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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Callow Lane - the next signal

I've made a start on the next signal, which is the Down Inner Starter for Callow Lane. This one is going at the end of the Down platform, adjacent to the water crane that featured in the 'query' post I put up a couple of weeks ago. It is a Model Signal Engineering kit for a Midland Railway wooden post lower quadrant semaphore signal. The kit can also be made into a distant signal, should the builder wish this.   What is unusual (for me, anyway, as I've only built GW and L&SWR/SR signals be

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

Part 36: Swedish class N3 locomotive brass build in HO

Hello fellow forumites! I'm starting a new project; the brass kit mfg HNJ's steam locomotive class N3! This is the contents of the kit:   Seems to me to be a good kit! :-)   This is the progress so far. The gearbox was a bit fiddly to get smooth, but after some fine adjusting, it is super nice! :-) The boiler is made from thick brass tubes and cast brass pieces. It was a job for the propane torch! Just going to add the smoke box overlay and the boiler bands before detailing it

M Graff

M Graff

2mmFS : GWR Cattle Train in FUD

The results of my labours with Google SketchUp have finally arrived from Shapeways, detailed in previous blog entries.   This time I have received a complete GWR Catte Train comprising 2 x Large W1/5 Cattle Wagons, 1 x Medium W2 (Outside Framed) Cattle Wagon, 3 x Small W3 Cattle Wagons (this was a bit of a cock up copying and pasting as there should have been 2 of each! ), and to tail them off an AA16 Outside Framed Brake Van. Each of these were drawn in SketchUp in separate files, and a ne

Ian Smith

Ian Smith

All removables

Onward with the building of the station platforms, which - for reasons that will become clear later on - needed to be done at this stage, before completing scenic work on the overbridge.   Way back at the start of this project I had the idea of making the buildings, station fittings etc removable, so that the layout could be swapped from one region or period to another, not being rigidly tied to the S&D. After all like many of us my interests extend beyond one prototype/time period and the

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Scenario 6: The Morning Shuttle (2010)

wow two entries in 1 day   well this last scenario was quite quick and easy!   This last Scenario in my Port road Series takes place in 2010 using a 2-car 158   The Port Road has seen its popularity rise and fall in the past 60 years - it had started as a simple passenger line to a busy route transporting many workers and gallons of oil. at present it is little more than a branch line served mainly by 2-3 car 158 DMU's, Fortunately a group of enthusiasts managed to gain ownership of the s



"Bachmann V2 Modifications - Part 3"

Final bits and bobs. Chaos Black acrylic paint was used to patch up any areas of black paintwork damaged through the modifications. Fox Transfers numerals were applied individually onto the numberplate to form "60903".   One thing I should note. I have been examining a whole range of photographs of the V2s. My chosen example, 60903 appears to have had only two smokebox door types throughout its life, and strictly speaking my use of an A3 type door is only accurate for a time between 1950-54.

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

Scenario 5: The Morning Shuttle (1982)

Morning all   its been a struggle but ive finally finished my 5th scenario again its on the Port Road line but its a lot longer and there's more stops! i had lots of trouble with the software saying trains would crash and not setting signals right but after a bit of tweaking ive managed to get something together. ive based this scenario on the fact passenger and oil traffic have increased significantly and the railway has now started running 5 car semi fast services aswel as the 3 car shutt




I have progressed a little with the chassis's and the body. There is a lot that needs to be made, or corrected, this is not a problem just makes it slow. I am waiting for s few parts from the UK, and I also have order a book the Power of the Light Pacifics, or whatever it is called. Should give me a little more help.   I have got a basic rolling chassis now, I am trying to position the footplate now. It comes to light the rear section is to wide. Still got to do the pony and bogie. The

Point Mechansim and Fitting.

Construction for Snitzl - Point Mechanism and Fitting.   Track work is made up from Protofour components bought back in the early 1980's and  that point motor mechanism mentioned previously, well some of those components are being  used for now. I did look at using servos, but couldn't resolve a problem with servo twitch,  which happened as soon as the throttle was turned. So at the present time, I'm using some  vintage Lemaco I had lying around, which are also very noisy.  


snitzl in Trackwork

Dirty Half Dozen

These wagons have been hanging around between the layout and the workbench for a long while appearing in the background of previous photographs of models.   I bought a few Mathieson models wagons to see what they were like, with the idea to convert them quickly and easily. They are really good models for RTR with crisp fine detailed mouldings. The length and width is comparable to the 2mmSA 1907 RCH body but the height is noticeably greater, despite also being 7 plank wagons. To use 2FS wheel



Tidy up time.

Evening everyone, Iv been at a bit of a loose end tonight what with being a little bit skint after going on holiday and buying school unforms so i thought it was a bout time i tidied up the layout to see what jobs need doing. Now scenery isnt the highest priority for me & me dad so not much has been done for quite a while as we are always working on the next loco project, usually about 3 at once. Im now in a position where i have far more locos than i could ever fit on the layout (think iv j



track laying (points)

after the package from 2MM sa i have started on my 1st proper point . one issue os getting the sleepers cut to length so this weekend i have made a simple adjustable jig using some angle ally and an old 15 mm pipe cutter will add afre pics when i get home from SWMBO



"Bachmann V2 Modifications - Part 2"

The above is where we were yesterday, test fitting certain components prior to gluing down.     I filed down the smokebox on the V2 bodyshell, and removed the outer ring on the Hornby A3 smokebox door, as per that on Tom's V2 (see Bachmann V2 thread).     This next picture shows the front end of the cylinder after the torpedo ends have been removed. The torpedo ends are the pair on the left, on the right are a spare set from a Hornby A4 set of cylinders (and correct for my ch

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

moving to P4 (Post 27 (Track Building Progress 4))

Monster post coming up. Actually about three congealed from Scalefour forum... Just realised I put a load of standard chairs where slide ones need to be at top right of the slip. Good job I only glued one chair down init!? Sorted now. I am a trifle unsure where to go from here though. The standard turnout needs another wing/knuckle rail, straight switch blade and check rails added, but for the slip I'm unsure.   Good news on the turnout progress, save for the stretcher bars, electrical mods a



"Bachmann V2 Modifications"

I thought my post might be better served here.     The latest Bachmann V2 after Hornby A3 buffers, chimney and coupling are trial-fitted, using blue tack. Bachmann buffers, chimney and coupling hook removed.   The next stage is to remove the smokebox door and door, to replace with Hornby components, taken from a donor A3 bought for spares.   This model will become top shed's 60903 and will have "British Railways" on the tender in place of the cycling lion. I will attempt to portray

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin


Bit more work on the bridge, following some feedback from the ever useful Captain Kernow - it does look better for those dressed stones supporting the girders, doesn't it? I also re-worked the culvert to suggest that it had been incorporated into the same works as the bridge:     (Not also bus stationed on bridge, in compliance with model railway cliches section 3, paragraph 4.2.)

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Par Station in N Gauge - The Station Building (Part 3)

Good afternoon,   This will be the second blog for me in a week!! Not bad going !!   Just thought I would update on the progress of the station building. I have now strengthened the structure with some extra card along the centre of the building which has now made it a little more sturdy.   I have also made the doors from artists paper. As these doors are panelled, I first cut out the panelled areas and then glued a second sheet of artists paper behind to represent this, and they have now

cornish trains jez

cornish trains jez

Callow Lane - first Stop signal (almost) finished

I've almost finished the first of the three semaphore stop signals for Callow Lane. This one is an LMS period replacement for an earlier Midland wooden post signal. The Western Region have got their hands on it and painted the post silver.   I've still to touch in one or two parts of it, such as the back-blinder, and also add a bit of weathering. Despite it having only recently been painted by the W.R., I reckon there would still be a few rust patches coming through on that steel tubular post.

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

Holiday modelling frenzy!

A week off work has enabled me to clear the decks of reblow work and progress loads of dormant modelling projects;   08 After cracking the sound, attention has moved on to the weathering job. I've tried to make mine look faded, oily and dirty similar to this one; http://www.flickr.co...9@N22/lightbox/ I'm really pleased with the results so far. I'll post some pictures once I'm finished.   108 After trying various methods of passing two wires down the train to the second speaker I've finally



Miniature Mechanics

I was overjoyed a few weeks ago when I managed to get my first kitbuilt chassis to work on my layout. It was a tad noisy and was secured together by tape before I properly put it into position but it was a big step forward. Here is a picture of the chassis. That was until it tried to negotiate the tight corner on my layout that is like that to allow a turnout to be positioned on the module. At this point it promptly derailed and refused to go any further. I looked at the structure of the cha

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

Delph - Control Panel - Further progress

Slow progress (all my progress seems to be slow!!) has been made with the control panel. The mimic diagram is complete, including lettering using Letraset transfers (applied by good friend, sign-writer, Phil Taylor - his work is much neater than I could achieve). The diagram was drawn using coloured permanent marker pens. Wiring of the lower part of the panel containing the various tag strips and a small circuit board with a couple of relays (extra switches for the diamond crossing polarity and

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

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