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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Scenario 8: Around The Corner

my eighth scenario is again based on the portsmouth direct line but sees you driving a BR Blue 33 rather than a MU - based on the Bristol-Portsmouth trains this scenario sees you driving from Cosham to Portsmouth Harbour   around the corner   Vehicle: BR Blue 33 + 5 MK1's Route: Portsmouth Direct Line Add On Packs Used: Portsmouth direct line + Class 33 + Class 455 + Class 423 (4-VEP)     starting at a chilly Cosham you pick up passengers and head to Fratton, along the way you pass sev



Bridging the gaps.

Nowt to do with Cadbury ( for those old enough to remember that rather iffy advert), more to do with building and fitting a couple of canal bridges and trying to achieve that Derbyshire stone look. Once the sculptamold is painted in and a earth coloured powder is brushed onto the stonework, I think it will look ok.     Yesterday I had my grandsons round. I handed my eldest, Jake, 7, the Power Cab, showed him how the point changed and left him to run the 24 with a wagon back and forth over



West Coast Blues

This to me seems like the end of an era. I think that Sir Richard and the Virgin brand were an inspiration to British Railways and may have been the last chance to achieve some kind of hope that there was a future for them. What do you all think? http://news.uk.msn.com/uk/articles.aspx?cp-documentid=250913736




Since my last entry I have managed to make up the bogie, it now just needs a little detailing and a cover plate to cover the springs in for the side control. Next up is the cylinders. For this I needed the body done enough to get them at the right width. When these are done I will get the chassis up and running, then brakes etc can be added.       I have had a long fight the main body, but after 15 rounds I got it beat. I think it finally looks the part. I managed to ge


N15class in W/c class watersmeet

Judith Edge Ruston 48DS - Main frames 1.

Assembling the main frames was very straightforward. Everything fitted as it should with no fettling required, apart from cleaning up the cusp.   In the flat on the left, and folded up on the right;     I left the detail etch inside the frame cut-out until the frame sides were folded down for strength reasons, in hindsight this was unnecessary.   Both locos are being fitted with the early 'channel' bufferbeams. The buffer mounting bushes are fitted at this stage, note that they have a f



Delph Control Panel - Function tested & coach progress.

Following a couple of days break attending the Wells Finescale show (helping(?) Robin Whittle and the team with Bristol Barrow Road), Today I got round to function testing the control panel - as much as I can without it being connected to the layout, at least. Everything appears to work as intended but I was puzzled why the LED's indicating the route set by lever No. 4 weren't illuminated whereas the similar LED's for lever No. 8 worked fine. Then it dawned that until connected to the Tortoise

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

Creating an operating sequence

From looking through the Railway Modeller article again, and also taking into account the way we run the layout at exhibitions, I feel that one of the reasons that Kirkhill interests Glenn and I is the fact we run to a set sequence.   One of the complaints about TMDs is that nothing much really happens: a loco arrives to be fuelled, may go into a shed for an inspection but otherwise is just stabled until it needs to leave for the next service.   Coaching stock, on the other h


Flood in Blog Aberdeen Kirkhill

Simulating torn canvas roofs!

Close up of torn canvas on a Slaters Plastikard Cattle wagon I've had a few positive comments about the torn canvas on the roof of one of my cattle wagons, along with a request for the method I used to model it. I'm not sure how well the method would translate to smaller scales than 7mm, but this is the technique that I used.   1. The area on the roof where the canvas is to be to torn is scribed with plank detail using a compass point or needle, held against a steel ruler.   2. A fibre



Sheeted 5 plank open

I'm still busy building pointwork for the proposed layout, 4 points completed so far and I'm about halfway through the double slip. The C & L timbertrack bases, preformed crossing vees and milled switch blades, really help speed construction up. I was never much of a fan of building 4mm pointwork and viewed it as a "necessary evil," drilling sleepers and tapping in rivets wasn't much fun in my opinion! I'm now a convert and find 7mm track building very satisfying and almost pleasurable!



A lot can change over the course of a year

Well - where to start. I have just checked my last blog entry and so much has changed since I published that one.   First off - In June last year I decided that the double track I had laid on a narrow flimsy board round the room was annoying me and I hated having to crawl underneath the board to get into the room so all of that came out.   In its place I started to construct some proper baseboards with separate removable legs out of 9mm plywood, the idea being that I could then build on them



3 months to go

Where did the last month go? All of a sudden there is just 3 months left until the model railway show and the alarm bells were beginning to sound. I have been off work for almost 3 weeks and there had been no further progress on Skaleby West. True enough I was away on holiday for one of those weeks, but I really needed to get things moving.   With my wife visiting her mother’s today I had a day to myself and really got stuck into things. I used hanging basket liner to cover the embankments



Moving to P4 (Post 29 (Track Building COMPLETE))

Ok here we are. 99% (100%) finished, so this is basically my last full post on it. Having the closure rails in place has given me a datum to gauge and fit the 1st double edged sword (point blade..what else?), I used the previous method I invented beforehand which was to bodge it with a mini drill and sander, then tweak and bend to suit afterwards. It's worked every time, just isn't quite as neat as maybe doing it with hand files but as I said before I felt like I was pidelling in the wind as



Sipping From the Shapeways Tin of Fail

Hello.   In my previous post I had some photos of my newly created 3D model of a Peckett tank engine. For those who cannot remember it looked something like this...     and this...     I then duly uploaded it onto the Shapeways website and promptly placed an order for one in the classic FUD. A short while later the body turned up through the post and I excitedly opened up the package, unfortunately what I came across was rather disapointing to say the least...     The finish of



Class 47 detailing project. Conversion of Bachmann 47. "A P4 Brush 4". Part 4 - More on those bogies

It’s been a while since I posted anything on here; work and other life events have taken their toll on the available time and energies so there’s been little available to enable me to crack on with this project. I admit that when I started this, it was intended as a simple “post Deltic” project; it’s turned out to be anything but. The difference here is that with the Deltic there are plenty of “bits” available commercial, thanks to the likes of Brian H et al, for the 47 the bits are limited... b



Inset track work

Today I did something I have been dreding for a while. I purchased some polly from the local hardware store and used on the layout to creat einset track. I was scared of doing it all wrong and doing alot of damage, however I didn't need to scared at all as although I found it difficult at first I slowly got in to the swing of things and it went very well. A clear up later I found that all the track still worked so I was very pleased with my self. I will upload some pictures soon of the layout an

St Johns End

St Johns End

Delph - Control panel wiring complete

Well, as best I can tell prior to functional testing, the wiring is complete. I've tried to be methodical and careful, but even so, I had to undo various cable ties and the spiral sheaving a couple of times to add extra wires which I'd missed first time. Testing under power will start shortly - probably next week, after a two day visit to the Wells show over the week-end. I just hope it all functions as intended as I don't really fancy fault finding or any re-wiring!   Here are some photos of

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

Summat Afoot.

A short and rather truncated clip of my 24 running through the three wayer. Also showing the browning of the land ready for scatters etc. . Next up though are the painting of the canal bed and making those canal bridges...     wharfs end v3.wmv   Chris



BIG News

Due to my bedroom being redecorated the layout, St Johns End has been scrapted. The layout will changed into a smaller TMD layout. The layout will be based a modern image EWS TMD. Sorry to anyone who was looking forward to seeing the progress and completion of St Johns End.

St Johns End

St Johns End

The dieselisation of preserved railways!

I remember visiting a local model railway show a few years ago, I can't remember where, and seeing a young lad displaying his first ever show layout. For someone of probably no more than ten years of age the scenic detail was excellent. I do not remember the name of the layout, but what I do remember is my father's criticism as we walked away. He was less than impressed with the "authenticity" of the trains the lad was running. During our time watching the layout I recall that we saw two trains



Bachmann Old Hall - not so Old Hat?

After playing with the New Hornby Castle I decided it was time to give my elderly Bachmann Halls a fresh airing.     When I returned to railway modelling back in 2007 I already had Castles and Warships from a previous 'life', but no Halls. This was just before Bachmann upgraded their Hall and at the time I acquired three BR variants off eBay (6969, 6990 and 7915). The plan was to use the Halls on four coach sets on my 'branch line'. However at 1in 50ish the branch line proved to be over ste

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

GWR Toplight Carriages and Saddle Tank (close up pics)

Evening all.. last time on the blog, devondynosaur118 asked:   'Where did your toplights come from?' for the rake of GWR carriages on my Victoria Bridge diorama. I took the chance to get some close up shots posed on Wyre Forest MRC's Kinlet Town layout, also appearing in cruel close up, is the painted '813'...     Which is printed in Shapeways Frosted Ultra Detail, though the sharpness of the print has been slightly compromised by my painting! I suspect there will be another print before

Will J

Will J


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Scenario 7: All Aboard to Pompy

managed to make quick progress on this one! also im quite happy that ive managed to finish making a scenario using a 377 unit (railworks still haven't fixed the bug need to get it done grrrr)   anyway in this scenario you drive a 4 car 377 in the pouring rain from warblington to Portsmouth Harbor stopping at all stops along the way. traffic on this route is predominantly Southern 377's and SWT 450's a fairly easy drive of about 20 mins but good fun.   all aboard to pompy   Vehicle: 4 ca



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