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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

DJH Duke of Gloucester - a rebirth

A commission one this, for our local vicar and follows on from the Golden Arrow Crosti 9F that I did for him. The loco was in a very sorry state, it had not been put together very well, although the finish was not bad. Quite a lot of the original detail parts were never fitted (blower tunnel etc) and It had suffered at the hands of someone else who had attempted to add weight and get it to run on trainset curves.   So the brief was to make it look and run as well as my Golden Arrow 71000.  



a few mods...but no rockers...

Good evening,   An update to share some thoughts of recent on the layout.   Firstly, the track layout. I had some thoughts on relocating the turnout onto the other board to try and increase the length of train for run-a-round purposes and this would still allow room for a class 33/73 between the turnout and buffer stops. I then realised that this would increase the amount of visible track in the front edge of the bay platform and one of the things I liked about Kyle was having a little sceni



shopping mall revisited!

Obviously I am in a minority on this one! Perhaps I am lucky as there are 3 model shops within 10 miles radius, my favourite being East Somerset Models. Nonetheless I still feel that layouts should exceed trade stands if only by a small number.



"Lone Wolf: The rebuilding of a Nu-Cast Gresley P2: Part 1"

Photograph is copyright of Simon Gott and replicated here for educational purposes only.   Lone Wolf   Oh dear. What have I done. I've taken on yet another project! (I have in fact taken on about five projects, one of which was the Ivatt Atlantic, but more on that later).   The above model will soon be in my possession and will be the subject of an excercise to see if I can produce a more reasonable P2 model for my personal collection and use in my future stocklist for my KX-Leed

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

Joined Up Thinking

Interspersed with summer holidays, I've being trying to make some improvement in anticipation of the Shipley show on 8/9 September.   One of the running issues at Nottingham was the performance of the coaches; mainly due to a hotch-potch of couplings and coupling bodges to try and get coaches closer together. To this end, I decided to make some semi-permanent couplings for the older Bach-Far coaches and utilise the Dapol NEM dummy couplings on the newer ones (as per the DMUs where this works n

Tony Simms

Tony Simms

I really shouldn't be allowed out with cash in my pocket.............

Had half a day of to take my daughter out for the afternoon today, went to Sheffield, got conned out of £60 for a pair of Converse baseball boots (can't understand why anyone wouldn't want a decent pair of classic Adidas, but that's me showing my age),   Then it got worse, called in at Olivias and came home with this.........           Looks quite happy on the overbridge, one weathered EM1, god knows how this fits in with anything at the moment.......... MSW mini diorama coming

Red Devil

Red Devil

More pulling power – about Bachmann V2s both old and new

So how was your weekend – wet and wild? No gardening here so in between the showers I had time to revisit my Bachmann V2s.     60862 Bachmann Catalogue No. 31-565.   ‘60862’ is one of Bachmann’s latest offerings which comes DCC ready and has a ‘fixed’ Cartazzi rear axle. Straight out of the box the engine feels very light weight and at 310 gm it is not as heavy as the models that it replaces. As I have said here on this Blog before – I like playing with my trains and at 310 gm the resu

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

The Basics of TRAXXology: A general technical overview of Bombardier's TRAXX locomotives

Morning all!   Most recently, I was thinking whether it might, in fact, be more suitable to change my approach towards writing articles about locos belonging to a type family, as I already have more than one Bombardier TRAXX and Siemens Eurosprinter type loco each. My idea would be to provide something of a "core" article with all relevant basic information about either family, in order to be able to offer this as a reference for all future model presentations. I'm going to begin the changeove

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

Station Building

One of the few good things about a wet Bank Holiday weekend, is the opportunity to get some modelling done! I've long been a fan of William Clarke's buildings, I think they have great proportions and just cry out to be modelled. Paul Karau's combined edition of "Great Western Branch Line Termini" contains a good drawing of Abbotsbury in 2mm scale so I used that as a starting point. I enlarged the plan using a photocopier to the required 7mm scale, I find it much easier to measure directly off



Back to the 60's!

No, not flared trousers, kipper ties or mind-altering drugs, I'm afraid it's bad news for whistler fans; the 40 project has temporarily returned to the back-burner as the weekend threw up another opportunity to attempt the Class 60 engine recordings. I wasn't going to take any chances this time and with Paul Chetter's assistance, three mics were brought to bear; one in the engine room, one against the grille closest to the engine room, and another on the bodyside near the exhaust. The engine roo



Brackhampton to Cardiff service

I couldn't help myself - I had to upload a few photos of my latest ebay purchase. This is a model of GWr railcars 35 and 36 made from three Hornby railcars. Not my work I have to admit. Very well made and needs only a little bit of fillering and sanding to complete the bodies.   I intend to replace the plastic handrails and install flushglazing and other details.   I can now sell the Westward kit I bought of this train many years ago.   So now my Brackhampton has a suitable train for its e



Summer module - more scenery

Things have moved quite quickly in the last couple of weeks. This tends to be the way it goes, I find - slow progress from baseboards, track laying, wiring, backscene construction, and so on, then basic landforms go in and everything speeds up (before slowing down again with the slow process of fine detailing, which can take months or years as required). Maybe it's because scenic work is very much my comfort zone as a modeller, but I tend to just dive in and get on with it, coupled with having a

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Scenario 10: Moving the tanks

Like i said shunting is the theme of this one   were back on the port road in BR blue and, just like the morning shuffle scenario Kirkcudbright is a hive of activity with oil traffic. you are to assemble a train ready for departure made up of full and empty tanks including a trio of aviation fuel tanks.   Moving The Tanks   Vehicle: BR Blue 08 + TTA's Route: Port Road Add On Packs Used: Port Road, Up The Junction, Class101 in this scenario you start off in the station complex at Kirkud



Rails and Ales a Combination That Never Fails...

This weekend I worked the Sunday of the SDR Rales and Ales event, which by all accounts has been as busy as last year, so thank you to all who attended and imbibed! There was a good variety of motive power running, with 2 panniers, the Collett goods, the 20 and the bubble car all running with lots of movement i and out o the station. Weather has been a bit changeable but this didn't stop people on the Saturday and more indoor space was available than in past years. Today has been very wet, so i



Parkside Linda - the Devil is in the Detail

With a substantially complete locomotive now on the workbench we now reach the point where I usually stall on the build and Linda has been no exception. I have several excuses (and excuses they are), but the main two being demands on my time from elsewhere and a pause whilst I evaluated some Microtrains couplers for their suitability. For ‘evaluated’ read ‘tried to get the infernal bloody things to work’ as the two bogies that I bought didn’t seem to want to uncouple with any of the magnets that



Scenario 9: Even stars fall

yes that is a rather dramatic title! - my ninth scenario sees us back on the WCML but in winter with rather bad weather. its been snowing hard in the area and many turbostar units are struggling, luckily Scotrail have been able to borrow some plough equipped 37's and virgin coach stock to cover some journeys.   even stars fall   Vehicle: EWS class 37 + 4 virgin MK3 Route: WCML Add On Packs Used: WCML, Settle - Carsile, class 170     starting at Larkhall you are driving all stops two



A side project: Dowlais Industrials

My first trainset was a Hornby pack containing a red 0-4-0 named Queen Mary, and a couple of wagons (including a 21t open in bright blue British Steel livery. The latter is in the process of being hacked about to improve detail, thin sides and fit a new chassis. But more of that when I get round to buying the bits for it...   This post is purely related to the little 0-4-0, and my plans for it. I've always had a soft spot for the locos looks, with the size and proportion looking like it sh

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Work on the corner

Busy on the curved end today. There were a lot of problems with this at ExpoEM, so I've been paying close attention to levels. New track has been built. Also, there may be an extension to the backscene.

Tim V

Tim V

Three Picture MiniReview: Ixion Hudswell Clarke

Good Evening,   I haven't done a Blog Post for some time however I felt like this was a good time to do one. Welcome to my mini-review of the Ixion O Gauge 16" Hudswell Clarke model.   I decided to keep things very simple and limit it to three pictures. Now I have followed the Ixion Website for quite some time now and the photos on there were absolutely fantastic; however opening the box and seeing the product in the flesh was truly amazing. The packaging from Ixion is exquisite - both func



67492 on glendevon

At the cupar show a couple of weeks ago i too the oppertunity of getting some snaps of my latest completed project. i took these snaps early on the sunday morning before the show opened, and in natural light. as the sun was filtering nicely through the corn exchange windows.   the first shot is of the loco preparing to depart glendevon.   coming under the road bridge before passing the brewery.   and then coming into the platform before coming to a halt to pick up the few passengers.



Fun with Faller..........

As mentioned in the last entry, it really was decision time as to take a saw to Grime Street or build New Grime Street, well decision made 'New Grime Street' is underway.   This is going to be a rework of the original GS, perhaps using some of the buildings, but then again seeing as I have loads of assorted buildings either underway or on order, perhaps not!   What it will have is junction at the right hand end with a view to any future expansion, probably along the lines of a previously aba

Red Devil

Red Devil

Where ignorance is not always bliss and improvisation has its cost

Background:   I am a GB expat, born in 1933 and have lived practically two thirds of my life outside the UK. My first memories of railway modelling go back to pre-1939 when I seem to remember an O gauge set up on top of the table with the rails plugged in direct to the mains and the locos had rods sticking out from the cab to control them. My father said you had to be careful not to get an electric shock. The next memories date to the 1942-3 period when I was invited with a distant cousin by



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