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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Summer module - backscene

It was good to have a close look behind the scenes at Chris Nevard's marvellous Brewhouse Quay during Railex, one of the benefits being that I saw the use of bendy MDF for the first time. I'd not knowingly seen this stuff in the flesh, but now that I had an idea what to look for, I quickly found a big pile of sheets in my local B&Q. They must have been staring me in the face every time I'd been in before, of course.   All the scenic modules on the S&D layout employ curved backscenes, w

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

4 months to go

July brings many things including, it seems, lots of rain! The bad weather has allowed more time to get stuck into the scenery on Skaleby West. The time has been most welcome, as July sees us enter the final four months before the model railway show. The show is beginning to appear on the horizon and I really need to get things done!   During the last few weeks I managed to further develop the fiddle yard entrance on the left side of Skaleby West. The cutting was built up at the front of the



Slowing down for a while - an expensive break.

I've never been the most prolific poster on here so I doubt I'll be missed for a week or two. The layout will shortly be on unspecified 'hold' as next week I go in for a spinal operation. NHS didn't want to bother because I was still fit & flexible, but they have no idea of the pain I have. So after a private consultation and parting with around £7K it will be done at a BMI hospital.   So just as I reach the point of working my river end boards I'll have a break. Here styrene risers show



Autorail Progress

Just a quick update on the progress I have made on the ADX. It is now wearing a coat of ghostly white primer before I buy a new airbrush for the final paint job. I have had to fill a few narrow holes on the roof where the resin casting was not right (unfortunately it appears to have slightly warped - not my doing!).   This shot here is of the ADX behind a mock up of the Haute Vienne Tramway Station building which I am currently working on. I wanted to get an idea of the size. It really gives

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

Autorail Update

Just a quick update on the progress I have made on the ADX. It is now wearing a coat of ghostly white primer before I buy a new airbrush for the final paint job. I have had to fill a few narrow holes on the roof where the resin casting was not right (unfortunately it appears to have slightly warped - not my doing!).     This shot here is of the ADX behind a mock up of the Haute Vienne Tramway Station building which I am currently working on. I wanted to get an idea of the size. It really giv

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

a bit of progress

HI. I thought I'd add a brief post and photo to show how this micro-layout is going.   I suppose the annotation says it all at this stage. I am largely making this up as I go along - it's quite good fun, actually, after the rigorous research required by the Glenfield model.. Also I am following suggestions from Chris Nevard's articles- where I can. The foamboardin the construction has worked very well.           Cheers, Chris



Twirly thing!

... as my girlfriend calls it!   anyway Sorry, I've been really busy at the moment and even now, I'm readying myself for a three night comedy show. I'll blatently plug it too, again. http://www.facebook....57209164384831/     But as well as the match truck, I've been budy with a club project. A Peco OO gauge turntable, anyway, this had been built up and mechanised long before I came to the club and what with the old layout taking priority it remained missing for upwards of 5 years.    

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

Commission 4... got it this time!

Sorry, I've been really busy at the moment and even now, I'm readying myself for a three night comedy show. I'll blatently plug it too. http://www.facebook....57209164384831/   Anway back on topic.   This was my most recent commission for a friend of mine. It was an unpainted Dapol conflat which he wanted to be a match truck for a class 03 he bought from Bachmann. You know the nice faded blue one. He basically said "Go to town with it" so I did.     I added vac pipes and air brake pipes

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

More work on main bodyshell - some fitting issues

A bit more progress on the body. It's a whitemetal kit so it was only to be expected I suppose that not all the parts would fit perfectly, good though it is in general.   Anyway, I removed the buffer beams since referral to photos showed they needed to be set back very slightly under the footplate - no matter, I'm dealing with stuff up top at the moment.   So on with the short bonnet. After trial fitting with the end, I found the guides on the footplate were very slightly out for one of th



Kimberley Left Overs

Here's a collection of Kimberley builds that were incomplete and includes the bridge on  Main St, Kimberley.   I nearly deleted the images for this blog, they were left overs from the kimberley project  that were found on an old backup hard drive, but because the bridge was such a challenge for me at that time,  they are included here with a couple of quickie projects. The stone work technique  used on the bridge is covered in the Random Stone Walls blog so please refer to that blog fo


snitzl in Kimberley

Ropley - Fiddling around........again

Hi All.   One of the unique features of the RMweb Members day over a normal exhibition is the opportunity to get up close to the layouts on display, and this year Missy of this parish very kindly allowed me to spend some time operating (playing with) Highclere. The layout itself doesn't really need any introduction and in the flesh it truly is a work of art, but of particular interest to me this year was the more mundane part of the layout, the fiddle yard, and the opportunity to see it in act



West Country Conversion to P4 part 5 - cylinders and an N

I decided to fit a brass sleeve to the piston rod. It was during the exercise I discovered that the cylinder ends can be removed from the main cylinder moulding and so a cunning plan was hatched. With a bit of filing, the ends were pushed out 0.5mm allowing the sleeve to be fitted further away from the main chassis. I was still debating whether I'd need to move the slide bars out as well, but on reassembly it all seemed to work quite well. The black plasticard spacer is to push out the cylind



A Dinosaur's Opinion

Various things have caused me to spend less time than usual in ˜The Tank" but I have managed some visits there. Unfortunately the time spent has not seen great progress with the J10 but the events have caused some important decisions, not only about the J10 but about future scratch builds. The title of this page may give some idea of what I'm going to pontificate about!   My mentors taught me how to make simple, split-axle chassis that run well and involve only very simple, basic engineering p

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

Using SPROG & Decoderpro3 to program a DCC Chip (Part 1)

In the last 2 blog entries I created a portable programming track and DCC fitted a locomotive. Now we use the programming track to set up the DCC chip for use. This post will cover basic setup, and subsequent blogs will look at using Decoderpro for more advanced things. Lets assume you have Decoderpro installed and working, if not, this was covered here.   Step 1 Start Decoderpro and put the locomotive on the programming track. In this case I’m programming my Bachmann WD Austerity 2-8-0 wh



The Pits

I've constructed an O gauge inspection pit from the free Scalescenes download to sit under/out front of the small engine shed. Only problem is that the Black Cat Technology OO gauge lighting units will not fit!   Never fear dear reader, they also do a universal set for six quid that can be split up and made into whatever shape you want. Twos sets were bought and the bits of PCB sellotaped to a print of the pit sides for assembly     and here's the result late at night ....     I can



Rivetting Work!

Made a start today on the rivets for the O gauge Sentinel. Using Archer's transfers for the first time. I'm the first to admit that the spacing is too close, but the prospect of adding each rivet individually was too daunting to contemplate! So I'm going for a general "look" of a rivetted loco rather than prototypical fidelity. What I am trying to say is I'm not a rivet counter yet     I've given them a quick waft over with satin black to seal them, pretty pleased with the effect.



Judith Edge Ruston 48DS - Inner frames 1.

The inner frames are etched in one piece and form the working heart of the loco, holding the axles and gearbox in place. They can be built rigid or compensated. Compensating this loco is so easy that there's little point in building it rigid. The instructions suggest fitting the lead axle bearings in place before folding up, I chose to fit the bearings after folding to make holding the frame sides secure for bending easier;     Not everything goes as planned... Note the section above the b



Well I had to start sometime

Since it's my namesake it really was about time I started on this Dave Alexander whitemetal kit of the prototype Bo-Bo that later became 'Hawk'. This is for Eridge, since the real thing spent a year or so on the Central Section of the Southern Region in 1952 or thereabouts, and I have photos of it on Victoria-Brighton via Eridge services with a Maunsell set in tow.   Last weekend I had the opportunity for a few hours modelling (Jubilee open day at the community hall where DRAG meets) so I tho



First 7mm, 31.5mm gauge Point completed (well nearly anyway!)

O.K. So here it is, my first 7mm point! Constructed using C & L plastic 2 bolt chairs, Nickel Silver rail and a Timbertracks B6 sleeper base. I also used a pre-soldered crossing vee and machined switchblades from the same supplier. The cost involved in buying pre made vees and switches is money well spent in my opinion, saving a lot of time laboriously filing and shaping lengths of rail. The machining seems very accurate and I found the switch rails sat really flush against the stock rail wi

Heworth Sidings - Fiddle Yard Update - 16/07/2012

Hi,   It's been another week of good progress with the Fiddle Yard modules. We have now completed all of the track laying and are now concentrating on wiring up the DCC power districts before fitting the Accessory Decoders to control the points.   Having finished track laying on Module C (the one that had to have it's cork trackbed replaced), we assembled all of the modules inthe club room on Saturday to make sure all of the track at the module breaks were aligned correctly and that the trac



An Ivatt N1 for Heathley Kirkgate - Part 1

A couple of weeks off from the layout building has meant relatively little progress on that front. The down fiddle yard is now complete and the main running lines now extend across both scenic boards.   However, an ongoing project started in the days of Heathley Kirkgate Mk1 has been the creation of an Ivatt N1 0-6-2T. These hard working tank engines could be found all over the West Riding ex-GNR network and regular passenger services on the Queensbury Lines were almost exclusively in their ha



Weathering A Mathieson PO Mineral Wagon- Look No Airbrush....

Thanks to the dreaded SQL I am typing all this again, so pardon me if I am not totally detailed or spelled right!   Inspired by the Pendon mineral train In MI4 I decided to do some work on a Mathieson Models PO coal wagon. This is how I did it, using easy techniques and no airbrush. I have one but its a pain cleaning it all in the middle of the night and using the brush mean I can work in the living room. The pristine model, better scale dimensions and brake gear than the other manufacturers



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