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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Delph - A Bridge Too Grey

The plastic structure of the bridge is now complete - parapets clad, capping stones added, etc and I've sprayed it with Halfords grey plastic primer in preparation for painting the stone surfaces. Whilst most of the local buildings, including the station and coal drops are millstone grit, my colour photos of the actual bridge show it to be made of a grey coloured stone. I'm not sure whether to try to replicate this or adopt a similar colour to the other stone-work, for a more consistent appeara

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

Back across the pond

The title of this entry does not allude to any forthcoming trip back to blighty, (oh that it did) but the desire to build an English outline layout. I've been umm-ing an ah-ing about it for a long time. I even joined the Scalefour society in the hopes of being able to start a finescale 4mm English layout. But with no 4mm finescalers in easy reach to talk to the enthusiasm faded. So I periodically find myself being blitzed with the urge to model in English 4mm scale and not being able to do anyth

Ian Holmes

Ian Holmes

Umm... Research Trip?

Thought it was time for some first hand research regarding what's so great about the railways of the south west...   We're in coach A   Films are by other peeps...     Wrong sea wall for St Ruth but just to show that other sea walls are available...   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc5ox1tZ6sI   Signal checks on the return journey at Goodrington, Newton Abbott and Exeter meant that Britannia was putting in some serious effort by the time we got to Cowley Bridge Junction... and me wit



Westinghouse ground signals part 2 or 3 (depending on where you start)

Just a quick update on progress of the Westinghouse ground signals. This is a follow up from my last entry.     The six signals are now mounted onto their bases. These are a piece of 8x12mm brass sheet that is then mounted onto a bit of square tube.   Now to start the detail work Each signal post has a 'blind' fitted. There is proplem here in that the etch was supposed to have some bolt head detail. But it didn't come out on the etch. So I bent the tab the wrong way so that I have a bi



West Country Conversion to P4 part 2

Not much progress in the last couple of weeks due to work commitments, but I have managed to complete the bogie and get the wheels quartered.   The wheels trial fitted in the chassis block. I used a mixture top hat bearings and ordinary 1/8" washers to suit. The wheels were quartered using my NWSL quartering jig, which I find easier for RTR conversions than the GW Models one. I'm wondering whether to fit cosmetic sides from plasticard. I might make some up with slots than can be put in later o




It's been a while since I posted any updates here so, dear reader, I can assure you that progress, although slow is not non-existant. A couple of weekends ago Mike Randall and I spent a few days with Peter Clark in Southwold, and we produced a novel portable test track, of which more details will be released later, My one has to have the tracks laid on i,. but Peter's was completed with N standard, N (shinohara code 40 fine), 2mm Finescale, and NN3 tracks laid and wired.   Maxstoke's trackwork




It's been a while since I posted any updates here so, dear reader, I can assure you that progress, although slow is not non-existant. A couple of weekends ago Mike Randall and I spent a few days with Peter Clark in Southwold, and we produced a novel portable test track, of which more details will be released later, My one has to have the tracks laid on i,. but Peter's was completed with N standard, N (shinohara code 40 fine), 2mm Finescale, and NN3 tracks laid and wired.   Maxstoke's trackwork




Again nothing particularly new here, other than the odd weed or two, but I thought I'd have a go at doing a deep depth of field shot on the brook scene, with Combine ZM image stacking software. I quite like lineside pictures without trains in them - it's something about the anticipation of the train yet to come, or the quiet that comes when a train has passed. Borrowing a trick from my mate Marc Smith, I'd like to get some birdsong going on quietly in the background here, appropriate both to the

Barry Ten

Barry Ten


I have now got this into a position ready for lining. So it looks like I ought to get my head into gear and get this and my Ivatt class 2 finished off. As you may of seen My little A1 number 735 is now complete and is in its box ready for shipment.   The Underframe was given a coat of Halfords finest satin black. The interior and roof a coat local spray white gloss. Not the best or easiest to use but it worked. Finally the side were done in precision S&DJR blue.    


N15class in S&DJR PBV

Model of the Month Bachmann Ivatt 2-6-2T

This months model takes us back to steam traction and another one of my favourite locos The Ivatt 2-6-2T By Bachmann.     I originally bought this model with the intention of converting it to a BR Standard class 2 2-6-2Tank, However I chickened out once Bachmann announced their intention of doing the same thing! I did however fit the motion support brackets that Bachmann in their wisdom omitted from the model.     The loco has been Heavily weathered as they were in real Lif



It Ain't Half Hot Mum

This week, the rain of Llangollen was swapped for the blistering 27-degree heat of East Anglia, with a Class 90 & DVT recording session at Norwich Crown Point, hosted by the fine fellows of Greater Anglia. My partner in crime this time was Richard Armstrong, aka the 'Armstrong Powerhouse' who produces sound packs for various Train Simulator packages.   The loco (90012, Royal Anglian Regiment) was in fine fettle and our assistant did a great job of getting the noises we wanted from it. Alth



'Engine Wood' - more bits & pieces

A busy day last Thursday and also today, with the final preparations for the Hartlepool show nearly complete.   I put the layout up on Thursday to test the new alignment dowels that Re6/6 and I fitted a fortnight ago, and I'm pleased to say that they are doing what it says on the tin and making the alignment of the three scenic boards easy, saving us a few minutes off the time it takes to set the layout up.   John (Re6/6) has very kindly let me have a couple of his recent trees for the layou

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

Getting on slowly

Hi. I have managed to do a little modelling this week on the micro layout.   The buses, feed wires and point motors are connected up, and today I cycled over to Maplins for a couple of point switches, a 3.5 jack socket for the 12v supply ( I'll borrow the one off Glenfield) and a din plug for the DCC controller input.   I have some aluminium sheet lying around and I am wondering what I would need to do to use these for fascia plates for the switches and sockets, as aluminium is a conductor



From the archive #1 Fisherton Sarum’s humble beginning

Fisherton Sarum was started back in 2005 originally as an interim layout, as time and space does not permit the building of the other layouts I have planned, as a means to display some of my locomotives and rolling stock. This is the fist post in a series looking back through the archives of Fisherton Sarum’s over the last seven years or so. First up in this series are a couple of early construction pictures. The two scenic boards can be seen here after track laying and early scenic forming



Westinghouse Signals for Swaynton

Hello again. This follows on from my blog entry 'what I did in June'. (edit: which seems to have dissapered from the dashboard when I posted this so here is a link)   Last time I was here I demonstrated a working disc signal for Swaynton. (as well as a charming handbag. Go on buy a handbag...go on go on...) Anyway having built one it is now time to think about building the rest. It has been decided that we shall need six of these. The original plan was to have seven (or eight) but if you stud



What I did in June

Is it really the end of June? At least the heating has gone off now. At the last report I was just about to head off to Chatham (pictured) with Swanton. Thanks to the Chatham MRC for organising a great show. A few people stopped to say hello. There was interest in the disc signal and I will post another blog entry showing progress. A couple of people expressed interest in the handbag but no one has bought one yet. I managed to take a little time out on the Saturday to visit the Dickens Fair i



Pub refurbishment

Back to the winter module, now. Currently a work in progress is the overhauling of this Superquick "Swan" pub, which is now well into its fourth decade. I would say it's been on every layout I've had, but the truth is my mother built this in the 70s to replace an even earlier "Swan" which got squashed or trod on or something. The model has had quite a bit of remedial attention over the years, having been damaged in storage, but was still in good nick. However, for a long time I've wanted to give

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

The Finescale Illusion

Every once in a while a modeller comes up with a brilliant idea to improve finescale loco kits. All he has to do, he thinks, is to make a kit which consists of exact scale replicas of all the parts of his chosen machine and people will flock to buy it. So he invests in a new computer, CAD software, buys some GA drawings from the NRM and spends a not inconsiderable time drawing all the components at full scale. In time etchings and other components are produced, a test build is done and photos ta



Back from hols!

Hi all   Haven't posted for a while since not much to report really, house change round done now as well as most of the decorating, so can get back to planning and construction?   In the model room I am fitting cupboards that I used to have in my workroom/office, these are now surplus to requirements office wise since my retirement!   I am mounting as many as I can above the baseboards and intend experimenting with light effects when the cupboards are fully in situ and the layout construct



Testing techniques

My throat feels like it is full of broken glass at the moment but I am determined to make the best out of a bad situation so I have been testing some techniques out on the trusty (and well used) test plank.   The first is DAS clay being used for the roads. I was originally going to use printed sheets for the roads but I am not overly convinced that they will be the most durable and the amount of work needed to get each section of road customised was considerable. Therefore, I spread some PVA g

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

Time Travelling Equine Transport - Back Dating and Detailing The N Gauge Lima Horsebox - Part 1.

Amongst the many other things that I alude to on my workbench in previous entries there have been a selection of horse boxes growing in number for some time. I am currently (still) working on a pair of GCR and an M&GN item from David Eveleigh along with a pair of Lima GWR items, that are the subject of this entry. I know they are branded LMS but from what I can gather from published books and photographs they are meant to be a GWR vehicle to diagram N16 and the LMS didn't have a vehicle anyt



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