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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Cheslyn - Fascia and Lighting

The fascia and lighting units and have now been installed - nearly there! I use a glue gun to speed things along and have found it an invaluable tool when it comes to baseboard construction. If you're going to use one though, spend a few quid on a good one as I learnt the hard way with a cheap Aldi type first. I bought a Stanley gun and it really heats the glue up - the hotter the better - you have to watch your fingers mind!     I picked up a couple of display tube lights in a sale, but



Water Tower

Having decided to start on the structures for Clevedon, the question was which one? I finally decided on the water tower because it is pivotal for the engine shed complex. I'm modelling the second set of tanks. The first were an all timber affair, spanning the original engine shed road. The second was made from Braithwaite panels and was comprised of two tanks and incorporated a water softening plant.   Having consulted many, many photographs, I came up with a drawing that looks a bit like




Hello and welcome to a new blog which I've created specifically to document the construction of my new EM layout, Clevedon WC&PR. Previously, bits and pieces for this layout have been lurking in my other blog, 'Tales from the Tinking Table' which has now amassed various other projects and layouts.   Previous blog articles on Clevedon WC&PR are linked into the index over the right.   If you're interested in Colonel Stephens' Railways and the Weston, Clevedon & Portishead Railway



Under the bridge

I've spent a few evenings beginning to add the road overbridge at the northern end of the summer module. The pictures in Iain Rice's book on using the Wills materials proved very useful, as did a trawl of the internet - I had my doubts about a structure of this type spanning more than two tracks but soon found that it wasn't unheard of.   The construction is nothing fancy. I had some girder bridges salvaged from my old layout Wyvant, but these were all unfortunately slightly too short for the

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Chilton Iron Works Lambton Chaldron - part 2.

This one is almost ready for cleaning and painting now. The only part left to add is the hopper floor, which is simply a rectangle of planked plasticard.   The brake is made from two parts, a whitemetal casting to represent the crude wooden brake block and an etched nickel silver lever (blackened);     The guide is .33mm brass wire.   On the non-brake side there is a small etched plate to affix to the solebar, to which is attached the door catches, all very small and difficult to spot;



Moving to P4 (Post 26 (Track Building Progress 3))

Little progress report now. I booked a half day off at work today (mega rare) so used most the time to do some serious track bashing. I don't think I have done everything in the official order but things seem to be going ok so far, I just remember to not glue everything down so it can be gauged later, already had to slice some chairs off due to forgetting! I'm using the top stock rail as the initial datum with which V's and other parts of the formation can be gauged downwards from. The first



It's grim up north (pt2).

I'm back! Decided to have a bit of time out from blogging so it's been a while since the last entry. There's been some progress on various fronts, the major work being on the extension to Grime Street, a few pics                 As can be seen from the pics, the railway coal yard has been replaced with a large mill complex, I was never happy with the coal yard area so after several different attempts the Mill buildings were chosen, the basis for these being 2 Atlas Middle

Red Devil

Red Devil

Andrew Barclay 615 loco build

This is my first blog post of my budget layout Camberly mills. This shows the scratchbuilding of Andrew Barclay diesel shunter W/No 615. First off i bought a standard Bachmann us Thomas range salty and sliced the body off so im left with the chassis and running plate. I will post more shots as it progresses



Callow Lane - more jobs underway

With the Hartlepool show out of the way, I've started doing things on 'Callow Lane' again over the last few weeks, (and when not making sandwiches and serving bananas at CamRail... ).   One of the tasks I wanted to get done, was the ballasting of the section of track that will normally be inside the removeable goods shed. The ballast had to be exactly the right width, to ensure that the goods shed seated itself correctly when put on the layout (you may recall from a previous blog posting that

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

Feeble Footsteps

As you may remember I started a blog a month or so ago about my new project in 2mm Finescale, in which some of you may be wondering how it is progressing.   Well apart from a few small purchases, not to much has happened. Some more thought has gone into the baseboard design and construction, along with how to model the gradient.   Anyway, I recently purchased a LNER J39 kit on eBay, the model had been built out of a combination of whitemetal and brass, and includes one of the latest Farish 0



Par Station in N Gauge - The Station Building (Part 2)

Good afternoon all,   Not much progress has taken place over the last few weeks but I have managed to get the stone papers cut out and attached to the cardboard base structure. Thank you Pete and Tom for your tips on how to produce the stonework in my last entry, I used a good photo of the station itself and then cut part of the stonework from the photo, and copied and pasted it several times to get a strip of stone work. Then this was printed onto good quality paper and I carefully measured a

cornish trains jez

cornish trains jez

All Change for Turton-on-Croal

Yikes, a nearly a year has passed. Harry now has a County and a pug running on his trackmat, with a few extra wagons. I have completely revised my plan.   The helices have gone. My current idea is 2mm.   Top level double track mainline with an external circuit and lines from south and west (appearing from cuttings, so no tunnels) going to the town station and then a cut & cover where the tracks join the circuit out of sight. Before the station, the lines split to go to the goods ya




I have got on with some more of my W/C. I needed to cut out for the rear driver hornblocks. The wheels are split axles so they all need to be the Slaters plastic type. The chassis was then assembled, you will see I got two spacers in the wrong place, but hey who will know when I rub the writting out. I found it quite hard to get the chassis straight, this was due I think to the sides lack of thickness, which generaly made it distort when soldering. Got there in the end thanks to a 12" long steel

No excuses for network rail

My dad sent over a link from some New Zealand snow ploughing on the Athur's Pass route from Chistchurch to the West Coast.   Go and have a look on youtube... No snow plough required. Maybe Network Rail needs to go downunder for some training?   Search for "New Zealand snow plough".....  



Moving to P4 (Post 25 (Track Building Progress 2))

Here are two pics of the timbering/sleepering progress. On reflection I tihnk I might have to get the Master template out so I can see all the template detail. Sadly there are 12 inch wide angular logs in the way.   The other day after recieving an order from C&L (the next day! took me by supprise, Kudos to them) I went to Ryman's and brought an A3 folder to house some templates in. I thought it a good investment to buy the £34 job lot of popular templates so to have a bank of mast



Heworth Sidings - Fiddle Yard Update - 30/07/2012

Hi,   It's been a couple of weeks since the last post and progress is steadily being made on the Fiddle Yards and End Loops.   We have made a few small revisions to the track plan over the last month or so, so here is the current plan we are working to     Currently the End Loops are being painted and varnished by one of our group and we should have access to them in the next few weeks, so that we can lay the cork track bed, track and wire them up.   The Fiddle Yards are still in the



ORMESBY HALL - I'm Going Slightly Mad

A very nice gentleman rang the other day to invite me to the show held at Ormesby Hall. I took his details to check the date and ring back.   The piece of paper (the back of a letter from my son's school) subsequently went into the recycling unactioned. Sorry!!   If the nice chap, or anyone who knows him, reads this, I am interested and can make the dates in March. Could you please contact me again.

Tony Simms

Tony Simms

2mm Midland wagons D299 and D305 - finishing off

Before painting and lettering the two Midland open wagons, I spent quite some time studying Essery's Midland Wagons Vol 1 looking for examples in LMS livery.   I eventually decided that the majority of the 3 plank D305 wagons built with the shorter brake lever did not have either side brakes with levers on the right but in fact only had brake blocks on one side . On the opposite side, there was a lever at the left hand end which operated the brakes via a cross shaft.   Although the model wa

John Brenchley

John Brenchley

Moving to P4 (Post 24 (Loft and Track building progress))

I really need help. Progress in the loft has finally started to get under way, pics below. Just putting some hard board up to cover the bricks and be a basic sky wall but another backscene will probably cover it anyway. Dabbled for a while weather to use plasterboard or hardboard but decided upon hard board. If it warps I'll just have to redo it!   Now whilst we are doing the loft I can't do a layout, that goes without saying, but in the mean time after reading Ian Rice's 2 books on tr



Bristol Barrow Road - Patriot 45504 'Royal Signals'

For those who follow this blog you will remember that after attending the RMweb members day at Taunton in 2011 I purchased a number of P4 locomotives that were painted in LMS livery.   One of these was Patriot 5535 in full crimson lake livery and after much thought I made the decision to strip this livery in order to transform the engine into Bristol Patriot 45504 'Royal Signals' in lined British Railways lined green.   The loco has spent the last 8 months with Ian Rathbone awaiting its tur



One, two, skip a few....

Kids; here's a tip for when it's your turn to play the 'seeker' in a game of hide and seek. Reduce the time consuming count by saying 'one, two, skip a few, ninety-nine, a hundred' and off you go, job done.   Not really. Play fair, and eat all your greens too.   Yes, it's skip time in the sound lab as the Class 67 gets its v4 upgrade in readiness for the new Hornby model. And this time the model has a chance of sounding half-decent when you fit it because they have finally listened to critic



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