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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Par Station in N Gauge - The Station Building (Part 1)

Good afternoon,   Having had the day off work today, I have managed to finish the basic construction of the station building for Par.   When I was down in Cornwall last week, I dragged my fiancee down to Par to measure the station building so as to make the most accurate model possible. I checked permission with the station staff first. So permission granted, and a half hour later (with a very embarrassed wife to be!!) I had my measurements.   The main structure is made of 1mm thick card

cornish trains jez

cornish trains jez

7mm Sentinel Brakes Fitted

Well, I've finally managed to get Pete Harvey's excellent etches soldered together and fitted to the Sentinel, and mighty fine they look too!       Just need to do some final fettling with a glass fibre pencil and then it's primer time. Should have it in satin black for the Member's Day.



The East is Red: Roco's DB Schenker class 155 in oriental red

Morning all.   Recent events had kept me from actually posting the following article, which I had, in fact, prepared a while ago - based on an earlier version of it, which I would think some of you may remember from Old RMweb. In this earlier article, I had presented a DB Schenker class 155 electric in the now-standard traffic red and basalt grey livery, which but I have since exchanged for a different version of this trademark locomotive from the former East German Deutsche Reichsbahn.   S

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

I need trees. Loads and loads of trees

One of the key pieces of Hemerdon will be the wooded area that runs from the farm house to the end of the passing loops and one of the things I did not consider when choosing Hemerdon as a layout idea was how on earth was I going to cover the area with trees. I guess in my mind I though it would not be that expensive to buy them - wrong on so many levels.   Gven that I need around 150 trees to cover the area, and decent tree is between £3 & £4 I could have spent between £450 and £600 w



Red to Red, Black to Black, Blue to bits!

My Cambrian modular layout is now nearing the stage where I need the proper power supplies for testing. (Also tied in with this entry is this thread from this forum entry on RMWeb.) As a qualified person I am quite capable of building my own electrical equipment for my model railway projects. However I must state here that anyone contemplating building anything involving 230V mains equipment should be aware of the consequences of their workmanship, and if in any doubt do NOT even think about b



Houses for Newdigate St.

Modelling houses on Newdigate St for Kimberley.   Step by step guide for newbies.   These builds are so similar to the large brick semi of Newdicate st, that I was in a  'do I, don't I' post situation. What the hell, its only 2 megs and some of the pics might  help clarrify what wasn't to clear in the earlier post. Illustrated below - A small semi and the school mistress house for Newdigate St, Kimberley.   Again, the front of these buildings are only seen by the op


snitzl in Kimberley

Ropley - Non-Rolling Rolling Stock

Work has started on the main yard area, with the first DAS applied. Hi All.   A rather random entry this time, with a few different areas of the layout seeing work or planning. Firstly, the first DAS has been applied to the main yard section in the area immediately in front of the coal staithe. I plan to do small areas at a time to make sure I can manage the removal of the DAS from around points and the insides of the running lines. The method is largely the same as that described here, b



Ive Gone Digital

afternoon all!   with the drawers still in progress ive moved onto something a bit more 'space saving'   for those of you who don't know there is a game/rail simulator out there called railworks, in the game there are several different routes and engines for you to experience, best of all is the scenario editor. with this tool you can select any route and any Loco, create a scenario to complete and place as much AI as you want.   Ive been playing around with it and loosely followed a tutor



Ready for paint!

GWR Horse Box   I picked this kit up from Danny Pinnock of D&S models at Telford last year. The etches go together very well and the castings although white metal, were remarkably flash free and well detailed. I'm going to add some vacuum pipes from Slaters brass castings, as I like their use of springs for the flexible hose. Almost ready for priming and then painting in chocolate brown.  



Bristol Barrow Road - Roundhouse Roof Trusses

The roundhouse kit of parts provided by York Modelmaking contained 13 roof trusses that were cut from 2mm mdf, but having made the decision to replace the two main girders with metal versions I decided to go the whole hog and replace the roof girders. Now I know some will think this to be foolish but I have concluded that the mdf versions are not robust enough to facilitate removal of sections of the roof for display purposes.   the mdf version of girders and trusses   This decision has no



Heworth Sidings - Fiddle Yard Update - 25/06/2012

Hi,   Work on the layout has been a bit on and off over the last few months, so in order to focus everybody's attention, a deadline has been introduced. We are aiming to have the layout operational for our club DCC meeting on the 14th July   Work on the Fiddle Yard modules continues, track laying is nearing completion on the opposite end and we had all of the modules together on Saturday to finish marking out the lanes. When the Fiddle Yard is being operated, each of the lanes will effectiv



A roof overhead - some 009 stock progress

I found out on the Wednesday just gone (20th June) that Scrayingham has been requested to appear at the Witby & District show in Goathland Parish Hall on the weekend of July 21st and 22nd July (hopefully I'll see some of you there), which gives me a month to get it into a presentable state!   I've been making a bit of progress with some of my stock over the last couple of days, and have a few more 'quick fixes' lined up (mainly just tidying paintwork fortunately), but the main jobs so far



Shillingstone - spring module (again)

Nothing you haven't seen before, but a couple of slightly different views of the Spring module. Here's the entire thing, more or less, with the fascia finished (I added the vertical bits at either end) and after a coat of light blue paint. Light blue? Yes, a bit of an unconventional choice to say the least but it suits the Winter module very well and I wanted something that was both light, and also a contrast to the green used on the fascia of the American layout. Too much green would have been

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Full Size Planning!

In order to refine the design and armed with a roll of Wickes linning paper and an assortment of C&L's templates, I've spent a productive day setting out the final full size trackplan. Everything appears to fit ok, but I'd love any advice/wisdom,if anyone can spot any potential problems! Having previously modelled in 4mm, I must admit I'm impressed with the size of 7mm. A B8 or B9 point is one heck of a lengthy beast, but I do think they add to the flow of the plan and hopefully the reali




I have now added all the whitemetal parts. One of the spring J hangers was broken and lost do I made one up out of brass, fortunately it looks the part. Having thought I had finished I scrubed it up for painting, only to notice whilst preparing to spray I had not added the buffers or rain strip to the roof.   It was given a light coat of Acid 8 primer, the following day I rubbed down the out side. You will notice the inside was then primed with some red oxide, this was done


N15class in S&DJR PBV

A sunny day in Worcestershire (Victoria Bridge Update)

Shock, and horror, what has been a fairly miserable June has just, a few moments ago, bloomed into some actual proper sunshine. A perfect chance to get a snap of Victoria Bridge, with some enhanced bushyness in the foliage department, basking in the seasonal weather... at last.   I'll let you into the recent useful, technical developments, but first a scene from a gala day on this miniature present day SVR, with the little '813' saddle tank (see my previous blog entry) with an Arley-Bewdley lo

Will J

Will J

The design of my English layout

Space is limited in my hobby room, so I had to make a track plan that would fit in just only 2,8 m by 0,6 m. In my search on the internet to get some inspiration, I found a nice looking layout called Pen-Y-Bont made by Frank Collins (Dukedog here on RMweb). This was what I was looking for: it fits along the wall in my railway room, it has a nice atmosphere, and yet enough opportunities. So, I took the track plan en started drawing my own version.     For those of you who know Pen-Y-Bont, yo

Jan Derk

Jan Derk

focusing my attention...(edit to include new pic!)

Good afternoon,   This post is threefold really...   First, the inset track of CJM is stalling mojo at present so a good time to jump on the overnight sleeper bound for Scotland...   Secondly, I had been asked to provide a few photos to the 2mm Association of the track (for possible inclusion in a revised edition of a 2mm article on track) hence the need to photograph it.   Thirdly, I recently bought a Sigma 70-300mm lens with Macro for the camera so I wanted to test it out.   It was



"A4 Conversion Test Etches - Part 2"

For some time I had wondered whether I was always going to be an "also ran".   By that, I mean someone who is happy to buy ready to run engines, have kits built for them, even maybe weathered for them, and on occasion produce a diorama of sorts which looks more or less the part - but hasn't challenged himself enough.   Always that nagging fear, looking at the sheer depth and breadth of modelling on this forum and elsewhere, that I was never going to be anything more than a tinkerer, so to sp

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

"A4 Conversion Test Etches - Part 1"

You will recall that recently, I had been indulging in some conversions of Hornby garter blue A4 Pacifics in order to gain 1949 condition A4s. I identified a few problems with this approach, went away, had a think, and came up with a solution; a set of etches that makes the removal of the valances easier, and also caters for missing components and/or damage.   Peter Harvey of PH Designs recently finished a set of test etches for a conversion kit I had specified. Unfortunately, it's taken me a

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

Smaller engine !

As the country is battered by storms, it seems today Oldham has been spare the weather today. Never one to pass up a chance I ran some trains.         I was almost looking forward to running in the rain but that chance will present itself soon enough !   A video with some close shots can be found



Printed Wheels?

Hello   Today I have had a break from the point rodding and tried out some of my printed wheels instead.         The next thing is to finish the chassis off and try it out. If this works it then opens lots of doors including possibly drop in 2mm wheels for RTR stuff...   There is a step by step description on these wheels on my other blog if anyone is interested http://modelopolis.blogspot.co.uk/   Missy




I have purchased a ratio signal kit which is purfect for the layout and I am currently constructing it. Once the signal is built I will glue the ground signals as well as the ratio signal, then I will take pictures of them and upload them to the St Johns End album. By the way if any one is interested there is a 40's weekend at the Severn Valley Railway from the 23rd-24th june and the 30th-1st july. Its a great day out with all kinds to see.

St Johns End

St Johns End

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