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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted


I decided I should actually start cutting metal. The first jobs where to sort out the chassis, for the loco and tender.   I started with the tender inner chassis as there is not one. I made up some strips of 020" brass 25mm wide as spacers. I am going to compensate the front two axles. The chassis sides were cut from the same material, and soldered together. I covered one side in indellable pen to make marking out easy. It was then cut out with the piercing saw. The holes fore the brak


Just built a 2mm pannier using the new etched chassis. It works! It works even better with a decent controller, I don't have any DC controllers left, other than an ancient Powermaster, so I connected a DCC chip between the controller and track.   It works really well I'm surprised to say. It isn't DCC itself, as the only layouts I can try it on are DC only.

Tim V

Tim V

Great Central Dia.6 3-plank dropside (1).

Abridged History   Several thousand 16 feet long (over headstocks), 3-plank dropside wagons with 9' 6" wheelbase were designed and built by the Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway through the 1890s. Over the years detail differences emerged such as axleboxes, lubrication, journal size, and this in turn affected the load capacity which ranged from 8 to 10 tons. Wagons to essentially the same design but with further detail differences were built for the Cheshire Lines Committee, but



Judith Edge Ruston 48DS - Gearbox 1.

I've made up the High Level 'Rustler' gearboxes for these two locos. They are etched in nickel silver and come complete with 2mm axle material, brass bearings and plastic spur gears and a brass worm. Instructions cover two sides of A4, including some very clear exploded diagrams. Reduction is 97:1.   The gearbox is made up of two main parts, the main part that holds the motor and a swing arm that transmits power to the rear axle.   Here is the main part, in the flat on the left, and folded o



Locomotive list added to site

The last blog entry was some time ago, things have been hectic, and very little progress made on the layout.Paid employment really does get in the way of the more important things in life! New locomotives and rolling stock have … Continue reading →   Source



Rod Hull & EMU

If there's one thing I've learned over the years about railway modelling and photography, it's this; take photos of the boring things as well as the interesting, because one day they won't be boring any more and you'll wish you took more photos of them. This Class 318 is a case in point. Despite living in Ayrshire for 16 years and seeing them almost daily I have only two photos. Now my Bratchell kit has arrived and......I wish I'd taken more photos. I think the same applies to recording sounds.



West Country Conversion to P4 part 3 - rolling chassis

A couple of successful evening sessions has seen the rods made up and fitted. The upper keeper plate was fitted and happily the chassis ran up and down on the test track under finger pressure and when relatively slightly sloped. Huge sigh of relief as always! I've also fitted 60 thou black plasticard overlays to the chassis block. Some bits have yet to be hacked off (rear pony) and won't be until the last moment so I don't take too much off. We're now in the realms of having to choose the



up on the roof...

Update - Good evening,   Work has continued on the inset track area sanding, painting etc etc but to give myself a break from it I decided to start painting the roof of both dries buildings.   Working from a mix of photos of how they used to be late in the late 70's and also from now(ish) I have applied some base colour over the grey primer that was.   The paints are mostly acrylic from a wargamer shop near where I teach and a few railmatch acrylic. I must admit I am starting to prefer wor



Track talk and things - a quick update

It's the 4th July. American Independence day and as a result my email inbox has been full to overflowing with emails proclaiming all kinds of wonderful holiday deals. The one from Caboose Hobbies bit me. So I bought some PECO code 75 track for the forthcoming project. (Is my typing of PECO in all caps indicative of some kind of brain-washing from the Pritchard Patent Product Co.? That's the way I've always seen the word courtesy of Railway Modeller. It just looks wrong written any other way. Pec

Ian Holmes

Ian Holmes

Scenario 2: Corporate Colours

Afternoon all   my second scenario in my series of railworks creations is called corporate colours.   Set in 1992 when NSE and Intercity were in power your in charge of a semi fast NSE loco hauled train from Exeter st Davids to Bridgwater stopping at taunton only   the scenario starts with a 3 minute wait at Exeter to let An HST get some space ahead of you - there are two arrivals into the station in front of you, another HST and a 166 unit also as the HST set slides past you a 166 set sn



Modeling a Preserved Railway (just igore the 'railway' bit!)

IGNORE THE LAYOUT unfinished and very temporary! Time has been invested in rolling stock, and 'playing trains'! The Triang-era Station buildings and platforms are on the 'to replace' list The aim of these pics is to illustrate how I am attempting to achieve operational characteristics, cameos, and prototypical rolling stock of the preservation era, and how models of preserved railways need not be boring, nor are an excuse to 'run anything' (well not entirely!). Some of these items have been pres



A pair of early livery opens!

As a bit of light relief from track planning, I've built a couple of Cooper Craft wagons. As I wanted them in the early livery, I've changed the axle boxes and brakes for something more appropriate for the era. I've always really rated Cooper Craft kits and built most of the range in my 4mm days. I only wish the 4mm Minks were available in 7mm scale! I'm not a fan of the buffers supplied with the kits, so they have been replaced with turned, sprung buffers from Slaters Plastikard.   GWR 4



Heworth Sidings - Fiddle Yard Update - 03/07/2012

Hi,   Just a quick update.   Managed to do a little more with the Fiddle Yard last night and have finished laying track for the 10 lanes (5 UP / 5 Down) on Module D. You may spot that one or two of the screws are a little further from the edge of the module than the others, this is unfortunately where we have hit a 'structural' screws below the cork trackbed.       We have planned to work as a group on Wednesday and Thursday this week, so we may be able to complete Modules B (which i



Heworth Sidings - Fiddle Yard Update - 03/07/2012

Hi,   Just a quick update.   Managed to do a little more with the Fiddle Yard last night and have finished laying track for the 10 lanes (5 UP / 5 Down) on Module D. You may spot that one or two of the screws are a little further from the edge of the module than the others, this is unfortunately where we have hit a 'structural' screw below the cork.       We have planned to work as a group on Wednesday and Thursday this week, so we may be able to complete Modules B (which is identica




Right here we go the start of a new project. This is another one of those kits that was aquired from a well known site for not a lot of money. Yes I know I need my bumps reading. I was just a good deal. I am sure the cast wheels for the bogie and drivers would cost more than the kit did. I bought Slaters ones for the tender and pony.   It had been started but the only bit touched was the loco body, someone tried to form it. It will be alright on the night though.   The kit is


After the discussions about the blue. I had a good look at it today. I think the main problem was the sunlight. In one of the photo's in the previous post one of the sides is in shadow, and that was actually a better match to how it looks.   Needless to say I masked it up and sprayed it again, with a slightly thinner mix than last time. It now has a better more uniform colour. It is more the way I remember seeing models.   I took it back out into the sunshine this afternoon a


N15class in S&DJR PBV

Scenario 1: Back to Basics

evening all this is my first blog entry covering the scenarios im making for Railworks 3 - im hoping that when steamworkshop comes to the game i can upload them for other people to enjoy ill be posting details of the scenarios when i finish them. ive been using google and rmweb for research, but i must stress these scenarios are not prototypical there for fun! so they have lots of traffic and tend to give more of a fun experience rather than realistic.   Ive made scenarios before but not for



Heworth Sidings - Fiddle Yard Update - 02/07/2012

Hi,   We've been continuing to work on the Fiddle Yard modules over the past week and it looks like we'll be doing the same over the next two weeks. Unfortunately the deadline we've been working towards has had to slip by two weeks and is now the 28th of July. The main driver for this is the End Loops, these will not be ready for a few more weeks and when they are, there will certainly be some head scratching as we try to work out why things don't fit   The first job that was tackled was to



Pullmans - riding high (and getting closer)

Bachmann are gearing up to launch their new Blue Pullman. Here I am just getting to grips with my version of the Tees Tyne Pullman:     For some time I have been collecting together a rake of Bachmann Mk1 saloons and have also acquired two Hornby Brake Cars. Stringing the cars out for the first time raised a couple of issues. Firstly the ride heights of the Bachmann saloons were not all the same and then there was the perennial problem of the 'gap' between the coaches.     If you ha

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

My garage is not THAT much of a mess - is it ?

Not the best summer is it ? Firstly I have too much going on, or stored in my garage to do much work in there. Hence this summer being a wash out is severly delaying my layout progress. For all those who enjoy seeing someone elses mess here it is :-     2012 weather is not the only bad news, as a member of the Milton Keynes Model Railway Society I have joined in the running of our railways as part of the Bletchley Park code breakers museum for the last 4 years. We have now been given noti



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