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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Chilton Iron Works Lambton Chaldron - part 1.

Chilton Iron Works made a very interesting range of wagon kits which have been unavailable for a long time. The range included 4 types of Chaldron. This one is kit C4, a 4T Lambton design. Some might think it a waste of time describing the build of a kit which is no longer produced but I hope that some of you may find it interesting.   The kit consists of 6 whitemetal castings, a small piece of planked plasticard and a nickel silver etch;     Here's the chassis, on the left is the etched



Little Jobbies

Such a nice day here at Dukedog Manor I decided to have a modelling session outside on the front deck.   So, after returning from our Sunday lunch at the pub I set to and made up a few little bits that I am going to need soon for a little "project" I have on the workbench at the moment. (more on that as and when)   One of the jobs was to make a replacement Brake standard (Well water scoop standard actually) to replace one on a Bachmann GWR 3500 gallon tender that got dropped by me( Clumsy so



One lump or two?

Take one Hornby 08, add two sugar cube speakers in the nose and the result? Gronk heaven!   Over the past few years I've tried about 6 different combinations of v3.5 chip and speaker (standard & micro chips, 23mm round and micro speakers. In the nose, in the cab etc etc) and have never achieved a sound even approaching acceptability. Having heard the superb sound from the sugar cubes in Paul Chetter's 03 at the LYDCC show, I thought I'll have to try these. They sat in the speaker box for s



New Projects - At Last!

Things have been a little quiet at the club for a while as decisions are taken on where to go next. Restrictions over storage and the type of layout the club wishes to embark on resulted in a number of proposals being suggested. In the event, an initial phase of smaller layouts will be considered, with something a little more ambitious in the longer-term.   There are currently two new club projects now under way; Warehouse Yard and Petworth Town, plus a member's layout with club participation



the sum of all the parts...

Good evening,   An update on progress of late. I have still trying to tackle some of those smallish bits and pieces I have been putting off but once I got stuck in I kind of enjoyed it. It began with completing the lining to the clay settling tanks in white plasticard and I can now think about how to best try and represent the clay...I'm currently thinking resin mixed with milk of magnesia   The last piece of roofing has been made and now covered in profiles sheeting in the same manner as d



Toplight 57ft Full Brake

Continuing with rolling stock, I won 3 Cavendish coach kits on the usual auction site, £25 for a 70ft compo, 57 FB and a Siphon H. There were one or two bits misplaced, but nothing serious. These kits are still available in improved format, from Ultima. I thought I would start with the full brake. Here it is still in the box, carefully glued back together by the seller.   I laid out all the components, these use printed sides, which saved me doing the lining out and the lack of relief is



Which DCC software package

Is Railroad and Co. worth using? That’s a question that has come to the forefront of my mind in the last 24 hours. I’ve used JMRI decoderpro and Panelpro for some time, mainly because these are open source, well supported, … Continue reading →   Source



More Pannier stuff and other interesting snippets

Morning all   A little later than intended but a quick catch up before another visit to Greystones this weekend, and pictures i'm sure.   Yes the last few weeks have mainly been pannier overhaul, most of it covered in the last post. The frames have gone from rolling chassis to flat pack and back in a matter of days, with a layer of paint in.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5Qg-yjXxyg&feature=plcp   The air test, a short clip above revealed the expected niggles. The biggest problem,

London cambrian

London cambrian

Introducing Quatt

Hi all, I'd like to introduce myself and my layout.   I'm a N gauge modeller of five years who has recently changed to modelling 00. I live 5 minutes from the SVR (kidderminster end) and so I tend to model GWR but am trying my hand at LMS of late.   My current layout I call Quatt, fictional layout, but taking its name from an area not far from myself that never had a station, but if it had, I'd like to think, would be something similar to the Quatt I'm modelling.   Having not modelled 00 i



Ruby Road sidings

Wanted something to use out doors to take pictures on in proper light so I came up with this. This experiment cost next to nothing. A small piece of 9mm ply found in the garage, some spare Hornby set track, some Pva, ash from BBQ. Spread glue on ply and place in BBQ . Spread ash from BBQ liberally over glue. Remove and leave to dry.   the glue has dried and the surplus ash has been knocked off and a wagon run over to check nothing fowls. i dont think it looks too bad for an experiment fo



West Country Conversion to P4 part 6 - all stop

OK, I have reached the point where I wished I'd gone down the etched chassis route. So I'm going to stop and have a think about whether I should.   Have spent the evening b*ggering about with the drawbar. All ok after several attempts to solder 2 wires the correct way round. Body put back on. Binds have reappeared on the cylinders again, where previously there were none. Hmm. I have a sneaking suspicion that something's moving around which shouldn't be. I've also decided that there are quite a



Clevedon - stockfest

UIlypug towers hosted the local EM group last night and so I put Clevedon up, with all the stock on (well except the wagons for the through freight trains). Should've cut out the back light from the windows but you get the idea.   General shot of the shed area Coach sidings Hesperus and the LSWR rake (I know the coaches should be brown) End on shot of the layout   Makes me want to put down the West Country and start the buildings...



The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

You see there's two kinds of people in this world my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.   A classic line from a classic film, the relevance being; which of the three are these two in the photo, taken at Newton Heath during a recording visit in April 2010? The 180's are notoriously unreliable and the front end design could be good, bad or ugly depending upon your point of view. And the 142's, what can you say? Two Leyland Nationals on train wheels with no suspension. Th



Nicely Fitted

Unfortuantly time is against me and I beleive I've posted the process of getting these wagons done before, if not, I may do it later. Anway I shall just put up the finished products as the processes and the weathering is pretty much the same as I have stated before.             Please do ask questions if you would like to know more and also feedback would be greatly appreciated.   Now off to be a poncy actor

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

Victoria Bridge on show this weekend (Kidderminster Railway Museum) plus Class 139 progress

Hi all,   a quick update to say that my Victoria Bridge diorama (with its round the back fiddle yard that elevates it to the status of 'train set' ) will be on show alongside a flotilla of micro layouts from the Wyre Forest MRC in the upstairs room of the museum at the Severn Valley Railway's Kidderminster Station.   This mini-exhibition is part of the railway's behind the scenes weekend. A five pound wristband gains entry to all manner of usually off-limits areas along the line, the event

Will J

Will J

Staying Grounded

The more recent meetings of the Midland Area Group have consisted of fettling points and generally resolving faults that emerged from the running weekend at the Nottingham show.   One of the major alterations consists of altering the traversing fiddleyard so that more than one track is live with DC at a time (John can describe, along with the rest of the electronics.) Eventually with enough operators present, four loco movements should be possible at the same time. This is more impressive when



All Rivetted Up!

Basic rivetting is complete on the 7mm Sentinel and sealed under satin black. I am going to add the extra detail on the cab and tank sides but not today     Next step I suppose is to start to get to grips with that Bob Moore lining pen or wimp out and use HMRS pressfix ...



Whats a King Arthur doing in Northumberland?

Those of you that have checked out my locomotive fleet will have seen an odd-ball amongst all the LNER engines. No 746 Pendragon, a SR King Arthur. Well, its all very prototypical…… The answer, its 1943 and Heaton depot has … Continue reading →   Source




Things on this have not been static, just very slow. I have started mark two version of the linning. Ky first attempt was horrible. so after lots of touching up blues and blacks I had another go.   This time I am much happier with it although it is not to the standard of some of this parish. It needs a little touching up here and there. The blue paint work looks nothing like it does in the photo, the contrasts are no where near as bad. It is the light here on the equator that seems to


N15class in S&DJR PBV

More Virtual Stuff

Hello   Ever since the social gathering that was the RMWeb meet my modelling has once again turned to some more virtual modelling in a desperate attempt to get some projects finished off.   Here are a few sneeky pictures of what I have been working on....         More details (of course) at http://modelopolis.blogspot.co.uk/   Missy  



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