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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Scenery and madness

Hi, So the starting picture is one I took recently on a ramble hoping to capture a country lane and hedge to give me inspiration and guidance on making my own.     I'd been into a model shop and nearly bought hedges, but realsied that even when bought I'd feel compelled to add detail, foliage, variety so decided to experiment and got out all my various bags of flock etc.     I went for variation in colour and texture I think it needs long grass at the bottom of the hedge to help blend



Trees part 2

Following on from a few weeks ago 2 of the suggestions people gave me have been tried. The first was to use some DAS clay to cover the copper wire of the tree but so far I have not managed to perfect this given I am trying to make some Silver Birch trees at the moment.     The second was simply to spray the trunks a few times with a white coat. This seems to be work but I do need to get something that is a bit more of a mucky white.     Once that was done and the paint dry, the trunks



Freight for Cheddar - nearly ready for paint

I have tried a different approach for my final Coopercraft diagram O4. Working from an article by Roy Miller dating from the kits introduction, I have successfully built my first kit with the floor in the correct place.   This is working from the kit with the sheet rail (which unlike the 7 plank O2 is a moulded part and not remotely as effective)   First I reduced the hight of the solebars, carefully cutting along the length so that the solebar stops at the bottom of the sides. On one sol

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Maggie M

Its not trains but I am moonlighting, doing a bit of boat modelling between the garden railways. As i posted a link to my dads trawler here are some details of my build..     Two Saturdays ago my Dad and I took a trip over to Barnsley to pick up a model kit of a fishing trawler. He had very kindly ordered and paid for it as a present to me. We picked it up the manufacturer, Model Slipway which is a small husband and wife cottage industry. The kits are made in a series of large sheds, port



Another complete (in itself) loco collection possibility now - part 6

No more progress has been made on any of my locos in this collection, but today I bought from Ingrow Railway Centre four British Railway Modelling back issues containing Nigel Digby's articles titled "The liveries of the pre-grouping railways" featuring colour side views of the main passenger loco, carriage and wagon liveries as well as detailed prototype notes on freight liveried locos: Apr. 1996 - Midland & Great Northern Rly; Apr. 1998 - Great Eastern Rly; Apr. 1999 - Great Central Rly



Houses for Chapel St.

More houses, this time Chapel St, Kimberley.   Last of the houses for kimberley build it series, hurray, I hear you cry or thank somebody for that.   Again, a step by step build without comments for newbies of a house on Chapel St, Kimberley.   I quite like this one, don't know why.     Snitzl.  


snitzl in Kimberley

Pointy Man

For those of you that have followed this blog for a while you will know of my star assistant "pointy man" he at one time had quite a following on the tinternet. He is currently on a work placement at my Dads house to oversee the construction of a fishing trawler in his scale ( he can criticise in multi disciplines ) Pop over and pay him a visit on my Dads blog if you get a spare minute. Ok its not railways but he is an excellent modeller.   One man and his Dog



Park & ride

Sometimes the simplest things can be a whole lot of fun. The 90's have got a really quirky sounding handbrake that operates automatically (via a push-button I think; I didn't see because I was outside recording the sound!). When it's applied the thing clunks and whirrs away quite loudly. When you take it off again the noise is the same but different. So the mind starts thinking, if I could work this feature into the sound project the loco could be realistically parked without shutting it down. A



Great Eastern R24 Class Shunter (2)

...and what a difference!     A horribly cruel close-up, and for some reason the artificial lighting has cast a strange almost unreal pall over the photo.   A little more weathering around the chassis and a final test of the electrics and it'll be off to a new home.



Scenario 4: Morning Shuffle

evening everyone   introducing my fourth scenario running on the single track branch from Kirkcudbright to Castle Douglas set in 1958-62. driving one of the two 101's that operate on the branch all stops and running back. i intend to make two moore scenarios in much the same way as this one - its one of my 'scenario series' - a nice simple scenario which will be made much better when railworks update the 101 to take advantage of rain effects (in this run its raining hard)   Morning Shuffle



A Small Parcel Arrives

A very long time ago, in my teens, I tried to build a layout. It was my first diesel layout and it was definitely modern image : not only was it BR Blue , it was contemporary. For some reason I decided I wanted some parcels vans and I duly bought a pair of Lima BGs and a pair of Lima CCTs. These things have been lurking in boxes ever since the half built layout was abandoned and dismantled (Several years in Australia, followed by university , didn't exactly help progress)   Several decades la



Pannier Overhaul installment 2

Hi again, thought you got rid of me didnt you!?   Nope, back after a while since my last post and alot has happend in the intervening time.   Most importantly the pannier has moved on in leaps and bounds.   If you look back to previous posts you'l see when last shown the frames we all bare metal, i was having varying issues, and it was realy grubby and covered in oil. After a call from my grandfather to come over and stay for a few days, view latest progress on his 7 1/4 B1 and other th

London cambrian

London cambrian


Not been doing much since last post on any of my projects. Had a good session today though.   I have done the basic chassis, the underframe, and body.     The underframe and body were put together but for some reason there was a twist in it that I could not sort out. The body has been in various degrees of rebuilding about 4 times. I think I have it now though.   I have now got the body bolted to a piece of ply, and the underframe

No Holds Barred - Addendum to my last Pullman Blog

First a view of my completed version of the Tees Tyne Pullman:     I would say that the Deltic hauled train with a mix of Bachmann saloons and Hornby brake coaches compares favourably with this early 1960's view of the down Yorkshire Pullman passing Hadley Wood - with all grey roofs:     As I suspected my attempts to cut and re-glue the Hornby R8220 couplings using instant glue were less than satisfactory. The couplings are probably nylon and need a more specialist adhesive. However

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

The sun came out, for almost a whole day ......

I can make excuses, but a little sunshine gave me a chance to start the final base boards. I needed the space outdoors to arrange the swap around, stripping the two high end boards out and getting the two low end boards on legs in place. That started with a small garage clear up. Now I have to cut the track-bed board and risers of 140mm on which the track-bed will be fixed.     This should enable me to get track wiring in which will not link between these two boards. It would seem that fe



Scenario 3: There and back again

Evening all   just finished my third scenario ' There and back again'   Vehicle: First Scotrail 3 car 170 Route: WCML north Add On Packs Used: Class 31 + HST set + WCML North + Settle - Carsile   in this scenario you are in charge of a First Scotrail 170 driving from Glasgow central to Newton, where you have to change ends and run back to Glasgow. - you start off picking up passengers at Glasgow, as you run out of the station you pass another 170 and in the distance the rote 66 tour



Why do model railway layouts have black facia's?

Hi   Why do model railway layouts have black facia panels? Before visiting the RM Modellers day, this is not a question which I would have asked.   BUT following a discussion with the person on the design desk, the above is a question that I am exploring. He pointed out, and thinking about I agree, that when one attempts to take a close up photograph of say a locomotive on one's layout, it is difficult not to have part of the facia panel showing in the photograph.   His solution is to hav



If the Boot Fits .....

Well, it's all systems go with the 3' 3" wide fiddle yard/Engine Shed board. The cardboard model goes in the boot - just!     The section at the front is the scenic area, I've boxed it in as I intend to make a transport cover for the real thing. The rear fiddle yard lies towards the rear of the boot. It's quite a faff to get it in but it does go.   It struck me as I took the photo how many layout builders go to these lengths to ensure their creations fit their transport, or more to the po



Match Truck and Load

I've spent the last weeks modelling time building my first 7mm point. It's being constructed using C & L components along with their timbertracks sleeper bases. I'm using 31.5mm gauges, supplied by Debs and really like appearance of the reduced flangeways on the point. Its not finished quite yet, but my test wagon seems to trundle through O.K. so, so far so good! I'll post some pics of the finished result when i get there.   Since its been over a week since I've posted anything, he

DCC for Bachmann WD Austerity 2-8-0

Time to DCC fit the austerity, as promised. A change of plan though, the OPTI chip is too big to fit so I’ve opted for a smaller ZTC255 that was spare in my toolbox. I dare say the mini version … Continue reading →   Source



Summer module - new thoughts

With the glorious weather we've been having, it seems only fitting that progress on my S&D layout finally reaches the "summer" module. And now that I'm finally forced to make certain critical decisions, it's become clear that I'm no longer even pretending that this is Shillingstone, or even an attempt at "essence" thereof. I'd already made major compromises with the track layout, but the clincher has been the need to disguise the entry and exit points of the track through the backscene. I've

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Portable DCC Programming track

Want to test and program your DCC locomotives away from the Layout? I've built a portable programming track to do just that. It is also the ultimate plank layout! All you need is a yard of track, a sprog II to supply the DCC signal, and a laptop with a spare USB to connect it to and provide a host for the programming software.   The full details are on my Rede Valley Railway site



Moving to P4 (Post 23 (Proposed Layout))

Plan based on Wilbert Awdry's proposed model of Knapford Junction (old type) mixed with my own interpretive projections. I have billions I've planned in 00 on Anyrail but I've only reciently seen they have updated it with Exactoscale P4 track - so I've redone a plan to P4. I'm still learning Templot slowly but for the time being I can now legitimately use Anyrail with P4 geometry. A step forward definetly. Ok, First up is Knapford Junction before the rebuild and subsequent move to North of



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