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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Back to the trams, coming soon M/crs finest......

Finally got the Ex Manchester Pilcher Pullman Car CAD looking something like, this is version 3.5, it has been a struggle, the Pilchers being built 1930-32 where somewhat ahead of their time, but stil had many traditional features, such as rocker panel sides and seperate dashes, I understand that this was to utilise Std Manchester compononents so whilst looking fairly different to their bogie standard predecessors there is still a family resemblance.   Version 1 of the Pilcher looked like Dart

Red Devil

Red Devil

DJH Duke of Gloucester - Chassis

What can I say apart from URG!     The owner is well known for his love of spray oil having quite an extensive collection of Hornby Dublo. I am trying to wean him off it for the sake of his modern locos and their plastic parts .....   A full strip is in order methinks



Snap happy

A few days off work has, for once, coincided with decent weather so two days of photography was kicked off with my newly-acquired D700 at Elford & Portway on the NE-SW route between Burton and Tamworth. Despite being just down the road I'd never been before. It's a cracking location though, and was pleasantly busy. As well as the usual fare of 170's, Voyagers and HST's I saw two 60's on the Kingsbury tanks, Colas's 56094, two 66's, and a DCR 31 towing another 31 and a 56, all within three ho



absolutely vantastic...

Good evening,   Small update to show progress on some rolling stock.   One of the (many) mistakes made on Kyle was leaving the rolling stock until last minute...03:00am in the morning before the show fitting DG couplings is not my idea of a 'good nights sleep' before an exhibition So this time I hope to try and tackle rolling stock building, weathering and the fitting of couplings in tandem with the layout build. Famous last words...   Whilst I await for a track package to arrive from Sh



DJH Duke of Gloucester - primer grey

This is how it's going to sit for a while now. I will be starting on the chassis next. Just ordered (amongst other things ) a correct pattern pony from Chris at Golden Arrow to replace the Triang Britannia one that this loco carried when I received it   Once the chassis is sorted I'll make sure the two bits fit together before continuing with the painting.



DJH Duke of Gloucester - firebox and cab details

This was quite satisfying. Most of the external pipework for the firebox end was either missing, mullered or just plain wrong, so armed with my trusty copper stripped from bell wire and some bits from the Crownline detailing kit I have ended up with this       So to the next problem - no backhead was present on the model, so half an hour with a spare Hornby Evening Star bodyshell and a razor saw we have a passable representation of a backhead     Not much else to do now before pain



Welcome to my 'project layout" Modern image Norwegian in HO

Hello and welcome to my blog, I'm a collector rather than modeller of modern image British outline in OO. Ive got a good selection of rolling stock , D/EMU units and locomotives but I haven't had an operating layout for several years, all my stock remains in their boxes in various place's around the house.So I sat down and decided I'm going to spend my winter time constructing a small HO exhibition layout, the scale change is because I'm getting bored of all the constant franchise changes in th



2mmFS : GWR W1 Cattle Wagon (3D Printed)

Following the receipt from Shapeways of a GWR Cattle train that I had drawn up (http://www.rmweb.co....e-train-in-fud/), I have been working on two of the set, a W1 Large Cattle Wagon, and a W2 Medium (Outside Framed) Cattle Wagon.   The parts received from Shapeways were cleaned of the waxy support residue using an old toothbrush and washing up liquid. Annoyingly on a couple of the wagons (not the ones in this article) I was a little over-zealous and damaged the T section strapping on the wa

Ian Smith

Ian Smith

A bit nearer

A couple of weeks back I had an over-shiny J10. Since then I have ’Methfixed’ its number and its owners lettering. Unfortunately the Methfix sheet includes some well-known shed names but not “Heaton Mersey” where 5186 was shedded in my modelling era. At that time, LNER locos had their shed name in very small white letters under the number, to the left of the right buffer housing. I’ve left that area blank rather than have the wrong shed name.   With the ‘Methfixing’ done that horrible shinines

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank


I've made a start sorting out all my parts. Prompted by the upheaval of completely re-doing the office/study, including the new desk you see in the photo, I have spent a small fortune on storage boxes.   The one below is one of the larger ones, I will have five of these. Also I have bought nine smaller ones that will fit into one of the new cupboards in the study.     Resolution #1: Never again will I once a kit/project is built keep all the spare bits and bobs in the kit box whilst the e



Mystery Loco revealed!

Mystery Loco revealed! Following on from my last entry "Love me Tender"   Here is the loco I have been working on, although still waiting for etched number plates and shed plate as well as loco crew. Seen here running light engine on Morfa Bach.       Now for the history lesson and the reason for the secrecy...   The loco above was bought from the estate of our deceased fellow member and good friend Richard Lacey (Wheeltapper)   Like Jim SW I wanted something as a memory of Richar



Last of the First - Part 2

A second installment of the D604 build...   In the previous episode the body was just starting to go together but was still short of quite a few important external panels.   Next step was to fit the nose ends. Unlike the class 22, these are far from flat so they had to be bent to the correct curve. This was tricky for a couple of reasons. Firstly there is no good reference to use to find the 'correct' curve, so I had to judge this by studying photos.   The NBL factory photos showed that th



first fall

Greetings. This afternoon was first opportunity to get on with this board in some time.   I have been doing a bit of this and that, mainly tinkering with my Single trying to improve the pickup and running, and taking the usual 2 steps backwards and 1 forward in the process!   I have also been waiting to add some flock powder to the landscape of my latest shunting board, to cover some of that brown paint which resembles rock too much...   I decided to take a couple of photos to show how th



Juniper Hill

As some of you may be aware Juniper Hill lays of the A43 south of Brackley-unfortunately this entry has no relevance to this Oxfordshire village. I drive down the A43 to Oxford on a regular basis and pass the sign for Juniper Hill and am always enchanted by the name. Infact I've decided to call my latest project after the village although it's not set in Oxfordshire.   Infact it is set no where in particular and could almost be generic. Ideas have centred around ironstone quarrying in Northam



Wheal Elizabeth Passenger Stock

Evening all No modelling updates for a while, as I've been on me holidays. Starting to get things ready for Manchester in just over a month's time, which will see Wheal Elizabeth exhibited in end to end guise for the first time. Almost all of the modifications are now complete, just the fiddle yard crate to make up. I have been trying out the various passenger stock and took the opportunity of taking a few photos. All well, though I'll try and get a little more lead in the O2 to improve tra



Strange Goings on in Deepest Sussex

On my 18 mile trek over the to club last night, I was getting pretty obvious that the nights are drawing in. A month or so ago it was daylight, now I need my full beam for the various dips and hollows that cover to route to the middle of nowhere. What it also means is that those deadlines that seemed so distant are coming closer. Work is no progressing to get the various projects - both club and personal - in a suitable state for the club open day at the end of October; 28th October...put it in



rolling rolling rolling (stock)...

Good morning,   As promised, another update on the development of the cassettes and rolling stock to grace it.   Firstly, the cassettes...   For the first incarnation of Kyle, the cassettes were fashioned from easitrac and card and used sleaved brass rods beneath as a way of power and connection. In that respect they performed fine at the one day exhibition but I was looking to try something different this time from before...pic below...     Kyle Mark I cassettes...   Following Chri



Ballasting and Wiring Tracks.

Construction for Snitzl - Track Ballasting and Baseboard Wiring.   Cork tiles are cut into strips and glued with a latex based glue. The cork  tiles are also ground in an electric coffee grinder for the ballast. Discarded milk  containers make great cable ties and dental floss is used to loom the wires.   Other than that, pretty conventional stuff.     Snitzl.  


snitzl in Trackwork

Help needed with station building!

I thought the building was progressing along nicely, I still needed to sand down the quoins to get them flush with the brickwork, but that apart I was fairly happy with it. All was well until I decided to place a figure in front of the building, it was at that point when doubts started to set in!   The figure is 41mm tall, which works out at around 5' 11" in 7mm scale, a fairly decent height for a chap in the Edwardian period. He appears to be dwarfed by the doorway as can be seen in the pho



Getting back to Worseter

Now that I have officially retired, I have more time on my hands to get back to work on Worseter, my roundy roundy layout. The fiddle yards have been in storage mode for nearly ten years while I concentrated on getting Clinkerford finished and building stock for the layout. The fiddle yard is on three boards which are hinged at the rear to allow them to be folded up out of the way against the wall. Now that Clinkerford has moved on to pastures new, the boards have been lowered to operating level



DJH Duke of Gloucester - Back in one piece

OK, a couple of hours with the low melt solder has seen the Duke back in one (heavy) lump. I soldered the boiler assembly to the footplate in the end and have filled the gaps around the cab etc with solder. The Crownline detailing kit has been raided for the blower and tunnel as well as the top feeds and pipework.     Just got the pipework around the cab/firebox are to sort now. Will use one of the Crownline castings to represent the blower valve and make the rest up from copper wire. The i



Talking Stock #14 The Adams family (William Adams of the LSWR that is!)

William Adams was the Locomotive Superintendent of the London South Western Railway between 1878 and his retirement due to ill health in 1895. He arrived having held similar positions on the North London Railway and the Great Eastern Railway at Stratford. On the LSWR he was responsible for the introduction of 524 locomotives across 16 classes ranging from diminutive 0-4-0 B4 tanks to 4-4-0 express tender engines such as the T6 and X6 classes and the of course the 0415 class Radial tanks that ach



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