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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted


I am currently making the canopies for the station. I have also installed the signals that are non working however look ok. There are some photos that will be uploaded soon.

St Johns End

St Johns End

Great Eastern R24 Class Shunter (1)

Off we go at a tangent. Get used to it...   One of the locos on the bench which is a whisker from completion is a Great Eastern shunting engine of the R24 class (LNER J67 in the low tongue). This is based on one of the Connoisseur J67 kits (now discontinued) with quite a bit of scratchbuilding and a fair number of alterations to backdate it to 1912 condition. This was started a couple of years ago, just before an enforced hiatus from modelling, and I've only recently picked it up again.   Be



Gaugemaster OPTI decoders

Inspired by Pete Goss' layout "Rowlands Castle" (see below), I really must get my WD Austerity 2-8-0 into traffic. This will also provide a good place to test out one of the OMNI decoders I bought at Hartlepool at the weekend. Gaugemaster BPDCC25 with 8 pin DCC plug The OMNI is a straightforward 4 function 8pin 1.2amp decoder, so fitting should be quite straightforward. Digitrains were selling two sizes of these, I went for the larger ones which measure about an inch by half an inch in o



Hornby Live - Hartlepool 2012

The highlight of my Sunday was a trip to Hartlepool and Hornby Live. The show has a new venue, in Hartlepool College of Further Education, and this provided a very pleasant bright and airy space to view the exhibits.   As in previous years there were a decent number of layouts and a huge number of trade stands. I spent far too much at the digitrains stand on Gaugemaster OPTI decoders and on train detection circuits. Ive never tried OPTIs before, but they appear to offer good value for money to



Moving to P4 (Post 22)

Haven't posted for a while now, plus your all probably bored of seeing the same thing, so here is more of the same thing. You love me don't you?....don't you..... ............. Err, o..k , then. - NW + North Western Railway. Made up as you know but in a way I hope is believable. These two new ones are now finished apart from a bit of weathering needed on those wheel edges, and some small tare weight lettering and stuff. I need to research what to add and where to get from but that can be



Turned out fine again...

Evenin' all.   I have been busy the past week wiring up the little layout board and installing connectors and switches. Even a simple , one turnout layout seems to involve a lot of wire stripping and soldering.   Power is now running through the rails and 3-way - the latter after I traced a short down to a sleeper which was not quite cut through in one place..   However, and frustratingly,onto the loco used to test it out in DC ( both my blue diesels are DCC ready now), a Johnson class 2



It's either Roswell or my railway room - cos it's full of UFO's!

Actually I have now completed two of the UFO's so it is not as bad as it was at the beginning of the year. I have also made inroads into several other projects with varying degrees of success so here is the news:   ADX I have started work on the ADX and it is starting to look more like a unit. I need to fill the sides and then sand that back to make it nice a smooth. The chassis is now built but unmotorised. I will wait to motorise it because DCC is on its way!   X2800 I have added

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

Delph - Control Panel - A start is made

One of the problems I've created for myself is that the layout is being/has been wired in a way that means nothing can really be tested without the control panel being connected and so far I had not made any progress with this item. I've now made a start sing a panel case bought from Squires. I must say, it has a sort of 1950's Sci-Fi film laboratory (think Quatermass or Blob from Outer Space type of thing) look to it in my view. However, since the layout is set in the '50's, that might be quit

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

Electric blue

There's a title to attract the attention of any male over a certain age! Well, here's something else that is electric and blue; 90012, posing for the camera during the recording session at Crown Point. I took the opportunity to grab a full set of underframe shots which I'll post if anyone is interested.   On Saturday I spent a really enjoyable half-hour talking to Phil Tyrer (aka Northendboy) at members day and he commented afterwards about being envious of some of the places I'd been whilst r



Great Central Dia.6 3-plank dropside (3).

For ease of priming, the wheels are temporarily put back onto their axles which are masked off. I don't want primer or paint on the axles at this stage as they've yet to be fitted to the inside bearings.   Any flash on the plastic spokes has been pared away with a Swan Morton blade, files and wet & dry paper - whatever is required. Of course the camera picks up no end of evils which the Mk.1 eyeball overlooks...   If, as in this case, the final colour of the wheels is black, then they ar



Heworth Sidings - Fiddle Yard Update (Rollup entry) - 09/07/2012

Hi,   Lot's of hard work has been going into the fiddle yards over the last week, so there are a number of things that need to be covered.   07/07/2012   In the last blog entry, I mentioned that we were going to be working on Modules B and C, hopefully with a view to finishing them both off. We managed to finish Module B, but Module C needs a bit more work as we had to replace the cork underlay on it as it was lifting. It was a really hot day when we applied the underlay and either the glu



West Country Conversion to P4 part 4 - re-assembly and some new problems

I'm not quite getting to the point where I wish I'd gone down the etched chassis route, but I'm beginning to wonder...   So, I sorted the keeper plate issue by chucking it away and replacing with a new one fabricated from double sided copperclad. The benefit being the pick ups could be soldered to the underside. Gaps cut obviously for isolation. I chiselled out a route for the pick up wires in the upper keeper plate and countersunk the hole through. Wires are 7/0.2mm. The whole thing rea



More new wagons

Since the last time I added anything we have been a little busy. We have 3 new wagon kits(see Below) and we have been designing the next batch of new kits.   FRWC60 S&DJR/LSWR/Midland Railway/LMS/SR 8ton 2 Plank open Wagon Between 1898 and 1912 the Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway committee build over 43 2 plank open wagons for use in the movement of general goods. These wagons were original built with fixed sides and rated at 8 tons but after 1904 they were built with a centre drop d



Bristol Barrow Road - Board End Protectors

Scalefour South West is approaching in August and when I was invited to bring Bristol Barrow Road to the show I realised the trolley system I have for transporting the layout was not really suitable for this venue. The trolley is suitable for sports halls but not for Wells Town Hall where the main display hall is upstairs and the lift is not big enough.   With much of the trackwork now in place the ends of the boards needed protection to prevent damage to the track. Similarly some of the board



2mmFS : Wagons for Dumb-ies

Following a thoroughly enjoyable day out at the RM Web members day on Saturday - many thanks especially to Julia (Missy) for taking time out to talk to me.   Anyway, I came away inspired and spurred on to get some more modelling done. Luckily, the TV content on Saturday evening wasn't my cup of tea (but was very fortunately wifey's), so out came sheets of plasticard, scalpel, and blown up drawing of a 14' 6" over headstocks dumb buffered open coal wagon (courtesy of a book on the Gloucester C

Ian Smith

Ian Smith

Fiddling Around

Well, it all went pretty well at the Member's Day, quite a lot of work was put in filing the point blades especially on the double slip, my excuse is that they were my first ever point blades and I erred on the side of caution when filing them initially.   Anyway, even the Lima power bogied Sentinel ran through in all directions by the time we were finished.   One TT300 is going back to John at Bromsgrove Models as it was noticeably weaker in one direction, on at least two points and even w



Ratio 'Huntsman's Ales' Van

Regular followers of this blog might remember the Ratio 'Badger Beer' van that I built last year. Since finishing it I've been searching for an unbuilt 'Huntsman's Ales' van to accompany it. Well, its taken over a year to find one, and here it is built up;     Like the Badger Beer van its based on Ratio's GWR 12t vent van. Underframe was built first, sprayed with Phoenix Precision 'Dirty Black', body ends then sides added, then the roof sprayed with Revel 'Dark Grey' before being attached.



Great Central Dia.6 3-plank dropside (2).

...24 hours later the Araldite is fully cured.     Compensation Units   With the axle guards securely in place, my attention now turned to the compensation units. A number of types are available, but I find the type with inside bearings supplied by WEP are unobtrusive and go together with a minimum of fuss; simply fold up and a couple of dabs with a hot iron is enough for the solder to work its way into the folds by capillary action. A small engineer's square ensures everything is fixed



First Show A Success

Marsh Green Road TMD was on show at the 2012 EXE MRS Show held on the 23rd and 24th of June and performed brilantly on its first outing with no electrical faults atall only problems there were incountered was the SMP hand made points playing up now and then causing a few derailments.   WHAT HAPPENS NEXT   Since the show i have gone from layout building etc and decided to go back to modeling as due to work comitments and holiday plans means i'll be taking a break till the end of September and



Now With added colour!

Get with the 21st century Ian. You've got photoshop why don't you use it to add some colour to your layout sketches? I like to see other peoples visualisations of their layouts even more so when they pop them in photoshop an give them that added zing with a bit of colour and texture. You know who you are... People who work with Photoshop all day find this task easy I expect and finish the task in a few minutes. Whereas I, with my laptop on my lap learning as I go along find it takes ages. B

Ian Holmes

Ian Holmes

"Hornby Valve Gear: Interchangeability between A1, A3, A4"

You may remember my Graeme King 60700 model from an earlier blog post - apparently from as far back as 2010! This model was based on a modification of the Railroad Mallard 60022 model. The model originally sported the clunky Railroad valve gear - but no more, in preparation for a complete repaint to its 1949 era livery.     The model has had a change of valve gear, and cylinders. Both sets of valve gear are available on eBay from Peter's Spares from time to time. In this case, the supe

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

Movement at last!

Finally, after yet more distractions and life in general getting in the way I have got the major part of the wiring of the layout done. Last night saw the first train movements across all lines and points on this rather small layout (5ft x 2ft). There is still work to be done, the uncoupling magnets are not wired up, the wiring needs to be tied back and labelled and I need to build a control panel.   Although this is a small layout I wanted to use it to try out a number of ideas, so there is r



A visitor from the Lowlands

An impulse purchase, a souvenir of 20-odd years of living in or visiting the Netherlands, a reminder of the daily commute I did for two years on these highly reliable units, or a hint of a future modelling project? Not sure yet, but ideas are germinating...   NS Plan V electric multiple unit, newly released DCC sound equipped model by Roco. Just needs a few dead flies on the front and it will look the part...      

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

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