest from the 1930s. The notes provided with the kits suggest one 'target' seat to two 'entwined crests'. The painting instructions that are provided suggest all over brown ‘although

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

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